457 research outputs found

    New conditions for testing necessarily/possibly efficiency of non-degenerate basic solutions based on the tolerance approach

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    In this paper, a specific type of multiobjective linear programming problem with interval objective func- tion coefficients is studied. Usually, in such problems, it is not possible to obtain an optimal solution which optimizes simultaneously all objective functions in the interval multiobjective linear programming (IMOLP) problem, requiring the selection of a compromise solution. In conventional multiobjective pro- gramming problems these compromise solutions are called efficient solutions. However, the efficiency cannot be defined in a unique way in IMOLP problems. Necessary efficiency and possible efficiency have been considered as two natural extensions of efficiency to IMOLP problems. In this case, necessarily ef- ficient solutions may not exist and the set of possibly efficient solutions usually has an infinite number of elements. Furthermore, it has been concluded that the problem of checking necessary efficiency is co- NP-complete even for the case of only one objective function. In this paper, we explore new conditions for testing necessarily/possibly efficiency of basic non-degenerate solutions in IMOLP problems. We show properties of the necessarily efficient solutions in connection with possibly and necessarily optimal solu- tions to the related single objective problems. Moreover, we utilize the tolerance approach and sensitivity analysis for testing the necessary efficiency. Finally, based on the new conditions, a procedure to obtain some necessarily efficient and strictly possibly efficient solutions to multiobjective problems with interval objective functions is suggested.This research was partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project ECO2017-88883-R ) and by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under project grant UID/Multi/00308/2019 . This work has been also partly sup- ported by the Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía (PAI group SEJ-532 ). Carla Oliveira Henriques also acknowledges the training received from the University of Malaga PhD Programme in Economy and Business [Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Malaga]. José Rui Figueira acknowledges the support from the FCT grant SFRH/BSAB/139892/2018 under POCH Program and to the DOME (Discrete Optimization Methods for Energy management) FCT Re- search Project (Ref: PTDC/CCI-COM/31198/2017)

    The tolerance approach in multiobjective linear fractional programming

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    When solving a multiobjective programming problem by the weighted sum ap- proach, weights represent the relative importance associated to the objectives. As these values are usually imprecise, it is important to analyze the sensitivity of the solution under possible deviations on the estimated values. In this sense, the toler- ance approach provides a direct measure of how weights may vary simultaneously and independently from their estimated values while still retaining the same efficient solution. This paper provides an explicit expression to the maximum tolerance on weights in a multiobjective linear fractional programming problem when all the denominators are equal. An application is also presented to illustrate how the results may help the decision maker to choose a most satisfactory solution in a production problem


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    Tolerance sensitivity analysis was conceived in 1980 as a pragmatic approach to effectively characterize a parametric region over which objective function coefficients and right-hand-side terms in linear programming could vary simultaneously and independently while maintaining the same optimal basis. As originally proposed, the tolerance region corresponds to the maximum percentage by which coefficients or terms could vary from their estimated values. Over the last thirty years the original results have been extended in a number of ways and applied in a variety of applications. This paper is a critical review of tolerance sensitivity analysis, including extensions and applications

    Approaches to Sensitivity Analysis in MOLP

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    Domination and Decomposition in Multiobjective Programming

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    During the last few decades, multiobjective programming has received much attention for both its numerous theoretical advances as well as its continued success in modeling and solving real-life decision problems in business and engineering. In extension of the traditionally adopted concept of Pareto optimality, this research investigates the more general notion of domination and establishes various theoretical results that lead to new optimization methods and support decision making. After a preparatory discussion of some preliminaries and a review of the relevant literature, several new findings are presented that characterize the nondominated set of a general vector optimization problem for which the underlying domination structure is defined in terms of different cones. Using concepts from linear algebra and convex analysis, a well known result relating nondominated points for polyhedral cones with Pareto solutions is generalized to nonpolyhedral cones that are induced by positively homogeneous functions, and to translated polyhedral cones that are used to describe a notion of approximate nondominance. Pareto-oriented scalarization methods are modified and several new solution approaches are proposed for these two classes of cones. In addition, necessary and sufficient conditions for nondominance with respect to a variable domination cone are developed, and some more specific results for the case of Bishop-Phelps cones are derived. Based on the above findings, a decomposition framework is proposed for the solution of multi-scenario and large-scale multiobjective programs and analyzed in terms of the efficiency relationships between the original and the decomposed subproblems. Using the concept of approximate nondominance, an interactive decision making procedure is formulated to coordinate tradeoffs between these subproblems and applied to selected problems from portfolio optimization and engineering design. Some introductory remarks and concluding comments together with ideas and research directions for possible future work complete this dissertation

    Multifidelity Analysis and Optimization for Supersonic Design

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    Supersonic aircraft design is a computationally expensive optimization problem and multifidelity approaches over a significant opportunity to reduce design time and computational cost. This report presents tools developed to improve supersonic aircraft design capabilities including: aerodynamic tools for supersonic aircraft configurations; a systematic way to manage model uncertainty; and multifidelity model management concepts that incorporate uncertainty. The aerodynamic analysis tools developed are appropriate for use in a multifidelity optimization framework, and include four analysis routines to estimate the lift and drag of a supersonic airfoil, a multifidelity supersonic drag code that estimates the drag of aircraft configurations with three different methods: an area rule method, a panel method, and an Euler solver. In addition, five multifidelity optimization methods are developed, which include local and global methods as well as gradient-based and gradient-free techniques

    Genetic Algorithm-Based Model for Determination of Efficient Management Strategies for Irrigation Canal Networks

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    An optimization model for the determination of efficient management strategies for an irrigation canal network is developed. The objective is to minimize the total water consumed while satisfying various system constraints. An unsteady flow model is used to simulate the flow in the network. A genetic algorithm- (GA-) based framework is used to solve the model. The suitable GA parameters that should be used within the model, as well as the performance of various constraint-handling techniques, are studied. Uncertainties in crop pattern and water consumption rates are incorporated into the search procedure to identify more reliable solutions. A graphical interface is also developed to make the model more user-friendly

    Dealing with imprecise information in group multicriteria decisions: a methodology and a GDSS architecture

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    This paper outlines a distributed GDSS suitable to be used over the Internet, based on the VIP Analysis methodology and software. VIP Analysis incorporates complementary approaches to deal with the aggregation of multicriteria performances by means of an additive value function under imprecise information. This proposed GDSS intends to support a decision panel forming a democratic decision unit, whose members wish to reach a final decision in a choice problem, based on consensus or on some majority rule. Its purpose is not to impose an aggregated model from the individual ones. Rather, the GDSS is designed to reflect to each member the consequences of his/her inputs, confronting them with analogous reflections of the group members' inputs. We propose aggregation procedures to provide a reflection of the group's inputs to each of its members, and an architecture for a GDSS implementing these procedures.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCT-4B5JR15-7/1/ec69930c867d6cea3058a818f9f33fe