104 research outputs found

    Novel Internet of Vehicles Approaches for Smart Cities

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    Smart cities are the domain where many electronic devices and sensors transmit data via the Internet of Vehicles concept. The purpose of deploying many sensors in cities is to provide an intelligent environment and a good quality of life. However, different challenges still appear in smart cities such as vehicular traffic congestion, air pollution, and wireless channel communication aspects. Therefore, in order to address these challenges, this thesis develops approaches for vehicular routing, wireless channel congestion alleviation, and traffic estimation. A new traffic congestion avoidance approach has been developed in this thesis based on the simulated annealing and TOPSIS cost function. This approach utilizes data such as the traffic average travel speed from the Internet of Vehicles. Simulation results show that the developed approach improves the traffic performance for the Sheffield the scenario in the presence of congestion by an overall average of 19.22% in terms of travel time, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as compared to other algorithms. In contrast, transmitting a large amount of data among the sensors leads to a wireless channel congestion problem. This affects the accuracy of transmitted information due to the packets loss and delays time. This thesis proposes two approaches based on a non-cooperative game theory to alleviate the channel congestion problem. Therefore, the congestion control problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game. A proof of the existence of a unique Nash equilibrium is given. The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated on the highway and urban testing scenarios. This thesis also addresses the problem of missing data when sensors are not available or when the Internet of Vehicles connection fails to provide measurements in smart cities. Two approaches based on l1 norm minimization and a relevance vector machine type optimization are proposed. The performance of the developed approaches has been tested involving simulated and real data scenarios

