8 research outputs found

    Action Recognition: From Static Datasets to Moving Robots

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    Deep learning models have achieved state-of-the- art performance in recognizing human activities, but often rely on utilizing background cues present in typical computer vision datasets that predominantly have a stationary camera. If these models are to be employed by autonomous robots in real world environments, they must be adapted to perform independently of background cues and camera motion effects. To address these challenges, we propose a new method that firstly generates generic action region proposals with good potential to locate one human action in unconstrained videos regardless of camera motion and then uses action proposals to extract and classify effective shape and motion features by a ConvNet framework. In a range of experiments, we demonstrate that by actively proposing action regions during both training and testing, state-of-the-art or better performance is achieved on benchmarks. We show the outperformance of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art in two new datasets; one emphasizes on irrelevant background, the other highlights the camera motion. We also validate our action recognition method in an abnormal behavior detection scenario to improve workplace safety. The results verify a higher success rate for our method due to the ability of our system to recognize human actions regardless of environment and camera motion

    Most self-touches are with the nondominant hand

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    Self-touch may promote the transfer of microorganisms between body parts or surfaces to mucosa. In overt videography of a post-graduate office, students spent 9% of their time touching their own hair, face, neck, and shoulders (HFNS). These data were collected from 274,000 s of surveillance video in a Chinese graduate student office. The non-dominant hand contributed to 66.1% of HFNS-touches. Most importantly, mucous membranes were touched, on average, 34.3 (SE = 2.4) times per hour, which the non-dominant hand contributed to 240% more than the dominant hand. Gender had no significant effect on touch frequency, but a significant effect on duration per touch. The duration per touch on the HFNS was fitted with a log–log linear distribution. Touch behaviour analysis included surface combinations and a probability matrix for sequential touches of 20 sub-surfaces. These findings may partly explain the observed variation in the literature regarding the microbiome community distribution on human skin, supporting the importance of indirect contact transmission route in some respiratory disease transmission and providing data for risk analysis of infection spread and control

    A Depth Video-based Human Detection and Activity Recognition using Multi-features and Embedded Hidden Markov Models for Health Care Monitoring Systems

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    Increase in number of elderly people who are living independently needs especial care in the form of healthcare monitoring systems. Recent advancements in depth video technologies have made human activity recognition (HAR) realizable for elderly healthcare applications. In this paper, a depth video-based novel method for HAR is presented using robust multi-features and embedded Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to recognize daily life activities of elderly people living alone in indoor environment such as smart homes. In the proposed HAR framework, initially, depth maps are analyzed by temporal motion identification method to segment human silhouettes from noisy background and compute depth silhouette area for each activity to track human movements in a scene. Several representative features, including invariant, multi-view differentiation and spatiotemporal body joints features were fused together to explore gradient orientation change, intensity differentiation, temporal variation and local motion of specific body parts. Then, these features are processed by the dynamics of their respective class and learned, modeled, trained and recognized with specific embedded HMM having active feature values. Furthermore, we construct a new online human activity dataset by a depth sensor to evaluate the proposed features. Our experiments on three depth datasets demonstrated that the proposed multi-features are efficient and robust over the state of the art features for human action and activity recognition

    Markov random fields for abnormal behavior detection on highways

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    This paper introduces a new paradigm for abnormal behavior detection relying on the integration of contextual information in Markov random fields. Contrary to traditional methods, the proposed technique models the local density of object feature vector, therefore leading to simple and elegant criterion for behavior classification. We develop a Gaussian Markov random field mixture catering for multi-modal density and integrating the neighborhood behavior into a local estimate. The convergence of the random field is ensured by online learning through a stochastic clustering algorithm. The system is tested on an extensive dataset (over 2800 vehicles) for behavior modeling. The experimental results show that abnormal behavior for a pedestrian walking, running and cycling on the highway, is detected with 82% accuracy at the 10% false alarm rate, and the system has an overall accuracy of 86% on the test data

