19 research outputs found

    Artifacts for Agile User-Centered Design: A Systematic Mapping

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    Abstract—The integration of Agile and User-Centered Design methods is a fundamental condition to improve the quality of software products. However, one of the main problems faced to establish this integration on a day-to-day basis is how to improve communication among the invariably distinct involved teams. We believe that the artifacts involved in the development process could be used to support and increase teams’ communication. To better understand this scenario, we performed a systematic mapping study on artifacts and their role in the communication between Agile and User-Centered Design fields. Through the analysis of 56 papers dealing with this specific topic, we present the artifacts used for communication in these approaches and software development events when they are used. The analyzed studies reinforced our beliefs about the importance of artifacts to improve teams’ communication

    Requirements engineering related usability techniques adopted in agile development processes

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    Over the last decade there has been a growing interest in the integration of agile software development process (ASDP) and user-centred design (UCD). However, there are no papers that study which usability techniques related to requirements engineering are being adopted in the ASDP, and there are no formalized proposals for their adoption. Objective: Identify which techniques related to requirements engineering activities are being adopted in the ASDP and determine how they are being adopted. Method: We have conducted a systematic mapping study (SMS) to retrieve the literature reporting the application of usability techniques in the ASDP. We analysed these techniques using a catalogue of techniques compiled by software engineering researchers. We then determined the manner in which the techniques that are being used in the ASDP were adopted. Results: The agile community is very much interested in adopting usability techniques. The most used techniques are Personas, contextual inquiry and prototyping. Conclusions: This research offers an overview of the adoption of usability techniques related to requirements engineering in ASDPs and reports how they are being adopted. We found that some of the techniques are being adapted for adoption.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FLEXOR and “Realizando Experimentos en la Industria del Software: Comprensión del Paso de Laboratorio a la Realidad” projects (TIN2014-52129-R and TIN2014-60490-P, respectively) and the eMadrid-CM “Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid” project (S2013/ICE-2715

    Managing usability evaluation practices in agile development environments

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    Usability evaluation is a core usability activity that minimizes risks and improves product quality. The returns from usability evaluation are undeniable. Neglecting such evaluation at the development stage negatively affects software usability. In this paper, the authors develop a software management tool used to incorporate usability evaluation activities into the agile environment. Using this tool, agile development teams can manage a continuous evaluation process, tightly coupled with the development process, allowing them to develop high quality software products with adequate level of usability. The tool was evaluated through verification, followed by the validation on satisfaction. The evaluation results show that the tool increased software development practitioner satisfaction and is practical for supporting usability work in software projects.

    Usability Work in Agile Systems Development Practice:A Systematic Review

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    Beyond the border: A comparative literature review on communication practices for agile global outsourced software development projects

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    Software development is increasingly heading in the direction of combining agile software development practices and outsourcingsoftware development to external vendors worldwide. The resultingagile global outsourced software development (AGOSD) projects are characterized by applying agile methods to distributed environments, whichresults in several problems for collaboration and coordination. Specifically, communication between the project participantshas been found to be a major challenge in distributed environment. Therefore, our study investigates the problem of improving communication in distributed settings by identifying suitable communication practicesfor usage within AGOSD projects.Based on an extensive literature review,our study (1) provides an overview of adequate practices for usage in AGOSD and (2) points out differences to traditional communication practices ofagile software development(ASD)projects used in collocated, non-distributed environments

    On Implementing Usability Evaluation Activities within Agile Environment: A Plan Based-Process

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    In fast-paced software development cycles, poor governance may cause a loss of focus on the overarching objectives and implementation of usability work. We propose a conceptual framework that would assist software development teams in understanding and implementing usability evaluations in the described agile environments. The framework provides a common language that conveys the “big picture” of software development, details the roles needed for usability, and facilitates the analysis, discussion and communication of responsibilities and decision structures. The framework is supported by a visual mapping guideline that eases discussion and simplifies the process of incorporating usability work in companies

    Determinants for Successful Agile Collaboration between UX Designers and Software Developers in a Complex Organisation

