10 research outputs found

    An investigation into the influence of substituents and extended π-conjugation on the substitution reactions of bifunctional platinum (II) complexes.

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    Master of Science in Chemistry. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2015.Abstract available in PDF file

    Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in acute coronary syndromes

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    Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers in acute coronary syndromes

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    [EN] ABSTRACT Abscisic acid (ABA) signaling plays a critical role in regulating root growth and root system architecture. ABA-mediated growth promotion and root tropic response under water stress are key responses for plant survival under limiting water conditions. In this work, we have explored the role of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors (PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1 (PYR1)/PYR1 LIKE (PYL)/REGULATORY COMPONENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS) for root ABA signaling. As a result, we discovered that PYL8 plays a nonredundant role for the regulation of root ABA sensitivity. Unexpectedly, given the multigenic nature and partial functional redundancy observed in the PYR/PYL family, the single pyl8 mutant showed reduced sensitivity to ABA-mediated root growth inhibition. This effect was due to the lack of PYL8-mediated inhibition of several clade A phosphatases type 2C (PP2Cs), since PYL8 interacted in vivo with at least five PP2Cs, namely HYPERSENSITIVE TO ABA1 (HAB1), HAB2, ABAINSENSITIVE1 (ABI1), ABI2, and PP2CA/ABA-HYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION3 as revealed by tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry proteomic approaches. Membrane-delimited abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction plays a critical role in early ABA signaling, but the molecular mechanisms linking core signaling components to the plasma membrane are unclear. We show that transient calciumdependent interactions of PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA receptors with membranes are mediated through a 10-member family of C2-domain ABA-related (CAR) proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Specifically, we found that PYL4 interacted in an ABA-independent manner with CAR1 in both the plasma membrane and nucleus of plant cells. CAR1 belongs to a plant-specific gene family encoding CAR1 to CAR10 proteins, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays showed that PYL4-CAR1 as well as other PYR/PYL-CAR pairs interacted in plant cells. The crystal structure of CAR4 was solved, which revealed that, in addition to a classical calcium-dependent lipid binding C2 domain, a specific CAR signature is likely responsible for the interaction with PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors and their recruitment to phospholipid vesicles. This interaction is relevant for PYR/PYL/RCAR function and ABA signaling, since different car triple mutants affected in CAR1, CAR4, CAR5, and CAR9 genes showed reduced sensitivity to ABA in seedling establishment and root growth assays. In summary, we identified PYR/PYL/RCAR-interacting partners that mediate a transient Ca2+-dependent interaction with phospholipid vesicles, which affects PYR/PYL/RCAR subcellular localization and positively regulates ABA signaling.[ES] RESUMEN La señalización por la hormona vegetal ácido abscísico (ABA) desempeña un papel crítico en la regulación del crecimiento de la raíz y en la arquitectura del sistema radical. La promoción de crecimiento de la raíz en condiciones de estrés hídrico mediada por ABA es clave para la supervivencia de las plantas bajo condiciones limitantes de agua. En este trabajo, hemos explorado el papel de los receptores PYR/PYL/RCAR (PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1 (PYR1)/PYR1 LIKE (PYL)/ REGULATORY COMPONENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS) de Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) en la ruta de señalización de ABA en raíz. Así, hemos descubierto que el receptor de ABA PYL8 juega un papel no redundante en la regulación de la percepción de ABA en raíz. Inesperadamente, dada la naturaleza multigénica y la redundancia funcional parcial observada en la familia PYR/PYL/RCAR, el mutante pyl8 fue el único mutante sencillo de pérdida de función de los receptores PYR/PYL/RCAR que mostraba una sensibilidad reducida a la inhibición del crecimiento mediada por ABA en raíz. Este efecto se debe a la falta de inhibición mediada por PYL8 de varias fosfatasas del grupo A tipo 2C (PP2Cs), ya que PYL8 es capaz de interactuar in vivo con al menos cinco PP2Cs, denominadas HYPERSENSITIVE TO ABA1 (HAB1), HAB2, ABAINSENSITIVE1 (ABI1), ABI2, and PP2CA/ABA-HYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION3 según lo han revelado la purificación por afinidad en tándem (TAP por sus siglas en inglés) y estudios proteómicos de espectrometría de masas. La transducción de la señal del ABA localizada en la membrana plasmática celular juega un papel crucial en los pasos iniciales de la señalización de la fitohormona, pero los mecanismos moleculares que unen los componentes básicos de la señalización y la membrana plasmática no están claros. Estudiando las interacciones de los receptores del ABA PYR/PYL/RCAR con la membrana plasmática hemos encontrado que éstos pueden interaccionar transitoriamente con ella de forma dependiente de calcio gracias a una familia de proteínas con dominios C2 relacionadas con la ruta de