626 research outputs found

    Aristocratism of the spirit in Henryk Elzenberg's philosophy

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    Elzenberg’s philosophy is usually defined as perfectionism, culturalism, pessimism, conservatism, or asceticism. Despite the accuracy and validity of the above mentioned terms it seems, however, that none of them fully encompass the characteristics of the view, tending rather to focus on its given profile. One term that, in my opinion, can be regarded as a suitable candidate for the role is “aristocratism of the spirit”, which embraces perfectionism, culturalism and asceticism as well as pessimism, conservatism and outsiderism. In debating on the elzenbergian variety of this idea I would like to put forward his relation to, or entanglement with the tendency to think in the categories of the aristocratism of the spirit, that has been present since the dawn of philosophy. I use the tentative term ‘entanglement’ here, as Elzenberg in his writings never declared, either openly or indirectly, any (formal) adherence to a movement, including the movement of the aristocratism of the spirit. My ascribing Elzenberg to this movement is a convention of interpretation, imposed upon his philosophy for heuristic reasons

    Greek medicine and the Hippocratic revolution. Critical-historical approach

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    Greek civilization contributed a lot to the development of all areas of social life, culture, philosophy and science, including medicine. In the field of medicine, she also drew on the preceding civilizations, mainly Egyptian and Babylonian. Greek medicine, starting from the mythical Asclepius, through the already historical asclepiades, the classical, Hippocratic period with Hippocrates at the forefront, ending with the post-hippocratic period, was a transitional period to subsequent important periods in the development of medicine. The classical period contributed to the reduction of the importance of the supranaturalist factor, which was in force in asplepions in favor of recognizing natural causes considered to be the cause of diseases. Some of the principles presented by the main representative of this period, Hippocrates, especially aphorisms or the medical oath have survived to this day. Other theories underwent natural changes in later periods

    Tadeusz Kotarbiński on God and Religion

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    The aim of the paper is the presentation of the main reasons of Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s atheism and an interpretation of his position in terms of the conceptual apparatus used in contemporary philosophical debate on atheism. William Rowe distinguished three types of atheism: friendly atheism, indifferent atheism and unfriendly atheism, a divide widely accepted in contemporary debates. It seems that Kotarbiński’s position is a form of unfriendly atheism. However, the final conclusion will be that William Rowe’s conceptual apparatus is not a satisfying tool for an evaluation and interpretation of Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s views

    Możliwości wykorzystania aforyzmu w rozwijaniu sprawności mówienia

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    Publikacja wydana dzięki pomocy finansowej Wydziału Edukacji Urzędu Miasta Łodzi i Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego UŁZadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The Importance of Evaluative Thinking and the Excess of Scientific Effectiveness - Inspirations from Henryk Elzenberg’s Thought

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    The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is no longer subject to such obvious standardization. The educational and cultural role of the people of science devalues towards entrepreneurship and effectiveness. Based on Henryk Elzenberg’s views on the excess of the importance of science to the detriment of evaluative thinking, it can be noted that contemporary academic expertise does not seem to pursue any axiological connotations, which in the long run is a highly disturbing advantage for culture.The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is no longer subject to such obvious standardization. The educational and cultural role of the people of science devalues towards entrepreneurship and effectiveness. Based on Henryk Elzenberg’s views on the excess of the importance of science to the detriment of evaluative thinking, it can be noted that contemporary academic expertise does not seem to pursue any axiological connotations, which in the long run is a highly disturbing advantage for culture

    Professor Tadeusz Wacław Nowatski as a scientist of modern and future pedagogy

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    The article briefly outlines the life and professional path of the outstanding Polish scientist Professor Tadeusz Nowacki.У статті коротко окреслено життєвий та професійний шлях видатного польського вченого, професора Тадеуша Новацького


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    Czasopisma tatarskie jako źródło do analizy oświaty Tatarów w latach 1918–1939

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    Artykuł stanowi analizę zawartości czasopism tatarskich okresu międzywojennego będących źródłem wiedzy z zakresu religii i kultury tatarskiej oraz problemów ówczesnego świata.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Przysłowia, aforyzmy, sentencje... : jeden gatunek czy różne gatunki ?

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    In the article, the author considers the genological status of various types of microtexts, which together compose the repertory of the broadly understood national paremiology. The author presents arguments supporting the thesis that this complex class of texts, distinguished by different structures and origins, is an open category, simultaneously policentric and gradational, functioning as a family of multifariously related genres