160 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und Einführung von Produktionssteuerungsverbesserungen für die kundenorientierte Halbleiterfertigung

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    Production control in a semiconductor production facility is a very complex and timeconsuming task. Different demands regarding facility performance parameters are defined by customer and facility management. These requirements are usually opponents, and an efficient strategy is not simple to define. In semiconductor manufacturing, the available production control systems often use priorities to define the importance of each production lot. The production lots are ranked according to the defined priorities. This process is called dispatching. The priority allocation is carried out by special algorithms. In literature, a huge variety of different strategies and rules is available. For the semiconductor foundry business, there is a need for a very flexible and adaptable policy taking the facility state and the defined requirements into account. At our case the production processes are characterized by a low-volume high-mix product portfolio. This portfolio causes additional stability problems and performance lags. The unstable characteristic increases the influence of reasonable production control logic. This thesis offers a very flexible and adaptable production control policy. This policy is based on a detailed facility model with real-life production data. The data is extracted from a real high-mix low-volume semiconductor facility. The dispatching strategy combines several dispatching rules. Different requirements like line balance, throughput optimization and on-time delivery targets can be taken into account. An automated detailed facility model calculates a semi-optimal combination of the different dispatching rules under a defined objective function. The objective function includes different demands from the management and the customer. The optimization is realized by a genetic heuristic for a fast and efficient finding of a close-to-optimal solution. The strategy is evaluated with real-life production data. The analysis with the detailed facility model of this fab shows an average improvement of 5% to 8% for several facility performance parameters like cycle time per mask layer. Finally the approach is realized and applied at a typical high-mix low-volume semiconductor facility. The system realization bases on a JAVA implementation. This implementation includes common state-of-the-art technologies such as web services. The system replaces the older production control solution. Besides the dispatching algorithm, the production policy includes the possibility to skip several metrology operations under defined boundary conditions. In a real-life production process, not all metrology operations are necessary for each lot. The thesis evaluates the influence of the sampling mechanism to the production process. The solution is included into the system implementation as a framework to assign different sampling rules to different metrology operations. Evaluations show greater improvements at bottleneck situations. After the productive introduction and usage of both systems, the practical results are evaluated. The staff survey offers good acceptance and response to the system. Furthermore positive effects on the performance measures are visible. The implemented system became part of the daily tools of a real semiconductor facility.Produktionssteuerung im Bereich der kundenorientierten Halbleiterfertigung ist heutzutage eine sehr komplexe und zeitintensive Aufgabe. Verschiedene Anforderungen bezüglich der Fabrikperformance werden seitens der Kunden als auch des Fabrikmanagements definiert. Diese Anforderungen stehen oftmals in Konkurrenz. Dadurch ist eine effiziente Strategie zur Kompromissfindung nicht einfach zu definieren. Heutige Halbleiterfabriken mit ihren verfügbaren Produktionssteuerungssystemen nutzen oft prioritätsbasierte Lösungen zur Definition der Wichtigkeit eines jeden Produktionsloses. Anhand dieser Prioritäten werden die Produktionslose sortiert und bearbeitet. In der Literatur existiert eine große Bandbreite verschiedener Algorithmen. Im Bereich der kundenorientierten Halbleiterfertigung wird eine sehr flexible und anpassbare Strategie benötigt, die auch den aktuellen Fabrikzustand als auch die wechselnden Kundenanforderungen berücksichtigt. Dies gilt insbesondere für den hochvariablen geringvolumigen Produktionsfall. Diese Arbeit behandelt eine flexible Strategie für den hochvariablen Produktionsfall einer solchen Produktionsstätte. Der Algorithmus basiert auf einem detaillierten Fabriksimulationsmodell mit Rückgriff auf Realdaten. Neben synthetischen Testdaten wurde der Algorithmus auch anhand einer realen Fertigungsumgebung geprüft. Verschiedene Steuerungsregeln werden hierbei sinnvoll kombiniert und gewichtet. Wechselnde Anforderungen wie Linienbalance, Durchsatz oder Liefertermintreue können adressiert und optimiert werden. Mittels einer definierten Zielfunktion erlaubt die automatische Modellgenerierung eine Optimierung anhand des aktuellen Fabrikzustandes. Die Optimierung basiert auf einen genetischen Algorithmus für eine flexible und effiziente Lösungssuche. Die Strategie wurde mit Realdaten aus der Fertigung einer typischen hochvariablen geringvolumigen Halbleiterfertigung geprüft und analysiert. Die Analyse zeigt ein Verbesserungspotential von 5% bis 8% für die bekannten Performancekriterien wie Cycletime im Vergleich zu gewöhnlichen statischen Steuerungspolitiken. Eine prototypische Implementierung realisiert diesen Ansatz zur Nutzung in der realen Fabrikumgebung. Die Implementierung basiert auf der JAVA-Programmiersprache. Aktuelle Implementierungsmethoden erlauben den flexiblen Einsatz in der Produktionsumgebung. Neben der Fabriksteuerung wurde die Möglichkeit der Reduktion von Messoperationszeit (auch bekannt unter Sampling) unter gegebenen Randbedingungen einer hochvariablen geringvolumigen Fertigung untersucht und geprüft. Oftmals ist aufgrund stabiler Prozesse in der Fertigung die Messung aller Lose an einem bestimmten Produktionsschritt nicht notwendig. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss dieses gängigen Verfahrens aus der Massenfertigung für die spezielle geringvolumige Produktionsumgebung. Die Analysen zeigen insbesondere in Ausnahmesituationen wie Anlagenausfällen und Kapazitätsengpässe einen positiven Effekt, während der Einfluss unter normalen Produktionsbedingungen aufgrund der hohen Produktvariabilität als gering angesehen werden kann. Nach produktiver Einführung in einem typischen Vertreter dieser Halbleiterfabriken zeigten sich schnell positive Effekte auf die Fabrikperformance als auch eine breite Nutzerakzeptanz. Das implementierte System wurde Bestandteil der täglichen genutzten Werkzeuglandschaft an diesem Standort

