2,332 research outputs found

    Dynamically accepting and scheduling patients for home healthcare

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    The importance of home healthcare is growing rapidly since populations of developed and even developing countries are getting older and the number of hospitals, retirement homes, and medical staff do not increase at the same rate. We consider the Home Healthcare Nurse Scheduling Problem where patients arrive dynamically over time and acceptance and appointment time decisions have to be made as soon as patients arrive. The objective is to maximise the average number of daily visits for a single nurse. For the sake of service continuity, patients have to be visited at the same day and time each week during their episode of care. We propose a new heuristic based on generating several scenarios which include randomly generated and actual requests in the schedule, scheduling new customers with a simple but fast heuristic, and analysing results to decide whether to accept the new patient and at which appointment day/time. We compare our approach with two greedy heuristics from the literature, and empirically demonstrate that it achieves significantly better results compared to these other two methods

    Applying and integer Linear Programming Model to an appointment scheduling problem

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (Economia e Políticas Públicas), 28 de fevereiro de 2022, Universidade dos Açores.A gestão de consultas ambulatórias pode ser um processo complexo, uma vez que envolve vários stakeholders com diferentes objetivos. Para os utentes poderá ser importante minimizar os tempos de espera. Simultaneamente, para os trabalhadores do setor da saúde, condições de trabalho justas devem ser garantidas. Assim, é cada vez mais necessário ter em conta o equilíbrio de cargas horárias e a otimização dos recursos disponíveis como principais preocupações no agendamento e planeamento de consultas. Nesta dissertação, uma abordagem com dois modelos para a criação de um sistema de agendamento de consultas é proposta. Esta abordagem é feita em programação linear, com dois modelos que têm como objetivo minimizar as diferenças de cargas horárias e melhorar o seu equilíbrio ao longo do planeamento. Os modelos foram estruturados e parametrizados de acordo com dados gerados aleatoriamente. Para isso, o desenvolvimento foi feito em Java, gerando assim os dados referidos. O Modelo I minimiza as diferenças de carga horária entre os quartos disponíveis. O Modelo II, por outro lado, propõe uma nova função objetivo que minimiza a diferença máxima observada, com um processo de decisão minxmax. Os modelos mostram resultados eficientes em tempos de execução razoáveis para instâncias com menos de aproximadamente 10 quartos disponíveis. Os tempos de execução mais altos são observados quando as instâncias ultrapassam este número de quartos disponíveis. Em relação ao equilíbrio da carga horária, observou-se que o número de especialidades disponíveis para atendimento e a procura por dia foram o que mais influenciou a minimização da diferença da carga horária. Os resultados do Modelo II mostram melhor tempo de execução e um maior número de soluções ótimas. Uma vez que as diferenças entre os dois modelos não são consideráveis, o Modelo I poderá representar um melhor conjunto de soluções para os decisores já que minimiza a diferença da carga horária total entre quartos em vez de apenas minimizar o valor máximo da diferença de carga horária entre quaisquer dois quartos.ABSTRACT: Outpatient appointment management can be a complex process since it involves many conflicting stakeholders. As for the patients it might be important to minimize waiting time. Simultaneously, for healthcare workers, fair working conditions must be guaranteed. Thus, it is increasingly necessary to have workload balance and resource optimization as the main concerns in the scheduling and planning of outpatient appointments. In this dissertation, a two-model approach for designing an appointment scheduling is proposed. This approach is formulated as two mathematical Integer Linear Programming models that integrate the objective of minimizing workload difference and improving workload balance. The models were structured and parameterized according to randomly generated data. For this, the work was developed in Java, generating said data. Model I minimizes the workload differences among rooms. Model II, on the other hand, proposes a new objective function that minimizes the maximum workload difference, with a minxmax decision process. The computational models behaves efficiently in reasonable run times for numerical examples with less than approximately 10 rooms available. Higher run times are observed when numerical examples surpass these number of available rooms. Regarding workload balance, it was observed that the number of specialties available for appointments and the demand for each day were the most influential in the minimization of workload difference. Model II results show a shorter model run time and more optimal solutions. As the differences between both Models are not considerable, Model I might propose a better set of solution for decision makers since it minimizes the total workload difference amongst rooms instead of only minimizing the maximum workload difference between any two rooms

