36 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Kelekatan Terhadap Ayah Dengan Kecenderungan Kecanduan Game Online Pada Remaja Laki-laki Pengguna Game Online Di Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelekatan terhadap ayah dengan kecenderungan kecanduan game online pada remaja laki-laki pengguna game online di Kabupaten Grobogan.Subjek penelitian ini adalah remaja laki-laki pengguna game online di Kabupaten Grobogan. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 78 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan skala kecenderungan kecanduan game online (41 aitem valid dengan α=0,938) dan skala kelekatan terhadap ayah (38 aitem valid dengan α=0,908) yang telah diujicobakan pada 38 remaja laki-laki pengguna game online di Kabupaten Grobogan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy=-0,513 dengan p=0,000 (p<0,05), yang berarti terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara kelekatan terhadap ayah dengan kecenderungan kecanduan game online pada remaja laki-laki pengguna game online di Kabupaten Grobogan. Artinya, semakin tinggi kelekatan terhadap ayah maka semakin rendah kecenderungan kecanduan game online, sebaliknya semakin tendah kelekatan terhadap ayah maka semakin tinggi kecenderungan kecanduan game online. Kelekatan terhadap ayah memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,3% pada kecenderungan kecanduan game online dan sebesar 73,7% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini

    Adolescent internet abuse. A study on the role of attachment to parents and peers in a large community sample

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    Adolescents are the main users of new technologies and theirmain purpose of use is social interaction. Although new technologies are useful to teenagers, in addressing their developmental tasks, recent studies have shown that they may be an obstacle in their growth. Research shows that teenagers with Internet addiction experience lower quality in their relationships with parents and more individual difficulties. However, limited research is available on the role played by adolescents' attachment to parents and peers, considering their psychological profiles.We evaluated in a large community sample of adolescents (N= 1105) the Internet use/abuse, the adolescents' attachment to parents and peers, and their psychological profiles. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to verify the influence of parental and peer attachment on Internet use/abuse, considering the moderating effect of adolescents' psychopathological risk. Results showed that adolescents' attachment to parents had a significant effect on Internet use. Adolescents' psychopathological risk had a moderating effect on the relationship between attachment to mothers and Internet use. Our study shows that further research is needed, taking into account both individual and family variables

    Parents’ influence on children's online usage

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    Children nowadays has unlimited access to the Internet that possibly will harm them, thus parents’ roles in mitigating their children online risks is crucial.Previous studies show a positive parent-child attachment may reduce the risks. A survey was conducted and a total of 387 participants aged 9 to 16 have been recruited to completed a 14-item questionnaire form.The instrument consists of three sub-scales, namely trust, communication and alienation.Results showed that almost 80% of children in this study trust their parents, feel their parents’ concern (75%), and depend on their parents (74%).Malaysian children are actually very in need to be safe during online due the facts that they knew regarding the Internet effects.They also show a willingness to do the right things by letting their parents involve into their online live activities

    Attachment and problematic Facebook use in adolescents: the mediating role of metacognitions

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    Background and aims: Recent research used attachment theory and the metacognitive tenet as frameworks to explain problematic Facebook use (PFU). This study aims to test, in a single model, the role of different attachment styles and metacognitions in PFU among adolescents. Methods: Two separate studies were conducted in order to establish the link between security (Study 1) and insecurity (Study 2), metacognitions, and PFU. A total of 369 and 442 Italian adolescents (age: 14–20 years old) participated in Study 1 and Study 2, respectively. Results: Path analyses revealed the relative importance of different attachment dimensions with mother and father in predicting PFU and the mediating role of metacognitions between attachment styles and PFU. Discussion and conclusion: In conclusion, since attachment styles and PFU may significantly affect adolescents’ development and well-being, the results of this study may provide some practical indications for researchers and practitioners

    Investigation of relationship between smartphone addiction and internet addiction in working children in industry

