59 research outputs found

    Factors shaping the evolution of electronic documentation systems

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    The main goal is to prepare the space station technical and managerial structure for likely changes in the creation, capture, transfer, and utilization of knowledge. By anticipating advances, the design of Space Station Project (SSP) information systems can be tailored to facilitate a progression of increasingly sophisticated strategies as the space station evolves. Future generations of advanced information systems will use increases in power to deliver environmentally meaningful, contextually targeted, interconnected data (knowledge). The concept of a Knowledge Base Management System is emerging when the problem is focused on how information systems can perform such a conversion of raw data. Such a system would include traditional management functions for large space databases. Added artificial intelligence features might encompass co-existing knowledge representation schemes; effective control structures for deductive, plausible, and inductive reasoning; means for knowledge acquisition, refinement, and validation; explanation facilities; and dynamic human intervention. The major areas covered include: alternative knowledge representation approaches; advanced user interface capabilities; computer-supported cooperative work; the evolution of information system hardware; standardization, compatibility, and connectivity; and organizational impacts of information intensive environments

    NASA Tech Briefs, July 1999

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    Topics: Test and Measurement; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Software; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Bio-Medical; Books and Reports; Semiconductors/ICs

    The 1st Advanced Manufacturing Student Conference (AMSC21) Chemnitz, Germany 15–16 July 2021

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    The Advanced Manufacturing Student Conference (AMSC) represents an educational format designed to foster the acquisition and application of skills related to Research Methods in Engineering Sciences. Participating students are required to write and submit a conference paper and are given the opportunity to present their findings at the conference. The AMSC provides a tremendous opportunity for participants to practice critical skills associated with scientific publication. Conference Proceedings of the conference will benefit readers by providing updates on critical topics and recent progress in the advanced manufacturing engineering and technologies and, at the same time, will aid the transfer of valuable knowledge to the next generation of academics and practitioners. *** The first AMSC Conference Proceeding (AMSC21) addressed the following topics: Advances in “classical” Manufacturing Technologies, Technology and Application of Additive Manufacturing, Digitalization of Industrial Production (Industry 4.0), Advances in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems, Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies throughout the entire product Life Cycle, Human-machine-environment interaction and Management and life cycle assessment.:- Advances in “classical” Manufacturing Technologies - Technology and Application of Additive Manufacturing - Digitalization of Industrial Production (Industry 4.0) - Advances in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems - Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies throughout the entire product Life Cycle - Human-machine-environment interaction - Management and life cycle assessmen

    NASA Tech Briefs, June 1994

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    Topics covered include: Microelectronics; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Report

    Ultrasonic assisted machining

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    A commercially available DMG MORI ULTRASONIC 65 monoBLOCK machining centre was installed in WMG in 2013 and has been primarily used to machine aerospace grade materials such as carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) and titanium alloy Ti 6Al-4V (individually and stacked) and 2000 / 6000 series aluminium alloys. Rather than discuss a single set of experimental work in detail, this paper discusses some of the issues that have been encountered when applying the technique of ultrasonic assisted machining (UAM) and some of the effects that have been observed using examples from the research conducted so far to illustrate some of the more important findings

    Selective atomic layer deposition and etching of oxides

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    NASA Tech Briefs, February 1996

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    Topics covered include: Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences; Books and Reports

    Label-Free Monitoring of Tumor Models by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

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    184 p.El objetivo general de la presente tesis se ha centrado en la monitorización de modelos celulares mediante la técnica de espectroscopia de Raman aumentada en superficies (SERS). Las tecnologías desarrolladas en la tesis han perseguido, por un lado, mejorar la recreación del ambiente tumoral a escala de laboratorio, y por otra parte, su integración junto con estructuras plasmónicas para el análisis por SERS de los modelos tumorales creados artificialmente. Más en concreto, se han analizado las alteraciones en la concentración relativa de los metabolitos presentes en el medio extracelular como resultado de la reprogramación metabólica característica de los tumores, la cual permite a su vez un crecimiento descontrolado de dichas células.La disposición conjunta de ambas tecnologías (cultivos celulares en 3D y nanoplasmónica) ofrece un marco único para la identificación de aquellos procesos celulares que se encuentran alterados durante el crecimiento de tumores. Hasta la fecha, la mayoría de las técnicas de laboratorio que se habían empleado para caracterizar ambientes celulares en el laboratorio implicaban procesos invasivos, es decir, quemodifican o incluso desintegraban la muestra para poder analizarla. En contraposición, la espectroscopia Raman había permitido adquirir información sobre la composición del medio celular de una manera mínimamente invasiva. Basada en los fenómenos de dispersión inelástica, la técnica de Raman emplea luz monocromática (generalmente de un láser) para irradiar la muestra bajo análisis, de forma que la interacción entre la muestra y el láser provoca un cambio en la energía de los fotones dispersados, específico de los modos vibraciones de las moléculas irradiadas. Por lo tanto, la luz dispersada y recogida por un detector, permite caracterizar el sistema biológico que ha sido previamente iluminado, sin marcaje previo. Sin embargo, las señales detectadas por dispersión Raman son de manera general muy débiles, por lo que se requiere una intensificación de dichas señales para poder detectar la presencia de metabolitos extracelulares (a bajas concentraciones). En esta tesis se decidió implantar la modalidad conocida como SERS, que hace uso de las propiedades plasmónicas de nanopartículas metálicas (principalmente de oro), las cuales dan lugar a campos eléctricos elevados cuando se iluminan en resonancia con los plasmones superficiales. Como resultado, la señal de Raman de las moléculas adsorbidas sobre dichas superficies metálicas se ve amplificada en varios órdenes de magnitud. Sobre esta base, se han desarrollado en la tesis diferentes plataformas destinadas a combinar sustratos plasmónicos, formados por fijación de nanopartículas de oro sobre estructuras rígidas en 2D, o bien embebidas en redes poliméricas, junto con modelos de células tumorales en crecimiento. La finalidad de la tesis ha sido pues, la monitorización de diferentes procesos celulares en dichos dispositivos mediante SERS, y su posterior interpretación biológica en el ámbito del metabolismo tumoral y la mejora del tratamiento.CICbioGUNE; CICbiomaGUN

    NASA Tech Briefs, November 2000

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    Topics covered include: Computer-Aided Design and Engineering; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Test and Measurement; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery/Automation; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Data Acquisition