señalización de ABA (denominadas C2-domain ABA-related (CAR) proteins). Específicamente, se encontró que PYL4 interacciona de manera independiente de ABA con CAR1 tanto en la membrana plasmática como en el núcleo de las células vegetales. La proteína CAR1 pertenece a una familia multigénica constituida por 10 miembros en Arabidopsis thaliana, desde CAR1 hasta CAR10, y que solo se encuentra en plantas. Los ensayos de complementación bi-molecular de fluorescencia y de co-immunoprecipitación confirmaron la interacción en células vegetales tanto de PYL4-CAR1 como de otras parejas de PYR/PYL-CAR. La cristalización de la proteína CAR4 reveló que, además de un dominio C2 clásico de unión a lípidos dependiente de calcio, las proteínas de la familia CAR presentan un dominio específico que probablemente es responsable de la interacción con los receptores PYR/PYL/RCAR y de su posterior reclutamiento a las vesículas de fosfolípidos. Esta interacción es relevante para la función de los receptores PYR/PYL/RCAR en la señalización del ABA, ya que diferentes mutantes triples car de pérdida de función, que tienen afectados los genes CAR1, CAR4, CAR5, y CAR9, demostraron una reducción de la sensibilidad al ABA en ensayos de establecimiento de plántula y crecimiento de la raíz. En resumen, hemos identificado nueva familia de proteínas que son capaces mediar las interacciones transitorias dependientes de Ca2+ con vesículas de fosfolípidos, lo que a su vez afecta localización de PYR/PYL/RCAR y regula positivamente la señalización de ABA.[CA] RESUM La senyalització per l'hormona vegetal àcid abcíssic (ABA) exerceix un paper crític en la regulació del creixement de l'arrel i també en l'arquitectura del sistema radical. La promoció del creixement de l'arrel en condicions d'estrés hídric, regulada per ABA és clau per la supervivència de les plantes sota condicions limitants d'aigua. Amb aquest treball, hem investigat el paper dels receptors PYR/PYL/RCAR (PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1 (PYR1)/PYR1 LIKE (PYL)/ REGULATORY COMPONENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS) d'Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) en el camí de senyalització d'ABA en arrel. Així, hem descobert que el receptor d'ABA PYL8 exerceix un paper no redundant en la regulació de la percepció d'ABA en arrel. Inesperadament, donada la naturalesa multigènica i la redundància funcional parcial que s'observa en la família PYR/PYL/RCAR, el mutant pyl8 va ser l'únic mutant senzill de pèrdua de funció dels receptors PYR/PYL/RCAR que mostrava una sensibilitat reduïda a la inhibició del creixement mitjançada per l'ABA en l'arrel. Doncs aquest efecte es deu a la falta d'inhibició regulada per PYL8 de diverses fosfatases del grup A tipus 2C (PP2Cs), ja que PYL8 té la capacitat d'interactuar in vivo almenys amb cinc PP2Cs, anomenades HYPERSENSITIVE TO ABA1 (HAB1), HAB2, ABAINSENSITIVE1 (ABI1), ABI2, and PP2CA/ABAHYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION3 segons ho han revelat per una banda la purificació per afinitat en tàndem (TAP són les seues sigles en anglés) i per altra banda, estudis proteòmics d'espectrometria de masses. Pel que fa a la transducció del senyal del l'ABA, la qual es localitza en la membrana plasmàtica cel¿lular, juga un paper molt important en els primers instants de la senyalització de la fitohormona, no obstant això els mecanismes moleculars que uneixen els components bàsics d'aquesta senyalització amb la membrana plasmàtica, no es troben del tot clars. Per tant, s'han estudiat les interaccions que tenen els receptors del ABA PYR/PYL/RCAR amb la membrana plasmàtica, i hem trobat que aquests tenen la capacitat d'interaccionar transitòriament amb la membrana de forma dependent al calci, gràcies a una família de proteïnes amb domini C2, les quals es troben relacionades amb la ruta de senyalització d'ABA(anomenades C2domain ABArelated (CAR) proteins).Específicament, es va trobar que PYL4 interacciona d'una manera independent al ABA amb CAR1, tant en la membrana plasmàtica, com en el nucli de les cèl¿lules vegetals. La proteïna CAR1 pertany a la família multigènica constituïda per 10 components en Arabidopsis thaliana, des de CAR1 fins CAR10, que tan sols es troba en plantes. Els assajos de complementació bimolecular de fluorescència i de co-immunoprecipitació, van confirmar la interacció en cèl¿lules vegetals, tant de PYL4CAR1 com d'altres parelles de PYR/PYL-CAR. La cristal¿lització de la proteïna CAR4 va revelar que, a més d'un domini C2 clàssic de unió a lípids dependent del calci, les proteïnes de la família CAR presenten un domini PYR/PYL/RCAR, i del seu posterior reclutament a les vesícules fosfolipídiques. Doncs, aquesta interacció és rellevant en la funció dels receptors PYR/PYL/RCAR, ja que participa en la senyalització del l'ABA. Aquesta interacció es clau per a la funció dels receptors, ja que diferents mutants triples car de pèrdua de funció, els quals posseïxen afectats els gens CAR1, CAR4, CAR5 i CAR9, van mostrar una reducció de la sensibilitat a l'ABA en assajos d'establiment de plàntula i creixement de l'arrel. En conclusió, hem identificat una nova família de proteïnes amb la capacitat d'organitzar les interaccions transitòries dependents del calci amb vesícules de fosfolípids, fet que al seu torn afecta la localització de PYR/PYL/RCAR i regula positivament la senyalització d'ABA.Rodríguez Solovey, LN. (2015). IDENTIFICATION OF TARGETS AND AUXILIARY PROTEINS OF PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA RECEPTORS: PROTEIN PHOSPHATASES TYPE 2C (PP2Cs) AND C2-DOMAIN ABA-RELATED PROTEINS (CARs) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58862TESI

    Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management: from local to global assessments

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    This report contains the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Special Interest Group on Forest Fires, that took place in Stresa, (Italy) on 20-21 October 2011. The main subject of the workshop was the operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management and different spatial scales were addressed, from local to regional and from national to global. Topics of the workshops were also grouped according to the fire management stage considered for the application of remote sensing techniques, addressing pre fire, during fire or post fire conditions.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    ICPP tank farm closure study. Volume 3: Cost estimates, planning schedules, yearly cost flowcharts, and life-cycle cost estimates

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    UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH UK School of Business Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics ABSTRACT Doctor of Philosophy Accounting disclosure, financial transparency, ownership structure and corporate governance: implications for internal and external WVB Jordanian credit risk assessments By Abdullah A.K. Al-Khawaaldah Bani Hasan (Ash-Shu’ayree As-Salafi) Creditworthiness is a quality that is important to all stakeholders of an organisation, especially bondholders. It is posited that good corporate governance practices assist the confidence that stakeholders have in an organization’s ability to generate the strong cash flows that are needed to meet financial obligations, which in turn should enhance credit risk assessments. Much research has been conducted into rating assessments, but these have largely been directed at developed markets and they have not generally been focused on the impact of good corporate governance practices and procedures. The primary focus of this research is to address this issue through an investigation into the impact of key factors upon the credit risk assessments of listed companies on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) in Jordan, as assessed by World'vest Base Inc. (WVB) credit risk assessment scores for Jordanian companies between 2005 and 2007 inclusively. Drawing upon insights from agency (including management disciplining and wealth redistribution hypotheses), stewardship, stakeholder, signalling, legitimacy and the diffusion of innovation theories, this thesis investigates the determinants of WVB credit risk assessments of Jordanian firms under five headings: accounting and financial aspects, market and regulatory perspectives, influence of ownership structure, financial transparency/disclosure and corporate governance factors. To achieve this, an array of modelling techniques is used in order to provide a more comprehensive picture. They include bivariate analysis, one-way analysis of variance, ordinary least square regressions for numerical scores, binary logistic regressions, and ordinal logistic regression. The results demonstrate that accounting and financial factors have a significant impact on credit risk assessments but not capital intensity. Profitability is positively associated with credit risk assessments, while leverage and loss propensity have a negative association. With respect to market and regulatory factors, size and Tobin’s Q are positively associated with credit risk assessments. By contrast type of sector and audit are not related to credit risk assessments. Foreign ownership enhances ratings, whilst institutional ownership has a negative impact. Also, insider ownership and family ownership have some importance. It was surprising to find that whilst financial transparency and disclosure variables are significantly associated positively with credit risk assessments in some models, they were generally not significant across other models. Nevertheless, the study finds empirical evidence to support a degree of association between credit risk assessments and corporate governance factors. There is also a positive association between board size and credit risk assessments, but the most important aspect of corporate governance for Jordanian firms is board expertise. The originality of this thesis also embraces the inclusion not only of externally published WVB risk assessments in the Jordanian context, but also internal numerical ratings that were made available with kind permission from the WVB agency for the purposes of this research. The question is whether there are insights that can be gained from such internal ratings that have not hitherto been made available to other researchers. The answer is in the affirmative, for role duality on the board of directors is evidently more important to WVB’s own internal numerical rating assessments than is evidenced by the WVB externally published credit risk assessments. Specifically, the significance of corporate governance (role duality) is missed by multivariate models that are based solely on externally published data. Furthermore, financial transparency and disclosure variables reveal more (albeit moderate) support for the more refined internal scores of WVB than for the external assessment ratings. Finally, family ownership is also important to WVB’s internal scores. Thus, this research has enabled deeper insights to be gained into credit risk assessment determinants within the Jordanian context.THE HASHEMIET UNIVERSITY- JORDA

    Clemson Catalog, 1979-1980, Volume 54

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