    Congestion Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux Véhiculaires ad hoc (VANets) sont conçus pour permettre des communications sans fil fiables entre les nœuds mobiles à haute vitesse. Afin d'améliorer la performance des applications dans ce type de réseaux et garantir un environnement sûr et confortable pour ses utilisateurs, la Qualité de Service (QoS) doit être supportée dans ces réseaux. Le délai ainsi que les pertes de paquets sont deux principaux indicateurs de QoS qui augmentent de manière significative en raison de la congestion dans les réseaux. En effet, la congestion du réseau entraîne une saturation des canaux ainsi qu’une augmentation des collisions de paquets dans les canaux. Par conséquent, elle doit être contrôlée pour réduire les pertes de paquets ainsi que le délai, et améliorer les performances des réseaux véhiculaires. Le contrôle de congestion dans les réseaux VANets est une tâche difficile en raison des caractéristiques spécifiques des VANets, telles que la grande mobilité des nœuds à haute vitesse, le taux élevé de changement de topologie, etc. Le contrôle de congestion dans les réseaux VANets peut être effectué en ayant recours à une stratégie qui utilise l'un des paramètres suivants : le taux de transmission, la puissance de transmission, la priorisation et l’ordonnancement, ainsi que les stratégies hybrides. Les stratégies de contrôle de congestion dans les réseaux VANets doivent faire face à quelques défis tels que l'utilisation inéquitable des ressources, la surcharge de communication, le délai de transmission élevé, et l'utilisation inefficace de la bande passante, etc. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles approches pour faire face à ces défis et améliorer la performance des réseaux VANets. Dans cette thèse, dans un premier temps, une stratégie de contrôle de congestion en boucle fermée est développée. Cette stratégie est une méthode de contrôle de congestion dynamique et distribuée qui détecte la congestion en mesurant le niveau d'utilisation du canal. Ensuite, la congestion est contrôlée en ajustant la portée et le taux de transmission qui ont un impact considérable sur la saturation du canal. Ajuster la portée et le taux de transmission au sein des VANets est un problème NP-difficile en raison de la grande complexité de la détermination des valeurs appropriées pour ces paramètres. Considérant les avantages de la méthode de recherche Tabou et son adaptabilité au problème, une méthode de recherche multi-objective est utilisée pour trouver une portée et un taux de transmission dans un délai raisonnable. Le délai et la gigue, fonctions multi-objectifs de l'algorithme Tabou, sont minimisés dans l'algorithme proposé. Par la suite, deux stratégies de contrôle de congestion en boucle ouverte sont proposées afin de réduire la congestion dans les canaux en utilisant la priorisation et l'ordonnancement des messages. Ces stratégies définissent la priorité pour chaque message en considérant son type de contenu (par exemple les messages d'urgence, de beacon, et de service), la taille des messages, et l’état du réseau (par exemple, les métriques de la vélocité, la direction, l'utilité, la distance, et la validité). L'ordonnancement des messages est effectué sur la base des priorités définies. De plus, comme seconde technique d'ordonnancement, une méthode de recherche Tabou est employée pour planifier les files d'attente de contrôle et de service des canaux de transmission dans un délai raisonnable. A cet effet, le délai et la gigue lors de l'acheminement des messages sont minimisés. Enfin, une stratégie localisée et centralisée qui utilise les ensembles RSU fixés aux intersections pour détecter et contrôler de la congestion est proposée. Cette stratégie regroupe tous les messages transférés entre les véhicules qui se sont arrêtés à une lumière de signalisation en utilisant les algorithmes de Machine Learning. Dans cette stratégie, un algorithme de k-means est utilisé pour regrouper les messages en fonction de leurs caractéristiques (par exemple la taille des messages, la validité des messages, et le type de messages, etc.). Les paramètres de communication, y compris le portée et le taux de transmission, la taille de la fenêtre de contention, et le paramètre AIFS (Arbitration Inter-Frame Spacing) sont déterminés pour chaque grappe de messages en vue de minimiser le délai de livraison. Ensuite, les paramètres de communication déterminés sont envoyés aux véhicules par les RSUs, et les véhicules opèrent en fonction de ces paramètres pour le transfert des messages. Les performances des trois stratégies proposées ont été évaluées en simulant des scénarios dans les autoroutes et la circulation urbaine avec les simulateurs NS2 et SUMO. Des comparaisons ont aussi été faites entre les résultats obtenus à partir des stratégies proposées et les stratégies de contrôle de congestion communément utilisées. Les résultats révèlent qu’avec les stratégies de contrôle de congestion proposées, le débit du réseau augmente et le taux de perte de paquets ainsi que de délai diminuent de manière significative en comparaison aux autres stratégies. Par conséquent, l'application des méthodes proposées aide à améliorer la performance, la sureté et la fiabilité des VANets.----------ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANets) are designed to provide reliable wireless communications between high-speed mobile nodes. In order to improve the performance of VANets’ applications, and make a safe and comfort environment for VANets’ users, Quality of Service (QoS) should be supported in these networks. The delay and packet losses are two main indicators of QoS that dramatically increase due to the congestion occurrence in the networks. Indeed, due to congestion occurrence, the channels are saturated and the packet collisions increase in the channels. Therefore, the congestion should be controlled to decrease the packet losses and delay, and to increase the performance of VANets. Congestion control in VANets is a challenging task due to the specific characteristics of VANets such as high mobility of the nodes with high speed, and high rate of topology changes, and so on. Congestion control in VANets can be carried out using the strategies that can be classified into rate-based, power-based, CSMA/CA-based, prioritizing and scheduling-based, and hybrid strategies. The congestion control strategies in VANets face to some challenges such as unfair resources usage, communication overhead, high transmission delay, and inefficient bandwidth utilization, and so on. Therefore, it is required to develop new strategies to cope with these challenges and improve the performance of VANets. In this dissertation, first, a closed-loop congestion control strategy is developed. This strategy is a dynamic and distributed congestion control strategy that detects the congestion by measuring the channel usage level. Then, the congestion is controlled by tuning the transmission range and rate that considerably impact on the channel saturation. Tuning the transmission range and rate in VANets is an NP-hard problem due to the high complexity of determining the proper values for these parameters in vehicular networks. Considering the benefits of Tabu search algorithm and its adaptability with the problem, a multi-objective Tabu search algorithm is used for tuning transmission range and rate in reasonable time. In the proposed algorithm, the delay and jitter are minimized as the objective functions of multi-objective Tabu Search algorithm. Second, two open-loop congestion control strategies are proposed that prevent the congestion occurrence in the channels using the prioritizing and scheduling the messages. These strategies define the priority for each message by considering the content of messages (i.e. types of the messages for example emergency, beacon, and service messages), size of messages, and state of the networks (e.g. velocity, direction, usefulness, distance and validity metrics). The scheduling of the messages is conducted based on the defined priorities. In addition, as the second scheduling technique, a Tabu Search algorithm is employed to schedule the control and service channel queues in a reasonable time. For this purpose, the delay and jitter of messages delivery are minimized. Finally, a localized and centralized strategy is proposed that uses RSUs set at intersections for detecting and controlling the congestion. These strategy clusters all the messages that transferred between the vehicles stopped before the red traffic light using Machine Learning algorithms. In this strategy, a K-means learning algorithm is used for clustering the messages based on their features (e.g. size of messages, validity of messages, and type of messages, and so on). The communication parameters including the transmission range and rate, contention window size, and Arbitration Inter-Frame Spacing (AIFS) are determined for each messages cluter based on the minimized delivery delay. Then, the determined communication parameters are sent to the vehicles by RSUs, and the vehicles operate based on these parameters for transferring the messages. The performances of three proposed strategies were evaluated by simulating the highway and urban scenarios in NS2 and SUMO simulators. Comparisons were also made between the results obtained from the proposed strategies and the common used congestion control strategies. The results reveal that using the proposed congestion control strategies, the throughput, packet loss ratio and delay are significantly improved as compared to the other strategies. Therefore, applications of the proposed strategies help improve the performance, safety, and reliability of VANets

