627 research outputs found

    Creating the European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC): Challenges and Perspectives

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    The aim of this contribution is to reflect on the process of building the multilingual European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC) that is being created in the framework of the networking project Distant Reading for European Literary History funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). To provide some background, we briefly introduce the basic idea of ELTeC with a focus on the overall goals and intended usage scenarios. We then describe the collection composition principles that we have derived from the usage scenarios. In our discussion of the corpus-building process, we focus on collections of novels from four different literary traditions as components of ELTeC: French, Portuguese, Romanian, and Slovenian, selected from the more than twenty collections that are currently in preparation. For each collection, we describe some of the challenges we have encountered and the solutions developed while building ELTeC. In each case, the literary tradition, the history of the language, the current state of digitization of cultural heritage, the resources available locally, and the scholars’ training level with regard to digitization and corpus building have been vastly different. How can we, in this context, hope to build comparable collections of novels that can usefully be integrated into a multilingual resource such as ELTeC and used in Distant Reading research? Based on our individual and collective experience with contributing to ELTeC, we end this contribution with some lessons learned regarding collaborative, multilingual corpus building

    Stylometry in a bilingual setup

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    The method of stylometry by most frequent words does not allow direct comparison of original texts and their translations, i.e. across languages. For instance, in a bilingual Czech-German text collection containing parallel texts (originals and translations in both directions, along with Czech and German translations from other languages), authors would not cluster across languages, since frequency word lists for any Czech texts are obviously going to be more similar to each other than to a German text, and the other way round. We have tried to come up with an interlingua that would remove the language-specific features and possibly keep the linguistically independent features of individual author signal, if they exist. We have tagged, lemmatized, and parsed each language counterpart with the corresponding language model in UDPipe, which provides a linguistic markup that is cross-lingual to a significant extent. We stripped the output of language-dependent items, but that alone did not help much. As a next step, we transformed the lemmas of both language counterparts into shared pseudolemmas based on a very crude Czech-German glossary, with a 95.6% success. We show that, for stylometric methods based on the most frequent words, we can do without translations

    Lingualyzer: A computational linguistic tool for multilingual and multidimensional text analysis

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    Most natural language models and tools are restricted to one language, typically English. For researchers in the behavioral sciences investigating languages other than English, and for those researchers who would like to make cross-linguistic comparisons, hardly any computational linguistic tools exist, particularly none for those researchers who lack deep computational linguistic knowledge or programming skills. Yet, for interdisciplinary researchers in a variety of fields, ranging from psycholinguistics, social psychology, cognitive psychology, education, to literary studies, there certainly is a need for such a cross-linguistic tool. In the current paper, we present Lingualyzer (https://lingualyzer.com), an easily accessible tool that analyzes text at three different text levels (sentence, paragraph, document), which includes 351 multidimensional linguistic measures that are available in 41 different languages. This paper gives an overview of Lingualyzer, categorizes its hundreds of measures, demonstrates how it distinguishes itself from other text quantification tools, explains how it can be used, and provides validations. Lingualyzer is freely accessible for scientific purposes using an intuitive and easy-to-use interface

    Corpus-based typology: Applications, challenges and some solutions

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    Over the last few years, the number of corpora that can be used for language comparison has dramatically increased. The corpora are so diverse in their structure, size and annotation style, that a novice might not know where to start. The present paper charts this new and changing territory, providing a few landmarks, warning signs and safe paths. Although no corpora corpus at present can replace the traditional type of typological data based on language description in reference grammars, they corpora can help with diverse tasks, being particularly well suited for investigating probabilistic and gradient properties of languages and for discovering and interpreting cross-linguistic generalizations based on processing and communicative mechanisms. At the same time, the use of corpora for typological purposes has not only advantages and opportunities, but also numerous challenges. This paper also contains an empirical case study addressing two pertinent problems: the role of text types in language comparison and the problem of the word as a comparative concept

    Towards the construction of a multilingual, multifunctional corpus: factores in the design and application of CORDIALL

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    Este artigo apresenta os fundamentos teóricos para elaboração do corpus CORDIALL, desenvolvido pelo Núcleo de Estudos da Tradução (NET) da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG, focalizando aspectos da sua construção, bem como sua utilização para o estudo de características discursivas e cognitivas por meio de uma abordagem interdisciplinar que congrega subsídios dos estudos de corpora, dos estudos da tradução, dos estudos da cognição, da análise do discurso e dos estudos culturais.This paper describes the rationale for the design of the CORDIALL corpus, developed at the Núcleo de Estudos da Tradução (NET) at the Faculdade de Letras, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It focuses on aspects of the construction and use of CORDIALL as a resource for the study of discourse and cognitive issues in an interdisciplinary approach drawing on insights from corpora studies, translation studies, cognitive studies, discourse analysis, and cultural studies

