153 research outputs found

    Adaptive detection of distributed targets in compound-Gaussian noise without secondary data: A Bayesian approach

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    In this paper, we deal with the problem of adaptive detection of distributed targets embedded in colored noise modeled in terms of a compound-Gaussian process and without assuming that a set of secondary data is available.The covariance matrices of the data under test share a common structure while having different power levels. A Bayesian approach is proposed here, where the structure and possibly the power levels are assumed to be random, with appropriate distributions. Within this framework we propose GLRT-based and ad-hoc detectors. Some simulation studies are presented to illustrate the performances of the proposed algorithms. The analysis indicates that the Bayesian framework could be a viable means to alleviate the need for secondary data, a critical issue in heterogeneous scenarios

    An adaptive detection of spread targets in locally Gaussian clutter using a long integration time

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    This paper deals with the problem of detecting a collision target in ground clutter, using a long integration time. A single reception channel being available, classical space time adaptive processing (STAP) cannot be used. After range processing, ground clutter can be modeled as a known interference subspace in the Doppler domain depending on its radial and orthoradial speeds. We exploit this a priori knowledge to perform an adpative detection of a collision target supposed to lie in a known and different subspace. A GLRT detector is first derived for known clutter covariance matrix. Then, the unknown covariance matrix is adaptively estimated from the projection of the data onto the modeled clutter subspace, and is plugged in the GLRT to form a suboptimal detector. The proposed scheme can be viewed as a synthetic STAP, for which the space domain is replaced by a clutter orthoradial information and longer integration time

    Adaptive radar detection in the presence of textured and discrete interference

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    Under a number of practical operating scenarios, traditional moving target indicator (MTI) systems inadequately suppress ground clutter in airborne radar systems. Due to the moving platform, the clutter gains a nonzero relative velocity and spreads the power across Doppler frequencies. This obfuscates slow-moving targets of interest near the "direct current" component of the spectrum. In response, space-time adaptive processing (STAP) techniques have been developed that simultaneously operate in the space and time dimensions for effective clutter cancellation. STAP algorithms commonly operate under the assumption of homogeneous clutter, where the returns are described by complex, white Gaussian distributions. Empirical evidence shows that this assumption is invalid for many radar systems of interest, including high-resolution radar and radars operating at low grazing angles. We are interested in these heterogeneous cases, i.e., cases when the Gaussian model no longer suffices. Hence, the development of reliable STAP algorithms for real systems depends on the accuracy of the heterogeneous clutter models. The clutter of interest in this work includes heterogeneous texture clutter and point clutter. We have developed a cell-based clutter model (CCM) that provides simple, yet faithful means to simulate clutter scenarios for algorithm testing. The scene generated by the CMM can be tuned with two parameters, essentially describing the spikiness of the clutter scene. In one extreme, the texture resembles point clutter, generating strong returns from localized range-azimuth bins. On the other hand, our model can also simulate a flat, homogeneous environment. We prove the importance of model-based STAP techniques, namely knowledge-aided parametric covariance estimation (KAPE), in filtering a gamut of heterogeneous texture scenes. We demonstrate that the efficacy of KAPE does not diminish in the presence of typical spiky clutter. Computational complexities and susceptibility to modeling errors prohibit the use of KAPE in real systems. The computational complexity is a major concern, as the standard KAPE algorithm requires the inversion of an MNxMN matrix for each range bin, where M and N are the number of array elements and the number of pulses of the radar system, respectively. We developed a Gram Schmidt (GS) KAPE method that circumvents the need of a direct inversion and reduces the number of required power estimates. Another unavoidable concern is the performance degradations arising from uncalibrated array errors. This problem is exacerbated in KAPE, as it is a model-based technique; mismatched element amplitudes and phase errors amount to a modeling mismatch. We have developed the power-ridge aligning (PRA) calibration technique, a novel iterative gradient descent algorithm that outperforms current methods. We demonstrate the vast improvements attained using a combination of GS KAPE and PRA over the standard KAPE algorithm under various clutter scenarios in the presence of array errors.Ph.D

