62 research outputs found

    Neural Basis and Computational Strategies for Auditory Processing

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    Our senses are our window to the world, and hearing is the window through which we perceive the world of sound. While seemingly effortless, the process of hearing involves complex transformations by which the auditory system consolidates acoustic information from the environment into perceptual and cognitive experiences. Studies of auditory processing try to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the function of the auditory system, and infer computational strategies that are valuable both clinically and intellectually, hence contributing to our understanding of the function of the brain. In this thesis, we adopt both an experimental and computational approach in tackling various aspects of auditory processing. We first investigate the neural basis underlying the function of the auditory cortex, and explore the dynamics and computational mechanisms of cortical processing. Our findings offer physiological evidence for a role of primary cortical neurons in the integration of sound features at different time constants, and possibly in the formation of auditory objects. Based on physiological principles of sound processing, we explore computational implementations in tackling specific perceptual questions. We exploit our knowledge of the neural mechanisms of cortical auditory processing to formulate models addressing the problems of speech intelligibility and auditory scene analysis. The intelligibility model focuses on a computational approach for evaluating loss of intelligibility, inspired from mammalian physiology and human perception. It is based on a multi-resolution filter-bank implementation of cortical response patterns, which extends into a robust metric for assessing loss of intelligibility in communication channels and speech recordings. This same cortical representation is extended further to develop a computational scheme for auditory scene analysis. The model maps perceptual principles of auditory grouping and stream formation into a computational system that combines aspects of bottom-up, primitive sound processing with an internal representation of the world. It is based on a framework of unsupervised adaptive learning with Kalman estimation. The model is extremely valuable in exploring various aspects of sound organization in the brain, allowing us to gain interesting insight into the neural basis of auditory scene analysis, as well as practical implementations for sound separation in ``cocktail-party'' situations

    Automatic Detectors for Underwater Soundscape Measurements

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    Environmental impact regulations require that marine industrial operators quantify their contribution to underwater noise scenes. Automation of such assessments becomes feasible with the successful categorisation of sounds into broader classes based on source types – biological, anthropogenic and physical. Previous approaches to passive acoustic monitoring have mostly been limited to a few specific sources of interest. In this study, source-independent signal detectors are developed and a framework is presented for the automatic categorisation of underwater sounds into the aforementioned classes

    Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016 Workshop (DCASE2016)

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    The role of temporal coherence in auditory stream segregation

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    Audio source separation techniques including novel time-frequency representation tools

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    The thesis explores the development of tools for audio representation with applications in Audio Source Separation and in the Music Information Retrieval (MIR) field. A novel constant Q transform was introduced, called IIR-CQT. The transform allows a flexible design and achieves low computational cost. Also, an independent development of the Fan Chirp Transform (FChT) with the focus on the representation of simultaneous sources is studied, which has several applications in the analysis of polyphonic music signals. Dierent applications are explored in the MIR field, some of them directly related with the low-level representation tools that were analyzed. One of these applications is the development of a visualization tool based in the FChT that proved to be useful for musicological analysis . The tool has been made available as an open source, freely available software. The proposed Transform has also been used to detect and track fundamental frequencies of harmonic sources in polyphonic music. Also, the information of the slope of the pitch was used to define a similarity measure between two harmonic components that are close in time. This measure helps to use clustering algorithms to track multiple sources in polyphonic music. Additionally, the FChT was used in the context of the Query by Humming application. One of the main limitations of such application is the construction of a search database. In this work, we propose an algorithm to automatically populate the database of an existing Query by Humming, with promising results. Finally, two audio source separation techniques are studied. The first one is the separation of harmonic signals based on the FChT. The second one is an application for which the fundamental frequency of the sources is assumed to be known (Score Informed Source Separation problem)

    Seeing sound: a new way to illustrate auditory objects and their neural correlates

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    This thesis develops a new method for time-frequency signal processing and examines the relevance of the new representation in studies of neural coding in songbirds. The method groups together associated regions of the time-frequency plane into objects defined by time-frequency contours. By combining information about structurally stable contour shapes over multiple time-scales and angles, a signal decomposition is produced that distributes resolution adaptively. As a result, distinct signal components are represented in their own most parsimonious forms.  Next, through neural recordings in singing birds, it was found that activity in song premotor cortex is significantly correlated with the objects defined by this new representation of sound. In this process, an automated way of finding sub-syllable acoustic transitions in birdsongs was first developed, and then increased spiking probability was found at the boundaries of these acoustic transitions. Finally, a new approach to study auditory cortical sequence processing more generally is proposed. In this approach, songbirds were trained to discriminate Morse-code-like sequences of clicks, and the neural correlates of this behavior were examined in primary and secondary auditory cortex. It was found that a distinct transformation of auditory responses to the sequences of clicks exists as information transferred from primary to secondary auditory areas. Neurons in secondary auditory areas respond asynchronously and selectively -- in a manner that depends on the temporal context of the click. This transformation from a temporal to a spatial representation of sound provides a possible basis for the songbird's natural ability to discriminate complex temporal sequences