    Road-based routing in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can provide scalable and cost-effective solutions for applications such as traffic safety, dynamic route planning, and context-aware advertisement using short-range wireless communication. To function properly, these applications require efficient routing protocols. However, existing mobile ad hoc network routing and forwarding approaches have limited performance in VANETs. This dissertation shows that routing protocols which account for VANET-specific characteristics in their designs, such as high density and constrained mobility, can provide good performance for a large spectrum of applications. This work proposes a novel class of routing protocols as well as three forwarding optimizations for VANETs. The Road-Based using Vehicular Traffic (RBVT) routing is a novel class of routing protocols for VANETs. RBVT protocols leverage real-time vehicular traffic information to create stable road-based paths consisting of successions of road intersections that have, with high probability, network connectivity among them. Evaluations of RBVT protocols working in conjunction with geographical forwarding show delivery rate increases as much as 40% and delay decreases as much as 85% when compared with existing protocols. Three optimizations are proposed to increase forwarding performance. First, one- hop geographical forwarding is improved using a distributed receiver-based election of next hops, which leads to as much as 3 times higher delivery rates in highly congested networks. Second, theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the delay in highly congested networks can be reduced by half by switching from traditional FIFO with Taildrop queuing to LIFO with Frontdrop queuing. Third, nodes can determine suitable times to transmit data across RBVT paths or proactively replace routes before they break using analytical models that accurately predict the expected road-based path durations in VANETs

    Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    [EN] Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can make transportation safer, more efficient, and more sustainable by applying various information and communication technologies. One of these technologies are \acfp{VN}. \acp{VN} combine different communication solutions such as cellular networks, \acfp{VANET}, or IEEE 802.11 technologies to provide connectivity among vehicles, and between vehicles and road infrastructure. This thesis focuses on VNs, and considers that the high speed of the nodes and the presence of obstacles like buildings, produces a highly variable network topology, as well as more frequent partitions in the network. Therefore, classical \ac{MANET} protocols do not adapt well to VANETs. Under these conditions, \ac{DTN} have been proposed as an alternative able to cope with these adverse characteristics. In DTN, when a message cannot be routed to its destination, it is not immediately dropped but it is instead stored and carried until a new route becomes available. The combination of VN and DTN is called \acp{VDTN}. In this thesis, we propose a new VDTN protocol designed to collect information from vehicular sensors. Our proposal, called \ac{MSDP}, combines information about the localization obtained from a GNSS system with the actual street/road layout obtained from a Navigation System (NS) to define a new routing metric. Both analytical and simulation results prove that MSDP outperforms previous proposals. Concerning the deployment of VNs and VANET technologies, technology already left behind the innovation and the standardization phases, and it is about time it reach the first early adopters in the market. However, most car manufacturers have decided to implement VN devices in the form of On Board Units (OBUs), which are expensive, heavily manufacturer dependent, and difficult to upgrade. These facts are delaying the deployment of VN. To boost this process, we have developed the GRCBox architecture. This architecture is based on low-cost devices and enables the establishment of V2X, \emph{i.e.} V2I and V2V, communications while integrating users by easing the use of general purpose devices like smartphones, tablets or laptops. To demonstrate the viability of the GRCBox architecture, we combined it with a DTN platform called Scampi to obtain actual results over a real VDTN scenario. We also present several GRCBox-aware applications that illustrate how developers can create applications that bring the potential of VN to user devices.[ES] Los sistemas de transporte inteligente (ITS) son el soporte para el establecimiento de un transporte más seguro, más eficiente y más sostenible mediante el uso de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Una de estas tecnologías son las redes vehiculares (VNs). Las VNs combinan diferentes tecnologías de comunicación como las redes celulares, las redes ad-hoc vehiculares (VANETs) o las redes 802.11p para proporcionar conectividad entre vehículos, y entre vehículos y la infraestructura de carreteras. Esta tesis se centra en las VNs, en las cuales la alta velocidad de los nodos y la presencia de obstáculos como edificios producen una topología de red altamente variable, así como frecuentes particiones en la red. Debido a estas características, los protocolos para redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs) no se adaptan bien a las VANETs. En estas condiciones, las redes tolerantes a retardos (DTNs) se han propuesto como una alternativa capaz de hacer frente a estos problemas. En DTN, cuando un mensaje no puede ser encaminado hacia su destino, no es inmediatamente descartado sino es almacenado hasta que una nueva ruta esta disponible. Cuando las VNs y las DTNs se combinan surgen las redes vehiculares tolerantes a retardos (VDTN). En esta tesis proponemos un nuevo protocolo para VDTNs diseñado para recolectar la información generada por sensores vehiculares. Nuestra propuesta, llamada MSDP, combina la información obtenida del servicio de información geográfica (GIS) con el mapa real de las calles obtenido del sistema de navegación (NS) para definir una nueva métrica de encaminamiento. Resultados analíticos y mediante simulaciones prueban que MSDP mejora el rendimiento de propuestas anteriores. En relación con el despliegue de las VNs y las tecnologías VANET, la tecnología ha dejado atrás las fases de innovación y estandarización, ahora es el momento de alcanzar a los primeros usuarios del mercado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de fabricantes han decidido implementar los dispositivos para VN como unidades de a bordo (OBU), las cuales son caras y difíciles de actualizar. Además, las OBUs son muy dependientes del fabricante original. Todo esto esta retrasando el despliegue de las VNs. Para acelerar la adopción de las VNs, hemos desarrollado la arquitectura GRCBox. La arquitectura GRCBox esta basada en un dispositivo de bajo coste que permite a los usuarios usar comunicaciones V2X (V2V y V2I) mientras utilizan dispositivos de propósito general como teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas o portátiles. Las pruebas incluidas en esta tesis demuestran la viabilidad de la arquitectura GRCBox. Mediante la combinación de nuestra GRCBox y una plataforma de DTN llamada Scampi hemos diseñado y probado un escenario VDTN real. También presentamos como los desarrolladores pueden crear nuevas aplicaciones GRCBox para llevar el potencial de las VN a los dispositivos de usuario.[CA] Els sistemes de transport intel·ligent (ITS) poden crear un transport més segur, més eficient i més sostenible mitjançant l'ús de tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions aplicades al transport. Una d'aquestes tecnologies són les xarxes vehiculars (VN). Les VN combinen diferents tecnologies de comunicació, com ara les xarxes cel·lulars, les xarxes ad-hoc vehiculars (VANET) o les xarxes 802.11p, per a proporcionar comunicació entre vehicles, i entre vehicles i la infraestructura de carreteres. Aquesta tesi se centra en les VANET, en les quals l'alta velocitat dels nodes i la presència d'obstacles, com els edificis, produeixen una topologia de xarxa altament variable, i també freqüents particions en la xarxa. Per aquest motiu, els protocols per a xarxes mòbils ad-hoc (MANET) no s'adapten bé. En aquestes condicions, les xarxes tolerants a retards (DTN) s'han proposat com una alternativa capaç de fer front a aquests problemes. En DTN, quan un missatge no pot ser encaminat cap a la seua destinació, no és immediatament descartat sinó que és emmagatzemat fins que apareix una ruta nova. Quan les VN i les DTN es combinen sorgeixen les xarxes vehicular tolerants a retards (VDTN). En aquesta tesi proposem un nou protocol per a VDTN dissenyat per a recol·lectar la informació generada per sensors vehiculars. La nostra proposta, anomenada MSDP, combina la informació obtinguda del servei d'informació geogràfica (GIS) amb el mapa real dels carrers obtingut del sistema de navegació (NS) per a definir una nova mètrica d'encaminament. Resultats analítics i mitjançant simulacions proven que MSDP millora el rendiment de propostes prèvies. En relació amb el desplegament de les VN i les tecnologies VANET, la tecnologia ha deixat arrere les fases d'innovació i estandardització, ara és temps d'aconseguir als primers usuaris del mercat. No obstant això, la majoria de fabricants han decidit implementar els dispositius per a VN com a unitats de bord (OBU), les quals són cares i difícils d'actualitzar. A més, les OBU són molt dependents del fabricant original. Tot això està retardant el desplegament de les VN. Per a accelerar l'adopció de les VN, hem desenvolupat l'arquitectura GRCBox. L'arquitectura GRCBox està basada en un dispositiu de baix cost que permet als usuaris usar comunicacions V2V mentre usen dispositius de propòsit general, com ara telèfons intel·ligents, tauletes o portàtils. Les proves incloses en aquesta tesi demostren la viabilitat de l'arquitectura GRCBox. Mitjançant la combinació de la nostra GRCBox i la plataforma de DTN Scampi, hem dissenyat i provat un escenari VDTN pràctic. També presentem com els desenvolupadors poden crear noves aplicacions GRCBox per a portar el potencial de les VN als dispositius d'usuari.Martínez Tornell, S. (2016). Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68486TESI