    RF Sensing Based Target Detector for Smart Sensing Within Internet of Things in Harsh Sensing Environments

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    In this paper, we explore surveillance and target detection applications of Internet of Things (IoT) with radio detection as the primary means of sensing. The problem of surveillance and target detection has found its place in numerous civilian and military applications , andIoTiswellsuitedtoaddress this problem. Radio frequency (RF) sensing techniques are the next generation technologies, which offer distinct advantages over traditional means of sensing used for surveillance and target detection applications of IoT. However, RF sensing techniques have yet to be widely researched due to lack of transmission and computational resources within IoT. Recent advancements in sensing, computing, and communication technologies have made radio detection enabled sensing techniques available to IoT. However, extensive research is yet to be done in developing reliable and energy efficient target detection algorithms for resource constrained IoT. In this paper, we have proposed a multi-sensor RF sensing-based target detection architecture for IoT. The proposed target detection architecture is adaptable to interference, which is caused due to the co-existence of sensor nodes within IoT and adopts smart sensing strategies to reliably detect the presence of the targets .A wave form selection criterion has been proposed to identify the optimum choice of transmit waveforms within a given set of sensing conditions to optimize the target detection reliability and power consumption within the IoT. A dual-stage target detection strategy has been proposed to reduce the computational burden and increase the lifetime of the sensor nodes

    Robust adaptive filtering algorithms for system identification and array signal processing in non-Gaussian environment

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    This dissertation proposes four new algorithms based on fractionally lower order statistics for adaptive filtering in a non-Gaussian interference environment. One is the affine projection sign algorithm (APSA) based on L₁ norm minimization, which combines the ability of decorrelating colored input and suppressing divergence when an outlier occurs. The second one is the variable-step-size normalized sign algorithm (VSS-NSA), which adjusts its step size automatically by matching the L₁ norm of the a posteriori error to that of noise. The third one adopts the same variable-step-size scheme but extends L₁ minimization to Lp minimization and the variable step-size normalized fractionally lower-order moment (VSS-NFLOM) algorithms are generalized. Instead of variable step size, the variable order is another trial to facilitate adaptive algorithms where no a priori statistics are available, which leads to the variable-order least mean pth norm (VO-LMP) algorithm, as the fourth one. These algorithms are applied to system identification for impulsive interference suppression, echo cancelation, and noise reduction. They are also applied to a phased array radar system with space-time adaptive processing (beamforming) to combat heavy-tailed non-Gaussian clutters. The proposed algorithms are tested by extensive computer simulations. The results demonstrate significant performance improvements in terms of convergence rate, steady-state error, computational simplicity, and robustness against impulsive noise and interference --Abstract, page iv

    Target Detection Architecture for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks within Internet of Things

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) within Internet of Things (IoT) have the potential to address the growing detection and classi�cation requirements among many surveillance applications. RF sensing techniques are the next generation technologies which o�er distinct advantages over traditional passive means of sensing such as acoustic and seismic which are used for surveillance and target detection applications of WSN. RF sensing based WSN within IoT detect the presence of designated targets by transmitting RF signals into the sensing environment and observing the re ected echoes. In this thesis, an RF sensing based target detection architecture for surveillance applications of WSN has been proposed to detect the presence of stationary targets within the sensing environment. With multiple sensing nodes operating simultaneously within the sensing region, diversity among the sensing nodes in the choice of transmit waveforms is required. Existing multiple access techniques to accommodate multiple sensing nodes within the sensing environment are not suitable for RF sensing based WSN. In this thesis, a diversity in the choice of the transmit waveforms has been proposed and transmit waveforms which are suitable for RF sensing based WSN have been discussed. A criterion have been de�ned to quantify the ease of detecting the signal and energy e�ciency of the signal based on which ease of detection index and energy e�ciency index respectively have been generated. The waveform selection criterion proposed in this thesis takes the WSN sensing conditions into account and identi�es the optimum transmit waveform within the available choices of transmit waveforms based on their respective ease of detection and energy e�ciency indexes. A target detector analyses the received RF signals to make a decision regarding the existence or absence of targets within the sensing region. Existing target detectors which are discussed in the context of WSN do not take the factors such as interference and nature of the sensing environment into account. Depending on the nature of the sensing environment, in this thesis the sensing environments are classi�ed as homogeneous and heterogeneous sensing environments. Within homogeneous sensing environments the presence of interference from the neighbouring sensing nodes is assumed. A target detector has been proposed for WSN within homogeneous sensing environments which can reliably detect the presence of targets. Within heterogeneous sensing environments the presence of clutter and interfering waveforms is assumed. A target detector has been proposed for WSN within heterogeneous sensing environments to detect targets in the presence of clutter and interfering waveforms. A clutter estimation technique has been proposed to assist the proposed target detector to achieve increased target detection reliability in the presence of clutter. A combination of compressive and two-step target detection architectures has been proposed to reduce the transmission costs. Finally, a 2-stage target detection architecture has been proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the proposed target detection architecture

