75 research outputs found

    Hardware-only stream prediction + cache prefetching + dynamic access ordering

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    Journal ArticleThe speed gap between processors and memory system is becoming the performance bottleneck for many applications, and computations with strided access patterns are among those that suffer most. The vectors used in such applications lack temporal and often spatial locality, and are usually too large to cache. In spite of their poor cache behavior, these access patterns have the advantage of being, predictable, which can be exploited to improve the efficiency of the memory subsystem. As a promising technique to relieve memory system bottleneck, prefetching has been studied in its various forms, and so is dynamic memory scheduling. This study builds on these results, combining a stride-based reference prediction table, a mechanism that prefetches L2 cache lines, and a memory controller that dynamically schedules accesses to a Direct Rambus memory subsystem. We find that such a system delivers impressive speedups for scientific applications with regular access patterns (reducing execution time by almost a factor of two) without negatively affecting the performance of non-streaming programs

    Software and hardware methods for memory access latency reduction on ILP processors

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    While microprocessors have doubled their speed every 18 months, performance improvement of memory systems has continued to lag behind. to address the speed gap between CPU and memory, a standard multi-level caching organization has been built for fast data accesses before the data have to be accessed in DRAM core. The existence of these caches in a computer system, such as L1, L2, L3, and DRAM row buffers, does not mean that data locality will be automatically exploited. The effective use of the memory hierarchy mainly depends on how data are allocated and how memory accesses are scheduled. In this dissertation, we propose several novel software and hardware techniques to effectively exploit the data locality and to significantly reduce memory access latency.;We first presented a case study at the application level that reconstructs memory-intensive programs by utilizing program-specific knowledge. The problem of bit-reversals, a set of data reordering operations extensively used in scientific computing program such as FFT, and an application with a special data access pattern that can cause severe cache conflicts, is identified in this study. We have proposed several software methods, including padding and blocking, to restructure the program to reduce those conflicts. Our methods outperform existing ones on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.;The access latency to DRAM core has become increasingly long relative to CPU speed, causing memory accesses to be an execution bottleneck. In order to reduce the frequency of DRAM core accesses to effectively shorten the overall memory access latency, we have conducted three studies at this level of memory hierarchy. First, motivated by our evaluation of DRAM row buffer\u27s performance roles and our findings of the reasons of its access conflicts, we propose a simple and effective memory interleaving scheme to reduce or even eliminate row buffer conflicts. Second, we propose a fine-grain priority scheduling scheme to reorder the sequence of data accesses on multi-channel memory systems, effectively exploiting the available bus bandwidth and access concurrency. In the final part of the dissertation, we first evaluate the design of cached DRAM and its organization alternatives associated with ILP processors. We then propose a new memory hierarchy integration that uses cached DRAM to construct a very large off-chip cache. We show that this structure outperforms a standard memory system with an off-level L3 cache for memory-intensive applications.;Memory access latency has become a major performance bottleneck for memory-intensive applications. as long as DRAM technology remains its most cost-effective position for making main memory, the memory performance problem will continue to exist. The studies conducted in this dissertation attempt to address this important issue. Our proposed software and hardware schemes are effective and applicable, which can be directly used in real-world memory system designs and implementations. Our studies also provide guidance for application programmers to understand memory performance implications, and for system architects to optimize memory hierarchies

    The Design of a System Architecture for Mobile Multimedia Computers

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    This chapter discusses the system architecture of a portable computer, called Mobile Digital Companion, which provides support for handling multimedia applications energy efficiently. Because battery life is limited and battery weight is an important factor for the size and the weight of the Mobile Digital Companion, energy management plays a crucial role in the architecture. As the Companion must remain usable in a variety of environments, it has to be flexible and adaptable to various operating conditions. The Mobile Digital Companion has an unconventional architecture that saves energy by using system decomposition at different levels of the architecture and exploits locality of reference with dedicated, optimised modules. The approach is based on dedicated functionality and the extensive use of energy reduction techniques at all levels of system design. The system has an architecture with a general-purpose processor accompanied by a set of heterogeneous autonomous programmable modules, each providing an energy efficient implementation of dedicated tasks. A reconfigurable internal communication network switch exploits locality of reference and eliminates wasteful data copies

