2,205 research outputs found

    Challenges in Developing Applications for Aging Populations

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    Elderly individuals can greatly benefit from the use of computer applications, which can assist in monitoring health conditions, staying in contact with friends and family, and even learning new things. However, developing accessible applications for an elderly user can be a daunting task for developers. Since the advent of the personal computer, the benefits and challenges of developing applications for older adults have been a hot topic of discussion. In this chapter, the authors discuss the various challenges developers who wish to create applications for the elderly computer user face, including age-related impairments, generational differences in computer use, and the hardware constraints mobile devices pose for application developers. Although these challenges are concerning, each can be overcome after being properly identified

    Designing an Educational and Intelligent Human-Computer Interface for Older Adults

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    As computing devices continue to become more heavily integrated into our lives, proper design of human-computer interfaces becomes a more important topic of discussion. Efficient and useful human-computer interfaces need to take into account the abilities of the humans who will be using such interfaces, and adapt to difficulties that different users may face – such as the particular difficulties older users must face. However, various issues in the design of human-computer interfaces for older users yet exist: a wide variance of ability is displayed by older adults, which can be difficult to design for. Motions and notions found intuitive by younger users can be anything but for the older user. Properly-designed devices must also assist without injuring the pride and independence of the users – thus, it’s understood that devices designed “for the elderly” may encounter a poor reception when introduced to the ageing community. Affective computing gives current researchers in HCI a useful opportunity to develop applications with interfaces that detect mood and attention via nonverbal cues and take appropriate actions accordingly. Current work in affective computing applications with older adult users points to possibilities reducing feelings of loneliness in the older adult population via these affective applications. However, we believe that everyday applications – such as chat programs or operating systems – can also take advantage of affective computing principles to make themselves more accessible for older adults, via communication enhancement. In this thesis, we document a variety of work in the field of developing human-computer interfaces for the older adult user, and the various requirements each of these studies confirm regarding human-computer interaction design for the elderly. We then explain how integration of affective computing can positively affect these designs, and outline a design approach for proper human-computer interfaces for the elderly which take into account affective computing principles. We then develop a case study around a chat application – ChitChat – which takes these principles and guidelines into account from the beginning, and give several examples of real-world applications also built with these guidelines. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the broader impacts of this work

    Age-related cognitive decline and navigation in electronic environments

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    The older population is increasing, as is life expectancy. Technical devices are becoming more widespread and used for many everyday tasks. Knowledge about new technology is important to remain as an active and independent part of the society. However, if an old user group should have equal access to this technology, new demands will be placed on the design of interfaces and devices. With respect to old users it is and will be important to develop technical devices and interfaces that take the age-related decline in physical and cognitive abilities into account. The aim of this work was to investigate to what extent the age-related cognitive decline affects performance on different computer-related tasks and the use of different interfaces. With respect to the use of computer interfaces, two studies were conducted. In the first study, the information was presented with a hierarchical structure. In the second study the information was presented as a 3D-environment, and it was also investigated how an overview map could support navigation. The third study examined the age-related cognitive decline in the use of a small mobile phone display with a hierarchical information structure. The results from the studies showed that the most pronounced age-related difference was found in the use of the 3D-environment. Within this environment, prior experience was found to have the largest impact on performance. Regarding the hierarchical information structures, prior experience seemed to have a larger impact on performance of easy tasks, while age and cognitive abilities had a larger impact on performance of more complex tasks. With respect to navigation aids, the overview map in the 3D-environment did not reduce the age-differences; however, it contributed to a better perceived orientation and reduced the feeling of being lost

    Interaction techniques for older adults using touchscreen devices : a literature review

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    International audienceSeveral studies investigated different interaction techniques and input devices for older adults using touchscreen. This literature review analyses the population involved, the kind of tasks that were executed, the apparatus, the input techniques, the provided feedback, the collected data and author's findings and their recommendations. As conclusion, this review shows that age-related changes, previous experience with technologies, characteristics of handheld devices and use situations need to be studied

    Project SHINE: Evaluating Mobile Based Learning Resources for Novice Tutors

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    This project was completed as part of the graduation requirements for the LTEC masters program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The project was presented at the 20th Annual Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference.The Students Helping in Naturalization of Elders Project of Honolulu is part of a national service-learning initiative that helps elderly immigrants pass the naturalization examination for United States citizenship. Service learning volunteers commit to ten weeks of service and enter into the program with little to no experience teaching English as a Second Language. The researcher designed a website to provide a repository of just-in-time English as a Second Language tutoring resources for mobile devices. Therefore, the purpose of this usability study was to examine the ease of use of this website on mobile devices. The researcher recruited participants from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa student clubs and organizations with a stated mission of learning through community service. Participants answered questions about how they use mobile devices. A mobile device fitted with a wireless camera rig captured the gestures of the participants in authentic mobile environments on the campus of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Three cycles of iterative design took place over a three-month period. Thirteen participants indicated that the mobile website was well organized, had pleasing design elements, and the site was easy to use. Participant feedback and suggestions contributed to the website's final design

    How Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Benefit the Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities