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    Agile and User-centered design processes have been reported to frequently putting contradictory demands on people working within these methodological frameworks. The current research addresses this point by focussing on the crucial relationship between software developer and designer. An online survey, a contextual inquiry, and a diary study were employed with 107 developers and designers in a large media organization to determine the factors for success in agile development cycles. The results from the survey show that while developers and designers have similar levels of satisfaction with agile processes, there are differences in the factors predicting those ratings. Developers are happier with the wider teamwork but want more access to and close collaboration with designers, while the latters’ concern was the quality of the wider teamwork. Additional contextual inquiries and a diary study with pairs of designers and developers reflected the survey findings that close cooperation (and proximity) was essential for improving communication, reducing inefficiencies, and avoiding suboptimal products being released. However, organizational processes, the setup of the work environment, and managerial traditions meant that this close collaboration and localized decision-making was found difficult to maintain. Results from the survey, the contextual inquiry, and the diary study found six factors for success from collaborations emerged

    The fidelity of prototype and testing environment in usability tests

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    This doctoral thesis investigated what setup of a usability test can best support valid test outcomes. Several aspects of contextual fidelity were manipulated in experimental usability studies, to examine their impact on test results. The first study demonstrated that the medium of prototype presentation has effects on test outcomes, which have not been found in previous research. Using a more hypothesis-driven approach, it was shown that participants exhibited more reading activity when using a paper-based as compared to a computer prototype presented on screen. This resulted in better performance, if task success required reading a short paragraph of text. Consequently, the medium of prototype presentation needs to be considered to avoid that respective usability problems go undetected. A second study demonstrated that additional observers may cause stress for test participants, which can be measured at the physiological level. Some performance indicators were affected, but only in interaction with perceived developmental stage of the test system. A third study investigated the effects of a work or leisure context on the outcome of a usability test. No effects were found for the type of usage context, but even short response time delays proved to be relevant for performance and emotions. Relevant factors for the validity of usability test outcomes were identified and theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Keywords: Usability test; paper prototype; fidelity; observer presence; work and leisure domain; system response time; heart rate variability; validity

    Conducting usability testing in agile software development environment

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    Abstract. This Master’s thesis conducted a qualitative approached case study with triangulation to action research for usability testing in Agile software development. First, there was done literature review to create theoretical basis for research. After literature review, the research method was constructed from usability testing methods and qualitative research tools. When research method was explained, the implementation of the research method was opened to tell how the created research method was used. Explained implementation was followed by presenting the findings. Then discussion conducted cohesion between literature, research method, implementation, and findings. Finally, conclusions summarized the main points of the thesis. Literature review brought up several usability testing methods. Research method formed to use UCD, interview, SUS, and TAP from the usability testing methods that were found. Implementation conducted eight questions for semi structured interview, five tasks for second sprint’s TAP and four tasks for third sprint’s SUS. It was identified that TAP and SUS can be used in the same usability testing session. Moreover, there were found nine hypotheses to be tested. Eight of those hypotheses were successfully tested. It was also found that action research requires adaption during the research and Agile generates changes in the plans successfully. Usability testing should be done by using at least one usability testing method and taking end user into test sessions as soon as possible. Semi structured interview’s benefit is to have more open conversation type moment with the test user. TAP achieves descriptive analysis considering how test user experiences usability of the application. SUS offers general usability level of the application in the numeric scale. Improving steps for usability testing can be seen from type of the need for the different usability responses. Another way to identify improvement is to test a new usability testing method. One way to bring usability testing in Agile software development is to conduct usability testing at the end of every sprint

    Una revisión sistemática de usabilidad en metodologías ágiles

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    En los últimos años, se han aplicado técnicas de evaluación de usabilidad en el desarrollo de software. En las metodologías ágiles, éstas técnicas se están considerando, puesto que siempre han propuesto mejorar la calidad del producto. El objetivo de este trabajo de tesis es sintetizar el conocimiento existente referente a los métodos de evaluación de usabilidad que se han aplicado en las metodologías a través de la realización de una revisión sistemática. La estrategia de búsqueda identificó un total de 307 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 32. Los resultados muestran que las técnicas de usabilidad utilizadas con mayor frecuencia son el prototipado rápido (40%), la indagación individual (37%), las pruebas formales de usabilidad (25%) y las evaluaciones heurísticas (18%). Los resultados obtenidos han permitido conocer el estado actual de las técnicas de evaluación de usabilidad en metodologías ágiles, esto contribuye a identificar lagunas de investigación, información que pueda ayudar a otros profesionales interesados en el tema de investigación.Tesi