    LiDom builder: Automatising the construction of multilingual domain modules

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    136 p.Laburpena Lan honetan LiDOM Builder tresnaren analisi, diseinu eta ebaluazioa aurkezten dira. Teknologian oinarritutako hezkuntzarako tresnen Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak testuliburu elektronikoetatik era automatikoan erauztea ahalbidetzen du LiDOM Builderek. Ezagutza eskuratzeko, Hizkuntzaren Prozesamendurako eta Ikaste Automatikorako teknikekin batera, hainbat baliabide eleaniztun erabiltzen ditu, besteak beste, Wikipedia eta WordNet.Domeinu Modulu Elebakarretik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunerako bidean, LiDOM Builder tresna DOM-Sortze ingurunearen (Larrañaga, 2012; Larrañaga et al., 2014) bilakaera dela esan genezake. Horretarako, LiDOM Builderek domeinua ikuspegi eleaniztun batetik adieraztea ahalbidetzen duen mekanismoa dakar. Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak bi maila ezberdinetako ezagutza jasotzen du: Ikaste Domeinuaren Ontologia (IDO), non hizkuntza ezberdinetan etiketatutako topikoak eta hauen arteko erlazio pedagogikoak jasotzen baitira, eta Ikaste Objektuak (IO), hau da, metadatuekin etiketatutako baliabide didaktikoen bilduma, hizkuntza horietan. LiDOM Builderek onartutako hizkuntza guztietan domeinuaren topikoak adierazteko aukera ematen du. Topiko bakoitza lotuta dago dagokion hizkuntzako bere etiketa baliokidearekin. Gainera, IOak deskribatzeko metadatu aberastuak erabiltzen ditu hizkuntza desberdinetan parekideak diren baliabide didaktikoak lotzeko.LiDOM Builderen, hasiera batean, domeinu-modulua hizkuntza jakin batean idatzitako dokumentu batetik erauziko da eta, baliabide eleaniztunak erabiliko dira, gerora, bai topikoak bai IOak beste hizkuntzetan ere lortzeko. Lan honetan, Ingelesez idatzitako liburuek osatuko dute informazio-iturri nagusia bai doitze-prozesuan bai ebaluazio-prozesuan. Zehazki, honako testuliburu hauek erabili dira: Principles of Object Oriented Programming (Wong and Nguyen, 2010), Introduction to Astronomy (Morison, 2008) eta Introduction to Molecular Biology (Raineri, 2010). Baliabide eleaniztunei dagokienez, Wikipedia, WordNet eta Wikipediatik erauzitako beste hainbat ezagutza-base erabili dira. Testuliburuetatik Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak eraikitzeko, LiDOM Builder hiru modulu nagusitan oinarritzen da: LiTeWi eta LiReWi moduluak IDO eleaniztuna eraikitzeaz arduratuko dira eta LiLoWi, aldiz, IO eleaniztunak eraikitzeaz. Jarraian, aipatutako modulu bakoitza xehetasun gehiagorekin azaltzen da.¿ LiTeWi (Conde et al., 2015) moduluak, edozein ikaste-domeinutako testuliburu batetik abiatuta, Hezkuntzarako Ontologia bati dagozkion hainbat termino eleaniztun identifikatuko ditu, hala nola TF-IDF, KP-Miner, CValue eta Shallow Parsing Grammar. Hori lortzeko, gainbegiratu gabeko datu-erauzketa teknikez eta Wikipediaz baliatzen da. Ontologiako topikoak erauzteak LiTeWi-n hiru urrats ditu: lehenik hautagai diren terminoen erauzketa; bigarrenik, lortutako terminoen konbinatzea eta fintzea azken termino zerrenda osatuz; eta azkenik, zerrendako terminoak beste hizkuntzetara mapatzea Wikipedia baliatuz.¿ LiReWi (Conde et al., onartzeko) moduluak Hezkuntzarako Ontologia erlazio pedagogikoez aberastuko du, beti ere testuliburua abiapuntu gisa erabilita. Lau motatako erlazio pedagogikoak erauziko ditu (isA, partOf, prerequisite eta pedagogicallyClose) hainbat teknika eta ezagutza-base konbinatuz. Ezagutza-baseen artean Wikipedia, WordNet, WikiTaxonomy, WibiTaxonomy eta WikiRelations daude. LiReWi-k ere hiru urrats emango ditu erlazioak lortzeko: hasteko, ontologiako topikoak erlazioak erauzteko erabiliko diren ezagutza-base desberdinekin mapatuko ditu; gero, hainbat erlazio-erauzle, bakoitza teknika desberdin batean oinarritzen dena, exekutatuko ditu konkurrenteki erlazio hautagaiak erauzteko; eta, bukatzeko, lortutako emaitza guztiak konbinatu eta iragaziko ditu erlazio pedagogikoen azken multzoa lortuz. Gainera, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildererako trantsizioan, tesi honetan hobetu egin dira dokumentuen indizeetatik erauzitako isA eta partOf erlazioak, Wikipedia baliabide gehigarri bezala erabilita (Conde et al., 2014).¿ LiLoWi moduluak IOak -batzuk eleaniztunak- erauziko ditu, abiapuntuko testuliburutik ez ezik Wikipedia edo WordNet bezalako ezagutza-baseetatik ere. IDO ontologiako topiko bakoitza Wikipedia eta WordNet-ekin mapatu ostean, LiLoWi-k baliabide didaktikoak erauziko ditu hainbat IO erauzlez baliatuz.IO erauzketa-prozesuan, DOM-Sortzetik LiDOM Buildereko bidean, eta Wikipedia eta WordNet erabili aurretik, ingelesa hizkuntza ere gehitu eta ebaluatu da (Conde et al., 2012).LiDOM Builderen ebaluaziori dagokionez, modulu bakoitza bere aldetik testatua eta ebaluatua izan da bai Gold-standard teknika bai aditu-ebaluazioa baliatuz. Gainera, Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseen integrazioak IOen erauzketari ekarri dion hobekuntza ere ebaluatu da. Esan genezake kasu guztietan lortu diren emaitzak oso onak direla.Bukatzeko, eta laburpen gisa, lau dira LiDOM Builderek Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunaren arloari egin dizkion ekarpen nagusiak:¿ Domeinu Modulu Eleaniztunak adierazteko mekanismo egokia.¿ LiTeWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako terminologia eleaniztuna erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Ingelesa eta Gaztelera hizkuntzentzako termino-erauzlea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/LiTe URLan.¿ LiReWiren garapena. Testuliburuetatik Hezkuntzarako Ontologietarako erlazio pedagogikoak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek. Erabiltzen duen Wikipedia/WordNet mapatzailea eskura dago https://github.com/Neuw84/Wikipedia2WordNet URLan.¿ LiLoWiren garapena. Testuliburua eta Wikipedia eta WordNet ezagutza-baseak erabilita IO eleaniztunak erauztea ahalbidetzen du modulu honek

