182 research outputs found

    Communication system with adaptive noise suppression

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    A signal-to-noise ratio dependent adaptive spectral subtraction process eliminates noise from noise-corrupted speech signals. The process first pre-emphasizes the frequency components of the input sound signal which contain the consonant information in human speech. Next, a signal-to-noise ratio is determined and a spectral subtraction proportion adjusted appropriately. After spectral subtraction, low amplitude signals can be squelched. A single microphone is used to obtain both the noise-corrupted speech and the average noise estimate. This is done by determining if the frame of data being sampled is a voiced or unvoiced frame. During unvoiced frames an estimate of the noise is obtained. A running average of the noise is used to approximate the expected value of the noise. Spectral subtraction may be performed on a composite noise-corrupted signal, or upon individual sub-bands of the noise-corrupted signal. Pre-averaging of the input signal's magnitude spectrum over multiple time frames may be performed to reduce musical noise

    Spectral subtractive type speech enhancement methods

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    In this paper spectral subtractive method and some of its modification are compared. Performance of spectral subtraction, its limitations, artifacts introduced by it, and spectral subtraction modifications for eliminating these artifacts are discussed in the paper in details. The algorithms are compared based on SNR improvement introduced by them. Spectrograms of speech enhanced by the algorithms, which show the algorithms performance and degree of speech distortion, are also presented

    A Family of Coherence-Based Multi-Microphone Speech Enhancement Systems

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    This contribution addresses the problem of additive noise reduction in speech picked up by a microphone in a noisy environment. Two systems belonging to the family of coherence-based noise cancellers are presented. Suggested systems have the modular structure using 2 or 4 microphones and suppress non-stationary noises in the range of 4 to 17 dB depending on the chosen structure and noise characteristics. The common properties are acceptable noise suppression, low speech distortion and residual noise

    Noise cancelling in acoustic voice signals with spectral subtraction

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    The main purpose of study throughout this entire End of Degree Project would be the noise removal within speech signals, focusing on the diverse amount of algorithms using the spectral subtraction method. A Matlab application has been designed and created. The application main goal is to remove any meaningless thing considered as a disturb element when trying to perceive a voice; that is, anything considered as a noise. Noise removal is the basis for any voice processing that the user wants to do later, as speech recognition, save the clean audio, voice analysis, etc. A studio on four algorithms has been executed, in order to perform the spectral subtraction: Boll, Berouti, Lockwood & Boudy, and Multiband. This document presents a theoretical study and its implementation. Moreover, in order to have ready for the user a suitable implementation of an application, an intuitive and simple interface has been designed. This document shows how the different algorithms work in some voices and with various types of noise. A few amounts of noises are ideal, used by its mathematical characteristics, while others, are quite common and presented in daily routine, it is presented as for example, the noise of a bus. To apply the method of spectral subtraction is necessary the implementation of a Vocal Activity Detector, able to recognize in which precise moments of the audio there is voice or not. Two types have been studied and implemented: the first one establishes the meaning of voice according to a threshold which is adequate to this record, while the second one is the combination of Zero Crossing Rate and energy. In the end, once the application is implemented, evaluating its performances was the next process, either in an objective and a subjective form. People stand point was considered and asked, in order to obtain the proper functioning of the application along different types of noise, voice, variables, algorithm, etc.Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, consiste en el estudio de la eliminación de ruido en voces; en concreto en el estudio de distintos algoritmos para el método de la resta espectral. Se ha creado una aplicación en el programa de cálculo Matlab cuyo uso es la eliminación de todo aquello que nos pueda molestar a la hora de escuchar una voz, es decir, lo que se considera ruido. La eliminación de ruido es la base de cualquier tratamiento de voz que se quiera aplicar posteriormente; desde reconocimiento de voz, el análisis de la misma, la conservación de la grabación limpia. etc. Se ha hecho un estudio de cuatro algoritmos para llevar a cabo esta resta espectral: Boll, Berouti, Lockwood & Boudy y Multibanda. En este documento se encuentra tanto un estudio teórico, así como su implementación. Para la implementación de una aplicación que pueda ser usada por un usuario, se ha diseñado una interfaz fácil e intuitiva de usar, en ésta se muestra cómo funcionan los distintos algoritmos en distintas voces y con distintos tipos de ruido, algunos ideales, usados en las medidas oficiales de ruido por sus concretas características matemáticas, y otros, los de la vida cotidiana como el ruido de un autobús. Para aplicar el método de la resta espectral es necesario la implementación de un Detector de Actividad Vocal (VAD) que reconozca en qué momentos del audio hay voz o no. Se han estudiado e implementado dos: Uno de ellos establece qué es voz según un límite adecuado a esa grabación y el otro es la combinación de la Tasa de Cruces por Cero (ZCR) y la energía. Por último, una vez implementada esta aplicación se ha procedido a evaluar su funcionamiento, tanto de una forma objetiva como subjetiva, a través de la escucha de distintas personas, las cuales dan su opinión, para poder obtener el comportamiento de la aplicación con distintos tipos de ruidos, voces, variables, algoritmos, etc.Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Multichannel Speech Enhancement

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    Speech enhancement using auditory filterbank.

