408 research outputs found

    Agile Validation of Model Transformations using Compound F-Alloy Specifications

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    Model transformations play a key role in model driven software engineering approaches. Validation of model transformations is crucial for the quality assurance of software systems to be constructed. The relational logic based specification language Alloy and its accompanying tool the Alloy Analyzer have been used in the past to validate properties of model transformations. However Alloy based analysis of transformations suffers from several limitations. On one hand, it is time consuming and does not scale well. On the other hand, the reliance on Alloy, being a formal method, prevents the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process which is crucial for pinpointing domain pertinent errors. Those limitations are even more severe when it comes to transformations whose input and/or output are themselves transformations (called compound transformations) because they are inherently more complex. To tackle the performance and scalability limitations, in previous work, we proposed an Alloy-based Domain Specific Language (DSL), called F-Alloy, that is tailored for model transformation specifications. Instead of pure analysis based validation, F-Alloy speeds up the validation of model transformations by applying a hybrid strategy that combines analysis with interpretation. In this paper, we formalize the notion of “hybrid analysis” and further extended it to also support efficient validation of compound transformations. To enable the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process, we propose in this paper a new approach to model transformation validation, called Visualization-Based Validation (briefly VBV). Following VBV, representative instances of a to-be-validated model transformation are automatically generated by hybrid analysis and shown to domain experts for feedback in a visual notation that they are familiar with. We prescribe a process to guide the application of VBV to model transformations and illustrate it with a benchmark model transformation

    On the Use of Alloy in Engineering Domain Specific Modeling Languages

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    Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) tend to play a central role in modern design processes as they enable the effective involvement of domain experts by focusing on a particular problem domain while abstracting away technical details. In this thesis, we investigate the specification of DSMLs with a particular focus on domain expert driven validation. Mainly, we are interested in developing Alloy-based approaches, allowing the definition of specifications from which instances can be generated and given to the domain experts for the sake of validation. The work we present in this thesis can be divided into three parts: The first part concerns the definition and execution of model transformations defined in Alloy. While Alloy analysis can be used as an execution engine for model transformations, the analysis process is time consuming. Model transformations playing a central role in DSML definitions, the development of a new model transformation language, named F-Alloy, retaining the benefits of Alloy with the added property of being efficiently computable was necessary. The second part focuses on validation. In that domain, our first contribution is a novel approach to the validation of model transformations called Visualization-Based Validation (VBV). VBV relies on the review by domain experts of intuitive depictions of model transformation traces to validate model transformation specifications. The whole process is made efficient by the usage of hybrid analysis, a combination of Alloy analysis and F-Alloy interpretation, allowing to reduce the time needed to analyze model transformations to the time needed to analyze its source. Our second contribution in the validation area is the definition of an Alloy-based approach to the specification and validation of DSMLs and of a design process defining how DSMLs can be validated using Alloy analysis at each iteration of the process. More precisely, we present how the abstract syntax, concrete syntax and operational semantics of a DSML can be defined using Alloy and F-Alloy, and show that the validation of a DSML' s abstract syntax and semantics benefits from the application of its concrete syntax. The third and last part aims at bringing those contributions to the practical world. To achieve this we developed a tool named Lightning implementing the aforementioned contributions. This tool, which belongs to the category of language workbenches, has been successfully used in an inter-disciplinary collaboration to define the Robot Perception System Language (RPSL). Based on this definition of RPSL, a framework has been developed to allow the execution of so called design space explorations. This framework represents a successful application of our approach to the real world problem of having RPSL specifications validated by experts in robotics

    Towards using intelligent techniques to assist software specialists in their tasks

