233 research outputs found

    A novel multipath dispersion reduction technique based on controlled-polarization optical wireless link set-up

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    The detection characteristics of an indoor-optical communication system, which utilizes infrared radiation as carrier has been explored and enhanced for telemedicine, and wireless local area network applications. The novelty of the presented technique consists in the fact that multipath dispersion can be reduced under controlled polarization link setup. The design of such a network is based on the specifications set by the IEEE 802.11 standard. Significant noise reduction has been achieved by utilizing wavelet transform processing algorithms

    Multi-user indoor optical wireless communication system channel control using a genetic algorithm

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    A genetic algorithm controlled multispot transmitter is demonstrated that is capable of optimising the received power distribution for randomly aligned single element receivers in multiple fully diffuse optical wireless communications systems with multiple mobile users. Using a genetic algorithm to control the intensity of individual diffusion spots, system deployment environment changes, user movement and user alignment can be compensating for, with negligible impact on the bandwidth and root mean square delay spread. It is shown that the dynamic range, referenced against the peak received power, can be reduced up to 27% for empty environments and up to 26% when the users are moving. Furthermore, the effect of user movement, that can perturb the channel up to 8%, can be reduced to within 5% of the optimised case. Compared to alternative bespoke designs that are capable of mitigating optical wireless channel drawbacks, this method provides the possibility of cost-effectiveness for mass-produced receivers in applications where end-user friendliness and mobility are paramount

    High-Capacity Hybrid Optical Fiber-Wireless Communications Links in Access Networks

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    Comparison of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links

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    The performance of direct and heterodyne detection optical intersatellite communication links are evaluated and compared. It is shown that the performance of optical links is very sensitive to the pointing and tracking errors at the transmitter and receiver. In the presence of random pointing and tracking errors, optimal antenna gains exist that will minimize the required transmitter power. In addition to limiting the antenna gains, random pointing and tracking errors also impose a power penalty in the link budget. This power penalty is between 1.6 to 3 dB for a direct detection QPPM link, and 3 to 5 dB for a heterodyne QFSK system. For the heterodyne systems, the carrier phase noise presents another major factor of performance degradation that must be considered. In contrast, the loss due to synchronization error is small. The link budgets for direct and heterodyne detection systems are evaluated. It is shown that, for systems with large pointing and tracking errors, the link budget is dominated by the spatial tracking error, and the direct detection system shows a superior performance because it is less sensitive to the spatial tracking error. On the other hand, for systems with small pointing and tracking jitters, the antenna gains are in general limited by the launch cost, and suboptimal antenna gains are often used in practice. In which case, the heterodyne system has a slightly higher power margin because of higher receiver sensitivity

    Airborne ultrasonic communications using multiple parallel channels

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    Concerns still exist over the safety of prolonged exposure to radio frequency (RF) wireless transmissions and there are also potential data security issues due to remote signal interception. Airborne ultrasound may be used as an alternative to RF for indoor wireless communication systems for securely transmitting data over parallel channels at short ranges. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an airborne ultrasonic communication system using capacitive transducers. In this study, basic digital modulation schemes, such as ON-OFF keying (OOK) and binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), were implemented successfully over multiple parallel channels for data transmission over an air gap of up to 10 m with wireless synchronization using ultrasonic means. A simulation model that can precisely predict ultrasonic signals through the air channel was also created to help with signal characterisation. To further improve the bandwidth efficiency and eliminate the need for filtering, quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) method was investigated. The recorded data rate was 800 kb/s at 0.7 m with no measurable errors using prototype broadband ultrasonic transducers, and 180 kb/s at 6 m using relatively narrowband commercially available transducers. This thesis has also looked at implementing an indoor communication network with ceiling-mounted base stations and a mobile communicator for practical applications. An asynchronous ultrasonic location technique using Gold Code modulated ranging signals was chosen to optimise the modulation schemes, and offer automatic handover between different cell regions on a switch on and off basis as all base stations use the same frequency bands for data transmission

