14 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence for the Financial Services Industry: What Challenges Organizations to Succeed?

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    As a research field, artificial intelligence (AI) exists for several years. More recently, technological breakthroughs, coupled with the fast availability of data, have brought AI closer to commercial use. Internet giants such as Google, Amazon, Apple or Facebook invest significantly into AI, thereby underlining its relevance for business models worldwide. For the highly data driven finance industry, AI is of intensive interest within pilot projects, still, few AI applications have been implemented so far. This study analyzes drivers and inhibitors of a successful AI application in the finance industry based on panel data comprising 22 semi-structured interviews with experts in AI in finance. As theoretical lens, we structured our results using the TOE framework. Guidelines for applying AI successfully reveal AI-specific role models and process competencies as crucial, before trained algorithms will have reached a quality level on which AI applications will operate without human intervention and moral concerns

    Calculating voltage magnitudes and voltage phase angles of real electrical networks using artificial intelligence techniques

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    In the field of electrical network, it is necessary, under different conditions, to learn about the behavior of the system. Power Flow Analysis is the tool per excellent that allow as to make a deep study and define all quantities of each bus of the system. To determine power flow analysis there is a lot of methods, we have either numerical or intelligent techniques. Lately, researchers always work on finding intelligent methods that allow them to solve their complex problems. The goal of this article is to compare two intelligent methods that are capable of predicting quantities; Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System using real electrical networks. To do that we used few significant discrepancies. These methods are characterized by giving results in real time. To make this comparison successful, we implemented these two methods, to predict the voltage magnitudes and the voltage phase angles, on two Moroccan electrical networks. The results of the comparison show that the method of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System have more advantages than the method of Artificial Neural Network

    Non-Facial Video Spatiotemporal Forensic Analysis Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    Digital content manipulation software is working as a boon for people to edit recorded video or audio content. To prevent the unethical use of such readily available altering tools, digital multimedia forensics is becoming increasingly important. Hence, this study aims to identify whether the video and audio of the given digital content are fake or real. For temporal video forgery detection, the convolutional 3D layers are used to build a model which can identify temporal forgeries with an average accuracy of 85% on the validation dataset. Also, the identification of audio forgery, using a ResNet-34 pre-trained model and the transfer learning approach, has been achieved. The proposed model achieves an accuracy of 99% with 0.3% validation loss on the validation part of the logical access dataset, which is better than earlier models in the range of 90-95% accuracy on the validation set

    Artificial Intelligence-based Control Techniques for HVDC Systems

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    The electrical energy industry depends, among other things, on the ability of networks to deal with uncertainties from several directions. Smart-grid systems in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) networks, being an application of artificial intelligence (AI), are a reliable way to achieve this goal as they solve complex problems in power system engineering using AI algorithms. Due to their distinctive characteristics, they are usually effective approaches for optimization problems. They have been successfully applied to HVDC systems. This paper presents a number of issues in HVDC transmission systems. It reviews AI applications such as HVDC transmission system controllers and power flow control within DC grids in multi-terminal HVDC systems. Advancements in HVDC systems enable better performance under varying conditions to obtain the optimal dynamic response in practical settings. However, they also pose difficulties in mathematical modeling as they are non-linear and complex. ANN-based controllers have replaced traditional PI controllers in the rectifier of the HVDC link. Moreover, the combination of ANN and fuzzy logic has proven to be a powerful strategy for controlling excessively non-linear loads. Future research can focus on developing AI algorithms for an advanced control scheme for UPFC devices. Also, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of power fluctuations or steady-state errors that can be eliminated by the quick response of this control scheme. This survey was informed by the need to develop adaptive AI controllers to enhance the performance of HVDC systems based on their promising results in the control of power systems. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-024 Full Text: PD

    The 'Paris-end' of town? Urban typology through machine learning

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    The confluence of recent advances in availability of geospatial information, computing power, and artificial intelligence offers new opportunities to understand how and where our cities differ or are alike. Departing from a traditional `top-down' analysis of urban design features, this project analyses millions of images of urban form (consisting of street view, satellite imagery, and street maps) to find shared characteristics. A (novel) neural network-based framework is trained with imagery from the largest 1692 cities in the world and the resulting models are used to compare within-city locations from Melbourne and Sydney to determine the closest connections between these areas and their international comparators. This work demonstrates a new, consistent, and objective method to begin to understand the relationship between cities and their health, transport, and environmental consequences of their design. The results show specific advantages and disadvantages using each type of imagery. Neural networks trained with map imagery will be highly influenced by the mix of roads, public transport, and green and blue space as well as the structure of these elements. The colours of natural and built features stand out as dominant characteristics in satellite imagery. The use of street view imagery will emphasise the features of a human scaled visual geography of streetscapes. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this research also answers the age-old question, ``Is there really a `Paris-end' to your city?''

    End-to-End Memory Networks: A Survey

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    Constructing a dialog system which can speak naturally with a human is considered as a major challenge of artificial intelligence. End-to-end dialog system is taken to be a primary research topic in the area of conversational systems. Since an end-to-end dialog system is structured based on learning a dialog policy from transactional dialogs in a defined extent, therefore, useful datasets are required for evaluating the learning procedures. In this paper, different deep learning techniques are applied to the Dialog bAbI datasets. On this dataset, the performance of the proposed techniques is analyzed. The performance results demonstrate that all the proposed techniques attain decent precisions on the Dialog bAbI datasets. The best performance is obtained utilizing end-to-end memory network with a unified weight tying scheme (UN2N)

    Un modelo global de predicción de quiebra con redes neuronales

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    El capítulo 3 está dedicado al proceso de obtención de las muestras, a las variables utilizadas y a los criterios tenidos en cuenta para la selección de las mismas. Por su parte, en el capítulo 4 se presentan los resultados del análisis empírico, dejando constancia de los modelos de predicción de la quiebra desarrollados y de la robustez de los mismos. Finalmente, el trabajo concluye con una discusión sobre los resultados alcanzados, con la exposición de las principales conclusiones obtenidas y con el detalle de la bibliografía consultada. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 29 de enero 2019.El presente trabajo trata de responder a la cuestión de investigación de si es posible mejorar la precisión de los modelos globales de predicción de quiebra existentes en la literatura previa. Para responder a esta cuestión se ha tenido en cuenta los excelentes resultados de clasificación que proporcionan los métodos computacionales tales como las redes neuronales artificiales, y se han construidos tanto modelos regionales para Asia, Europa y Norte América, como modelos globales. En concreto, se ha utilizado el denominado Perceptrón Multicapa y los resultados obtenidos han permitido constatar una mayor precisión de los métodos computacionales frente a las técnicas estadísticas tradicionales. La estructura del presente trabajo de investigación es la siguiente. En el capítulo 1 se lleva a cabo un análisis de la literatura previa sobre predicción de quiebra. De este análisis se han obtenido conclusiones sobre los métodos aplicados y su perfeccionamiento, sobre las variables empleadas, y sobre la evolución de los resultados obtenidos por los distintos modelos. Además, y atendiendo al enfoque de estudio adoptado, se ha analizado la literatura diferenciando entre modelos globales y modelos regionales. Este primer capítulo concluye aportando una clasificación de los estudios previos en la que se pone de manifiesto los principales argumentos utilizados y la brecha existente acerca de la superioridad de los modelos globales frente a los modelos regionales. El capítulo 2 aborda los fundamentos del método de naturaleza computacional utilizado en el presente trabajo. Además, se presentan la técnica de validación cruzada y los principales criterios de selección de modelos, que han sido adicionalmente utilizados para el contraste de los resultados