    Détection robuste de cibles en imagerie Hyperspectrale.

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) extends from the fact that for any given material, the amount of emitted radiation varies with wavelength. HSI sensors measure the radiance of the materials within each pixel area at a very large number of contiguous spectral bands and provide image data containing both spatial and spectral information. Classical adaptive detection schemes assume that the background is zero-mean Gaussian or with known mean vector that can be exploited. However, when the mean vector is unknown, as it is the case for hyperspectral imaging, it has to be included in the detection process. We propose in this work an extension of classical detection methods when both covariance matrix and mean vector are unknown.However, the actual multivariate distribution of the background pixels may differ from the generally used Gaussian hypothesis. The class of elliptical distributions has already been popularized for background characterization in HSI. Although these non-Gaussian models have been exploited for background modeling and detection schemes, the parameters estimation (covariance matrix, mean vector) is usually performed using classical Gaussian-based estimators. We analyze here some robust estimation procedures (M-estimators of location and scale) more suitable when non-Gaussian distributions are assumed. Jointly used with M-estimators, these new detectors allow to enhance the target detection performance in non-Gaussian environment while keeping the same performance than the classical detectors in Gaussian environment. Therefore, they provide a unified framework for target detection and anomaly detection in HSI.L'imagerie hyperspectrale (HSI) repose sur le fait que, pour un matériau donné, la quantité de rayonnement émis varie avec la longueur d'onde. Les capteurs HSI mesurent donc le rayonnement des matériaux au sein de chaque pixel pour un très grand nombre de bandes spectrales contiguës et fournissent des images contenant des informations à la fois spatiale et spectrale. Les méthodes classiques de détection adaptative supposent généralement que le fond est gaussien à vecteur moyenne nul ou connu. Cependant, quand le vecteur moyen est inconnu, comme c'est le cas pour l'image hyperspectrale, il doit être inclus dans le processus de détection. Nous proposons dans ce travail d'étendre les méthodes classiques de détection pour lesquelles la matrice de covariance et le vecteur de moyenne sont tous deux inconnus.Cependant, la distribution statistique multivariée des pixels de l'environnement peut s'éloigner de l'hypothèse gaussienne classiquement utilisée. La classe des distributions elliptiques a été déjà popularisée pour la caractérisation de fond pour l’HSI. Bien que ces modèles non gaussiens aient déjà été exploités dans la modélisation du fond et dans la conception de détecteurs, l'estimation des paramètres (matrice de covariance, vecteur moyenne) est encore généralement effectuée en utilisant des estimateurs conventionnels gaussiens. Dans ce contexte, nous analysons de méthodes d’estimation robuste plus appropriées à ces distributions non-gaussiennes : les M-estimateurs. Ces méthodes de détection couplées à ces nouveaux estimateurs permettent d'une part, d'améliorer les performances de détection dans un environment non-gaussien mais d'autre part de garder les mêmes performances que celles des détecteurs conventionnels dans un environnement gaussien. Elles fournissent ainsi un cadre unifié pour la détection de cibles et la détection d'anomalies pour la HSI