615 research outputs found

    Mineral exploration of rock wastes from sulfide mining using airborne hyperspectral imaging

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    Open-pit sulfide mining produces large quantities of waste rock that may contain materials of economic interest. The exposure of sulfides accumulation may also pose a hazard to the environment by causing phenomena such as acid mine drainage. This Master Thesis aims to map and provide a geological characterization of the rock wastes of Corta Atalaya open pit in Río Tinto, Spain. For this purpose, different hyperspectral imaging technologies that have already demonstrated their effectiveness in mineral detection such as airborne remote sensing in the VNIR and SWIR domain are used. This study is complemented with the incorporation of an innovative hyperspectral method, the airborne LWIR. Our approach makes use of a set of different spectral methods, and established image processing routines, such as band ratios, and minimum wavelength maps. Supervised classifications are also employed as a mean to extrapolate mapped rock types to larger unmapped areas, spectral angle maps, and to identify high abundances of endmember lithologies, spectral unmixing techniques. Furthermore, this study will lay the foundations and pave the way for possible future lines of research regarding the Corta Atalaya rock wastes.Universidad de Granada. Máster en Geofísica y Meteorología (GEOMET). Curso 2019-2020European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 77648

    Introduction to Hyperspectral Image Analysis

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    The most significant recent breakthrough in remote sensing has been the development of hyperspectral sensors and software to analyze the resulting image data. Fifteen years ago only spectral remote sensing experts had access to hyperspectral images or software tools to take advantage of such images. Over the past decade hyperspectral image analysis has matured into one of the most powerful and fastest growing technologies in the field of remote sensing. The hyper in hyperspectral means over as in too many and refers to the large number of measured wavelength bands. Hyperspectral images are spectrally overdetermined, which means that they provide ample spectral information to identify and distinguish spectrally unique materials. Hyperspectral imagery provides the potential for more accurate and detailed information extraction than possible with any other type of remotely sensed data. This paper will review some relevant spectral concepts, discuss the definition of hyperspectral versus multispectral, review some recent applications of hyperspectral image analysis, and summarize image-processing techniques commonly applied to hyperspectral imagery

    Making sense of light: the use of optical spectroscopy techniques in plant sciences and agriculture

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    As a result of the development of non-invasive optical spectroscopy, the number of prospective technologies of plant monitoring is growing. Being implemented in devices with different functions and hardware, these technologies are increasingly using the most advanced data processing algorithms, including machine learning and more available computing power each time. Optical spectroscopy is widely used to evaluate plant tissues, diagnose crops, and study the response of plants to biotic and abiotic stress. Spectral methods can also assist in remote and non-invasive assessment of the physiology of photosynthetic biofilms and the impact of plant species on biodiversity and ecosystem stability. The emergence of high-throughput technologies for plant phenotyping and the accompanying need for methods for rapid and non-contact assessment of plant productivity has generated renewed interest in the application of optical spectroscopy in fundamental plant sciences and agriculture. In this perspective paper, starting with a brief overview of the scientific and technological backgrounds of optical spectroscopy and current mainstream techniques and applications, we foresee the future development of this family of optical spectroscopic methodologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automated lithological mapping using airborne hyperspectral thermal infrared data: A case study from Anchorage Island, Antarctica

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    The thermal infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has considerable potential for mineral and lithological mapping of the most abundant rock-forming silicates that do not display diagnostic features at visible and shortwave infrared wavelengths. Lithological mapping using visible and shortwave infrared hyperspectral data is well developed and established processing chains are available, however there is a paucity of such methodologies for hyperspectral thermal infrared data. Here we present a new fully automated processing chain for deriving lithological maps from hyperspectral thermal infrared data and test its applicability using the first ever airborne hyperspectral thermal data collected in the Antarctic. A combined airborne hyperspectral survey, targeted geological field mapping campaign and detailed mineralogical and geochemical datasets are applied to small test site in West Antarctica where the geological relationships are representative of continental margin arcs. The challenging environmental conditions and cold temperatures in the Antarctic meant that the data have a significantly lower signal to noise ratio than is usually attained from airborne hyperspectral sensors. We applied preprocessing techniques to improve the signal to noise ratio and convert the radiance images to ground leaving emissivity. Following preprocessing we developed and applied a fully automated processing chain to the hyperspectral imagery, which consists of the following six steps: (1) superpixel segmentation, (2) determine the number of endmembers, (3) extract endmembers from superpixels, (4) apply fully constrained linear unmixing, (5) generate a predictive classification map, and (6) automatically label the predictive classes to generate a lithological map. The results show that the image processing chain was successful, despite the low signal to noise ratio of the imagery; reconstruction of the hyperspectral image from the endmembers and their fractional abundances yielded a root mean square error of 0.58%. The results are encouraging with the thermal imagery allowing clear distinction between granitoid types. However, the distinction of fine grained, intermediate composition dykes is not possible due to the close geochemical similarity with the country rock