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    The growing and evolving use  of emerging technology including Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and Virtual Reality (VR),  has significantly impacted the lives of two specific groups—the elderly and the disabled.  This paper investigates potential reasons for this phenomenon.  Clearly, AI and VR Technology alters the everyday lives of people with disabilities and how they navigate the world.  Technological developments increasingly work to address the isolation that people with disabilities as well as the elderly experience for  they are often unable or limited in how they  engage with their communities.  This research paper outlines the way technology has improved  social communication, information distribution, and day-to-day living for those with disabilities and the elderly.Undoubtedly,  the internet has transformed social communication and interaction for most people.   socially isolated individuals with disabilities have gained exposure to social environments through social media.  Moreover, the broad range of information available on the internet  has increased access to resources such as government services, health services, and social services support. On a related point, assistive devices have enabled disabled people including many seniors to overcome motor, sensory, or cognitive difficulties that may have previously hindered them from performing daily tasks.  However, although AI and VR technology has been effectively integrated in the lives of those with disabilities, many such individuals lack access to commonplace technologies, like a personal computer.  This paper examines how  AI and VR technology has enhanced communication, information access, and everyday activities for the disabled and aging communities despite such socio-economic limitations

    Accesibilidad web centrada en el usuario: recomendaciones para garantizar el acceso a la información gubernamental para los adultos mayores

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    Introduction: This article is the result of the research project “User-Centered Web Accessibility: Recommendations for Ensuring Access to Governmental Information for Older Adults”, developed at the University of Cauca-Colombia in 2023. Problem: Despite the importance of web accessibility, web pages are not adapting to the evolution of web accessibility proposed by the international consortium, which can limit access for users with physical and/or cognitive limitations. Objective: This article presents a set of recommendations for the design and development of government websites specifically for older adults, to ensure access to government information and take into account their health, physical, and mental condition. Methodology: A relationship is established between the limitations of older adults and the recommendations of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, with the aim of proposing specific design and development guidelines for government websites to counteract a specific limitation. Results: The implementation of these recommendations will allow government portals to have greater acceptance among older adult users. In addition, a case study was conducted in which these recommendations were validated and adjusted, which allowed for access to government information as a means of protecting fundamental rights. Conclusion: This article highlights the importance of web accessibility and proposes specific recommendations for the design and development of accessible government websites for older adults. Originality: This article presents a specific approach to web accessibility for older adults and proposes recommendations that differ from WCAG guidelines. Limitations: The proposed recommendations focus on web accessibility for older adults and do not address the limitations of other groups with physical and/or cognitive limitations. In addition, they were validated and adjusted in a specific case study and may require additional adjustments in other contexts.Introducción: El artículo es producto de la investigación “Accesibilidad web centrada en el usuario: recomendaciones para garantizar el acceso a la información gubernamental para adultos mayores”, desarrollada en la Universidad del Cauca-Colombia en el año 2023. Problema: A pesar de la importancia de la accesibilidad web, las páginas web no se están adaptando a la evolución de la accesibilidad web propuesta por el consorcio internacional, que puede limitar el acceso para usuarios con limitaciones físicas y/o cognitivas. Objetivo: Este artículo presenta un conjunto de recomendaciones para el diseño y desarrollo de sitios web gubernamentales específicamente para adultos mayores, para garantizar el acceso a la información gubernamental y tener en cuenta su estado de salud, físico y mental. Metodología: Se establece una relación entre las limitaciones de los adultos mayores y las recomendaciones de las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido Web (WCAG) 2.2, con el objetivo de proponer pautas específicas de diseño y desarrollo para sitios web gubernamentales para contrarrestar una limitación específica. Resultados: La implementación de estas recomendaciones permitirá que los portales gubernamentales tengan una mayor aceptación entre los usuarios adultos mayores. Además, se realizó un estudio de caso en el que se validaron y ajustaron estas recomendaciones, lo que permitió el acceso a la información gubernamental como medio para proteger los derechos fundamentales. Conclusión: Este artículo destaca la importancia de la accesibilidad web y propone recomendaciones específicas para el diseño y desarrollo de sitios web gubernamentales accesibles para adultos mayores. Originalidad: Este artículo presenta un enfoque específico de la accesibilidad web para adultos mayores y propone recomendaciones que difieren de las pautas WCAG. Limitaciones: Las recomendaciones propuestas se centran en la accesibilidad web para adultos mayores y no abordan las limitaciones de otros grupos con limitaciones físicas y/o cognitivas. Además, fueron validados y ajustados en un estudio de caso específico y pueden requerir ajustes adicionales en otros contextos


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    A Europa enfrenta mudanças demográficas com o rápido e crescente envelhecimento da sua população. Este envelhecimento é visível na evolução da estrutura etária da população e reflete-se no aumento de idosos e na diminuição de pessoas em idade ativa na população total. Os idosos enfrentam uma sociedade cada vez mais tecnológica, acelerada pela pandemia do COVID-19, fazendo com que se sintam naturalmente excluídos, principalmente pela dificuldade em manusear e usar a tecnologia, pela dificuldade de acesso a essa tecnologia e pela sensação de incapacidade de aprender novas coisas. A falta de competências digitais na população idosa é muitas vezes sinónimo de isolamento social, segregação no acesso à informação e serviços, perda de autonomia e aumento do sentimento de incapacidade de adaptação à sociedade. Melhorar as competências digitais dos idosos é uma forma de melhorar a sua qualidade de vida, proporcionando um estilo de vida ativo e liberdade de escolha e decisão. O objetivo deste projeto foi o levantamento de material didático e websites de aprendizagem específicos para a população idosa a nível nacional e europeu e a partir daí o desenvolvimento de um site de aprendizagem e de materiais didáticos utilizando uma abordagem de design centrado no utilizador, testes de usabilidade e inclusão dos utilizadores finais ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento do produto, fornecendo assim informações sobre como os utilizadores reais interagem com o sistema. Dessa forma, foi possível conceber uma plataforma de aprendizagem para idosos, bem como materiais didáticos que lhes permitem adquirir competências e conhecimentos digitais de forma gratuita e inclusiva