    Simulation-Based Analysis on Operational Control of Batch Processors in Wafer Fabrication

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    [EN] In semiconductor wafer fabrication (wafer fab), wafers go through hundreds of process steps on a variety of processing machines for electrical circuit building operations. One of the special features in the wafer fabs is that there exist batch processors (BPs) where several wafer lots are processed at the same time as a batch. The batch processors have a significant influence on system performance because the repetitive batching and de-batching activities in a reentrant product flow system lead to non-smooth product flows with high variability. Existing research on the BP control problems has mostly focused on the local performance, such as waiting time at the BP stations. This paper attempts to examine how much BP control policies affect the system-wide behavior of the wafer fabs. A simulation model is constructed with which experiments are performed to analyze the performance of BP control rules under various production environments. Some meaningful insights on BP control decisions are identified through simulation results.This work was supported by the Pukyong National University Research Abroad Fund (C-D-2016-0843).Koo, P.; Ruiz García, R. (2020). Simulation-Based Analysis on Operational Control of Batch Processors in Wafer Fabrication. Applied Sciences. 10(17):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10175936S1171017Wang, L.-C., Chu, P.-C., & Lin, S.-Y. (2019). Impact of capacity fluctuation on throughput performance for semiconductor wafer fabrication. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 55, 208-216. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2018.03.005Ham, M. (2012). Integer programming-based real-time dispatching (i-RTD) heuristic for wet-etch station at wafer fabrication. International Journal of Production Research, 50(10), 2809-2822. doi:10.1080/00207543.2011.594816Mathirajan, M., & Sivakumar, A. I. (2006). A literature review, classification and simple meta-analysis on scheduling of batch processors in semiconductor. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 29(9-10), 990-1001. doi:10.1007/s00170-005-2585-1FOWLER, J. W., HOGG, G. L., & PHILLIPS, D. T. (2000). Control of multiproduct bulk server diffusion/oxidation processes. Part 2: multiple servers. IIE Transactions, 32(2), 167-176. doi:10.1080/07408170008963889Van Der Zee, D. J. (2002). Adaptive scheduling of batch servers in flow shops. International Journal of Production Research, 40(12), 2811-2833. doi:10.1080/00207540210136559Wang, J., Zheng, P., & Zhang, J. (2020). Big data analytics for cycle time related feature selection in the semiconductor wafer fabrication system. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 143, 106362. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2020.106362Neuts, M. F. (1967). A General Class of Bulk Queues with Poisson Input. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 38(3), 759-770. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177698869Deb, R. K., & Serfozo, R. F. (1973). Optimal control of batch service queues. 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(1992). Real-time control of multiproduct bulk-service semiconductor manufacturing processes. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 5(2), 158-163. doi:10.1109/66.136278Sarin, S. C., Varadarajan, A., & Wang, L. (2010). A survey of dispatching rules for operational control in wafer fabrication. Production Planning & Control, 22(1), 4-24. doi:10.1080/09537287.2010.490014Koo, P.-H., & Moon, D. H. (2013). A Review on Control Strategies of Batch Processing Machines in Semiconductor Manufacturing. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 46(9), 1690-1695. doi:10.3182/20130619-3-ru-3018.00203Leachman, R. C., Kang, J., & Lin, V. (2002). SLIM: Short Cycle Time and Low Inventory in Manufacturing at Samsung Electronics. Interfaces, 32(1), 61-77. doi:10.1287/inte., J. K., FOWLER, J. W., & BARD, J. F. (1995). The use of upstream and downstream information in scheduling semiconductor batch operations. International Journal of Production Research, 33(7), 1849-1869. doi:10.1080/00207549508904785NEALE, J. 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    A Fuzzy Nonlinear Programming Approach for Optimizing the Performance of a Four-Objective Fluctuation Smoothing Rule in a Wafer Fabrication Factory

