2,150,984 research outputs found

    Teacher education in the UK in an era of performance management

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    In common with all education systems world wide, those of the United Kingdom have been subject to rapid change and development in recent years. Much of the management of this change has been supported by methods, including performance management of individuals, borrowed from industrial or commercial spheres of activity (Peters et al, 1999). This has led to a redefinition of concepts of teacher professionalism. In the two principal UK systems - those of England (often itself referred to as the UK system) and Scotland - there have been different emphases in terms of managing and developing the profession, although concerns of staff development and professional accountability are encapsulated in both. In this paper we argue, firstly, that staff development - of whatever variety - has to result in better learning for young people within schools. Secondly, we assert that the construction of teacher professionalism is a contested area in the UK, both in terms of initial teacher education and in terms of continuing professional development and that there has to be a recognition of this debate. Ultimately, however, both sides need to come together to create systems which support and develop pupil learning

    ‘Framing the project’ of international human rights law: Reflections on the dysfunctional ‘family’ of the Universal Declaration

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    Full text embargoed until November 2013.The task of ‘framing the project’ of international human rights law is daunting to say the least. First, there is the sheer enormity and complexity of the international human rights law ‘project’: adequately mapping the subject and its key related issues is impossible in a whole book, let alone a short chapter. Secondly, it is daunting because of the sense of epistemic responsibility involved. Every framing inevitably involves selection – if not pre-selection – through the conscious (and/or unconscious) placing of focus upon features or factors considered to be significant and/or valuable. As Gitlin puts it, framing is a way of choosing, underlining and presenting ‘what exists, what happens and what matters’. In this sense, the founding document (or as Entman might put it, the inaugural ‘communicating text’) of international human rights law (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR) functions as a particularly potent form of framing, for it selects aspects of perceived reality, making them not just salient but symbolically central to the entire philosophical, moral, juridical order designated by the term ‘international human rights law’

    A multi-model study of the hemispheric transport and deposition of oxidised nitrogen.

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    Fifteen chemistry-transport models are used to quantify, for the first time, the export of oxidised nitrogen (NOy) to and from four regions (Europe, North America, South Asia, and East Asia), and to estimate the uncertainty in the results. Between 12 and 24% of the NOx emitted is exported from each region annually. The strongest impact of each source region on a foreign region is: Europe on East Asia, North America on Europe, South Asia on East Asia, and East Asia on North America. Europe exports the most NOy, and East Asia the least. East Asia receives the most NOy from the other regions. Between 8 and 15% of NOx emitted in each region is transported over distances larger than 1000 km, with 3–10% ultimately deposited over the foreign regions

    Black Life Mater: Debunked!

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    The Black Lives Matter movement emerged in 2012 to combat racial targeting after the death of Trayvon Martin. The purpose of the movement, according to the Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles, is to serve as “an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise” and “an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.” From meetings with Democratic National Convention leaders, to attending a meeting at the White House at the invitation of the President, the Black Lives Matter movement is making strides in eliminating racial profiling in our society

    What is the Value and Impact of Coaching at all Levels in the Organization?

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    [Excerpt] In the past coaching was nearly exclusively used for executive-level development, whereas coaching is currently approached as a more widespread intervention for various levels of employees within an organization. This application of coaching has developed over the past decade. The research on such coaching for talent management across the organization as it correlates to employee performance is fairly limited. Despite the limited research, several studies have shown that coaching to develop high potential employees (in addition to more traditional coaching aimed at executives) was successful, and yielded a return on investment. However, there are key factors that help define the best practices and added value of multi-level coaching within an organization

    Yemaya, No. 30, March 2009

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    Asia / India: Women in Seafood Processing; Asia / India- Getting on the Bus; Asia / Sri Lanka - Marching for Justice; Asia / Vietnam - Setting the Agenda; Policy / India - Policy but no Practice; Yemaya Recommends - Pacific Voices: Equity and Sustainability in Pacific Island Fisheries; Milestones - Ecuador's new food sovereignty law aims to strengthen the constitutional right to food; What's New, Webby? - Womenspeak; Profile - Marie Ademar; Yemaya Mama ...tries to crack the Code