35 research outputs found

    AgentAPI: an API for the development of managed agents

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    Managed agents, namely SNMP agents, costs too much to develop, test and maintain. Although assuming simplicity since its origins, the SNMP model has several intrinsic aspects that make the development of management applications a complex task. However, there are tools available which intend to simplify this process by generating automatic code based on the management information definition. Unfortunately, these tools are usually complicated to use and require a strong background of programming experience and network management knowledge. This paper describes an API for managed agent development which also provides multiprotocol capabilities. Without changing the code, the resulting agent can be managed by SNMP, web browsers, wap browsers, CORBA or any other access method either simultaneously or individually


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    Things that form Internet of Things can vary in every imaginable aspect. From simplest devices with barely any processing and memory resources, with communication handled by networking devices like switches and routers to powerful servers that provide needed back-end resources in cloud environments, all are needed for real world implementations of Internet of Things. Monitoring of the network and server parts of the infrastructure is a well known area with numerous approaches that enable efficient monitoring. Most prevalent technology used is SNMP that forms the part of the IP stack and is as such universally supported. On the other hand, “things” domain is evolving very fast with a number of competing technologies used for communication and monitoring. When discussing small, constrained devices, the two most promising protocols are CoAP and MQTT. Combined, they cover wide area of communication needs for resource constrained devices, from simple messaging system to one that enables connecting to RESTful world. In this paper we present a possible solution to bridge the gap in monitoring by enabling SNMP access to monitoring data obtained from constrained devices that cannot feasibly support SNMP or are not intended to be used in such a manner

    Remote MIB-item look-up service

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    Despite some deficiencies, the Internet management framework is widely deployed and thousands of management information base (MIB) modules have been defined thus far. These modules are used by implementers of agent software, as well as by managers and management applications, to understand the syntax and semantics of the management information that may be exchanged. At the manager's side, MIB modules are usually stored in separate files, which are maintained by the human manager and read by the management application. Since maintenance of this file repository can be cumbersome, management applications are often confronted with incomplete and outdated information. To solve this "meta-management" problem, this paper discusses the design of a remote look-up service for MIB-item definitions. Such a service facilitates the retrieval of missing MIB module definitions, as well as definitions of individual MIB-items. Initially the service may be provided by a single server, but other servers can be added at later stages to improve performance and prevent copyright problems. It is envisaged that vendors of network equipment will also install servers, to distribute their vendor specific MIB. The paper describes how the service, which is provided on a best effort basis, can be accessed by managers/management applications, and how servers inform each other about the MIB modules they support

    Agents in Network Management

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    The ubiquity and complexity of modern networks require automated management and control. With increases in scale, automated solutions based on simple data access models such as SNMP will give way to more distributed and algorithmic techniques. This article outlines present and near-term solutions based on the ideas of active networks and mobile agents, which permit sophisticated programmable control and management of ultra large scale networks

    SNMP Agent for IoT Devices

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    Cílem práce je vytvořit SNMP agenta pro monitorování IoT zařízení. Jelikož většina IoT zařízení nepodporuje protokol SNMP, chceme implementovat SNMP agenta, který bude shromažďovat informace o zařízeních a zapisovat shromážděná data na hodnoty proměnných v databázi MIB. Postup bude demonstrován na zařízeních D-Link, a právě dveřním senzoru a signálním zařízení, které komunikují s adaptérem přes rádiový signál Z-Wave.The aim of this work is to create a SNMP agent for monitoring IoT devices. Because most IoT devices do not support SNMP, we want to implement a SNMP agent that will collect device information and write the collected data to the values of the variables in the MIB. The procedure will be demonstrated on D-Link devices, as a door sensor and signaling device that communicate with the adapter via the Z-Wave radio signal.

    Uma MIB para aplicações Internet

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoEste trabalho trata do gerenciamento de aplicações cliente de rede da arquitetura de redes Internet. Para isso, é proposta uma extensão à MIB-II padrão da Arquitetura de Gerenciamento de Redes Internet. O objetivo desta nova MIB é oferecer informações que permitam monitorar e controlar aplicações de rede Internet em estações clientes de rede. Para a construção do módulo da MIB proposta, vários aspectos são discutidos, estabelecendo uma metodologia para o desenvolvimento de novas MIBs SNMP. Em seguida, esta metodologia é utilizada para especificar o módulo de MIB para o gerenciamento de aplicações Internet. Algumas alternativas para a implementação de um agente SNMP para esta nova MIB são discutidos. O módulo de MIB especificado passa por uma etapa de verificação, através da utilização de um compilador de MIBs. Por fim são apresentadas as possibilidades de utilização do novo agente em um ambiente de redes típico, além dos resultados obtidos no ambiente de testes

