37 research outputs found

    UAV Model-based Flight Control with Artificial Neural Networks: A Survey

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    Model-Based Control (MBC) techniques have dominated flight controller designs for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Despite their success, MBC-based designs rely heavily on the accuracy of the mathematical model of the real plant and they suffer from the explosion of complexity problem. These two challenges may be mitigated by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) that have been widely studied due to their unique features and advantages in system identification and controller design. Viewed from this perspective, this survey provides a comprehensive literature review on combined MBC-ANN techniques that are suitable for UAV flight control, i.e., low-level control. The objective is to pave the way and establish a foundation for efficient controller designs with performance guarantees. A reference template is used throughout the survey as a common basis for comparative studies to fairly determine capabilities and limitations of existing research. The end-result offers supported information for advantages, disadvantages and applicability of a family of relevant controllers to UAV prototypes

    A New 3-D Multistable Chaotic System with Line Equilibrium: Dynamic Analysis and Synchronization

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    This work introduces a new 3-D chaotic system with a line of equilibrium points. We carry out a detailed dynamic analysis of the proposed chaotic system with five nonlinear terms. We show that the chaotic system exhibits multistability with two coexisting chaotic attractors. We apply integral sliding mode control for the complete synchronization of the new chaotic system with itself as leader-follower systems

    Design and Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network Controller for Quadrotor Flight in Confined Environment

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    Quadrotors offer practical solutions for many applications, such as emergency rescue, surveillance, military operations, videography and many more. For this reason, they have recently attracted the attention of research and industry. Even though they have been intensively studied, quadrotors still suffer from some challenges that limit their use, such as trajectory measurement, attitude estimation, obstacle avoidance, safety precautions, and land cybersecurity. One major problem is flying in a confined environment, such as closed buildings and tunnels, where the aerodynamics around the quadrotor are affected by close proximity objects, which result in tracking performance deterioration, and sometimes instability. To address this problem, researchers followed three different approaches; the Modeling approach, which focuses on the development of a precise dynamical model that accounts for the different aerodynamic effects, the Sensor Integration approach, which focuses on the addition of multiple sensors to the quadrotor and applying algorithms to stabilize the quadrotor based on their measurements, and the Controller Design approach, which focuses on the development of an adaptive and robust controller. In this research, a learning controller is proposed as a solution for the issue of quadrotor trajectory control in confined environments. This controller utilizes Artificial Neural Networks to adjust for the unknown aerodynamics on-line. A systematic approach for controller design is developed, so that, the approach could be followed for the development of controllers for other nonlinear systems of similar form. One goal for this research is to develop a global controller that could be applied to any quadrotor with minimal adjustment. A novel Artificial Neural Network structure is presented that increases learning efficiency and speed. In addition, a new learning algorithm is developed for the Artificial Neural Network, when utilized with the developed controller. Simulation results for the designed controller when applied to the Qball-X4 quadrotor are presented that show the effectiveness of the proposed Artificial Neural Network structure and the developed learning algorithm in the presence of variety of different unknown aerodynamics. These results are confirmed with real time experimentation, as the developed controller was successfully applied to Quanser’s Qball-X4 quadrotor for the flight control in confined environment. The practical challenges associated with the application of such a controller for quadrotor flight in confined environment are analyzed and adequately resolved to achieve an acceptable tracking performance

    Dinamički odziv nove adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže upravljanja sinkronim motorom s permanentnim magnetima za električni skuter

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    Because an electric scooter driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) servo-driven system has the unknown nonlinearity and the time-varying characteristics, its accurate dynamic model is difficult to establish for the design of the linear controller in whole system. In order to conquer this difficulty and raise robustness, a novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre neural network (NN) control system, which has fast convergence and provide high accuracy, is proposed to control for PMSM servo-driven electric scooter under the external disturbances and parameter variations in this study. The novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre NN control system consists of a modified recurrent Legendre NN control with adaptation law and a remunerated control with estimation law. In addition, the online parameter tuning methodology of the modified recurrent Legendre NN control and the estimation law of the remunerated control can be derived by using the Lyapunov stability theorem and the gradient descent method. Furthermore, the modified recurrent Legendre NN with variable learning rate is proposed to raise convergence speed. Finally, comparative studies are demonstrated by experimental results in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.S obzirom da električni skuter pogonjen servo sustavom sa sinkroni motor s permanentnim magnetima ima nelinearnu dinamiku i vremenski promjenjive parametre, njegov dinamički model nije jednostavno odrediti u svrhu dizajniranja linearnog regulatora. Kako bi se riješio taj problem te povećala robusnost predložen je sustav upravljanja korištenjem adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže za upravljanje skuterom pogonjenim servo sustavom sa sinkronim motorom uz prisustvo vanjskog poremećaja i promjenjivih parametara. Predloženo upravljanje ima brzu konvergenciju i visoku preciznost. Sustav upravljanja sastoji se od modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske moreže s adaptivnim zakonom upravljanja i estimacijom. Dodatno, \u27on-line\u27 podešavanje parametara takvog sustava može se dobiti korištenjem Ljapunovljevog teorema o stabilnosti sustava i gradijente metode. Modificirana povratne Legendrove neuronska mreža s promjenjivim vremenom učenja predložena je za povećanje brzine konvergencije. Ispravnost predložene sheme upravljanja provjerena je eksperimentalno