    Block-based Outpatient Clinic Appointments Scheduling Under Open-access Policy

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    Outpatient clinic appointment scheduling is an important topic in OR/IE studies. Open-access policy shows its strength in improving patient access and satisfaction, as well as reducing no-show rate. The traditional far-in-advance scheduling plays an important role in handling chronic and follow-up care. This dissertation discusses a hybrid policy under which a clinic deals with three types of patients. The first type of patients are those who request their appointments before the visit day. The second type of patients schedule their appointment on the visit day. The third type of patients are walk-in patients who go to the clinic without appointments and wait to see the physician in turn. In this dissertation, the online scheduling policy is addressed for the Type 2 and Type 3 patients, and the offline scheduling policy is used for the Type 1 patients. For the online scheduling policy, two stochastic integer programming (SIP) models are built under two different sets of assumptions. The first set of assumptions ignores the endogenous uncertainty in the problem. An aggregate assigning method is proposed with the deterministic equivalent problem (DEP) model. This method is demonstrated to be better than the traditional one-at-a-time assignment through both overestimation and underestimation numerical examples. The DEP formulations are solved using the proposed bound-based sampling method, which provides approximated solutions and reasonable sample size with the least gap between lower and upper bound of the original objective value. On the basis of the first set of assumptions and the SIP model, the second set of assumptions considers patient no-shows, preference, cancellations and lateness, which introduce endogenous uncertainty into the SIP model. A modified L-shaped method and aggregated multicut L-shaped method are designed to handle the model with decision dependent distribution parameter. Distinctive optimality cut generation schemes are proposed for three types of distribution for linked random variables. Computational experiments are conducted to compare performance and outputs of different methods. An alternative formulation of the problem with simple recourse function is provided, based on which, a mixed integer programming model is established as a convenient complementary method to evaluate results with expected value. The offline scheduling aims at assigning a certain number of Type 1 patients with deterministic service time and individual preferences into a limited number of blocks, where the sum of patients’ service time in a block does not exceed the block length. This problem is associated with bin packing problem with restrictions. Heuristic and metaheuristic methods are designed to adapt the added restrictions to the bin packing problem. Zigzag sorting is proposed for the algorithm and is shown to improve the performance significantly. A clique based construction method is designed for the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and Simulated Annealing. The proposed methods show higher efficiency than traditional ones. This dissertation offers a series of new and practical resolutions for the clinic scheduling problem. These methods can facilitate the clinic administrators who are practicing the open-access policy to handle different types of patients with deterministic or nondeterministic arrival pattern and system efficiency. The resolutions range from operations level to management level. From the operations aspect, the block-wise assignment and aggregated assignment with SIP model can be used for the same-day request scheduling. From the management level, better coordination of the assignment of the Type 1 patients and the same-day request patients will benefit the cost-saving control

    Agent-Based System Design for Service Process Scheduling: Challenges, Approaches and Opportunities

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    Compared with traditional manufacturing scheduling, service process scheduling poses additional challenges attributable to the significant customer involvement in service processes. In services, there are typically no inventoried products, which make the service provider's capacity more sensitive to dynamic changes. Service process scheduling objectives are also more complicated due to the consideration of customer preferences, customer waiting costs and human resource costs. After describing the Unified Services Theory and analysing its scheduling implications, this paper reviews the research literature on service process scheduling system design with a particular emphasis on agent-based approaches. Major issues in agent-based service process scheduling systems design are discussed and research opportunities are identified. The survey of the literature reveals that despite of many domain-specific designs in agent-based service process scheduling, there is a lack of general problem formulations, classifications, solution frameworks, and test beds. Constructing these general models for service process scheduling system design will facilitate the collaboration of researchers in this area and guide the effective development of integrated service process scheduling systems

    Scheduling, inventory management and production planning: Formulations and solution methods

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    This thesis presents formulations and solution methods for three types of problems in operations management that have received major attention in the last decade and arise in several applications. We focus on the use of mixed integer programming theory, robust optimization, and decomposition-based methods to solve each of these three problems. We first study an online scheduling problem dealing with patients’ multiple requests for chemotherapy treatments. We propose an adaptive and flexible scheduling procedure capable of handling both the dynamic uncertainty arising from appointment requests that appear on waiting lists in real time and capable of dealing with unexpected changes. The proposed scheduling procedure incorporates several circumstances prevalent at oncology clinics such as specific intervals between two consecutive appointments and specific time slots and chairs. Computational experiments show the proposed procedure achieves consistently better results for all considered objective functions compared to those of the scheduling system in use at the cancer centre of a major metropolitan hospital in Canada. We next present an inventory management problem that integrates perishability, demand uncertainty, and order modification decisions. We formulate the problem as a two-stage robust integer optimization model and develop an exact column-and-row generation algorithm to solve it. Based on computational results, we show that considering order modification can significantly reduce the total cost. Moreover, comparing the results obtained by the proposed robust model to those obtained from the deterministic and stochastic variants, we note that their performances are similar in the risk-neutral setting while solutions from the robust models are significantly superior in the risk-averse setting. Finally, we study decomposition strategies for a class of production planning problems with multiple items, unlimited production capacity and, inventory bounds. Based on a new mixed integer programming formulation, we proposed a Lagrangian relaxation for the problem. We propose a deflected subgradient method and a stabilized column generation algorithm to solve the Lagrangian dual problem. Computational results confirm that the proposed formulation outperforms the previously proposed models and methods. Further analysis shows the impact of using decomposition techniques in providing tighter bounds

