55 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Methods with Noisy, Incomplete or Small Datasets

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    In many machine learning applications, available datasets are sometimes incomplete, noisy or affected by artifacts. In supervised scenarios, it could happen that label information has low quality, which might include unbalanced training sets, noisy labels and other problems. Moreover, in practice, it is very common that available data samples are not enough to derive useful supervised or unsupervised classifiers. All these issues are commonly referred to as the low-quality data problem. This book collects novel contributions on machine learning methods for low-quality datasets, to contribute to the dissemination of new ideas to solve this challenging problem, and to provide clear examples of application in real scenarios

    Information and Incrementality in Syntactic Bootstrapping

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    Some words are harder to learn than others. For instance, action verbs like "run" and "hit" are learned earlier than propositional attitude verbs like "think" and "want." One reason "think" and "want" might be learned later is that, whereas we can see and hear running and hitting, we can't see or hear thinking and wanting. Children nevertheless learn these verbs, so a route other than the senses must exist. There is mounting evidence that this route involves, in large part, inferences based on the distribution of syntactic contexts a propositional attitude verb occurs in---a process known as "syntactic bootstrapping." This fact makes the domain of propositional attitude verbs a prime proving ground for models of syntactic bootstrapping. With this in mind, this dissertation has two goals: on the one hand, it aims to construct a computational model of syntactic bootstrapping; on the other, it aims to use this model to investigate the limits on the amount of information about propositional attitude verb meanings that can be gleaned from syntactic distributions. I show throughout the dissertation that these goals are mutually supportive. In Chapter 1, I set out the main problems that drive the investigation. In Chapters 2 and 3, I use both psycholinguistic experiments and computational modeling to establish that there is a significant amount of semantic information carried in both participants' syntactic acceptability judgments and syntactic distributions in corpora. To investigate the nature of this relationship I develop two computational models: (i) a nonnegative model of (semantic-to-syntactic) projection and (ii) a nonnegative model of syntactic bootstrapping. In Chapter 4, I use a novel variant of the Human Simulation Paradigm to show that the information carried in syntactic distribution is actually utilized by (simulated) learners. In Chapter 5, I present a proposal for how to solve a standing problem in how syntactic bootstrapping accounts for certain kinds of cross-linguistic variation. And in Chapter 6, I conclude with future directions for this work

    Methods and Techniques for Clinical Text Modeling and Analytics

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    Nowadays, a large portion of clinical data only exists in free text. The wide adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has enabled the increases in accessing to clinical documents, which provide challenges and opportunities for clinical Natural Language Processing (NLP) researchers. Given free-text clinical notes as input, an ideal system for clinical text understanding should have the ability to support clinical decisions. At corpus level, the system should recommend similar notes based on disease or patient types, and provide medication recommendation, or any other type of recommendations, based on patients' symptoms and other similar medical cases. At document level, it should return a list of important clinical concepts. Moreover, the system should be able to make diagnostic inferences over clinical concepts and output diagnosis. Unfortunately, current work has not systematically studied this system. This study focuses on developing and applying methods/techniques in different aspects of the system for clinical text understanding, at both corpus and document level. We deal with two major research questions: First, we explore the question of How to model the underlying relationships from clinical notes at corpus level? Documents clustering methods can group clinical notes into meaningful clusters, which can assist physicians and patients to understand medical conditions and diseases from clinical notes. We use Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Multi-view NMF to cluster clinical notes based on extracted medical concepts. The clustering results display latent patterns existed among clinical notes. Our method provides a feasible way to visualize a corpus of clinical documents. Based on extracted concepts, we further build a symptom-medication (Symp-Med) graph to model the Symp-Med relations in clinical notes corpus. We develop two Symp-Med matching algorithms to predict and recommend medications for patients based on their symptoms. Second, we want to solve the question of How to integrate structured knowledge with unstructured text to improve results for Clinical NLP tasks? On the one hand, the unstructured clinical text contains lots of information about medical conditions. On the other hand, structured Knowledge Bases (KBs) are frequently used for supporting clinical NLP tasks. We propose graph-regularized word embedding models to integrate knowledge from both KBs and free text. We evaluate our models on standard datasets and biomedical NLP tasks, and results showed encouraging improvements on both datasets. We further apply the graph-regularized word embedding models and present a novel approach to automatically infer the most probable diagnosis from a given clinical narrative.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    The Devil is in the Details: Whole Slide Image Acquisition and Processing for Artifacts Detection, Color Variation, and Data Augmentation: A Review