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    In theory, a scheduling problem can be formulated as a mathematical programming problem. In practice, dispatching rules are considered to be a more practical method of scheduling. However, the combination of mathematical programming and fuzzy dispatching rule has rarely been discussed in the literature. In this study, a fuzzy nonlinear programming (FNLP) approach is proposed for optimizing the scheduling performance of a four-factor fluctuation smoothing rule in a wafer fabrication factory. The proposed methodology considers the uncertainty in the remaining cycle time of a job and optimizes a fuzzy four-factor fluctuation-smoothing rule to sequence the jobs in front of each machine. The fuzzy four-factor fluctuation-smoothing rule has five adjustable parameters, the optimization of which results in an FNLP problem. The FNLP problem can be converted into an equivalent nonlinear programming (NLP) problem to be solved. The performance of the proposed methodology has been evaluated with a series of production simulation experiments; these experiments provide sufficient evidence to support the advantages of the proposed method over some existing scheduling methods

    Deep reinforcement learning für workload balance und Fälligkeitskontrolle in wafer fabs

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    Semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities (wafer fabs) often prioritize two operational objectives: work-in-process (WIP) and due date. WIP-oriented and due date-oriented dispatching rules are two commonly used methods to achieve workload balance and on-time delivery, respectively. However, it often requires sophisticated heuristics to achieve both objectives simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a novel approach using deep-Q-network reinforcement learning (DRL) for dispatching in wafer fabs. The DRL approach differs from traditional dispatching methods by using dispatch agents at work-centers to observe state changes in the wafer fabs. The agents train their deep-Q-networks by taking the states as inputs, allowing them to select the most appropriate dispatch action. Additionally, the reward function is integrated with workload and due date information on both local and global levels. Compared to the traditional WIP and due date-oriented rules, as well as heuristics-based rule in literature, the DRL approach is able to produce better global performance with regard to workload balance and on-time delivery

    Intelligent shop scheduling for semiconductor manufacturing

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    Semiconductor market sales have expanded massively to more than 200 billion dollars annually accompanied by increased pressure on the manufacturers to provide higher quality products at lower cost to remain competitive. Scheduling of semiconductor manufacturing is one of the keys to increasing productivity, however the complexity of manufacturing high capacity semiconductor devices and the cost considerations mean that it is impossible to experiment within the facility. There is an immense need for effective decision support models, characterizing and analyzing the manufacturing process, allowing the effect of changes in the production environment to be predicted in order to increase utilization and enhance system performance. Although many simulation models have been developed within semiconductor manufacturing very little research on the simulation of the photolithography process has been reported even though semiconductor manufacturers have recognized that the scheduling of photolithography is one of the most important and challenging tasks due to complex nature of the process. Traditional scheduling techniques and existing approaches show some benefits for solving small and medium sized, straightforward scheduling problems. However, they have had limited success in solving complex scheduling problems with stochastic elements in an economic timeframe. This thesis presents a new methodology combining advanced solution approaches such as simulation, artificial intelligence, system modeling and Taguchi methods, to schedule a photolithography toolset. A new structured approach was developed to effectively support building the simulation models. A single tool and complete toolset model were developed using this approach and shown to have less than 4% deviation from actual production values. The use of an intelligent scheduling agent for the toolset model shows an average of 15% improvement in simulated throughput time and is currently in use for scheduling the photolithography toolset in a manufacturing plant