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    L’automatisation et l’intelligence constituent des préoccupations majeures dans le domaine de l’Informatique. Avec l’évolution accrue de l’Intelligence Artificielle, les chercheurs et l’industrie se sont orientés vers l’utilisation des modèles d’apprentissage automatique et d’apprentissage profond pour optimiser les tâches, automatiser les pipelines et construire des systèmes intelligents. Les grandes capacités de l’Intelligence Artificielle ont rendu possible d’imiter et même surpasser l’intelligence humaine dans certains cas aussi bien que d’automatiser les tâches manuelles tout en augmentant la précision, la qualité et l’efficacité. En fait, l’accomplissement de tâches informatiques nécessite des connaissances, une expertise et des compétences bien spécifiques au domaine. Grâce aux puissantes capacités de l’intelligence artificielle, nous pouvons déduire ces connaissances en utilisant des techniques d’apprentissage automatique et profond appliquées à des données historiques représentant des expériences antérieures. Ceci permettra, éventuellement, d’alléger le fardeau des spécialistes logiciel et de débrider toute la puissance de l’intelligence humaine. Par conséquent, libérer les spécialistes de la corvée et des tâches ordinaires leurs permettra, certainement, de consacrer plus du temps à des activités plus précieuses. En particulier, l’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles est un sous-domaine de l’informatique qui vise à élever le niveau d’abstraction des langages, d’automatiser la production des applications et de se concentrer davantage sur les spécificités du domaine. Ceci permet de déplacer l’effort mis sur l’implémentation vers un niveau plus élevé axé sur la conception, la prise de décision. Ainsi, ceci permet d’augmenter la qualité, l’efficacité et productivité de la création des applications. La conception des métamodèles est une tâche primordiale dans l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles. Par conséquent, il est important de maintenir une bonne qualité des métamodèles étant donné qu’ils constituent un artéfact primaire et fondamental. Les mauvais choix de conception, ainsi que les changements conceptuels répétitifs dus à l’évolution permanente des exigences, pourraient dégrader la qualité du métamodèle. En effet, l’accumulation de mauvais choix de conception et la dégradation de la qualité pourraient entraîner des résultats négatifs sur le long terme. Ainsi, la restructuration des métamodèles est une tâche importante qui vise à améliorer et à maintenir une bonne qualité des métamodèles en termes de maintenabilité, réutilisabilité et extensibilité, etc. De plus, la tâche de restructuration des métamodèles est délicate et compliquée, notamment, lorsqu’il s’agit de grands modèles. De là, automatiser ou encore assister les architectes dans cette tâche est très bénéfique et avantageux. Par conséquent, les architectes de métamodèles pourraient se concentrer sur des tâches plus précieuses qui nécessitent de la créativité, de l’intuition et de l’intelligence humaine. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une cartographie des tâches qui pourraient être automatisées ou bien améliorées moyennant des techniques d’intelligence artificielle. Ensuite, nous sélectionnons la tâche de métamodélisation et nous essayons d’automatiser le processus de refactoring des métamodèles. A cet égard, nous proposons deux approches différentes: une première approche qui consiste à utiliser un algorithme génétique pour optimiser des critères de qualité et recommander des solutions de refactoring, et une seconde approche qui consiste à définir une spécification d’un métamodèle en entrée, encoder les attributs de qualité et l’absence des design smells comme un ensemble de contraintes et les satisfaire en utilisant Alloy.Automation and intelligence constitute a major preoccupation in the field of software engineering. With the great evolution of Artificial Intelligence, researchers and industry were steered to the use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to optimize tasks, automate pipelines, and build intelligent systems. The big capabilities of Artificial Intelligence make it possible to imitate and even outperform human intelligence in some cases as well as to automate manual tasks while rising accuracy, quality, and efficiency. In fact, accomplishing software-related tasks requires specific knowledge and skills. Thanks to the powerful capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, we could infer that expertise from historical experience using machine learning techniques. This would alleviate the burden on software specialists and allow them to focus on valuable tasks. In particular, Model-Driven Engineering is an evolving field that aims to raise the abstraction level of languages and to focus more on domain specificities. This allows shifting the effort put on the implementation and low-level programming to a higher point of view focused on design, architecture, and decision making. Thereby, this will increase the efficiency and productivity of creating applications. For its part, the design of metamodels is a substantial task in Model-Driven Engineering. Accordingly, it is important to maintain a high-level quality of metamodels because they constitute a primary and fundamental artifact. However, the bad design choices as well as the repetitive design modifications, due to the evolution of requirements, could deteriorate the quality of the metamodel. The accumulation of bad design choices and quality degradation could imply negative outcomes in the long term. Thus, refactoring metamodels is a very important task. It aims to improve and maintain good quality characteristics of metamodels such as maintainability, reusability, extendibility, etc. Moreover, the refactoring task of metamodels is complex, especially, when dealing with large designs. Therefore, automating and assisting architects in this task is advantageous since they could focus on more valuable tasks that require human intuition. In this thesis, we propose a cartography of the potential tasks that we could either automate or improve using Artificial Intelligence techniques. Then, we select the metamodeling task and we tackle the problem of metamodel refactoring. We suggest two different approaches: A first approach that consists of using a genetic algorithm to optimize set quality attributes and recommend candidate metamodel refactoring solutions. A second approach based on mathematical logic that consists of defining the specification of an input metamodel, encoding the quality attributes and the absence of smells as a set of constraints and finally satisfying these constraints using Alloy