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    Whole Slide Images (WSI) are widely used in histopathology for research and the diagnosis of different types of cancer. The preparation and digitization of histological tissues leads to the introduction of artifacts and variations that need to be addressed before the tissues are analyzed. WSI preprocessing can significantly improve the performance of computational pathology systems and is often used to facilitate human or machine analysis. Color preprocessing techniques are frequently mentioned in the literature, while other areas are usually ignored. In this paper, we present a detailed study of the state-of-the-art in three different areas of WSI preprocessing: Artifacts detection, color variation, and the emerging field of pathology-specific data augmentation. We include a summary of evaluation techniques along with a discussion of possible limitations and future research directions for new methods.European Commission 860627Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN)/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) PID2019-105142RB-C22Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades B-TIC-324-UGR20Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government European Commission BES-2017-08158

    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested

    EDM 2011: 4th international conference on educational data mining : Eindhoven, July 6-8, 2011 : proceedings

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    Unsupervised neural and Bayesian models for zero-resource speech processing

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    Zero-resource speech processing is a growing research area which aims to develop methods that can discover linguistic structure and representations directly from unlabelled speech audio. Such unsupervised methods would allow speech technology to be developed in settings where transcriptions, pronunciation dictionaries, and text for language modelling are not available. Similar methods are required for cognitive models of language acquisition in human infants, and for developing robotic applications that are able to automatically learn language in a novel linguistic environment. There are two central problems in zero-resource speech processing: (i) finding frame-level feature representations which make it easier to discriminate between linguistic units (phones or words), and (ii) segmenting and clustering unlabelled speech into meaningful units. The claim of this thesis is that both top-down modelling (using knowledge of higher-level units to to learn, discover and gain insight into their lower-level constituents) as well as bottom-up modelling (piecing together lower-level features to give rise to more complex higher-level structures) are advantageous in tackling these two problems. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces a new autoencoder-like deep neural network for unsupervised frame-level representation learning. This correspondence autoencoder (cAE) uses weak top-down supervision from an unsupervised term discovery system that identifies noisy word-like terms in unlabelled speech data. In an intrinsic evaluation of frame-level representations, the cAE outperforms several state-of-the-art bottom-up and top-down approaches, achieving a relative improvement of more than 60% over the previous best system. This shows that the cAE is particularly effective in using top-down knowledge of longer-spanning patterns in the data; at the same time, we find that the cAE is only able to learn useful representations when it is initialized using bottom-up pretraining on a large set of unlabelled speech. The second part of the thesis presents a novel unsupervised segmental Bayesian model that segments unlabelled speech data and clusters the segments into hypothesized word groupings. The result is a complete unsupervised tokenization of the input speech in terms of discovered word types|the system essentially performs unsupervised speech recognition. In this approach, a potential word segment (of arbitrary length) is embedded in a fixed-dimensional vector space. The model, implemented as a Gibbs sampler, then builds a whole-word acoustic model in this embedding space while jointly performing segmentation. We first evaluate the approach in a small-vocabulary multi-speaker connected digit recognition task, where we report unsupervised word error rates (WER) by mapping the unsupervised decoded output to ground truth transcriptions. The model achieves around 20% WER, outperforming a previous HMM-based system by about 10% absolute. To achieve this performance, the acoustic word embedding function (which maps variable-duration segments to single vectors) is refined in a top-down manner by using terms discovered by the model in an outer loop of segmentation. The third and final part of the study extends the small-vocabulary system in order to handle larger vocabularies in conversational speech data. To our knowledge, this is the first full-coverage segmentation and clustering system that is applied to large-vocabulary multi-speaker data. To improve efficiency, the system incorporates a bottom-up syllable boundary detection method to eliminate unlikely word boundaries. We compare the system on English and Xitsonga datasets to several state-of-the-art baselines. We show that by imposing a consistent top-down segmentation while also using bottom-up knowledge from detected syllable boundaries, both single-speaker and multi-speaker versions of our system outperform a purely bottom-up single-speaker syllable-based approach. We also show that the discovered clusters can be made less speaker- and gender-specific by using features from the cAE (which incorporates both top-down and bottom-up learning). The system's discovered clusters are still less pure than those of two multi-speaker unsupervised term discovery systems, but provide far greater coverage. In summary, the different models and systems presented in this thesis show that both top-down and bottom-up modelling can improve representation learning, segmentation and clustering of unlabelled speech data

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts
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