168 research outputs found

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 272)

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    This bibliography lists 719 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1991. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Retrofit systems for reconfiguration in civil aviation

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-223).A new concept for retrofitting a reconfiguration module to an existing control law is reported in this thesis. The concept is motivated by the need for low cost, add-on modules that improve air safety in the existing fleet of civil air transport vehicles. A direct adaptive approach that accommodates control surface nonlinearities is adopted, which uses a slowly adapting model of the closed-loop aircraft as the reference model. The motivation, benefits, and components of the architecture are presented. In addition, the issues of control surface magnitude and rate saturation are addressed. A proof of stability is outlined for input-error adaptation when position and rate saturation are present. The reconfiguration architecture is demonstrated using an F/A-18 and a generic transport nonlinear simulator. General issues associated with commercial transport reconfiguration are highlighted. In both the longitudinal and directional axes, the control surfaces are not well balanced from a reconfiguration viewpoint. As a result, a novel reconfiguration control allocation scheme was devised that blends in all the control effectors in a given axis to perform the reconfiguration task. The simulation results revealed that the reconfiguration architecture does provide reconfiguration functionality for a wide variety of control surface failures. The reconfiguration potential is illustrated through comparisons of post-failure performance with and without reconfiguration via non-linear simulations. Additionally, comparisons between post-failure performance and nominal performance are made through non-linear simulations, closed-loop frequency responses, and aircraft handling qualities. For all of the failure scenarios illustrated, the simulation results showed that the aircraft without reconfiguration departs; with reconfiguration, nominal performance is achieve provided that adequate control authority exists post-failure.by Jerry M. Wohletz.Ph.D

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography (supplement 158)

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    This bibliography lists 499 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1983

    NASA LaRC Workshop on Guidance, Navigation, Controls, and Dynamics for Atmospheric Flight, 1993

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    This publication is a collection of materials presented at a NASA workshop on guidance, navigation, controls, and dynamics (GNC&D) for atmospheric flight. The workshop was held at the NASA Langley Research Center on March 18-19, 1993. The workshop presentations describe the status of current research in the GNC&D area at Langley over a broad spectrum of research branches. The workshop was organized in eight sessions: overviews, general, controls, military aircraft, dynamics, guidance, systems, and a panel discussion. A highlight of the workshop was the panel discussion which addressed the following issue: 'Direction of guidance, navigation, and controls research to ensure U.S. competitiveness and leadership in aerospace technologies.

    Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Aerospace Computational Control, volume 1

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    Conference topics included definition of tool requirements, advanced multibody component representation descriptions, model reduction, parallel computation, real time simulation, control design and analysis software, user interface issues, testing and verification, and applications to spacecraft, robotics, and aircraft

    Advances in gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control techniques

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    This thesis presents some contributions to the state-of-the-art of the fields of gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control (FTC). In the area of gain-scheduling, the connections between the linear parameter varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) paradigms are analyzed, showing that the methods for the automated generation of models by nonlinear embedding and by sector nonlinearity, developed for one class of systems, can be easily extended to deal with the other class. Then, two measures, based on the notions of overboundedness and region of attraction estimates, are proposed in order to compare different models and choose which one can be considered the best one. Later, the problem of designing state-feedback controllers for LPV systems has been considered, providing two main contributions. First, robust LPV controllers that can guarantee some desired performances when applied to uncertain LPV systems are designed, by using a double-layer polytopic description that takes into account both the variability due to the varying parameter vector and the uncertainty. Then, the idea of designing the controller in such a way that the required performances are scheduled by the varying parameters is explored, which provides an elegant way to vary online the behavior of the closed-loop system. In both cases, the problem reduces to finding a solution to a finite number of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which can be done efficiently using the available solvers. In the area of fault tolerant control, the thesis first shows that the aforementioned double-layer polytopic framework can be used for FTC, in such a way that different strategies (passive, active and hybrid) are obtained depending on the amount of available information. Later, an FTC strategy for LPV systems that involves a reconfigured reference model and virtual actuators is developed. It is shown that by including the saturations in the reference model equations, it is possible to design a model reference FTC system that automatically retunes the reference states whenever the system is affected by saturation nonlinearities. In this way, a graceful performance degradation in presence of actuator saturations is incorporated in an elegant way. Finally, the problem of FTC of unstable LPV systems subject to actuator saturations is considered. In this case, the design of the virtual actuator is performed in such a way that the convergence of the state trajectory to zero is assured despite the saturations and the appearance of faults. Also, it is shown that it is possible to obtain some guarantees about the tolerated delay between the fault occurrence and its isolation, and that the nominal controller can be designed so as to maximize the tolerated delay.Aquesta tesi presenta diverses contribucions a l'estat de l'art del control per planificació del guany i del control tolerant a fallades (FTC). Pel que fa al control per planificació del guany, s'analitzen les connexions entre els paradigmes dels sistemes lineals a paràmetres variants en el temps (LPV) i de Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Es demostra que els mètodes per a la generació automàtica de models mitjançant encastament no lineal i mitjançant no linealitat sectorial, desenvolupats per una classe de sistemes, es poden estendre fàcilment per fer-los servir amb l'altra classe. Es proposen dues mesures basades en les nocions de sobrefitació i d'estimació de la regió d'atracció, per tal de comparar diferents models i triar quin d'ells pot ser considerat el millor. Després, es considera el problema de dissenyar controladors per realimentació d'estat per a sistemes LPV, proporcionant dues contribucions principals. En primer lloc, fent servir una descripció amb doble capa politòpica que té en compte tant la variabilitat deguda al vector de paràmetres variants i la deguda a la incertesa, es dissenyen controladors LPV robustos que puguin garantir unes especificacions desitjades quan s'apliquen a sistemes LPV incerts. En segon lloc, s'explora la idea de dissenyar el controlador de tal manera que les especificacions requerides siguin programades pels paràmetres variants. Això proporciona una manera elegant de variar en línia el comportament del sistema en llaç tancat. En tots dos casos, el problema es redueix a trobar una solució d'un nombre finit de desigualtats matricials lineals (LMIs), que es poden resoldre fent servir algorismes numèrics disponibles i molt eficients. En l'àrea del control tolerant a fallades, primerament la tesi mostra que la descripció amb doble capa politòpica abans esmentada es pot utilitzar per fer FTC, de tal manera que, en funció de la quantitat d'informació disponible, s'obtenen diferents estratègies (passiva, activa i híbrida). Després, es desenvolupa una estratègia de FTC per a sistemes LPV que fa servir un model de referència reconfigurat combinat amb la tècnica d'actuadors virtuals. Es mostra que mitjançant la inclusió de les saturacions en les equacions del model de referència, és possible dissenyar un sistema de control tolerant a fallades que resintonitza automàticament els estats de referència cada vegada que el sistema es veu afectat per les no linealitats de la saturació en els actuadors. D'aquesta manera s'incorpora una degradació elegant de les especificacions en presència de saturacions d'actuadors. Finalment, es considera el problema de FTC per sistemes LPV inestables afectats per saturacions d'actuadors. En aquest cas, es porta a terme el disseny de l'actuador virtual de tal manera que la convergència a zero de la trajectòria d'estat està assegurada tot i les saturacions i l'aparició de fallades. A més, es mostra que és possible obtenir garanties sobre el retard tolerat entre l'aparició d'una fallada i el seu aïllament, i que el controlador nominal es pot dissenyar maximitzant el retard tolerat