    Design, implementation and evaluation of automated surveillance systems

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    El reconocimiento de patrones ha conseguido un nivel de complejidad que nos permite reconocer diferente tipo de eventos, incluso peligros, y actuar en concordancia para minimizar el impacto de una situación complicada y abordarla de la mejor manera posible. Sin embargo, creemos que todavía se puede llegar a alcanzar aplicaciones más eficientes con algoritmos más precisos. Nuestra aplicación quiere probar a incluir el nuevo paradigma de la programación, las redes neuronales. Nuestra idea en principio fue explorar la alternativa que las nuevas redes neuronales convolucionales aportaban, en donde se podía ver en vídeos de ejemplos la alta tasa de detección e identificación que, por ejemplo, YOLOv2 podría mostrar. Después de comparar las características, vimos que YOLOv3 ofrecía un buen balance entre precisión y rapidez como comentaremos más adelante. Debido a la tasa de baja detecciones, haremos uso de los filtros de Kalman para ayudarnos a la hora de hacer reidentificación de personas y objetos. En este proyecto, haremos un estudio además de las alternativas de videovigilancia con las que cuentan empresas del sector y veremos que clase de productos ofrecen y, por otro lado, observaremos cuales son los trabajos de los grupos de investigadores de otras universidades que más similitudes tienen con nuestro objetivo. Dedicaremos, por lo tanto, el uso de esta red neuronal para detectar eventos como el abandono de mochilas y para mostrar la densidad de tránsito en localizaciones concretas, así como utilizaremos una metodología más tradicional, el flujo óptico, para detectar actuaciones anormales en una multitud.Automatic surveillance system is getting more and more sophisticated with the increasing calculation power that computers are reaching. The aim of this project is to take advantage of these tools and with the new classification and detection technology brought by neural networks, develop a surveillance application that can recognize certain behaviours (which are the detection of lost backpacks and suitcases, detection of abnormal crowd activity and heatmap of density occupation). To develop this program, python has been the selected programming language used, where YOLO and OpenCV form the spine of this project. After testing the code, it has been proved that due to the constrains of the detection for small objects, the project does not perform as it should for real development, but still it shows potential for the detection of lost backpacks in certain videos from the GBA dataset [1] and PETS2006 dataset [2]. The abnormal activity detection for crowds is made with a simple algorithm that seems to perform well, detecting the anomalies in all the testing dataset used, generated by the University of Minnesota [3]. Finally, the heatmap can display correctly the projection of people on the ground for five second, just as intended. The objective of this software is to be part of the core of what could be a future application with more modules that will be able to perform full automated surveillance tasks and gather useful information data, and these advances and future proposal will be explained in this memory.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial (M141

    Investigation of Low-Cost Wearable Internet of Things Enabled Technology for Physical Activity Recognition in the Elderly

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    Technological advances in mobile sensing technologies has produced new opportunities for the monitoring of the elderly in uncontrolled environments by researchers. Sensors have become smaller, cheaper and can be worn on the body, potentially creating a network of sensors. Smart phones are also more common in the average household and can also provide some behavioural analysis due to the built-in sensors. As a result of this, researchers are able to monitor behaviours in a more naturalistic setting, which can lead to more contextually meaningful data. For those suffering with a mental illness, non-invasive and continuous monitoring can be achieved. Applying sensors to real world environments can aid in improving the quality of life of an elderly person with a mental illness and monitor their condition through behavioural analysis. In order to achieve this, selected classifiers must be able to accurately detect when an activity has taken place. In this thesis we aim to provide a framework for the investigation of activity recognition in the elderly using low-cost wearable sensors, which has resulted in the following contributions: 1. Classification of eighteen activities which were broken down into three disparate categories typical in a home setting: dynamic, sedentary and transitional. These were detected using two Shimmer3 IMU devices that we have located on the participants’ wrist and waist to create a low-cost, contextually deployable solution for elderly care monitoring. 2. Through the categorisation of performed Extracted time-domain and frequency-domain features from the Shimmer devices accelerometer and gyroscope were used as inputs, we achieved a high accuracy classification from a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model applied to the data set gained from participants recruited to the study through Join Dementia Research. The model was evaluated by variable adjustments to the model, tracking changes in its performance. Performance statistics were generated by the model for comparison and evaluation. Our results indicate that a low epoch of 200 using the ReLu activation function can display a high accuracy of 86% on the wrist data set and 85% on the waist data set, using only two low-cost wearable devices

    Abnormal Activity Recognition in Office Based on R Transform

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