10 research outputs found

    Adaptive fuzzy order statistics-rational hybrid filters for color image processing

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    In this paper. multichannel image processing using an adaptive approach is studied. The proposed approach is simpler and more appropriate than the traditional approaches that have been addressed by means of groupwise vector ordering information. These adaptive techniques are formed by a two-layer filter based on rational functions using fuzzy transformations of either the Euclidean or angular distances among the different vectors to adapt to local data in the color image, The output is the result of a vector rational operation taking into account three fuzzy sub-fraction outputs. Extensive simulation results illustrate that the new, adaptive Fuzzy filters are computationally attractive and achieve noise attenuation, chromaticity retention, and edges and details preservation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Noise removal from multi-channel digital images based on statistical depth functions

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji biće predstavljen novi metod za uklanjanje šuma iz višekanalnih digitalnih slika zasnovan na funkcijama statisitičke dubine, preciznije izmenjenoj verziji DEEEPLOC algoritma predstavljenog u radu A. Struyf i P.J. Rousseeuw (Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis 34, 415-426 (2000)) za izračunavanje približne vrednosti poluprostorne (Tukey-eve) najdublje lokacije (medijane) u višedimenzionalnom slučaju. Zbog svoje inherentne višedimenzionalne prirode, predstavljeni metod eliminiše šum istovremeno na svim kanalima slike bez njihovog razdvajanja, čime održava spektralnu korelaciju između kanala u višekanalnoj slici. Rezultati otklanjanja šuma primenom predstavljenog filtera prostornog domena na standardnim slikama za testiranje pokazuju bolje performanse ovog filtera u odnosu na trenutno najpriznatije i najviše korišćene filtere za otklanjanje impulsnih i mešovitih šumova u višekanalnim slikama u smislu objektivnih kriterijuma efektivnosti (odnosa vršnih vrednosti signala i šuma (PSNR), srednje apsolutne greške (MAE) i normalizovanih udaljenosti boja (NCD)), kao i vizuelnog kvaliteta. Predstavljeni filter uspešno održava ivice i fine detalje na slikama, i veoma je efektivan za otklanjanje srednjih i jakih višekanalnih šumova...In this doctoral dissertation a novel method is proposed for removing noise from multi-channel digital images based on statistical depth functions, or more precisely an adapted version of the DEEPLOC algorithm introduced by A. Struyf and P.J. Rousseeuw (Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis 34, 415-426 (2000)) for calculation of approximate halfspace (Tukey’s) deepest location (median) in multivariate case. Due to its intrinsic multivariate/multidimensional nature, the proposed method eliminates the noise simultaneously on all channels without their separation, which preserves the spectral correlation between channels in a multi-channel image. Denoising results of this new non-linear spatial domain filter applied to benchmark images outperform currently used state-of-the-art filters for impulse and mixed noise removal from multi-channel images in terms of both objective effectiveness criteria (peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), mean absolute error (MAE) and normalised colour distance (NCD)) and visual quality. Proposed filter successfully preserves the edges and fine image details, and is very effective for removal of medium and heavy multi-channel noise..

    Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise

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    Impulse noise is a most common noise which affects the image quality during acquisition or transmission, reception or storage and retrieval process. Impulse noise comes under two categories: (1) fixed-valued impulse noise, also known as salt-and-pepper noise (SPN) due to its appearance, where the noise value may be either the minimum or maximum value of the dynamic gray-scale range of image and (2) random-valued impulse noise (RVIN), where the noisy pixel value is bounded by the range of the dynamic gray-scale of the image. In literature, many efficient filters are proposed to suppress the impulse noise. But their performance is not good under moderate and high noise conditions. Hence, there is sufficient scope to explore and develop efficient filters for suppressing the impulse noise at high noise densities. In the present research work, efforts are made to propose efficient filters that suppress the impulse noise and preserve the edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. It is clear from the literature that detection followed by filtering achieves better performance than filtering without detection. Hence, the proposed filters in this thesis are based on detection followed by filtering techniques. The filters which are proposed to suppress the SPN in this thesis are: Adaptive Noise Detection and Suppression (ANDS) Filter Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (REIR) Algorithm Impulse Denoising Using Improved Progressive Switching Median Filter (IDPSM) Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (IRIC) A Novel Adaptive Switching Filter-I (ASF-I) for Suppression of High Density SPN A Novel Adaptive Switching Filter-II (ASF-II) for Suppression of High Density SPN Impulse Denoising Using Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (IASF) In the first method, ANDS, neighborhood difference is employed for pixel classification. Controlled by binary image, the noise is filtered by estimating the value of a pixel with an adaptive switching based median filter applied exclusively to neighborhood pixels that are labeled noise-free. The proposed filter performs better in retaining edges and fine details of an image at low-to-medium densities of fixed-valued impulse noise.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities.The REIR method is based on robust statistic technique, where adaptive window is used for pixel classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with Lorentzian estimator or average of the previously processed pixels. Because of adaptive windowing technique, the filter is able to suppress the noise at a density as high as 90%. In the proposed method, IDPSM, the noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in an adaptive filtering window. The iterative nature of the filter makes it more efficient in noise detection and adaptive filtering window technique makes it robust enough to preserve edges and fine details of an image in wide range of noise densities. The forth proposed method is IRIC. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of processed pixels in the filtering window. At high noise densities, the median filtering may not be able to reject outliers always. Under such circumstances, the processed left neighboring pixel is considered as the estimated output. The computational complexity of this method is equivalent to that of a median filter having a 3×3 window. The proposed algorithm requires simple physical realization structures. Therefore, this algorithm may be quite useful for online and real-time applications. Two different adaptive switching filters: ASF-I and ASF-II are developed for suppressing SPN at high noise density. The noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Depending on noise estimation, a small filtering window size is initially selected and then the scheme adaptively changes the window size based on the number of noise-free pixels. Therefore, the proposed method removes the noise much more effectively even at noise density as high as 90% and yields high image quality. In the proposed method IASF, noisy pixel is replaced with alpha-trimmed mean value of uncorrupted pixels in the adaptive filtering window. Due to its iterative structure, the performance of this filter is better than existing order-statistic filters. Further, the adaptive filtering window makes it robust enough to preserve the edges and fine details of an image. Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise x The filters which are proposed for suppressing random-valued impulse noise (RVIN) are: Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (ALT-MAD) Algorithm The proposed method, Adaptive Window based Pixel-Wise MAD (AW-PWMAD) Algorithm is a modified MAD (Median of the Absolute Deviations from the median) scheme alongwith a threshold employed for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in adaptive filtering window. Another proposed method for denoising the random-valued and fixed-valued impulse noise is ALT-MAD. A modified MAD based algorithm alongwith a local adaptive threshold is utilized for pixel-classification. The noisy pixel is replaced with median of uncorrupted pixels in the filtering window of adaptively varied size. Three threshold functions are suggested and employed in this algorithm. Thus, three different versions, namely, ALT-MAD-1, ALT-MAD-2 and ALT-MAD-3 are developed. They are observed to be quite efficient in noise detection and filtering. In the last part of the thesis, some efforts are made to develop filters for color image denoising. The filters which perform better in denoising gray-scale images are developed for suppression of impulsive noise from color images. Since the performance of denoising filters degrades in other color spaces, efforts are made to develop color image denoising filters in RGB color space only in this research work. The developed filters are: Multi-Channel Robust Estimator based Impulse-Noise Reduction (MC-REIR) Algorithm Multi-Channel Impulse-Noise Removal by Impulse Classification (MC-IRIC) Multi-Channel Iterative Adaptive Switching Filter (MC-IASF) Multi-Channel Adaptive Local Thresholding with MAD (MC-ALT-MAD) Algorithm It is observed from the simulation results that the proposed filters perform better than the existing methods. The proposed methods: ASF-1 and IASF exhibit quite superior performance in suppressing SPN in high noise densities compared to other methods. Similarly ALT-MAD-3 exhibits much better performance in suppressing RVIN of low to medium noise densities

    Aplicació de mètriques fuzzy en la millora computacional d'algorismes de filtratge d'imatges en color

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    El filtrado de imágenes es una tarea fundamental para la mayoría de los sistemas de visión por computador cuando las imágenes se usan para análisis automático o, incluso, para inspección humana. De hecho, la presencia de ruido en una imagen puede ser un grave impedimento para las sucesivas tareas de procesamiento de imágenes como, por ejemplo, la detección de bordes o el reconocimiento de patrones u objetos y, por lo tanto, el ruido debe ser reducido. Del mismo modo, el aumento de la resolución y el tamaño de las imágenes nos conduce a requerimientos computacionales más altos, los cuales hemos de intentar rebajar sobre todo para aplicaciones en tiempo real o similares. En los últimos años el interés por utilizar imágenes en color se ha visto incrementado de forma significativa en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Es por esto que el filtrado de imágenes en color se ha convertido en un área de investigación interesante. Se ha observado ampliamente que las imágenes en color deben ser procesadas teniendo en cuenta la correlación existente entre los distintos canales de color de la imagen. En este sentido, la solución probablemente más conocida y estudiada es el enfoque vectorial. Las primeras soluciones que proponen técnicas de filtrado vectorial, son las conocidas técnicas del filtro de mediana vectorial (VMF) o el filtro direccional vectorial (VDF). Desafortunadamente, estas técnicas no se adaptan a las características locales de la imagen, lo que implica que habitualmente los bordes y detalles de las imágenes se emborronan y pierden calidad. A fin de solventar este problema, se han propuesto recientemente varios filtros vectoriales adaptativos, entre los que destacan las técnicas de peer group. En los últimos años ha aparecido la teoría de los denominados conjuntos fuzzy, borrosos o difusos (lógica, métricas y topologías), que se ha demostrado es una herramienta adecuada para el filtrado de imágenes. En la presente Tesis Doctoral las metas principales son: (i) el esCamarena Estruch, JG. (2009). Aplicació de mètriques fuzzy en la millora computacional d'algorismes de filtratge d'imatges en color [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/4339Palanci

    Development of Some Novel Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Digital Image Filters

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    Some spatial-domain and transform-domain digital image filtering algorithms have been developed in this thesis to suppress additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). In many occasions, noise in digital images is found to be additive in nature with uniform power in the whole bandwidth and with Gaussian probability distribution. Such a noise is referred to as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). It is difficult to suppress AWGN since it corrupts almost all pixels in an image. The arithmetic mean filter, commonly known as Mean filter, can be employed to suppress AWGN but it introduces a blurring effect. Image denoising is usually required to be performed before display or further processing like segmentation, feature extraction, object recognition, texture analysis, etc. The purpose of denoising is to suppress the noise quite efficiently while retaining the edges and other detailed features as much as possible

    Diseño de controladores dedicados a la lógica difusa

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Octubre de 2006Bibliograf.: p. 297-30