2,723 research outputs found


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    This study aims to: 1) Make learning modules process the data with Microsoft Access 2003, 2) Examine the feasibility of learning module to process data with Microsoft Access 2003 as a medium of teaching in SMK Negeri 2 Sukoharjo, and 3) Determine the effectiveness of using learning modules process data with Microsoft Access 2003 on competency achievement data processing applications. This research is a research and development use development model Brog & Gall. Research and development is carried out by five steps: 1) Conducting analysis of products, 2) To develop the initial product, 3) Validation of expert and revision, 4) small-scale field trials and revisions, and 5) large-scale field tests and the final product. The subject of research on small-scale field trials were 12 students and research subjects on a large scale field tests of 78 students with a sampling technique that is purposive sampling. Determination of eligibility is done in an expert validation and small-scale field trials using a questionnaire while the effectiveness is done in large scale field tests using the results of the assessment practices. The data analysis technique for the feasibility of using descriptive statistics while the effectiveness of using two-sample t-test independent. According to expert assessment of materials and media expert in the expert validation, the learning module fit for use while in the small-scale field trials of learning modules fit for use by percentage of 83.33%. The results obtained by t-test t = 24.028 with df = 74 and p = 0.000, so there is a difference between the practicum students who use learning modules that do not use the learning modules. The mean of the lab for a class that uses a module that is 90.618 while the class does not use a module that is 69.405. As a whole class using the modules stated thoroughly in the competence and who do not use the module there are 5 students who need to make improvements

    Copyright and Open Access 2003: what happened and what's new

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    pp. 111-11

    Application for Determination of the Forward Exchange Rate in Access 2003

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    The exchange rate set the present rate for a foreign currency transaction with payment or delivery at some future date. Forward rates are calculated by using the current exchange rate for the currency pair and the interest rates for the two currencies and allow you to lock in rate now for a future. This paper describes the formulas which determinate the forward exchange rate and how can we implement them in a short, but efficient informatics application.forward, exchange rate, application, bid, ask

    Registry Application of Goods and Stock Sales in Wholesale Stores Using the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    In this scientific writing authors describe the design of the recording applicationprograms and the sale of stock of goods to grocery stores using Microsoft VisualBasic 6.0. In this application program consists of 11 Form. And use the Data AccessObject program to connect to the database. And using Microsoft Access 2003 for itsdatabase

    Goods and Aplikasi Pencatatan Stock Penjualan Untuk Toko Grosir Dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    In scientific writing, the writer explains the design stock listing application for the sale of goods and grocery stores with using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. in this application program consist of 11 form. And use the program to connect to a database object data access. As well as using Microsoft Access 2003 for database

    Aplikasi Penjualan Toko Komputer Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 dan Microsoft Accsess 2003

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    Pencatatan transaksi penjualan asesoris mobil masih dilakukan secara manualsehingga dapat sering menimbulkan kesalahan pada transaksi dan juga informasiyang dihasilkan menjadi lambat. Sistem komputerisasi diperlukan untukmembantu sistem transaksi tersebut agar kesalahan transaksi dapat dihindari.Dengan membuat suatu aplikasi penjualan barang dengan menggunakan VisualBasic 6.0 serta Microsoft Access 2003 untuk databasenya, diharapkan dapatmembantu jalannya kegiatan toko yang bersangkutan. Dengan menggunakanaplikasi ini sebagai alat bantu, maka pemeliharaan data barang semakin mudahdilakukan serta transaksi transaksi dan laporan yang dihasilkan akan lebihbaik


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    Dalam era globalisasi ini persaingan bisnis menjadi sangat tajam, sehingga untuk memenangkan persaingan, perusahaan harus mampu memberikan harga yang cocok pada produk sandal diwaktu yang tepat. Pada penelitian ini dibahas mengenai perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan Harga Pokok Produk Sandal dengan metode Moving Average, yang diujicobakan pada produk Sandal yaitu Home Industri Sandal Widoro Indah. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Access 2003, Cristal Report 8.5. Dengan memanfaatkan sistem ini diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan, khususnya pimpinan dalam pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan peramalan dan data-data penjualan dimasa lalu

    Cash Sales System in CV. Cipta Kreasi Furniture Using Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Access 2003, and Crystal Report 8.5

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    Creative CV.Cipta Furniture is a store that sells a variety of furniture items, because the process manually the process is still in the process is judged to be ineffective and inefficient because of frequent errors caused by human error, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of computerization and efficiency in speed running of the company. To mempermudahpekerjaan required in terms of sales and computer application programs pemergraman language Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, developed from the language Basic. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programming language that is based Visual Programing and easy to use in making an application. Microsoft Access 2003 as a medium to create a database because of the ease given, and Crystal Report 8.5 as a medium to make a report. Based on the author for analysis, these enterprises in the administrative process in the sale is still done manually like create invoices and reports that support the course of the company. In this case there are several ways to solve these problems, including Document Flow of the proposed, context diagram, diagram of zero, Entity Relationship Diagram, Normalization and Design Input Output program that will be made with supporting software Microsoft Visual Basic 6.

    Converting librarian catalogue tickets to database Microsoft Access

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá převodem katalogových lístků knihovny do databázového programu MS Access 2003. Cílem je návrh databáze knihovny, která zrychlí, zjednoduší a zefektivní práci v neziskové organizaci.This Bachelor's thesis deals with conversion of library catalogue cards to MS Access 2003. The object is library database design which makes work quickly, simply and more effective in non-profit organization.

    Computer catalog of visual arts : argentinean painting of XIX and XX centuries

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    El propósito de este proyecto es contribuir a la difusión y preservación de la producción artística argentina, mediante el aprovechamiento de las tecnologías informáticas y de comunicación. Sus objetivos específicos son generar una base de datos de obras artísticas, e implementar un sitio web a partir de ésta.La metodología a abordar se organiza en dos grandes etapas: 1.Generación de la base de datos: - Trabajos preliminares: búsqueda, recolección, selección y tratamiento de imágenes de producción artística, a través de distintos medios: Internet, bibliografía impresa, diapositivas, muestras artísticas. Las imágenes obtenidas se tratan mediante equipos (computadora con conexión a Internet, scanner, cámara digital), y softwares gráficos.- Diseño de Base de datos: utilizando Access 2003. Se diseñan tablas, consultas y formularios. Se establecen opciones de búsqueda por año, autor, técnica y colección. 2. Producción de sitio web: comprende la interfaz gráfica y la estructura del sitio. El trabajo en este primer año de investigación tiene previsto finalizar la base de datos.The purpose of this project is to contribute to the diffusion and preservation of the artistic Argentinean production, by means of the use of the computer technologies and of communication. Their specific objectives are to generate a database of artistic works, and to create a website about this.The methodology is organized in two big stages: Generation of database: - Preliminary works: search, gathering, selection and treatment of images of artistic production, through different means: Internet, printed bibliography, slides, artistic samples. The images are obtained by different means (computer with Internet connection, scanner, digital camera), and graphic softwares. - Design of Database: using Access 2003. Charts, consultations and forms are designed. Search options are set by year, author, technique and collection.Website’s production: it covers the graphic interface and website structure. The work in this first year of investigation has foreseen to conclude the database