    Advanced Transport Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    This thesis comprises transport protocols in the following different areas of research: Fast Handover allows mobile IP end-devices to roam between wireless access routers without interruptions while communicating to devices in an infrastructure (e.g., in the Internet). This work optimizes the Fast Handover algorithm and evaluates the performance of the transport protocols UDP and TCP during fast handovers via measurements. The following part of the thesis focuses on vehicular ad hoc networks. The thesis designs and evaluates through simulations a point-to-point transport protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks and an algorithm to facilitate the reliable and efficient distribution of information in a geographically scoped target area. Finally, the thesis evaluates the impact of wireless radio fluctuations on the performance of an Ad Hoc Network. Measurements quantify the wireless radio fluctuations. Based on these results, the thesis develops a simple but realistic radio model that evaluates by means of simulations the impact on the performance of an ad hoc network. As a result, the work provides guidelines for future ad hoc protocol design

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Quality-Driven Cross-Layer Protocols for Video Streaming over Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    The emerging vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) offer a variety of applications and new potential markets related to safety, convenience and entertainment, however, they suffer from a number of challenges not shared so deeply by other types of existing networks, particularly, in terms of mobility of nodes, and end-to-end quality of service (QoS) provision. Although several existing works in the literature have attempted to provide efficient protocols at different layers targeted mostly for safety applications, there remain many barriers to be overcome in order to constrain the widespread use of such networks for non-safety applications, specifically, for video streaming: 1) impact of high speed mobility of nodes on end-to-end QoS provision; 2) cross-layer protocol design while keeping low computational complexity; 3) considering customer-oriented QoS metrics in the design of protocols; and 4) maintaining seamless single-hop and multi-hop connection between the destination vehicle and the road side unit (RSU) while network is moving. This thesis addresses each of the above limitations in design of cross-layer protocols for video streaming application. 1) An adaptive MAC retransmission limit selection scheme is proposed to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11p standard MAC protocol for video streaming applications over VANETs. A multi-objective optimization framework, which jointly minimizes the probability of playback freezes and start-up delay of the streamed video at the destination vehicle by tuning the MAC retransmission limit with respect to channel statistics as well as packet transmission rate, is applied at road side unit (RSU). Two-hop transmission is applied in zones in which the destination vehicle is not within the transmission range of any RSU. In the multi-hop scenario, we discuss the computation of access probability used in the MAC adaptation scheme and propose a cross-layer path selection scheme; 2) We take advantage of similarity between multi-hop urban VANETs in dense traffic conditions and mesh connected networks. First, we investigate an application-centric routing scheme for video streaming over mesh connected overlays. Next, we introduce the challenges of urban VANETs compared to mesh networks and extend the proposed scheme in mesh network into a protocol for urban VANETs. A classification-based method is proposed to select an optimal path for video streaming over multi-hop mesh networks. The novelty is to translate the path selection over multi-hop networks to a standard classification problem. The classification is based on minimizing average video packet distortion at the receiving nodes. The classifiers are trained offline using a vast collection of video sequences and wireless channel conditions in order to yield optimal performance during real time path selection. Our method substantially reduces the complexity of conventional exhaustive optimization methods and results in high quality (low distortion). Next, we propose an application-centric routing scheme for real-time video transmission over urban multi-hop vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) scenarios. Queuing based mobility model, spatial traffic distribution and prob- ability of connectivity for sparse and dense VANET scenarios are taken into consideration in designing the routing protocol. Numerical results demonstrate the gain achieved by the proposed routing scheme versus geographic greedy forwarding in terms of video frame distortion and streaming start-up delay in several urban communication scenarios for various vehicle entrance rate and traffic densities; and 3) finally, the proposed quality-driven routing scheme for delivering video streams is combined with a novel IP management scheme. The routing scheme aims to optimize the visual quality of the transmitted video frames by minimizing the distortion, the start-up delay, and the frequency of the streaming freezes. As the destination vehicle is in motion, it is unrealistic to assume that the vehicle will remain connected to the same access router (AR) for the whole trip. Mobile IP management schemes can benefit from the proposed multi-hop routing protocol in order to adapt proxy mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) for multi-hop VANET for video streaming applications. The proposed cross-layer protocols can significantly improve the video streaming quality in terms of the number of streaming freezes and start-up delay over VANETs while achieving low computational complexity by using pattern classification methods for optimization