    Exploiting a new level of DLP in multimedia applications

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    This paper proposes and evaluates MOM: a novel ISA paradigm targeted at multimedia applications. By fusing conventional vector ISA approaches together with more recent SIMD-like (Single Instruction Multiple Data) ISAs (such as MMX), we have developed a new matrix oriented ISA which efficiently deals with the small matrix structures typically found in multimedia applications. MOM exploits a level of DLP not reachable by neither conventional vector ISAs nor SIMD-like media ISA extensions. Our results show that MOM provides a factor of 1.3x to 4x performance improvement when compared with two different multimedia extensions (MMX and MDMX) on several kernels, which translates into up to a 50% of performance gain when measuring full applications (20% in average). Furthermore, the streaming nature of MOM provides additional advantages for executing multimedia applications, such as a very low fetch pressure or a high tolerance to memory latency, making MOM an ideal candidate for the embedded domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Command vector memory systems: high performance at low cost

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    The focus of this paper is on designing both a low cost and high performance, high bandwidth vector memory system that takes advantage of modern commodity SDRAM memory chips. To successfully extract the full bandwidth from SDRAM parts, we propose a new memory system organization based on sending commands to the memory system as opposed to sending individual addresses. A command specifies, in a few bytes, a request for multiple independent memory words. A command is similar to a burst found in DRAM memories, but does not require the memory words to be consecutive. The command is sent to all sections of the memory array simultaneously, thus not requiring a crossbar in the proper sense. Our simulations show that this command based memory system can improve performance over a traditional SDRAM-based memory system by factors that range between 1.15 up to 1.54. Moreover, in many cases, the command memory system outperforms even the best SRAM memory system under consideration. Overall the command based memory system achieves similar or better results than a 10 ns SRAM memory system (a) using fewer banks and (b) using memory devices that are between 15 to 60 times cheaper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An evaluation of different DLP alternatives for the embedded media domain

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    The importance of media processing has produced a revolution in the design of embedded processors. In order to face the high computational and technological demands of near future media applications, new embedded processors are including features that were commonly restricted to the general purpose and the supercomputing domains. In this paper we have evaluated the performance of various DLP (Data Level Parallelism) oriented embedded architectures and analyzed quantitative data in order to determine the highlights and disadvantages of each approach. Additionally we have analyzed the differences between the explicit parallel versions of code (often based on the standard algorithms) and the high-tuned, non-vectorizable versions usually found in real multimedia programs. We will show that sub-word SIMD architectures (like MMX) are a very costeffective solution, and that, while long vector architectures provide few improvements at a very high cost, a smart combination between vector and SIMD-like architectures is the alternative that leverages best performance at a reasonable cost. We will also show that the memory latency tolerance, typical of vector architectures, is partially compensated by the worse spatial locality found when executing vector code.Postprint (author's final draft

    Reducing main memory access latency through SDRAM address mapping techniques and access reordering mechanisms

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    As the performance gap between microprocessors and memory continues to increase, main memory accesses result in long latencies which become a factor limiting system performance. Previous studies show that main memory access streams contain significant localities and SDRAM devices provide parallelism through multiple banks and channels. These locality and parallelism have not been exploited thoroughly by conventional memory controllers. In this thesis, SDRAM address mapping techniques and memory access reordering mechanisms are studied and applied to memory controller design with the goal of reducing observed main memory access latency. The proposed bit-reversal address mapping attempts to distribute main memory accesses evenly in the SDRAM address space to enable bank parallelism. As memory accesses to unique banks are interleaved, the access latencies are partially hidden and therefore reduced. With the consideration of cache conflict misses, bit-reversal address mapping is able to direct potential row conflicts to different banks, further improving the performance. The proposed burst scheduling is a novel access reordering mechanism, which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks. Subjected to a threshold, reads are allowed to preempt writes and qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of the bursts. A sophisticated access scheduler selects accesses based on priorities and interleaves accesses to maximize the SDRAM data bus utilization. Consequentially burst scheduling reduces row conflict rate, increasing and exploiting the available row locality. Using a revised SimpleScalar and M5 simulator, both techniques are evaluated and compared with existing academic and industrial solutions. With SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, bit-reversal reduces the execution time by 14% on average over traditional page interleaving address mapping. Burst scheduling also achieves a 15% reduction in execution time over conventional bank in order scheduling. Working constructively together, bit-reversal and burst scheduling successfully achieve a 19% speedup across simulated benchmarks

    Concurrency, Latency, or System Overhead: Which Has the Largest Impact on Uniprocessor DRAM-System Performance?