    Automatic Flight Control Systems

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    The history of flight control is inseparably linked to the history of aviation itself. Since the early days, the concept of automatic flight control systems has evolved from mechanical control systems to highly advanced automatic fly-by-wire flight control systems which can be found nowadays in military jets and civil airliners. Even today, many research efforts are made for the further development of these flight control systems in various aspects. Recent new developments in this field focus on a wealth of different aspects. This book focuses on a selection of key research areas, such as inertial navigation, control of unmanned aircraft and helicopters, trajectory control of an unmanned space re-entry vehicle, aeroservoelastic control, adaptive flight control, and fault tolerant flight control. This book consists of two major sections. The first section focuses on a literature review and some recent theoretical developments in flight control systems. The second section discusses some concepts of adaptive and fault-tolerant flight control systems. Each technique discussed in this book is illustrated by a relevant example

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 259)

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    This bibliography lists 774 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1990. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Design, Implementation and Testing of Advanced Control Laws for Fixed-wing UAVs

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    The present PhD thesis addresses the problem of the control of small fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In the scientific community much research is dedicated to the study of suitable control laws for this category of aircraft. This interest is motivated by the several applications that these platforms can perform and by their peculiarities as dynamical systems. In fact, small UAVs are characterized by highly nonlinear behavior, strong coupling between longitudinal and latero-directional planes, and high sensitivity to external disturbances and to parametric uncertainties. Furthermore, the challenge is increased by the limited space and weight available for the onboard electronics. The aim of this PhD thesis is to provide a valid confrontation among three different control techniques and to introduce an innovative autopilot configuration suitable for the unmanned aircraft field. Three advanced controllers for fixed-wing unmanned aircraft vehicles are designed and implemented: PID with H1 robust approach, L1 adaptive controller and nonlinear backstepping controller. All of them are analyzed from the theoretical point of view and validated through numerical simulations with a mathematical UAV model. One is implemented on a microcontroller board, validated through hardware simulations and tested in flight. The PID with H1 robust approach is used for the definition of the gains of a commercial autopilot. The proposed technique combines traditional PID control with an H1 loop shaping method to assess the robustness characteristics achievable with simple PID gains. It is demonstrated that this hybrid approach provides a promising solution to the problem of tuning commercial autopilots for UAVs. Nevertheless, it is clear that a tradeoff between robustness and performance is necessary when dealing with this standard control technique. The robustness problem is effectively solved by the adoption of an L1 adaptive controller for complete aircraft control. In particular, the L1 logic here adopted is based on piecewise constant adaptive laws with an adaptation rate compatible with the sampling rate of an autopilot board CPU. The control scheme includes an L1 adaptive controller for the inner loop, while PID gains take care of the outer loop. The global controller is tuned on a linear decoupled aircraft model. It is demonstrated that the achieved configuration guarantees satisfying performance also when applied to a complete nonlinear model affected by uncertainties and parametric perturbations. The third controller implemented is based on an existing nonlinear backstepping technique. A scheme for longitudinal and latero-directional control based on the combination of PID for the outer loop and backstepping for the inner loop is proposed. Satisfying results are achieved also when the nonlinear aircraft model is perturbed by parametric uncertainties. A confrontation among the three controllers shows that L1 and backstepping are comparable in terms of nominal and robust performance, with an advantage for L1, while the PID is always inferior. The backstepping controller is chosen for being implemented and tested on a real fixed-wing RC aircraft. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations validate its real-time control capability on the complete nonlinear model of the aircraft adopted for the tests, inclusive of sensors noise. An innovative microcontroller technology is employed as core of the autopilot system, it interfaces with sensors and servos in order to handle input/output operations and it performs the control law computation. Preliminary ground tests validate the suitability of the autopilot configuration. A limited number of flight tests is performed. Promising results are obtained for the control of longitudinal states, while latero-directional control still needs major improvements
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