    Hansel: A Chinese Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Entity Linking Benchmark

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    Modern Entity Linking (EL) systems entrench a popularity bias, yet there is no dataset focusing on tail and emerging entities in languages other than English. We present Hansel, a new benchmark in Chinese that fills the vacancy of non-English few-shot and zero-shot EL challenges. The test set of Hansel is human annotated and reviewed, created with a novel method for collecting zero-shot EL datasets. It covers 10K diverse documents in news, social media posts and other web articles, with Wikidata as its target Knowledge Base. We demonstrate that the existing state-of-the-art EL system performs poorly on Hansel (R@1 of 36.6% on Few-Shot). We then establish a strong baseline that scores a R@1 of 46.2% on Few-Shot and 76.6% on Zero-Shot on our dataset. We also show that our baseline achieves competitive results on TAC-KBP2015 Chinese Entity Linking task.Comment: WSDM 202


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    Information technologies have now matured to the point of enabling researchers to create a repository of language resources, especially for those languages facing the crisis of endangerment. The development of an online platform of corpora, made possible by recent advances in data storage, character-encoding and web technology, has profound consequences for the accessibility, quantity, quality and interoperability of linguistic field data. This is of particular significance for Formosan languages in Taiwan, many of which are on the verge of extinction. As a response to the recognition of this burgeoning problem, the key objectives of the establishment of the NTU Corpus of Formosan Languages aim to document and thus preserve valuable linguistic data, as well as relevant ethnological and cultural information. This paper will introduce some of the theoretical bases behind this initiative, as well as the procedures, transcription conventions, database normalization, in-house system and three special features in the creation of this corpus