    On the Feasibility of Imaging Carbonatite-Hosted Rare Earth Element Deposits Using Remote Sensing

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    Rare earth elements (REEs) generate characteristic absorption features in visible to shortwave infrared (VNIR-SWIR) reflectance spectra. Neodymium (Nd) has among the most prominent absorption features of the REEs and thus represents a key pathfinder element for the REEs as a whole. Given that the world’s largest REE deposits are associated with carbonatites, we present spectral, petrographic, and geochemical data from a predominantly carbonatitic suite of rocks that we use to assess the feasibility of imaging REE deposits using remote sensing. Samples were selected to cover a wide range of extents and styles of REE mineralization, and encompass calcio-, ferro- and magnesio-carbonatites. REE ores from the Bayan Obo (China) and Mountain Pass (United States) mines, as well as REE-rich alkaline rocks from the Motzfeldt and Ilímaussaq intrusions in Greenland, were also included in the sample suite. The depth and area of Nd absorption features in spectra collected under laboratory conditions correlate positively with the Nd content of whole-rock samples. The wavelength of Nd absorption features is predominantly independent of sample lithology and mineralogy. Correlations are most reliable for the two absorption features centered at ~744 and ~802 nm that can be observed in samples containing as little as ~1,000 ppm Nd. By convolving laboratory spectra to the spectral response functions of a variety of remote sensing instruments we demonstrate that hyperspectral instruments with capabilities equivalent to the operational Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and planned Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) systems have the spectral resolutions necessary to detect Nd absorption features, especially in high-grade samples with economically relevant REE accumulations (Nd > 30,000 ppm). Adding synthetic noise to convolved spectra indicates that correlations between Nd absorption area and whole-rock Nd content only remain robust when spectra have signal-to-noise ratios in excess of ~250:1. Although atmospheric interferences are modest across the wavelength intervals relevant for Nd detection, most REE-rich outcrops are too small to be detectable using satellite-based platforms with >30-m spatial resolutions. However, our results indicate that Nd absorption features should be identifiable in high-quality, airborne, hyperspectral datasets collected at meter-scale spatial resolutions. Future deployment of hyperspectral instruments on unmanned aerial vehicles could enable REE grade to be mapped at the centimeter scale across whole deposits

    The Need for Accurate Pre-processing and Data Integration for the Application of Hyperspectral Imaging in Mineral Exploration

