870 research outputs found

    Interactive isosurface ray tracing of time-varying tetrahedral volumes

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    Journal ArticleAbstract- We describe a system for interactively rendering isosurfaces of tetrahedral finite-element scalar fields using coherent ray tracing techniques on the CPU. By employing state-of-the art methods in polygonal ray tracing, namely aggressive packet/frustum traversal of a bounding volume hierarchy, we can accomodate large and time-varying unstructured data. In conjunction with this efficiency structure, we introduce a novel technique for intersecting ray packets with tetrahedral primitives. Ray tracing is flexible, allowing for dynamic changes in isovalue and time step, visualization of multiple isosurfaces, shadows, and depth-peeling transparency effects. The resulting system offers the intuitive simplicity of isosurfacing, guaranteed-correct visual results, and ultimately a scalable, dynamic and consistently interactive solution for visualizing unstructured volumes

    Accelerated isosurface extraction in time-varying fields

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    Journal ArticleFor large time-varying data sets, memory and disk limitations can lower the performance of visualization applications. Algorithms and data structures must be explicitly designed to handle these data sets in order to achieve more interactive rates. The Temporal Branch-on-Need Octree (T-BON) extends the three-dimensional branch-on-need octree for time-varying isosurface extraction. This data structure minimizes the impact of the I/O bottleneck by reading from disk only those portions of the search structure and data necessary to construct the current isosurface

    09251 Abstracts Collection -- Scientific Visualization

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    From 06-14-2009 to 06-19-2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09251 ``Scientific Visualization \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, over 50 international participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general

    Multiple dataset visualization (MDV) framework for scalar volume data

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    Many applications require comparative analysis of multiple datasets representing different samples, conditions, time instants, or views in order to develop a better understanding of the scientific problem/system under consideration. One effective approach for such analysis is visualization of the data. In this PhD thesis, we propose an innovative multiple dataset visualization (MDV) approach in which two or more datasets of a given type are rendered concurrently in the same visualization. MDV is an important concept for the cases where it is not possible to make an inference based on one dataset, and comparisons between many datasets are required to reveal cross-correlations among them. The proposed MDV framework, which deals with some fundamental issues that arise when several datasets are visualized together, follows a multithreaded architecture consisting of three core components, data preparation/loading, visualization and rendering. The visualization module - the major focus of this study, currently deals with isosurface extraction and texture-based rendering techniques. For isosurface extraction, our all-in-memory approach keeps datasets under consideration and the corresponding geometric data in the memory. Alternatively, the only-polygons- or points-in-memory only keeps the geometric data in memory. To address the issues related to storage and computation, we develop adaptive data coherency and multiresolution schemes. The inter-dataset coherency scheme exploits the similarities among datasets to approximate the portions of isosurfaces of datasets using the isosurface of one or more reference datasets whereas the intra/inter-dataset multiresolution scheme processes the selected portions of each data volume at varying levels of resolution. The graphics hardware-accelerated approaches adopted for MDV include volume clipping, isosurface extraction and volume rendering, which use 3D textures and advanced per fragment operations. With appropriate user-defined threshold criteria, we find that various MDV techniques maintain a linear time-N relationship, improve the geometry generation and rendering time, and increase the maximum N that can be handled (N: number of datasets). Finally, we justify the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed MDV by visualizing 3D scalar data (representing electron density distributions in magnesium oxide and magnesium silicate) from parallel quantum mechanical simulation

    Wavelet representation of contour sets

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    Journal ArticleWe present a new wavelet compression and multiresolution modeling approach for sets of contours (level sets). In contrast to previous wavelet schemes, our algorithm creates a parametrization of a scalar field induced by its contours and compactly stores this parametrization rather than function values sampled on a regular grid. Our representation is based on hierarchical polygon meshes with subdivision connectivity whose vertices are transformed into wavelet coefficients. From this sparse set of coefficients, every set of contours can be efficiently reconstructed at multiple levels of resolution. When applying lossy compression, introducing high quantization errors, our method preserves contour topology, in contrast to compression methods applied to the corresponding field function. We provide numerical results for scalar fields defined on planar domains. Our approach generalizes to volumetric domains, time-varying contours, and level sets of vector fields

    The detection and tracking of mine-water pollution from abandoned mines using electrical tomography

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    Increasing emphasis is being placed on the environmental and societal impact of mining, particularly in the EU, where the environmental impacts of abandoned mine sites (spoil heaps and tailings) are now subject to the legally binding Water Framework and Mine Waste Directives. Traditional sampling to monitor the impact of mining on surface waters and groundwater is laborious, expensive and often unrepresentative. In particular, sparse and infrequent borehole sampling may fail to capture the dynamic behaviour associated with important events such as flash flooding, mine-water break-out, and subsurface acid mine drainage. Current monitoring practice is therefore failing to provide the information needed to assess the socio-economic and environmental impact of mining on vulnerable eco-systems, or to give adequate early warning to allow preventative maintenance or containment. BGS has developed a tomographic imaging system known as ALERT ( Automated time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography) which allows the near real-time measurement of geoelectric properties "on demand", thereby giving early warning of potential threats to vulnerable water systems. Permanent in-situ geoelectric measurements are used to provide surrogate indicators of hydrochemical and hydrogeological properties. The ALERT survey concept uses electrode arrays, permanently buried in shallow trenches at the surface but these arrays could equally be deployed in mine entries or shafts or underground workings. This sensor network is then interrogated from the office by wireless telemetry (e.g: GSM, low-power radio, internet, and satellite) to provide volumetric images of the subsurface at regular intervals. Once installed, no manual intervention is required; data is transmitted automatically according to a pre-programmed schedule and for specific survey parameters, both of which may be varied remotely as conditions change (i.e: an adaptive sampling approach). The entire process from data capture to visualisation on the web-portal is seamless, with no manual intervention. Examples are given where ALERT has been installed and used to remotely monitor (i) seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer (ii) domestic landfills and contaminated land and (iii) vulnerable earth embankments. The full potential of the ALERT concept for monitoring mine-waste has yet to be demonstrated. However we have used manual electrical tomography surveys to characterise mine-waste pollution at an abandoned metalliferous mine in the Central Wales orefield in the UK. Hydrogeochemical sampling confirms that electrical tomography can provide a reliable surrogate for the mapping and long-term monitoring of mine-water pollution

    Time-varying volume visualization

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    Volume rendering is a very active research field in Computer Graphics because of its wide range of applications in various sciences, from medicine to flow mechanics. In this report, we survey a state-of-the-art on time-varying volume rendering. We state several basic concepts and then we establish several criteria to classify the studied works: IVR versus DVR, 4D versus 3D+time, compression techniques, involved architectures, use of parallelism and image-space versus object-space coherence. We also address other related problems as transfer functions and 2D cross-sections computation of time-varying volume data. All the papers reviewed are classified into several tables based on the mentioned classification and, finally, several conclusions are presented.Preprin
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