    An Improved Adaptive Tracking Controller of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

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    This paper proposes a new adaptive fuzzy neural control to suppress chaos and also to achieve the speed tracking control in a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system with unknown parameters and uncertainties. The control scheme consists of fuzzy neural and compensatory controllers. The fuzzy neural controller with online parameter tuning is used to estimate the unknown nonlinear models and construct linearization feedback control law, while the compensatory controller is employed to attenuate the estimation error effects of the fuzzy neural network and ensure the robustness of the controlled system. Moreover, due to improvement in controller design, the singularity problem is surely avoided. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed control scheme can successfully remove chaotic oscillations and allow the speed to follow the desired trajectory in a chaotic PMSM despite the existence of unknown models and uncertainties

    A recurrent emotional CMAC neural network controller for vision-based mobile robots

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    Vision-based mobile robots often suffer from the difficulties of high nonlinear dynamics and precise positioning requirements, which leads to the development demand of more powerful nonlinear approximation in controlling and monitoring of mobile robots. This paper proposes a recurrent emotional cerebellar model articulation controller (RECMAC) neural network in meeting such demand. In particular, the proposed network integrates a recurrent loop and an emotional learning mechanism into a cerebellar model articulation controller (CMAC), which is implemented as the main component of the controller module of a vision-based mobile robot. Briefly, the controller module consists of a sliding surface, the RECMAC, and a compensator controller. The incorporation of the recurrent structure in a slide model neural network controller ensures the retaining of the previous states of the robot to improve its dynamic mapping ability. The convergence of the proposed system is guaranteed by applying the Lyapunov stability analysis theory. The proposed system was validated and evaluated by both simulation and a practical moving-target tracking task. The experimentation demonstrated that the proposed system outperforms other popular neural network-based control systems, and thus it is superior in approximating highly nonlinear dynamics in controlling vision-based mobile robots

    Design and implementation of a soft computing-based controller for a complex mechanical system