    Model Transformation Testing and Debugging: A Survey

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    Model transformations are the key technique in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) to manipulate and construct models. As a consequence, the correctness of software systems built with MDE approaches relies mainly on the correctness of model transformations, and thus, detecting and locating bugs in model transformations have been popular research topics in recent years. This surge of work has led to a vast literature on model transformation testing and debugging, which makes it challenging to gain a comprehensive view of the current state of the art. This is an obstacle for newcomers to this topic and MDE practitioners to apply these approaches. This paper presents a survey on testing and debugging model transformations based on the analysis of \nPapers~papers on the topics. We explore the trends, advances, and evolution over the years, bringing together previously disparate streams of work and providing a comprehensive view of these thriving areas. In addition, we present a conceptual framework to understand and categorise the different proposals. Finally, we identify several open research challenges and propose specific action points for the model transformation community.This work is partially supported by the European Commission (FEDER) and Junta de Andalucia under projects APOLO (US-1264651) and EKIPMENT-PLUS (P18-FR-2895), by the Spanish Government (FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Agencia Estatal de Investigación) under projects HORATIO (RTI2018-101204-B-C21), COSCA (PGC2018-094905-B-I00) and LOCOSS (PID2020-114615RB-I00), by the Austrian Science Fund (P 28519-N31, P 30525-N31), and by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development (CDG

    Software diversity: state of the art and perspectives

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    International audienceDiversity is prevalent in modern software systems to facilitate adapting the software to customer requirements or the execution environment. Diversity has an impact on all phases of the software development process. Appropriate means and organizational structures are required to deal with the additional complexity introduced by software variability. This introductory article to the special section "Software Diversity--Modeling, Analysis and Evolution" provides an overview of the current state of the art in diverse systems development and discusses challenges and potential solutions. The article covers requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification and validation, maintenance and evolution as well as organizational aspects. It also provides an overview of the articles which are part of this special section and addresses particular issues of diverse systems development

    Transforming OCL to PVS: Using Theorem Proving Support for Analysing Model Constraints

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    The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a de facto standard language for describing software systems. UML models are often supplemented with Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints, to capture detailed properties of components and systems. Sophisticated tools exist for analysing UML models, e.g., to check that well-formedness rules have been satisfied. As well, tools are becoming available to analyse and reason about OCL constraints. Previous work has been done on analysing OCL constraints by translating them to formal languages and then analysing the translated constraints with tools such as theorem provers. This project contributes a transformation from OCL to the specification language of the Prototype Verification System (PVS). PVS can be used to analyse and reason about translated OCL constraints. A particular novelty of this project is that it carries out the transformation of OCL to PVS by using model transformation, as exemplified by the OMG's Model-Driven Architecture. The project implements and automates model transformations from OCL to PVS using the Epsilon Transformation Language (ETL) and tests the results using the Epsilon Comparison Language (ECL )

    Marshall Space Flight Center Research and Technology Report 2019

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    Today, our calling to explore is greater than ever before, and here at Marshall Space Flight Centerwe make human deep space exploration possible. A key goal for Artemis is demonstrating and perfecting capabilities on the Moon for technologies needed for humans to get to Mars. This years report features 10 of the Agencys 16 Technology Areas, and I am proud of Marshalls role in creating solutions for so many of these daunting technical challenges. Many of these projects will lead to sustainable in-space architecture for human space exploration that will allow us to travel to the Moon, on to Mars, and beyond. Others are developing new scientific instruments capable of providing an unprecedented glimpse into our universe. NASA has led the charge in space exploration for more than six decades, and through the Artemis program we will help build on our work in low Earth orbit and pave the way to the Moon and Mars. At Marshall, we leverage the skills and interest of the international community to conduct scientific research, develop and demonstrate technology, and train international crews to operate further from Earth for longer periods of time than ever before first at the lunar surface, then on to our next giant leap, human exploration of Mars. While each project in this report seeks to advance new technology and challenge conventions, it is important to recognize the diversity of activities and people supporting our mission. This report not only showcases the Centers capabilities and our partnerships, it also highlights the progress our people have achieved in the past year. These scientists, researchers and innovators are why Marshall and NASA will continue to be a leader in innovation, exploration, and discovery for years to come

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2020, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2020, and was held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020. The 23 full papers, 1 tool paper and 6 testing competition papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. The papers cover topics such as requirements engineering, software architectures, specification, software quality, validation, verification of functional and non-functional properties, model-driven development and model transformation, software processes, security and software evolution
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