    Integrated power/signal transmission for smart energy systems

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    Communication technologies, especially wired technology, have developed considerably in terms of signal stability and communication speed. Conventional renewable energy generation units in traditional energy systems require additional communication devices to manage the renewable power generation equipment, which can raise the size and expenditure of the system. Additionally, although power line communication (PLC) can simplify system wiring by eliminating the requirement for communication cables, additional signal coupling devices are still needed to combine energy and signals. Therefore, it is significant to investigate a suitable transmission approach for energy and signals in smart energy systems (SESs). The purpose of this study is to analyse the feasibility of the integrated power/signal transmission (IPST) approach and to develop IPST-based converters for SESs. Firstly, state-of-the-art communication strategies including wireless and wired methods are reviewed and their advantages and restrictions are summarised in comparison. The review work demonstrates that it is essential to systematically analyse the possible signal modulation approaches for power converter implementations and extend IPST technology in AC power system applications. On this basis, this research then investigates the similarity between signal transmission and power conversion from a system architecture perspective and analyses the mechanisms of pulse width modulation (PWM) based signal modulation methods. Next, the integrated transmission approaches are verified through the buck converter, boost converter and cascaded H-bridge converter, and the simulation results demonstrate that the designed strategies have decent noise immunity. Finally, all the proposed IPST methods in different SESs are validated. In summary, the main achievements of this study are the analysis of the feasibility of various converters for IPST transmission and the extension of IPST technology to different SES applications

    Remote Powering and Data Communication Over a Single Inductive Link for Implantable Medical Devices

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    RÉSUMÉ Les implants mĂ©dicaux Ă©lectroniques (Implantable Medical Devices - IMDs) sont notamment utilisĂ©s pour restaurer ou amĂ©liorer des fonctions perdues de certains organes. Ils sont capables de traiter des complications qui ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre guĂ©ries avec des mĂ©dicaments ou par la chirurgie. Offrant des propriĂ©tĂ©s et des amĂ©liorations curatives sans prĂ©cĂ©dent, les IMDs sont de plus en plus demandĂ©s par les mĂ©decins et les patients. En 2017, le marchĂ© mondial des IMD Ă©tait Ă©valuĂ© Ă  15,21 milliards de dollars. D’ici 2025, il devrait atteindre 30,42 mil-liards de dollars, soutenu par un taux de croissance annuel de 9,24% selon le nouveau rapport publiĂ© par Fior Markets. Cette expansion entraĂźne une augmentation des exigences pour as-surer des performances supĂ©rieures, des fonctionnalitĂ©s supplĂ©mentaires et une durĂ©e de vie plus longue. Ces exigences ne peuvent ĂȘtre satisfaites qu’avec des techniques d’alimentation avancĂ©es, un dĂ©bit de donnĂ©es Ă©levĂ© et une Ă©lectronique miniaturisĂ©e robuste. Construire des systĂšmes capables de fournir toutes ces caractĂ©ristiques est l’objectif principal d’un grand nombre de chercheurs. Parmi plusieurs technologies sans fil, le lien inductif, qui consiste en une paire de bobines Ă  couplage magnĂ©tique, est la technique sans fil la plus largement utilisĂ©e pour le transfert de puissance et de donnĂ©es. Cela est dĂ» Ă  sa simplicitĂ©, sa sĂ©curitĂ© et sa capacitĂ© Ă  transmettre Ă  la fois de la puissance et des donnĂ©es de façon bidirectionnelle. Cependant, il existe encore un certain nombre de dĂ©fis concernant la mise en Ɠuvre d’un tel systĂšme de transfert d’énergie et de donnĂ©es sans fil (Wireless Power and Data Transfer - WPDT system). Un dĂ©fi majeur est que les exigences pour une efficacitĂ© de transfert d’énergie Ă©levĂ©e et pour une communication Ă  haut dĂ©bit sont contradictoires. En fait, la bande passante doit ĂȘtre Ă©largie pour des dĂ©bits de donnĂ©es Ă©levĂ©s, mais rĂ©duite pour une transmission efficace de l’énergie. Un autre grand dĂ©fi consiste Ă  rĂ©aliser un dĂ©modulateur fonctionnant Ă  haute vitesse avec une mise en Ɠuvre simple et une consommation d’énergie ultra-faible. Dans ce projet, nous proposons et expĂ©rimentons un nouveau systĂšme WPDT dĂ©diĂ© aux IMD permettant une communication Ă  haute vitesse et une alimentation efficace tout en maintenant une faible consommation d’énergie, une petite surface de silicium et une mise en Ɠuvre simple du rĂ©cepteur. Le systĂšme proposĂ© est basĂ© sur un nouveau schĂ©ma de modulation appelĂ© "Carrier Width Modulation (CWM)", ainsi que sur des circuits de modulation et de dĂ©modulation inĂ©dits. La modulation consiste en un coupe-circuit synchronisĂ© du rĂ©servoir LC primaire pendant un ou deux cycles en fonction des donnĂ©es transmises.----------ABSTRACT Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are electronic implants notably used to restore or en-hance lost organ functions. They may treat complications that cannot be cured with medica-tion or through surgery. O˙ering unprecedented healing properties and enhancements, IMDs are increasingly requested by physicians and patients. In 2017, the worldwide IMD market was valued at USD 15,21 Billion. By 2025, it is expected to attain USD 30.42 Billion sus-tained by a compound annual growth rate of 9.24% according to a recent report published by Fior Markets. This expansion is bringing-up more demand for higher performance, additional features, and longer device lifespan and autonomy. These requirements can only be achieved with advanced power sources, high-data rates, and robust miniaturized electronics. Building systems able to provide all these characteristics is the main goal of many researchers. Among several wireless technologies, the inductive link, which consists of a magnetically-coupled pair of coils, is the most widely used wireless technique for both power and data transfer. This is due to its simplicity, safety, and ability to provide simultaneously both power and bidirectional data transfer to the implant. However there are still a number of challenges regarding the implementation of such Wireless Power and Data Transfer (WPDT) systems. One main challenge is that the requirements for high Power Transfer EĂżciency (PTE) and for high-data rate communication are contra-dictory. In fact, the bandwidth needs to be widened for high data rates, but narrowed for eĂżcient power delivery. Another big challenge is to implement a high-speed demodulator with simple implementation and ultra-low power consumption. In this project, we propose and experiment a new WPDT system dedicated to IMDs allow-ing high-speed communication and eĂżcient power delivery, while maintaining a low power consumption, small silicon area, and simple implementation of the receiver. The proposed system is based on a new Carrier Width Modulation (CWM) scheme, as well as novel modu-lation and demodulation circuits. The modulation consists of a synchronized opening of the primary LC tank for one or two cycles according to the transmitted data. Unlike conventional modulation techniques, the data rate of the proposed CWM modulation is not limited by the quality factors of the primary and secondary coils. On the other hand, the proposed CWM demodulator allows higher-speed demodulation and simple implementation, unlike conven-tional demodulators for a similar modulation scheme. It also o˙ers a wide range of data rates under any selected frequency from 10 to 31 MHz