    Audio Signal Processing Using Time-Frequency Approaches: Coding, Classification, Fingerprinting, and Watermarking

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    Audio signals are information rich nonstationary signals that play an important role in our day-to-day communication, perception of environment, and entertainment. Due to its non-stationary nature, time- or frequency-only approaches are inadequate in analyzing these signals. A joint time-frequency (TF) approach would be a better choice to efficiently process these signals. In this digital era, compression, intelligent indexing for content-based retrieval, classification, and protection of digital audio content are few of the areas that encapsulate a majority of the audio signal processing applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive array of TF methodologies that successfully address applications in all of the above mentioned areas. A TF-based audio coding scheme with novel psychoacoustics model, music classification, audio classification of environmental sounds, audio fingerprinting, and audio watermarking will be presented to demonstrate the advantages of using time-frequency approaches in analyzing and extracting information from audio signals.</p


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    The world contains vast amounts of information which can be sensed and captured in a variety of ways and formats. Virtual environments also lend themselves to endless possibilities and diversity of data. Often our experiences draw from these separate but complementary parts which can be combined in a way to provide a comprehensive representation of the events. Multimodal learning focuses on these types of combinations. By fusing multiple modalities, multimodal learning can improve results beyond individual mode performance. However, many of today’s state-of-the-art techniques in computer vision, robotics, and machine learning rely solely or primarily on visual inputs even when the visual data is obtained from video where corresponding audio may also be readily available to augment learning. Vision only approaches can experience challenges in cases of highly reflective, transparent, or occluded objects and scenes where, if used alone or in conjunction with, audio may improve task performance. To address these challenges, this thesis explores coupling multimodal information to enhance task performance through learning-based methods for audio and visual processing using real and synthetic data. Physically-based graphics pipelines can naturally be extended for audio and visual synthetic data generation. To enhance the rigid body sound synthesis pipeline for objects containing a liquid, I used an added mass operator for fluid-structure coupling as a pre-processing step. My method is fast and practical for use in interactive 3D systems where live sound synthesis is desired. By fusing audio and visual data from real and synthetic videos, we also demonstrate enhanced processing and performance for object classification, tracking, and reconstruction tasks. As has been shown in visual question and answering and other related work, multiple modalities have the ability to complement one another and outperform single modality systems. To the best of my knowledge, I introduced the first use of audio-visual neural networks to analyze liquid pouring sequences by classifying their weight, liquid, and receiving container. Prior work often required predefined source weights or visual data. My contribution was to use the sound from a pouring sequence—a liquid being poured into a target container- to train a multimodal convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that fuses mel-scaled spectrograms as audio inputs with corresponding visual data based on video images. I described the first use of an audio-visual neural network for tracking tabletop sized objects and enhancing visual object trackers. Like object detection of reflective surfaces, object trackers can also run into challenges when objects collide, occlude, appear similar, or come close to one another. By using the impact sounds of the objects during collision, my audio-visual object tracking (AVOT) neural network can correct trackers that drift from their original objects that were assigned before collision. Reflective and textureless surfaces not only are difficult to detect and classify, they are also often poorly reconstructed and filled with depth discontinuities and holes. I proposed the first use of an audiovisual method that uses the reflections of sound to aid in geometry and audio reconstruction, referred to as ”Echoreconstruction”. The mobile phone prototype emits pulsed audio, while recording video for RGBbased 3D reconstruction and audio-visual classification. Reflected sound and images from the video are input into our audio (EchoCNN-A) and audio-visual (EchoCNN-AV) convolutional neural networks for surface and sound source detection, depth estimation, and material classification. EchoCNN inferences from these classifications enhance scene 3D reconstructions containing open spaces and reflective surfaces by depth filtering, inpainting, and placement of unmixed sound sources in the scene. In addition to enhancing scene reconstructions, I proposed a multimodal single- and multi-frame reconstruction LSTM autoencoder for 3D reconstructions using audio-visual inputs. Our neural network produces high-quality 3D reconstructions using voxel representation. It is the first audio-visual reconstruction neural network for 3D geometry and material representation. Contributions of this thesis include new neural network designs, new enhancements to real and synthetic audio-visual datasets, and prototypes that demonstrate audio and audio-augmented performance for sound synthesis, inference, and reconstruction.Doctor of Philosoph
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