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    Die hyperspektrale Bildgebung stellt eine Schlüsseltechnologie in der nicht-invasiven Mineralanalyse dar, sei es im Labormaßstab oder als fernerkundliche Methode. Rasante Entwicklungen im Sensordesign und in der Computertechnik hinsichtlich Miniaturisierung, Bildauflösung und Datenqualität ermöglichen neue Einsatzgebiete in der Erkundung mineralischer Rohstoffe, wie die drohnen-gestützte Datenaufnahme oder digitale Aufschluss- und Bohrkernkartierung. Allgemeingültige Datenverarbeitungsroutinen fehlen jedoch meist und erschweren die Etablierung dieser vielversprechenden Ansätze. Besondere Herausforderungen bestehen hinsichtlich notwendiger radiometrischer und geometrischer Datenkorrekturen, der räumlichen Georeferenzierung sowie der Integration mit anderen Datenquellen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt innovative Arbeitsabläufe zur Lösung dieser Problemstellungen und demonstriert die Wichtigkeit der einzelnen Schritte. Sie zeigt das Potenzial entsprechend prozessierter spektraler Bilddaten für komplexe Aufgaben in Mineralexploration und Geowissenschaften.Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is one of the key technologies in current non-invasive material analysis. Recent developments in sensor design and computer technology allow the acquisition and processing of high spectral and spatial resolution datasets. In contrast to active spectroscopic approaches such as X-ray fluorescence or laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, passive hyperspectral reflectance measurements in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are considered rapid, non-destructive, and safe. Compared to true color or multi-spectral imagery, a much larger range and even small compositional changes of substances can be differentiated and analyzed. Applications of hyperspectral reflectance imaging can be found in a wide range of scientific and industrial fields, especially when physically inaccessible or sensitive samples and processes need to be analyzed. In geosciences, this method offers a possibility to obtain spatially continuous compositional information of samples, outcrops, or regions that might be otherwise inaccessible or too large, dangerous, or environmentally valuable for a traditional exploration at reasonable expenditure. Depending on the spectral range and resolution of the deployed sensor, HSI can provide information about the distribution of rock-forming and alteration minerals, specific chemical compounds and ions. Traditional operational applications comprise space-, airborne, and lab-scale measurements with a usually (near-)nadir viewing angle. The diversity of available sensors, in particular the ongoing miniaturization, enables their usage from a wide range of distances and viewing angles on a large variety of platforms. Many recent approaches focus on the application of hyperspectral sensors in an intermediate to close sensor-target distance (one to several hundred meters) between airborne and lab-scale, usually implying exceptional acquisition parameters. These comprise unusual viewing angles as for the imaging of vertical targets, specific geometric and radiometric distortions associated with the deployment of small moving platforms such as unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or extreme size and complexity of data created by large imaging campaigns. Accurate geometric and radiometric data corrections using established methods is often not possible. Another important challenge results from the overall variety of spatial scales, sensors, and viewing angles, which often impedes a combined interpretation of datasets, such as in a 2D geographic information system (GIS). Recent studies mostly referred to work with at least partly uncorrected data that is not able to set the results in a meaningful spatial context. These major unsolved challenges of hyperspectral imaging in mineral exploration initiated the motivation for this work. The core aim is the development of tools that bridge data acquisition and interpretation, by providing full image processing workflows from the acquisition of raw data in the field or lab, to fully corrected, validated and spatially registered at-target reflectance datasets, which are valuable for subsequent spectral analysis, image classification, or fusion in different operational environments at multiple scales. I focus on promising emerging HSI approaches, i.e.: (1) the use of lightweight UAS platforms, (2) mapping of inaccessible vertical outcrops, sometimes at up to several kilometers distance, (3) multi-sensor integration for versatile sample analysis in the near-field or lab-scale, and (4) the combination of reflectance HSI with other spectroscopic methods such as photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy for the characterization of valuable elements in low-grade ores. In each topic, the state of the art is analyzed, tailored workflows are developed to meet key challenges and the potential of the resulting dataset is showcased on prominent mineral exploration related examples. Combined in a Python toolbox, the developed workflows aim to be versatile in regard to utilized sensors and desired applications