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    Aim:  The aim of the study was conducted to examine the relationship between smartphone addiction and internet addiction of working children in industry.Material and Method: This research was carried out with 183 children working at various work places in Diyarbakır province center between January and March 2017 as a descriptive relational. Child Information Form, Young Internet Addiction Scale and Smart Phone Dependence Scale were used in the study. The data were collected by face-to-face interview technique.Results: According to the statistical results of the study group, the average age of the students participating in the study was 14.53 ± 2.08. The average Internet and smartphone addiction scores of children whose mother were not alive (p = 0.000) or whose father (p = 0.000) were not alive and whose internet use was not supported (p = 0.000) were found to be higher. The mean scores of the groups were found to be significantly different. The mean internet and smart phone addiction scores of the children who worked well with the master at work (p = 0.000, p = 0.035) were found to be low and there was a significant difference between the groups. Children who were exposed to violence in the work environment (p=0.000) are quite high internet and smart phone addiction scores and the difference between the groups was found to be significant. It had founded that the children who use smart phone and internet for fun (p = 0.001, p = 0.002), chatting (p = 0.005) and browsing sites (p = 0.038, p = 0.001) was higher phone addiction and internet addiction scores. It was determined that there was a meaningful difference between the average scoresConclusion: Working children showed high internet and smart phone addiction behaviors, this resulted from originated family and social environment

    Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication / Uso problemático del móvil, fobia a sentirse excluido y comunicación familiar de los adolescentes

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    This research analyzes the problematic use of mobile phone, the phenomenon of fear of missing Out (FoMO) and the communication between parents and children in students who attend secondary education in public and private centers of the regions of Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and Valencia. The research involved 569 students aged between 12 and 19 years. The instruments used were the «Mobil phone related experiences questionnaire», the Spanish adaptation of the «Fear of missing out questionnaire» and the communication dimension with parents of the «Parents and peers attachment inventory». The results show that: 1) An increased problematic use of the mobile phone is associated with a higher level of FoMO; 2) The students who frequently use the mobile phone and communicate more with their friends have a higher average score in the «Mobile phone related experiences questionnaire» and in the «Fear of missing out questionnaire»; 3) The students that use the mobile phone for less time has a greater communication with fathers and mothers. We discuss the relevance of the study of FoMO and parents-children communication as factors that affect the problematic use of mobile phone in young people. Centers’ guidance teams, families and teachers have to create a common learning space to promote the responsible use of mobile phone

    Prediction Of Problematic Internet Use By Attachment In University Students

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    Aim of this research is to examine the predictive power of attachment style on problematic internet use among university students. Participants of study consist of 481 university students (230 girls). Results indicate that there is a negative correlation between secure attachment style and social benefit/social comfort and there is a positive correlation between preoccupied attachment style and social benefit/social comfort which is a sub-dimension of problematic internet use. Considering predictive power of attachment on problematic internet use, results show that preoccupied, secure and dismissing attachment styles are significant predictors of social benefit/social comfort. Results and comments for the future studies on problematic internet use and attachment were discussed in general

    The Roles of Perceived Social Support, Coping, and Loneliness in Predicting Internet Addiction in Adolescents

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    The current research aims to examine the roles of perceived social support, coping, and loneliness when predicting the Internet addiction in adolescents. The research participants included 300 high school students, with an average age of 16.49 and SD=1.27, attending schools in a city in Southeastern Anatolian Region during 2015-2016 academic years. Participant adolescents included 180 females (60%) and 120 males (40%). Data collection was conducted through Short Form of Young’s Internet Addiction Test, Revised Form of Multi-Dimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, Coping Scale for Children and Youth, and the UCLA Loneliness Scale – Short-Form. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used to analyze the research data. Research findings showed that perceived social support from significant other support, loneliness, and cognitive avoidance and problem solving among coping strategies significantly predicted Internet addiction. Family support and friend support as sub-dimensions of perceived social support and assistance seeking and behavioral avoidance among coping strategies were not found to predict Internet addiction. Research findings were discussed based on the relevant literature, interpreted, and suggestions for researchers were put forward. Keywords: Internet addiction, perceived social support, coping strategies, loneliness, adolescent

    Czynniki chroniące i czynniki ryzyka związane z zaangażowaniem w sprawstwo bullyingu i cyberbullyingu

