2,188 research outputs found

    Adaptive interpolation of discrete-time signals that can be modeled as autoregressive processes

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    This paper presents an adaptive algorithm for the restoration of lost sample values in discrete-time signals that can locally be described by means of autoregressive processes. The only restrictions are that the positions of the unknown samples should be known and that they should be embedded in a sufficiently large neighborhood of known samples. The estimates of the unknown samples are obtained by minimizing the sum of squares of the residual errors that involve estimates of the autoregressive parameters. A statistical analysis shows that, for a burst of lost samples, the expected quadratic interpolation error per sample converges to the signal variance when the burst length tends to infinity. The method is in fact the first step of an iterative algorithm, in which in each iteration step the current estimates of the missing samples are used to compute the new estimates. Furthermore, the feasibility of implementation in hardware for real-time use is established. The method has been tested on artificially generated auto-regressive processes as well as on digitized music and speech signals

    Audio Inpainting

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    (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 20(3): 922-932, Mar 2012. DOI: 10.1090/TASL.2011.2168211

    Frequency-warped autoregressive modeling and filtering

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    This thesis consists of an introduction and nine articles. The articles are related to the application of frequency-warping techniques to audio signal processing, and in particular, predictive coding of wideband audio signals. The introduction reviews the literature and summarizes the results of the articles. Frequency-warping, or simply warping techniques are based on a modification of a conventional signal processing system so that the inherent frequency representation in the system is changed. It is demonstrated that this may be done for basically all traditional signal processing algorithms. In audio applications it is beneficial to modify the system so that the new frequency representation is close to that of human hearing. One of the articles is a tutorial paper on the use of warping techniques in audio applications. Majority of the articles studies warped linear prediction, WLP, and its use in wideband audio coding. It is proposed that warped linear prediction would be particularly attractive method for low-delay wideband audio coding. Warping techniques are also applied to various modifications of classical linear predictive coding techniques. This was made possible partly by the introduction of a class of new implementation techniques for recursive filters in one of the articles. The proposed implementation algorithm for recursive filters having delay-free loops is a generic technique. This inspired to write an article which introduces a generalized warped linear predictive coding scheme. One example of the generalized approach is a linear predictive algorithm using almost logarithmic frequency representation.reviewe

    Advancements of MultiRate Signal processing for Wireless Communication Networks: Current State Of the Art

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    With the hasty growth of internet contact and voice and information centric communications, many contact technologies have been urbanized to meet the stringent insist of high speed information transmission and viaduct the wide bandwidth gap among ever-increasing high-data-rate core system and bandwidth-hungry end-user complex. To make efficient consumption of the limited bandwidth of obtainable access routes and cope with the difficult channel environment, several standards have been projected for a variety of broadband access scheme over different access situation (twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical fibers, and unchanging or mobile wireless admittance). These access situations may create dissimilar channel impairments and utter unique sets of signal dispensation algorithms and techniques to combat precise impairments. In the intended and implementation sphere of those systems, many research issues arise. In this paper we present advancements of multi-rate indication processing methodologies that are aggravated by this design trend. The thesis covers the contemporary confirmation of the current literature on intrusion suppression using multi-rate indication in wireless communiquE9; networks

    Detection and restoration of click degraded audio based on high-order sparse linear prediction

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    Clicks are short-duration defects that affect most archived audio media. Linear prediction (LP) modeling for the representation and restoration of audio signals that have been corrupted by click degradation has been extensively studied. The use of high-order sparse linear prediction for the restoration of clickdegraded audio given the time location of samples affected by click degradation has been shown to lead to significant restoration improvement over conventional LP-based approaches. For the practical usage of such methods, the identification of the time location of samples affected by click degradation is critical. High-order sparse linear prediction has been shown to lead to better modeling of audio resulting in better restoration of click degraded archived audio. In this paper, the use of high-order sparse linear prediction for the detection and restoration of click degraded audio is proposed. Results in terms of click duration estimation, SNR improvement and perceptual audio quality show that the proposed approach based on high-order sparse linear prediction leads to better performance compared to state of the art LP-based approaches.&nbsp

    Introducing SPAIN (SParse Audio INpainter)

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    A novel sparsity-based algorithm for audio inpainting is proposed. It is an adaptation of the SPADE algorithm by Kiti\'c et al., originally developed for audio declipping, to the task of audio inpainting. The new SPAIN (SParse Audio INpainter) comes in synthesis and analysis variants. Experiments show that both A-SPAIN and S-SPAIN outperform other sparsity-based inpainting algorithms. Moreover, A-SPAIN performs on a par with the state-of-the-art method based on linear prediction in terms of the SNR, and, for larger gaps, SPAIN is even slightly better in terms of the PEMO-Q psychoacoustic criterion

    Restoration of pitch contours

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    Interpolating autoregressive processes: a bound on the restoration error

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    An upper bound is obtained for the restoration error variance of a sample restoration method for autoregressive processes that was presented by A.J.E.M. Janssen et al. (ibid., vol.ASSP-34, p.317-30, Apr. 1986). The upper bound derived is lower if the autoregressive process has poles close to the unit circle of the complex plane. This situation corresponds to a peaky signal spectrum. The bound is valid for the case in which one sample is unknown in a realization of an autoregressive process of arbitrary finite orde