    Desarrollo de agente SNMP para sensores de temperatura en Raspberry

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    Hoy en día, con el desarrollo de la tecnología y la creación del Internet de las Cosas (IoT), es muy común encontrarnos redes que obtienen información de sensores y que, por lo tanto, necesitan ser monitorizadas. En este trabajo se describe el diseño y la implementación de un agente SNMP en una Raspberry Pi para la monitorización de sensores de temperatura y humedad conectados a la misma. Este agente se ha implementado utilizando el software Net-SNMP, gracias a su herramienta de agente extendido mediante AgentX. Para ello, se han desarrollado los programas necesarios en lenguaje de programación C y se ha definido la correspondiente MIB (Management Information Base) con el modelo de datos implementadoUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Game engines and MAS: tuplespace-based interaction in Unity3D

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    I Game Engines stanno acquisendo sempre più importanza sia in ambito industriale, dove permettono lo sviluppo di applicazioni moderne e videogiochi, sia in ambito di ricerca, in particolare nel contesto dei sistemi multi-agente (MAS). La loro capacità espressiva, unita al supporto di tecnologie e funzionalità innovative, permette la creazione di sistemi moderni e complessi in maniera più efficiente: il loro continuo avanzamento tecnologico li ha portati ad essere una realtà su cui fare affidamento nella produzione di vari applicativi diversi, come applicazioni di realtà aumentata/virtuale/mista, simulazioni immersive, costruzione di mondi virtuali e 3D, ecc. Ciononostante, soffrono la mancanza di proprie astrazioni e meccanismi che possano essere affidabili e utilizzati per aggredire la complessità durante il design di sistemi complessi. Il tentativo di sfruttare le caratteristiche della teoria dei MAS all'interno degli ambienti di sviluppo dei Game Engines procede secondo questa direzione: integrando le astrazioni costituenti i MAS all'interno dei Game Engines, con particolare riferimento ai modelli di coordinazione tra agenti, può portare a nuove soluzioni, riuscendo a risolvere problemi tecnologici grazie all'aiuto degli engine grafici. Questa tesi utilizza il Game Engine Unity3D proponendo due librerie C#, le quali sfruttano una precedente integrazione dello stesso framework con il Prolog per l'abilitazione di un modello di interazione e coordinazione basato su spazi di tuple, utilizzabile tramite l'implementazione di primitive LINDA. Le librerie offrono interfacce di programmazione (API) sfruttabili dai programmatori C# Unity3D per integrare nelle loro creazioni il supporto a tale modello, con una nuova modalità per la gestione della coordinazione tra oggetti in Unity3D e fornisce importanti proprietà, essendo fondamentale nel contesto dei MAS dal punto di vista dell'ingegnerizzazione di sistemi complessi e della gestione delle interazioni tra agenti

    Conception et réalisation d'une application de gestion de réseau à base de composants répartis

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    Les applications actuelles de gestion des réseaux reposent essentiellement sur l'approche centralisée. Cependant, cette approche a atteint ses limites. Elle ne répond plus aux nouvelles exigences, telles que la tolérance aux fautes, la flexibilité et l'expansibilité des applications de gestion. Pour répondre à ces nouveaux besoins, plusieurs approches décentralisées ont été développées; elles consistent à répartir des tâches de gestion sur plusieurs entités du réseau. Ce mémoire propose une nouvelle approche décentralisée dans laquelle nous abordons le problème d'intégration dynamique de nouvelles fonctions à l'application de gestion, en utilisant les composants répartis et l'environnement distribué Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Actuellement, il n'existe pas d'application de gestion capable de détecter et d'intégrer, au cours de son exécution, de nouvelles fonctions de gestion. Nous avons donc développé une architecture décentralisée afin d'illustrer le développement de ce type d'application. Cette architecture est constituée de composants répartis qui utilisent la technologie CORBA pour communiquer entre eux. Ces composants accèdent aux informations de gestion des ressources du réseau à travers une passerelle CORBA/SNMP. L'architecture définit des agents CORBA pour représenter les ressources à gérer sur le réseau et définit des composants CORBA pour représenter les fonctions de gestion de réseau. Ces entités (composants CORBA) peuvent être branchées sur le réseau au cours de l'exécution de l'application de gestion qui les détecte et les utilise automatiquement. Ce mécanisme est appelé plug and play. Nous avons développé notre architecture sur une plate-forme Windows NT en utilisant le langage Java 1.2, l'API SNMP de AdventNet, le service de nom de Java 1.2 et OrbixWeb d'IONA

    Complete Specification of APIs and Protocols for the MAFTIA Middleware

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    This document describes the complete specification of the APIs and Protocols for the MAFTIA Middleware. The architecture of the middleware subsystem has been described in a previous document, where the several modules and services were introduced: Activity Services; Communication Services; Network Abstraction; Trusted and Untrusted Components. The purpose of the present document is to make concrete the functionality of the middleware components, by defining their application programming interfaces, and describing the protocols implementing the above-mentioned functionalit