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    The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying perpetration among adolescents and to test the role of demographic (gender, age) and psychosocial variables (self-esteem, loneliness and school climate) associated with these aggressive behaviours. An anonymous questionnaire was fi lled in by 2.326 adolescents from Italian middle and high schools. Results showed that cyberbullying appeared to be less frequent as compared with traditional forms of bullying. Logistic regression analyses revealed a strong continuity between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Loneliness perceived in the relationships with parents was a very relevant predictor of both forms of bullying (traditional and cyber): i.e. the adolescents who perceived parents as distant were more involved in bullying. A negative relationship with teachers and a low self-esteem about school were other signifi cant risk factors for traditional and cyber perpetration. Besides these common predictors, some differences were found among predictors in traditional bullying and cyberbullying. In fact, males and students of high schools declared to be more involved in the role of a traditional bully than female and younger preadolescents, while gender and age had no predictive role for cyberbullying. A high perception of self-esteem in rela-tionships with peers, a low aversion to loneliness and a perception of unsafety at school triggered cyberbullying, while a high perception of self-esteem in sports activities and of a poor support at school increased the probability of becoming a traditional bully. The results have been discussed focussing on the family and school contexts as crucial relational environments to be considered for intervention programs aimed at preventing not only traditional bullying but also forms of aggression in the virtual world.Celem tego badania było określenie częstotliwości sprawstwa w zakresie bullyingu i cyberbullyingu wśród adolescentów. Badano związki tego zjawiska z cechami społeczno-demografi cznymi (płeć, wiek) oraz zmiennymi psychospołecznymi (tj. samooceną, samotnością, czy klimatem społecznym szkoły).Anonimowy kwestionariusz został wypełniony przez 2326 adolescentów z wło-skich szkół. Cyberbullying okazał się zjawiskiem rzadziej występującym niż bullying, jednak regresja logistyczna wykazała wyraźnie współwystępowanie tych zjawisk.Samotność doświadczana w relacjach z rodzicami okazała się być predykatorem obu rodzajów przemocy rówieśniczej. Podobnie niska samoocena i złe relacje z nauczycielami korelowały dodatnio z zaangażowaniem w obydwa rodzaje prze-mocy rówieśniczej.Pojawiło się także kilka mniej oczywistych zależności. Starsi nastolatkowie częściej angażowali się jako sprawcy w tradycyjny bullying (w porównaniu z młodszymi chłopcami i dziewczętami). Zmienne te okazały się bez znaczenia przy zaangażowaniu w cyberbullying. Wysoka samoocena w relacji z rówieśnikami, niskie poczucie samotności i postrzeganie szkoły jako niebezpiecznej korelowało z cyberbullyingiem. Z kolei, wysoka samoocena w zakresie kompetencji sportowych i niskie wsparcie w szkole zwiększało prawdopodobieństwo stania się sprawcą tra-dycyjnej agresji. Wyniki potwierdzają, że kluczowe środowiska – rodzina i szkoła – są istotne nie tylko dla zaangażowania w tradycyjną, ale też wirtualną agresję. Powinny one być zatem uwzględniane w programach profi laktycznych dotyczących obydwu tych zjawisk


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    Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh bermain game mobile Mobile Legends: Bang Bang pada kepuasan hubungan keluarga. Kepuasan Hubungan keluarga diukur menggunakan versi skala kepuasan hubungan keluarga Olson yang diterjemahkan dan sedikit dimodifikasi. Pemain Mobile Legends: Bang Bang mengisi kuesioner survei online sebagai prasyarat untuk pendaftaran kompetisi Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Secara total, 204 tanggapan yang valid dikumpulkan. Analisis korelasional mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi antara rentang waktu pemain telah bermain Mobile Legend: Bang Bang dengan kepuasan hubungan keluarga. Tidak ditemukan pula korelasi antara lama pemain bermain Mobile Legend: Bang Bang dalam satu sesi dengan kepuasan hubungan keluarga. Tetapi ditemukan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara tingkat keseringan bermain Mobile Legend: Bang Bang dengan kepuasan komunikasi keluarga gamer. Kata Kunci: mobile gaming, kepuasan hubunngan keluarga, video game, Mobile Legend