    Dynamic adjustment of dispatching rule parameters in flow shops with sequence dependent setup times

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    Decentralized scheduling with dispatching rules is applied in many fields of production and logistics, especially in highly complex manufacturing systems. Since dispatching rules are restricted to their local information horizon, there is no rule that outperforms other rules across various objectives, scenarios and system conditions. In this paper, we present an approach to dynamically adjust the parameters of a dispatching rule depending on the current system conditions. The influence of different parameter settings of the chosen rule on system performance is estimated by a machine learning method, whose learning data is generated by preliminary simulation runs. Using a dynamic flow shop scenario with sequence dependent setup times, we demonstrate that our approach is capable of significantly reducing the mean tardiness of jobs

    Intelligent production control for time-constrained complex job shops

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    Im Zuge der zunehmenden Komplexität der Produktion wird der Wunsch nach einer intelligenten Steuerung der Abläufe in der Fertigung immer größer. Sogenannte Complex Job Shops bezeichnen dabei die komplexesten Produktionsumgebungen, die deshalb ein hohes Maß an Agilität in der Steuerung erfordern. Unter diesen Umgebungen sticht die besonders Halbleiterfertigung hervor, da sie alle Komplexitäten eines Complex Job-Shop vereint. Deshalb ist die operative Exzellenz der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Halbleiterindustrie. Diese Exzellenz hängt ganz entscheidend von einer intelligenten Produktionssteuerung ab. Ein Hauptproblem bei der Steuerung solcher Complex Job-Shops, in diesem Fall der Halbleiterfertigung, ist das Vorhandensein von Zeitbeschränkungen (sog. time-constraints), die die Transitionszeit von Produkten zwischen zwei, meist aufeinanderfolgenden, Prozessen begrenzen. Die Einhaltung dieser produktspezifischen Zeitvorgaben ist von größter Bedeutung, da Verstöße zum Verlust des betreffenden Produkts führen. Der Stand der Technik bei der Produktionssteuerung dieser Dispositionsentscheidungen, die auf die Einhaltung der Zeitvorgaben abzielen, basiert auf einer fehleranfälligen und für die Mitarbeiter belastenden manuellen Steuerung. In dieser Arbeit wird daher ein neuartiger, echtzeitdatenbasierter Ansatz zur intelligenten Steuerung der Produktionssteuerung für time-constrained Complex Job Shops vorgestellt. Unter Verwendung einer jederzeit aktuellen Replikation des realen Systems werden sowohl je ein uni-, multivariates Zeitreihenmodell als auch ein digitaler Zwilling genutzt, um Vorhersagen über die Verletzung dieser time-constraints zu erhalten. In einem zweiten Schritt wird auf der Grundlage der Erwartung von Zeitüberschreitungen die Produktionssteuerung abgeleitet und mit Echtzeitdaten anhand eines realen Halbleiterwerks implementiert. Der daraus resultierende Ansatz wird gemeinsam mit dem Stand der Technik validiert und zeigt signifikante Verbesserungen, da viele Verletzungen von time-constraints verhindert werden können. Zukünftig soll die intelligente Produktionssteuerung daher in weiteren Complex Job Shop-Umgebungen evaluiert und ausgerollt werden

    A Fuzzy Rule for Improving the Performance of Multiobjective Job Dispatching in a Wafer Fabrication Factory

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy slack-diversifying fluctuation-smoothing rule to enhance the scheduling performance in a wafer fabrication factory. The proposed rule considers the uncertainty in the remaining cycle time and is aimed at simultaneous improvement of the average cycle time, cycle time standard deviation, the maximum lateness, and number of tardy jobs. Existing publications rarely discusse ways to optimize all of these at the same time. An important input to the proposed rule is the job remaining cycle time. To this end, this paper proposes a self-adjusted fuzzy back propagation network (SA-FBPN) approach to estimate the remaining cycle time of a job. In addition, a systematic procedure is also established, which can solve the problem of slack overlapping in a nonsubjective way and optimize the overall scheduling performance. The simulation study provides evidence that the proposed rule can improve the four performance measures simultaneously