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    Soft-Computing basierende Regler beinhalten Algorithmen, die im Bereich des Maschinellen Lernens einzuordnen sind. Diese Regler sind in der Lage eine geeignete Steuerungsstrategie durch direkte Interaktion mit einer dynamischen Regelstrecke zu entwerfen. Sowohl klassische als auch moderne Reglerentwurfsmethoden hangen von der Genauigkeit des verwendeten dynamischen Systemmodells ab, was insbesondere bei steigender Komplexitat des Systems und auftretenden Modellunsicherheiten nicht mehr uneingeschrankt gewahrleistet werden kann. Die Ziele von Soft- Computing basierenden Reglern sind die Verbesserung der Gute des Regelverhaltens und eine geeignete Anpassung der Regler ohne eine mathematische Modellbildung auf Grundlage von physikalischen Gesetzen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden funf Algorithmen zur Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme untersucht, welche auf dem Mehrschichten-Perzeptron-Netzwerk (Multi-Layer Perceptron network, MLP), auf der Methode der Support Vector Machine (SVM), der Gau-Prozesse, der radialen Basisfunktionen (Radial Basis Functions, RBF) sowie der Fuzzy-Inferenz-Systeme basieren. Im Anschluss an die Darstellung der zugrunde liegenden mathematischen Zusammenhange dieser Methoden sowie deren Hauptanwendungsfelder im Bereich der Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme wird eine systematische Evaluierung der funf Methoden diskutiert. Anhand der Verwendung quantitativer Gutekennziern werden diese Methoden fur die Verwendung in der Modellbildung und Regelung dynamischer Systeme vergleichbar gegenubergestellt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Evaluierung wird der SVM-basierte Algorithmus als Kernalgorithmus des Soft-Computing basierenden Reglers verwendet. Der vorgestellte Regler besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen, wobei der erste Teil aus einer Modellfunktion der dynamischen Regelstrecke und einem SVM-basierten Beobachter besteht, und der zweite Teil basierend auf dem Systemmodell eine geeignete Regelstrategie generiert. Die Verikation des SVM-basierten Regleralgorithmus erfolgt anhand eines FEM-Modells eines dynamischen elastischen Balken bzw. einseitig eingespannten elastischen Balkens. Dieses Modell kann z. B. als Ersatzmodell fur das mechanische Verhalten eines exiblen Roboterarms oder einer Flugzeugtrag ache verwendet werden. Der Hauptteil der Modellfunktion besteht aus einem automatischen Systemidentikationsalgorithmus, der auch die Integration eines systematischen Modellbildungsansatzes fur dynamische Systeme ermoglicht.Die Ergebnisse des SVM-basierten Beobachter zeigen ahnliches Verhalten zum Kalman- Bucy Beobachter. Auch die Sensitivitatsanalyse der Parameter zeigt eine bessere Gute der SVM-basierten Beobachter im Vergleich mit den Kalman-Bucy Beobachtern. Im Anschluss wird der SVM-basierte Regler zur Schwingungsregelung des Kragtragers verwendet. Hierbei werden vergleichbare Ergebnisse zum LQR-Regler erzielt. Eine experimentelle Validierung des SVM basierten Reglers erfolgt an Versuchsst anden eines elastischen Biegebalkens sowie eines invertierten Biegebalkens. Die Zustandsbeobachtung fuhrt zu vergleichbaren Ergebnissen verglichen mit einem Kalman-Bucy Beobachter. Auch die Modellbildung des elastischen Balkens fuhrt zu guten Ubereinstimmungen. Die Regelgute des Soft-Computing basierenden Reglers wurde am Versuchsstand des invertierten Biegebalkens experimentell erprobt. Es wird deutlich, dass Ergebnisse im Rahmen der erforderlichen Vorgaben erzielt werden konnen.The focus of this thesis is to obtain a soft computing-based controller for complex mechanical system. soft computing based controllers are based on machine learning algorithm that able to develop suitable control strategies by direct interaction with targeted dynamic systems. Classical and modern control design methods depend on the accuracy of the system dynamic model which cannot be achieved due to the dynamic system complexity and modeling uncertainties. A soft computing-based controller aims to improve the performance of the close loop system and to give the controller adaptation ability as well as to reduce the need for mathematical modeling based on physical laws. In this work ve dierent softcomputing algorithms used in the eld of modeling and controlling dynamic systems are investigated.These algorithms are Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP) network, Support Vector Machine (SVM),Gaussian process, Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). The basic mathematical description of each algorithm is given. Additionally, the most recent applications in modeling and controlling of dynamic system are summarized. A systematic evaluation of the ve algorithms is proposed. The goal of the evaluation is to provide quantitative measure of the performance of soft computing algorithms when used in modeling and controlling a dynamic system. Based on the evaluation, the SVM algorithm is selected as the core learning algorithm for the soft computing based controller. The controller has two main units. The rst unit has two functions of modeling dynamic system and obtaining a SVM-based observer. The second unit is in charge of generating suitable control strategy based on the dynamic model obtained. The verication of the controller using SVM algorithm is done using an elastic cantilever beam modeled using Finite Element Method (FEM). An elastic cantilever beam can be considered as a representation of exible single-link manipulator or aircraft wing. In the core of the modeling unit, an automatic system identication algorithm which allows a systematic modeling approach of dynamic systems is implemented. The results show that the system dynamic model using SVM algorithm is accurate with respect to the FEM model. As for the SVM-based observer the results show that it has good estimation in comparison with to dierent Kalman-Bucy observers. The sensitivity to parameters variations analysis shows that the SVM-based observer has better performance than Kalman-Bucy observer. The SVM based controller is used to control the vibration of the cantilever beam; the results show that the model reference controller using SVM has a similar performance to LQR controller. The validation of the controller using SVM algorithm is carried out using the elastic cantilever beam test rig and the inverted cantilever beam test rig. The states estimation using SVM-based observer of the elastic cantilever beam test rig is successful and accurate compared to a Kalman-Bucy observer. Modeling of the elastic cantilever beam using the SVM algorithm shows good accuracy. The performance of controller is tested on the inverted cantilever beam test rig. The results show that required performance objective can be realized using this control strategy