562 research outputs found

    NILM techniques for intelligent home energy management and ambient assisted living: a review

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    The ongoing deployment of smart meters and different commercial devices has made electricity disaggregation feasible in buildings and households, based on a single measure of the current and, sometimes, of the voltage. Energy disaggregation is intended to separate the total power consumption into specific appliance loads, which can be achieved by applying Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) techniques with a minimum invasion of privacy. NILM techniques are becoming more and more widespread in recent years, as a consequence of the interest companies and consumers have in efficient energy consumption and management. This work presents a detailed review of NILM methods, focusing particularly on recent proposals and their applications, particularly in the areas of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), where the ability to determine the on/off status of certain devices can provide key information for making further decisions. As well as complementing previous reviews on the NILM field and providing a discussion of the applications of NILM in HEMS and AAL, this paper provides guidelines for future research in these topics.AgĂȘncia financiadora: Programa Operacional Portugal 2020 and Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve 01/SAICT/2018/39578 Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia through IDMEC, under LAETA: SFRH/BSAB/142998/2018 SFRH/BSAB/142997/2018 UID/EMS/50022/2019 Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La-Mancha, Spain: SBPLY/17/180501/000392 Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (SOC-PLC project): TEC2015-64835-C3-2-R MINECO/FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Self-Adaptive Online Brain Machine Interface of a Humanoid Robot through a General Type-2 Fuzzy Inference System

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    This paper presents a self-adaptive general type-2 fuzzy inference system (GT2 FIS) for online motor imagery (MI) decoding to build a brain-machine interface (BMI) and navigate a bi-pedal humanoid robot in a real experiment, using EEG brain recordings only. GT2 FISs are applied to BMI for the first time in this study. We also account for several constraints commonly associated with BMI in real practice: 1) maximum number of electroencephalography (EEG) channels is limited and fixed, 2) no possibility of performing repeated user training sessions, and 3) desirable use of unsupervised and low complexity features extraction methods. The novel learning method presented in this paper consists of a self-adaptive GT2 FIS that can both incrementally update its parameters and evolve (a.k.a. self-adapt) its structure via creation, fusion and scaling of the fuzzy system rules in an online BMI experiment with a real robot. The structure identification is based on an online GT2 Gath-Geva algorithm where every MI decoding class can be represented by multiple fuzzy rules (models). The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated in a detailed BMI experiment where 15 untrained users were able to accurately interface with a humanoid robot, in a single thirty-minute experiment, using signals from six EEG electrodes only

    A Survey on Metric Learning for Feature Vectors and Structured Data

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    The need for appropriate ways to measure the distance or similarity between data is ubiquitous in machine learning, pattern recognition and data mining, but handcrafting such good metrics for specific problems is generally difficult. This has led to the emergence of metric learning, which aims at automatically learning a metric from data and has attracted a lot of interest in machine learning and related fields for the past ten years. This survey paper proposes a systematic review of the metric learning literature, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. We pay particular attention to Mahalanobis distance metric learning, a well-studied and successful framework, but additionally present a wide range of methods that have recently emerged as powerful alternatives, including nonlinear metric learning, similarity learning and local metric learning. Recent trends and extensions, such as semi-supervised metric learning, metric learning for histogram data and the derivation of generalization guarantees, are also covered. Finally, this survey addresses metric learning for structured data, in particular edit distance learning, and attempts to give an overview of the remaining challenges in metric learning for the years to come.Comment: Technical report, 59 pages. Changes in v2: fixed typos and improved presentation. Changes in v3: fixed typos. Changes in v4: fixed typos and new method

    Topic Modeling and Classification of Cyberspace Papers Using Text Mining

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    The global cyberspace networks provide individuals with platforms to can interact, exchange ideas, share information, provide social support, conduct business, create artistic media, play games, engage in political discussions, and many more. The term cyberspace has become a conventional means to describe anything associated with the Internet and the diverse Internet culture. In fact, cyberspace is an umbrella term that covers all issues occurring through the interaction of information systems and humans over these networks. Deep evaluation of the scientific articles on the cyberspace domain provides concentrated knowledge and insights about major trends of the field. Text mining tools and techniques enable the practitioners and scholars to discover significant trends in a large set of internationally validated papers. This study utilizes text mining algorithms to extract, validate, and analyze 1860 scientific articles on the cyberspace domain and provides insight over the future scientific directions or cyberspace studies

