6,497 research outputs found

    An analysis of the inertia weight parameter for binary particle swarm optimization

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    In particle swarm optimization, the inertia weight is an important parameter for controlling its search capability. There have been intensive studies of the inertia weight in continuous optimization, but little attention has been paid to the binary case. This study comprehensively investigates the effect of the inertia weight on the performance of binary particle swarm optimization, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. A mathematical model is proposed to analyze the behavior of binary particle swarm optimization, based on which several lemmas and theorems on the effect of the inertia weight are derived. Our research findings suggest that in the binary case, a smaller inertia weight enhances the exploration capability while a larger inertia weight encourages exploitation. Consequently, this paper proposes a new adaptive inertia weight scheme for binary particle swarm optimization. This scheme allows the search process to start first with exploration and gradually move towards exploitation by linearly increasing the inertia weight. The experimental results on 0/1 knapsack problems show that the binary particle swarm optimization with the new increasing inertia weight scheme performs significantly better than that with the conventional decreasing and constant inertia weight schemes. This study verifies the efficacy of increasing inertia weight in binary particle swarm optimization

    Adaptive Critics for Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization

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    This work introduces a novel technique for dynamic particle swarm optimization (DPSO) using adaptive critic designs. The adaptation between global and local search in an optimization algorithm is critical for optimization problems especially in a dynamically changing environment or process over time. The inertia weight in particle swarm optimization (PSO) is dynamically adjusted in this paper in order to provide a nonlinear search capability for the PSO algorithm. Results on benchmark functions in the literature are provided

    Optimizing Laying Hen Diet using Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Formulating animal diet by accounting fluctuating cost, nutrient requirement, balanced amino acids, and maximum composition simultaneously is a difficult and complex task. Manual formulation and Linear Programming encounter difficulty to solve this problem. Furthermore, the complexity of laying hen diet problem is change through ingredient choices. Thus, an advanced technique to enhance formula quality is a vital necessity. This paper proposes the Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimization (MSPSO) to enhance the diversity of particles and prevent premature convergence in PSO. MSPSO work cooperatively and competitively to optimize laying hen diet and produce improved and stable formula than Genetic Algorithm, Hybridization of Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing, and Standard Particle Swarm Optimization with less time complexity. In addition, swarm size, iteration, and inertia weight parameters are investigated and show that swarm size of 50 for each sub-swarm, total iteration of 16,000, and inertia weight of 6.0 should be used as a good parameter for MSPSO to optimize laying hen diet

    A Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Heuristic for Market-Oriented Task-Level Scheduling in Cloud Workflow Systems

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    Cloud workflow system is a kind of platform service based on cloud computing. It facilitates the automation of workflow applications. Between cloud workflow system and its counterparts, market-oriented business model is one of the most prominent factors. The optimization of task-level scheduling in cloud workflow system is a hot topic. As the scheduling is a NP problem, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) have been proposed to optimize the cost. However, they have the characteristic of premature convergence in optimization process and therefore cannot effectively reduce the cost. To solve these problems, Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO) algorithm with chaotic sequence and adaptive inertia weight factor is applied to present the task-level scheduling. Chaotic sequence with high randomness improves the diversity of solutions, and its regularity assures a good global convergence. Adaptive inertia weight factor depends on the estimate value of cost. It makes the scheduling avoid premature convergence by properly balancing between global and local exploration. The experimental simulation shows that the cost obtained by our scheduling is always lower than the other two representative counterparts

    Improving the Performance of Particle Swarm Optimization Using Adaptive Critics Designs

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    Swarm intelligence algorithms are based on natural behaviors. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic search and optimization tool. Changes in the PSO parameters, namely the inertia weight and the cognitive and social acceleration constants, affect the performance of the search process. This paper presents a novel method to dynamically change the values of these parameters during the search. Adaptive critic design (ACD) has been applied for dynamically changing the values of the PSO parameters

    Adaptive Parameters for a Modified Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimizer

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic optimization method sensitive to parameter settings. The paper presents a modification on the comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer (CLPSO), which is one of the best performing PSO algorithms. The proposed method introduces a self-adaptive mechanism that dynamically changes the values of key parameters including inertia weight and acceleration coefficient based on evolutionary information of individual particles and the swarm during the search. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our approach with adaptive parameters can provide comparable improvement in performance of solving global optimization problems

    Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for multi-reservoir system operation

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    AbstractIn this paper, a hybrid improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) algorithm is proposed for the optimization of hydroelectric power scheduling in multi-reservoir systems. The conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is improved in two ways: (1) The linearly decreasing inertia weight coefficient (LDIWC) is replaced by a self-adaptive exponential inertia weight coefficient (SEIWC), which could make the PSO algorithm more balanceable and more effective in both global and local searches. (2) The crossover and mutation idea inspired by the genetic algorithm (GA) is imported into the particle updating method to enhance the diversity of populations. The potential ability of IPSO in nonlinear numerical function optimization was first tested with three classical benchmark functions. Then, a long-term multi-reservoir system operation model based on IPSO was designed and a case study was carried out in the Minjiang Basin in China, where there is a power system consisting of 26 hydroelectric power plants. The scheduling results of the IPSO algorithm were found to outperform PSO and to be comparable with the results of the dynamic programming successive approximation (DPSA) algorithm

    Controller design for synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks using a controllable

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    This is the post-print version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierIn this paper, a controllable probabilistic particle swarm optimization (CPPSO) algorithm is introduced based on Bernoulli stochastic variables and a competitive penalized method. The CPPSO algorithm is proposed to solve optimization problems and is then applied to design the memoryless feedback controller, which is used in the synchronization of an array of delayed neural networks (DNNs). The learning strategies occur in a random way governed by Bernoulli stochastic variables. The expectations of Bernoulli stochastic variables are automatically updated by the search environment. The proposed method not only keeps the diversity of the swarm, but also maintains the rapid convergence of the CPPSO algorithm according to the competitive penalized mechanism. In addition, the convergence rate is improved because the inertia weight of each particle is automatically computed according to the feedback of fitness value. The efficiency of the proposed CPPSO algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it with some well-known PSO algorithms on benchmark test functions with and without rotations. In the end, the proposed CPPSO algorithm is used to design the controller for the synchronization of an array of continuous-time delayed neural networks.This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of PR China (Grant No 60874113), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No 200802550007), the Key Creative Project of Shanghai Education Community (Grant No 09ZZ66), the Key Foundation Project of Shanghai(Grant No 09JC1400700), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the U.K. under Grant No. GR/S27658/01, an International Joint Project sponsored by the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany


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    In this study, an improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, including 4 types of new velocity updating formulae (each is equal to the traditional PSO), was introduced. This algorithm was called the reverse direction supported particle swarm optimization (RDS-PSO) algorithm. The RDS-PSO algorithm has the potential to extend the diversity and generalization of traditional PSO by regulating the reverse direction information adaptively. To implement this extension, 2 new constants were added to the velocity update equation of the traditional PSO, and these constants were regulated through 2 alternative procedures, i.e. max min-based and cosine amplitude-based diversity-evaluating procedures. The 4 most commonly used benchmark functions were used to test the general optimization performances of the RDS-PSO algorithm with 3 different velocity updates, RDS-PSO without a regulating procedure, and the traditional PSO with linearly increasing/decreasing inertia weight. All PSO algorithms were also implemented in 4 modes, and their experimental results were compared. According to the experimental results, RDS-PSO 3 showed the best optimization performance

    Adaptive particle swarm optimization

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    An adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) that features better search efficiency than classical particle swarm optimization (PSO) is presented. More importantly, it can perform a global search over the entire search space with faster convergence speed. The APSO consists of two main steps. First, by evaluating the population distribution and particle fitness, a real-time evolutionary state estimation procedure is performed to identify one of the following four defined evolutionary states, including exploration, exploitation, convergence, and jumping out in each generation. It enables the automatic control of inertia weight, acceleration coefficients, and other algorithmic parameters at run time to improve the search efficiency and convergence speed. Then, an elitist learning strategy is performed when the evolutionary state is classified as convergence state. The strategy will act on the globally best particle to jump out of the likely local optima. The APSO has comprehensively been evaluated on 12 unimodal and multimodal benchmark functions. The effects of parameter adaptation and elitist learning will be studied. Results show that APSO substantially enhances the performance of the PSO paradigm in terms of convergence speed, global optimality, solution accuracy, and algorithm reliability. As APSO introduces two new parameters to the PSO paradigm only, it does not introduce an additional design or implementation complexity