    Novel Multicarrier Memory Channel Architecture Using Microwave Interconnects: Alleviating the Memory Wall

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    abstract: The increase in computing power has simultaneously increased the demand for input/output (I/O) bandwidth. Unfortunately, the speed of I/O and memory interconnects have not kept pace. Thus, processor-based systems are I/O and interconnect limited. The memory aggregated bandwidth is not scaling fast enough to keep up with increasing bandwidth demands. The term "memory wall" has been coined to describe this phenomenon. A new memory bus concept that has the potential to push double data rate (DDR) memory speed to 30 Gbit/s is presented. We propose to map the conventional DDR bus to a microwave link using a multicarrier frequency division multiplexing scheme. The memory bus is formed using a microwave signal carried within a waveguide. We call this approach multicarrier memory channel architecture (MCMCA). In MCMCA, each memory signal is modulated onto an RF carrier using 64-QAM format or higher. The carriers are then routed using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) interconnects. At the receiver, the memory signals are demodulated and then delivered to SDRAM devices. We pioneered the usage of SIW as memory channel interconnects and demonstrated that it alleviates the memory bandwidth bottleneck. We demonstrated SIW performance superiority over conventional transmission line in immunity to cross-talk and electromagnetic interference. We developed a methodology based on design of experiment (DOE) and response surface method techniques that optimizes the design of SIW interconnects and minimizes its performance fluctuations under material and manufacturing variations. Along with using SIW, we implemented a multicarrier architecture which enabled the aggregated DDR bandwidth to reach 30 Gbit/s. We developed an end-to-end system model in Simulink and demonstrated the MCMCA performance for ultra-high throughput memory channel. Experimental characterization of the new channel shows that by using judicious frequency division multiplexing, as few as one SIW interconnect is sufficient to transmit the 64 DDR bits. Overall aggregated bus data rate achieves 240 GBytes/s data transfer with EVM not exceeding 2.26% and phase error of 1.07 degree or less.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201