    Mineral identification using data-mining in hyperspectral infrared imagery

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    Les applications de l’imagerie infrarouge dans le domaine de la géologie sont principalement des applications hyperspectrales. Elles permettent entre autre l’identification minérale, la cartographie, ainsi que l’estimation de la portée. Le plus souvent, ces acquisitions sont réalisées in-situ soit à l’aide de capteurs aéroportés, soit à l’aide de dispositifs portatifs. La découverte de minéraux indicateurs a permis d’améliorer grandement l’exploration minérale. Ceci est en partie dû à l’utilisation d’instruments portatifs. Dans ce contexte le développement de systèmes automatisés permettrait d’augmenter à la fois la qualité de l’exploration et la précision de la détection des indicateurs. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit le travail mené dans ce doctorat. Le sujet consistait en l’utilisation de méthodes d’apprentissage automatique appliquées à l’analyse (au traitement) d’images hyperspectrales prises dans les longueurs d’onde infrarouge. L’objectif recherché étant l’identification de grains minéraux de petites tailles utilisés comme indicateurs minéral -ogiques. Une application potentielle de cette recherche serait le développement d’un outil logiciel d’assistance pour l’analyse des échantillons lors de l’exploration minérale. Les expériences ont été menées en laboratoire dans la gamme relative à l’infrarouge thermique (Long Wave InfraRed, LWIR) de 7.7m à 11.8 m. Ces essais ont permis de proposer une méthode pour calculer l’annulation du continuum. La méthode utilisée lors de ces essais utilise la factorisation matricielle non négative (NMF). En utlisant une factorisation du premier ordre on peut déduire le rayonnement de pénétration, lequel peut ensuite être comparé et analysé par rapport à d’autres méthodes plus communes. L’analyse des résultats spectraux en comparaison avec plusieurs bibliothèques existantes de données a permis de mettre en évidence la suppression du continuum. Les expérience ayant menés à ce résultat ont été conduites en utilisant une plaque Infragold ainsi qu’un objectif macro LWIR. L’identification automatique de grains de différents matériaux tels que la pyrope, l’olivine et le quartz a commencé. Lors d’une phase de comparaison entre des approches supervisées et non supervisées, cette dernière s’est montrée plus approprié en raison du comportement indépendant par rapport à l’étape d’entraînement. Afin de confirmer la qualité de ces résultats quatre expériences ont été menées. Lors d’une première expérience deux algorithmes ont été évalués pour application de regroupements en utilisant l’approche FCC (False Colour Composite). Cet essai a permis d’observer une vitesse de convergence, jusqu’a vingt fois plus rapide, ainsi qu’une efficacité significativement accrue concernant l’identification en comparaison des résultats de la littérature. Cependant des essais effectués sur des données LWIR ont montré un manque de prédiction de la surface du grain lorsque les grains étaient irréguliers avec présence d’agrégats minéraux. La seconde expérience a consisté, en une analyse quantitaive comparative entre deux bases de données de Ground Truth (GT), nommée rigid-GT et observed-GT (rigide-GT: étiquet manuel de la région, observée-GT:étiquetage manuel les pixels). La précision des résultats était 1.5 fois meilleur lorsque l’on a utlisé la base de données observed-GT que rigid-GT. Pour les deux dernières epxérience, des données venant d’un MEB (Microscope Électronique à Balayage) ainsi que d’un microscopie à fluorescence (XRF) ont été ajoutées. Ces données ont permis d’introduire des informations relatives tant aux agrégats minéraux qu’à la surface des grains. Les résultats ont été comparés par des techniques d’identification automatique des minéraux, utilisant ArcGIS. Cette dernière a montré une performance prometteuse quand à l’identification automatique et à aussi été utilisée pour la GT de validation. Dans l’ensemble, les quatre méthodes de cette thèse représentent des méthodologies bénéfiques pour l’identification des minéraux. Ces méthodes présentent l’avantage d’être non-destructives, relativement précises et d’avoir un faible coût en temps calcul ce qui pourrait les qualifier pour être utilisée dans des conditions de laboratoire ou sur le terrain.The geological applications of hyperspectral infrared imagery mainly consist in mineral identification, mapping, airborne or portable instruments, and core logging. Finding the mineral indicators offer considerable benefits in terms of mineralogy and mineral exploration which usually involves application of portable instrument and core logging. Moreover, faster and more mechanized systems development increases the precision of identifying mineral indicators and avoid any possible mis-classification. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to create a tool to using hyperspectral infrared imagery and process the data through image analysis and machine learning methods to identify small size mineral grains used as mineral indicators. This system would be applied for different circumstances to provide an assistant for geological analysis and mineralogy exploration. The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions in the long-wave infrared (7.7μm to 11.8μm - LWIR), with a LWIR-macro lens (to improve spatial resolution), an Infragold plate, and a heating source. The process began with a method to calculate the continuum removal. The approach is the application of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) to extract Rank-1 NMF and estimate the down-welling radiance and then compare it with other conventional methods. The results indicate successful suppression of the continuum from the spectra and enable the spectra to be compared with spectral libraries. Afterwards, to have an automated system, supervised and unsupervised approaches have been tested for identification of pyrope, olivine and quartz grains. The results indicated that the unsupervised approach was more suitable due to independent behavior against training stage. Once these results obtained, two algorithms were tested to create False Color Composites (FCC) applying a clustering approach. The results of this comparison indicate significant computational efficiency (more than 20 times faster) and promising performance for mineral identification. Finally, the reliability of the automated LWIR hyperspectral infrared mineral identification has been tested and the difficulty for identification of the irregular grain’s surface along with the mineral aggregates has been verified. The results were compared to two different Ground Truth(GT) (i.e. rigid-GT and observed-GT) for quantitative calculation. Observed-GT increased the accuracy up to 1.5 times than rigid-GT. The samples were also examined by Micro X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in order to retrieve information for the mineral aggregates and the grain’s surface (biotite, epidote, goethite, diopside, smithsonite, tourmaline, kyanite, scheelite, pyrope, olivine, and quartz). The results of XRF imagery compared with automatic mineral identification techniques, using ArcGIS, and represented a promising performance for automatic identification and have been used for GT validation. In overall, the four methods (i.e. 1.Continuum removal methods; 2. Classification or clustering methods for mineral identification; 3. Two algorithms for clustering of mineral spectra; 4. Reliability verification) in this thesis represent beneficial methodologies to identify minerals. These methods have the advantages to be a non-destructive, relatively accurate and have low computational complexity that might be used to identify and assess mineral grains in the laboratory conditions or in the field
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