    Stable and fair congestion control mechanisms for cooperative vehicle safety in vehicular networks

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    Cooperative vehicle safety (CVS) systems operate based on broadcast of vehicle position and safety information to neighboring cars. The communication medium of CVS is a Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) wireless channel. One of the main challenges in large scale deployment of CVS systems is the issue of scalability. To address the scalability problem, several congestion control methods have been proposed and are currently under field study. These mechanisms adapt transmission rate and power, based on network measures such as: Channel Busy Ratio (CBR), packet reception rate and vehicles tracking error. Channel Busy Ratio (CBR) is defined as the ratio of time that the channel is sensed busy during a time slot. We examine two such algorithms named Linear Memoryless Range Control (LMRC) and Gradient Descent Range Control (GRC). The dynamic behavior of these algorithms over time and space has been studied to evaluate temporal stability and spatial fairness. Moreover we have introduced a novel congestion control mechanism named Stateful Utilization-Based Power Adaptation (SUPRA) which is fundamentally a stateful version of LMRC algorithm to control power of transmission in contrast to Range Control algorithms. The control function of SUPRA has the ability to be tailored to different road conditions from low to high densities and different rates of transmission. The stability of the algorithm is proven through complete analysis of control function and verified in numerous simulation runs for typical road scenarios.Fairness is another issue which is probable to happen in different scenarios. An Unfair situation is when cars having the same density and rate of transmission, do not have analogous share of the channel. We have proposed a distributed mechanism to resolve the issue of unfairness. In this method each node sends out its sensed CBR along with safety messages to neighboring nodes, so each node will have access to all CBRs received from neighbors as well as its own measured CBR. This will provide a wide-ranging view of the whole channel and consequently adaptation of range/power of transmission will be done based on an aggregation of all these CBR values

    VANET Applications Under Loss Scenarios & Evolving Wireless Technology

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    In this work we study the impact of wireless network impairment on the performance of VANET applications such as Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), and other VANET applications that periodically broadcast messages. We also study the future of VANET application in light of the evolution of radio access technologies (RAT) that are used to exchange messages. Previous work in the literature proposed fallback strategies that utilizes on-board sensors to recover in case of wireless network impairment, those methods assume a fixed time headway value, and do not achieve string stability. In this work, we study the string stability of a one-vehicle look-ahead CACC platoon under different network loss scenarios, and propose to adapt the time headway parameter of the model according to a network reliability metric that we defined based on packet burst loss length to maximize traffic flow efficiency while maintaining a string stable platoon. Our findings show that careful adjustment of headway value according to the wireless network reliability allows the platoon to maintain string stable operation while maximizing traffic flow. We also study the impact that evolving wireless technology can have on VANET applications such as CACC, where we study the performance when using DSRC and 5G NR V2X. In addition, we study the evolution of RATs used in VANET application, and we propose DSRC+, as a possible enhancement to traditional DSRC, that utilizes modern modulation/coding schemes and performs random blind retransmission to improve packet delivery ratio. We finally study the trade-offs in the choice of RAT in VANET applications such as CACC, concluding that RATs with time-division channel access can be reliable with lower packet loss, but performs poorly when needing to disseminate messages over longer CACC platoons