    Rails Quality Data Modelling via Machine Learning-Based Paradigms

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    Interpretable methods in cancer diagnostics

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    Cancer is a hard problem. It is hard for the patients, for the doctors and nurses, and for the researchers working on understanding the disease and finding better treatments for it. The challenges faced by a pathologist diagnosing the disease for a patient is not necessarily the same as the ones faced by cell biologists working on experimental treatments and understanding the fundamentals of cancer. In this thesis we work on different challenges faced by both of the above teams. This thesis first presents methods to improve the analysis of the flow cy- tometry data used frequently in the diagnosis process, specifically for the two subtypes of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma which are our focus: Follicular Lymphoma and Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. With a combination of concepts from graph theory, dynamic programming, and machine learning, we present methods to improve the diagnosis process and the analysis of the abovementioned data. The interpretability of the method helps a pathologist to better understand a patient’s disease, which itself improves their choices for a treatment. In the second part, we focus on the analysis of DNA-methylation and gene expression data, both of which presenting the challenge of being very high dimen- sional yet with a few number of samples comparatively. We present an ensemble model which adapts to different patterns seen in each given data, in order to adapt to noise and batch effects. At the same time, the interpretability of our model helps a pathologist to better find and tune the treatment for the patient: a step further towards personalized medicine.Krebs ist ein schweres Problem. Es ist schwer fĂŒr die Patienten, fĂŒr die Ärzte und Krankenschwestern und fĂŒr die Forscher, die daran arbeiten, die Krankheit zu verstehen und eine bessere Behandlung dafĂŒr zu finden. Die Herausforderungen, mit denen ein Pathologe konfrontiert ist, um die Krankheit eines Patienten zu diagnostizieren, mĂŒssen nicht die gleichen sein, mit denen Zellbiologen konfrontiert sind, die an experimentellen Behandlungen arbeiten und die Grundlagen von Krebs verstehen. In dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen, denen sich beide oben genannten Teams stellen. In dieser Arbeit werden zunĂ€chst Methoden vorgestellt, um die Analyse der im Diagnoseverfahren hĂ€ufig verwendeten Durchflusszytometriedaten zu verbessern, insbesondere fĂŒr die beiden Subtypen des Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms, auf die wir uns konzentrieren: das follikulĂ€re Lymphom und das diffuse großzellige B-Zell-Lymphom. Mit einer Kombination von Konzepten aus Graphentheorie, dynamischer Programmierung und kĂŒnstliche Intelligenz prĂ€sentieren wir Methoden zur Verbesserung des Diagnoseprozesses und der Analyse der oben genannten Daten. Die Interpretierbarkeit der Methode hilft einem Pathologen, die Apatientenkrankheit besser zu verstehen, was wiederum seine Wahlmöglichkeiten fĂŒr eine Behandlung verbessert. Im zweiten Teil konzentrieren wir uns auf die Analyse von DNA-Methylierungsund Genexpressionsdaten, die beide die Herausforderung darstellen, sehr hochdimensional zu sein, jedoch mit nur wenigen Proben im Vergleich.Wir prĂ€sentieren ein Zusammenstellungsmodell, das sich an unterschiedliche Muster anpasst, die in den jeweiligen Daten zu sehen sind, um sich an Rauschen und Batch-Effekte anzupassen. Gleichzeitig hilft die Interpretierbarkeit unseres Modells einem Pathologen, die Behandlung fĂŒr den Patienten besser zu finden und abzustimmen: ein Schritt weiter in Richtung personalisierter Medizin

    Implementation of a neural network-based electromyographic control system for a printed robotic hand

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    3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing process reducing costs and time, but only when combined with robotics and electronics, this structures could develop their full potential. In order to improve the available printable hand designs, a control system based on electromyographic (EMG) signals has been implemented, so that different movement patterns can be recognized and replicated in the bionic hand in real time. This control system has been developed in Matlab/ Simulink comprising EMG signal acquisition, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction and pattern recognition through a trained neural-network. Pattern recognition depends on the features used, their dimensions and the time spent in signal processing. Finding balance between this execution time and the input features of the neural network is a crucial step for an optimal classification.Ingeniería Biomédic