    A review of the healthcare-management (modeling) literature published at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management

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    Healthcare systems throughout the world are under pressure to widen access, improve efficiency and quality of care, and reduce inequity. Achieving these conflicting goals requires innovative approaches, utilizing new technologies, data analytics, and process improvements. The operations management community has taken on this challenge: more than 10% of articles published in M&SOM in the period from 2009 to 2018 has developed analytical models that aim to inform healthcare operational decisions and improve medical decision-making. This article presents a review of the research published in M&SOM on healthcare management since its inception 20 years ago and reflects on opportunities for further research

    Dynamic Programming to Solve Picking Schedule at the Tea Plantation

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    The tea picking schedule at PT Perkebunan Ciater isset to be the same for all plantation blocks. Infact, the altitude from sea level and the pruning age of each plantation block is different, this results in thedifference of buds’growth. The implementation of the same pick-ing schedule causesthe quality and quantity of tea buds often couldnot be fulfilled. This research is to determine the precise picking schedule by considering the buds’growth of each plantation block. Two steps are implemented to solve the problem. The first step is to look for picking period and the pattern of buds’quality for each plantation block, which corresponds to the altitude of the location and the pruning age. The regression method is applied in this first step. The buds’quality pattern is then used to determine the cost of de-creasing buds’quality and the costs of the budsthat left in the plantation. The second step is to develop the picking schedule using dy-namic programming, which minimizesthe total cost of picking. In addition to this, we also develop a rolling schedule, which schedule time interval is three days. The modelresults show that the proposed schedule givesa better total cost than the current schedule and the buds’ quality target is easier to achieve. Keywords:Dynamic Programming; Minimizes Cost; Picking Schedul

    Dynamically accepting and scheduling patients for home healthcare

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    Importance of home healthcare is growing rapidly since populations of developed and even developing countries are getting older quickly and the number of hospitals, retirement homes, and medical staff do not increase at the same rate. We present Scenario Based Approach (SBA) for the Home Healthcare Nurse Scheduling Problem. In this problem, arrivals of patients are dynamic and acceptance and appointment time decisions have to be made as soon as patients arrive. The primary objective is to maximise the average number of daily visits. For the sake of service continuity, patients have to be visited at the same days and times each week during their service horizon. SBA is basically a simulation procedure based on generating several scenarios and scheduling new customers with a simple but fast heuristic. Then results are analysed to decide whether to accept the new patient and at which appointment day/time. First, two different versions of SBA, Daily and Weekly SBA are developed and analysed for a single nurse. We compare Daily SBA to two greedy heuristics from the literature, distance and capacity based, and computational studies show that Daily SBA makes significant improvements compared to these other two methods for a single nurse. Next, we extend SBA for a multi-nurse case. SBA is compared to a greedy heuristic under different conditions such as same depot case where nurses start their visits from and return to same place, clustered service area, and nurses with different qualification level. SBA gives superior results under all experiment conditions compared to the greedy heuristic

    Optimal management of bio-based energy supply chains under parametric uncertainty through a data-driven decision-support framework

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    This paper addresses the optimal management of a multi-objective bio-based energy supply chain network subjected to multiple sources of uncertainty. The complexity to obtain an optimal solution using traditional uncertainty management methods dramatically increases with the number of uncertain factors considered. Such a complexity produces that, if tractable, the problem is solved after a large computational effort. Therefore, in this work a data-driven decision-making framework is proposed to address this issue. Such a framework exploits machine learning techniques to efficiently approximate the optimal management decisions considering a set of uncertain parameters that continuously influence the process behavior as an input. A design of computer experiments technique is used in order to combine these parameters and produce a matrix of representative information. These data are used to optimize the deterministic multi-objective bio-based energy network problem through conventional optimization methods, leading to a detailed (but elementary) map of the optimal management decisions based on the uncertain parameters. Afterwards, the detailed data-driven relations are described/identified using an Ordinary Kriging meta-model. The result exhibits a very high accuracy of the parametric meta-models for predicting the optimal decision variables in comparison with the traditional stochastic approach. Besides, and more importantly, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort required to obtain these optimal values in response to the change of the uncertain parameters is achieved. Thus the use of the proposed data-driven decision tool promotes a time-effective optimal decision making, which represents a step forward to use data-driven strategy in large-scale/complex industrial problems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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