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    Given a fixed CPU architecture and a fixed DRAM timing specification, there is still a large design space for a DRAM system organization. Parameters include the number of memory channels, the bandwidth of each channel, burst sizes, queue sizes and organizations, turnaround overhead, memory-controller page protocol, algorithms for assigning request priorities and scheduling requests dynamically, etc. In this design space, we see a wide variation in application execution times; for example, execution times for SPEC CPU 2000 integer suite on a 2-way ganged Direct Rambus organization (32 data bits) with 64-byte bursts are 10–20% lower than execution times on an otherwise identical configuration that uses 32-byte bursts. This represents two system configurations that are relatively close to each other in the design space; performance differences become even more pronounced for designs further apart. This paper characterizes the sources of overhead in high-performance DRAM systems and investigates the most effective ways to reduce a system’s exposure to performance loss. In particular, we look at mechanisms to increase a system’s support for concurrent transactions, mechanisms to reduce request latency, and mechanisms to reduce the “system overhead”—the portion of the primary memory system’s overhead that is not due to DRAM latency but rather to things like turnaround time, request queueing, inefficiencies due to read/write request interleaving, etc. Our simulator models a 2GHz, highly aggressive out-of-order uniprocessor. The interface to the memory system is fully non-blocking, supporting up to 32 outstanding misses at both the level-1 and level-2 caches and split-transaction busses to all DRAM banks

    Design of a parallel vector access unit for SDRAM memory systems

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    Journal ArticleParallel Vector Access is a technique that exploits the regularity of vector or stream accesses to perform them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank memory system. The performance of applications that have vector accesses may be improved using a memory controller that performs scatter/gather operations so that only the vector or stream elements that are accessed by the application are transmitted across the system bus. These scatter/gather operations can be speeded up by broadcasting vector operations to all banks of memory in parallel, each of which implements an algorithm to determine which elements of the requested vector they contain. This thesis presents the mathematical foundations behind one such algorithm for controller are investigated. The the performance of such a memory controller on vector kernels is studied by gate level simulation and the results analyzed. Because of the parallel approach, the PVA is able to load elements up to 32.8 times faster than a conventional memory system and 3.3 times faster than a pipelined vector unit, without hurting normal cache line fill performance

    Organizational Design Trade-Offs at the DRAM, Memory Bus, and Memory Controller Level: Initial Results

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    This paper presents initial results in a study of organization level parameters associated with the design of the primary memory system—the DRAM system beneath the lowest level of the cache hierarchy. These parameters are orthogonal to architecture-level parameters such as DRAM core speed, bus arbitration protocol, etc. and include bus width, bus speed, number of independent channels, degree of banking, read burst width, write burst width, etc; this study presents the effective cross-product of varying each of these parameters independently. The simulator is based on SimpleScalar 3.0a and models a fast (simulated as 2GHz), highly aggressive out-of-order uniprocessor. The interface to the primary memory system is fully non-blocking, supporting up to 32 outstanding misses at both the level-1 and level-2 caches. Our simulations show the following: (a) the choice of primary memory-system organization is critical, as it can effect total execution time by a factor of 3x for a constant CPU organization and DRAM speed; (b) the most important factors in the performance of the primary memory system are the channel speed (bus cycle time) and the granularity of data access, the burst width—each of these can independently affect total execution time by a factor of 2x; (c) for small bursts, multiple narrow independent channels to the memory system exhibit better performance than a single wide channel; for large bursts, channel cycle time is the most important factor; (d) the degree of DRAM multi-banking plays a secondary role in its impact on total execution time; (e) the optimal burst width tends to be high (large enough to fetch an L2 cache block in 2 bursts) and scales with the block size of the level 2 cache; and (f) the memory queue sizes can be extremely large, due to the bursty nature of references to the primary memory system and the promotion of reads ahead of writes. Among other things, we conclude that the scheduling of the memory bus is the primary bottleneck and that it should be the focus of further study
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