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    This thesis presents a novel subband noise reduction technique for speech enhancement, termed as Adaptive Subband Wiener Filtering (ASWF), based on a critical-band gammatone filterbank. The ASWF is derived from a generalized Subband Wiener Filtering (SWF) equation and reduces noises according to the estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in each auditory channel and in each time frame. The design of a subband noise estimator, suitable for some real-life noise environments, is also presented. This denoising technique would be beneficial for some auditory-based speech and audio applications, e.g. to enhance the robustness of sound processing in cochlear implants. Comprehensive objective and subjective tests demonstrated the proposed technique is effective to improve the perceptual quality of enhanced speeches. This technique offers a time-domain noise reduction scheme using a linear filterbank structure and can be combined with other filterbank algorithms (such as for speech recognition and coding) as a front-end processing step immediately after the analysis filterbank, to increase the robustness of the respective application.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .G85. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1452. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Deep Learning for Environmentally Robust Speech Recognition: An Overview of Recent Developments

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    Eliminating the negative effect of non-stationary environmental noise is a long-standing research topic for automatic speech recognition that stills remains an important challenge. Data-driven supervised approaches, including ones based on deep neural networks, have recently emerged as potential alternatives to traditional unsupervised approaches and with sufficient training, can alleviate the shortcomings of the unsupervised methods in various real-life acoustic environments. In this light, we review recently developed, representative deep learning approaches for tackling non-stationary additive and convolutional degradation of speech with the aim of providing guidelines for those involved in the development of environmentally robust speech recognition systems. We separately discuss single- and multi-channel techniques developed for the front-end and back-end of speech recognition systems, as well as joint front-end and back-end training frameworks

    Parametric spatial audio processing utilising compact microphone arrays

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    This dissertation focuses on the development of novel parametric spatial audio techniques using compact microphone arrays. Compact arrays are of special interest since they can be adapted to fit in portable devices, opening the possibility of exploiting the potential of immersive spatial audio algorithms in our daily lives. The techniques developed in this thesis consider the use of signal processing algorithms adapted for human listeners, thus exploiting the capabilities and limitations of human spatial hearing. The findings of this research are in the following three areas of spatial audio processing: directional filtering, spatial audio reproduction, and direction of arrival estimation.  In directional filtering, two novel algorithms have been developed based on the cross-pattern coherence (CroPaC). The method essentially exploits the directional response of two different types of beamformers by using their cross-spectrum to estimate a soft masker. The soft masker provides a probability-like parameter that indicates whether there is sound present in specific directions. It is then used as a post-filter to provide further suppression of directionally distributed noise at the output of a beamformer. The performance of these algorithms represent a significant improvement over previous state-of-the-art methods.  In parametric spatial audio reproduction, an algorithm is developed for multi-channel loudspeaker and headphone rendering. Current limitations in spatial audio reproduction are related to high inter-channel coherence between the channels, which is common in signal-independent systems, or time-frequency artefacts in parametric systems. The developed algorithm focuses on solving these limitations by utilising two sets of beamformers. The first set of beamformers, namely analysis beamformers, is used to estimate a set of perceptually-relevant sound-field parameters, such as the separate channel energies, inter-channel time differences and inter-channel coherences of the target-output-setup signals. The directionality of the analysis beamformers is defined so that it follows that of typical loudspeaker panning functions and, for headphone reproduction, that of the head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). The directionality of the second set of high audio quality beamformers is then enhanced with the parametric information derived from the analysis beamformers. Listening tests confirm the perceptual benefit of such type of processing. In direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, histogram analysis of beamforming and active intensity based DOA estimators has been proposed. Numerical simulations and experiments with prototype and commercial microphone arrays show that the accuracy of DOA estimation is improved

    A Study into Speech Enhancement Techniques in Adverse Environment

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    This dissertation developed speech enhancement techniques that improve the speech quality in applications such as mobile communications, teleconferencing and smart loudspeakers. For these applications it is necessary to suppress noise and reverberation. Thus the contribution in this dissertation is twofold: single channel speech enhancement system which exploits the temporal and spectral diversity of the received microphone signal for noise suppression and multi-channel speech enhancement method with the ability to employ spatial diversity to reduce reverberation