470 research outputs found

    Effective Building Surveying Using Laser Scanning for Heritage Building Documentation

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    In conservation works, a thorough pathology survey is required to identify building defects. Early detection of defects can prevent the increase in cost during conservation works. Conventionally, common defects that occur in heritage buildings can be observed and recorded during a walk-by inspection; however, the process is often time consuming. Furthermore, all recorded defects require a precise but conventional data collection to identify, test, and observe the level of defects. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of manual walk-in building condition assessment with the point cloud data analysis that utilises the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology. A building condition assessment was conducted involving the Ipoh Town Hall and Post Office, Galeri Kraftangan Seremban, and Bangunan Dato’ Jaafar in Johor Bahru using both conventional walk-in survey and the laser scanning process. This study concludes that combining digital tools with the traditional methods promotes a more accurate and effective assessment for heritage building assessment, which is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of historic structures. Additionally, 3D point cloud data allows the exploration of building deterioration from a wider perspective

    Arthibition: Designing Augmented Reality for Art Exhibition

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    ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic, which occurred in the past 3 years, has forced art activists to reduce activities that involve many people. Meanwhile, art activities that gather many people are still needed as a means of publishing artworks from art activists. Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been widely applied to art exhibitions. To be able to take advantage of this technology, users must come to the exhibition site and scan an object at the exhibition site, resulting in a buildup of visitors at the exhibition site. For this reason, it is necessary to build an application that can be used to enjoy content from the exhibition without having to go to the exhibition location. This study aims to design an application that can be used by the audience to be able to enjoy the content of the art exhibition without having to go to the exhibition site. The use of AR Technology is applied as a tool to ostensibly bring artwork to the location of the application user, so that it can be enjoyed directly. The design of the ARt Exhibition application is expected to be a solution for art activists and connoisseurs to be able to enjoy art exhibitions anywhere personally so that the spread of the Covid-19 virus can be minimized. ARthibition: Mendesain Pameran Seni Rupa dengan Augmented Reality. Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi dalam tiga tahun terakhir memaksa para pegiat seni mengurangi aktivitas yang melibatkan banyak orang. Sementara itu, kegiatan seni yang menghimpun banyak orang masih dibutuhkan sebagai sarana penerbitan karya seni dari para pegiat seni. Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) telah banyak diterapkan dalam pameran seni rupa. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi ini, pengguna harus datang ke lokasi pameran dan memindai objek di lokasi pameran sehingga terjadi penumpukan pengunjung di lokasi pameran. Untuk itu, perlu dibangun sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menikmati konten dari pameran tanpa harus pergi ke lokasi pameran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh penonton untuk dapat menikmati isi dari pameran seni rupa tanpa harus mendatangi lokasi pameran. Penggunaan teknologi AR diterapkan sebagai alat untuk membawa karya seni ke lokasi pengguna aplikasi sehingga dapat dinikmati secara langsung. Perancangan aplikasi pameran seni rupa ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi bagi para pegiat dan penikmat seni rupa untuk dapat menikmati pameran seni rupa dimanapun secara personal sehingga penyebaran virus Covid-19 dapat diminimalka

    Envisaging AR travel revolution for visiting heritage sites:A mixed-method approach

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    Augmented Reality (AR) offers transformative potential for augmenting and replacing realities within a wide range of business and social applications. Within this, this study explores antecedents of behavioral adoption of AR mobile travel apps to visit a heritage site by substituting in-person and corporeal tourism experiences through a visualization technique that overlays 3D simulated architecture in front of a user. This research specifically investigates the collective impact of perceived app attributes of the AR service model, and critical characteristics of users in terms of their underlying psychological predispositions impacting their behavioral intention to use AR travel apps for heritage tourism in an emerging nation. In pursuance of this, we adopt a unique mixed-method research methodology where industry experts and travel enthusiasts are invited to delve into the phenomenon and identify facilitators of AR mobile app adoption for heritage tourism in India. Empirical findings find that experiential authenticity, service quality, and user innovativeness are the significant underlying factors expediting the use of AR mobile apps. Additionally, with a focus on the sustainability aspect of AR tourism, this study considers sustainability within travel. This construct is critical since it discerns how it affects the boundary conditions in the light of consumers' personality characteristics for determining intention to use AR apps, thereby providing insightful inferences for the tourism industry and research.</p

    Digital Twins and Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Case Study of Best Practices and Reproducibility in Chiesa dei SS Apostoli e Biagio

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    The use of digital twin technologies to preserve cultural heritage has become increasingly common over the past two decades. Evolving from the use of virtual environments (VE) and digital reconstructions that required multiple phases of workflow and multiple software applications and various hardware to output a useable experience to the immediacy of 3D artificial intelligence (AI) generative content and the latest generation of photogrammetric scanning, non-specialists are now able to more easily create digital twins. At the same time, the destruction of cultural heritage has accelerated due to geopolitical instability, seen in examples such as the invasion of Ukraine by Russia (2022). Even with advances in user-friendly and commercially available technologies, digital art history and the digital humanities are in a race against time to train and equip enough individuals onsite to create digital twins before more irreplaceable cultural artifacts and sites are lost to natural disasters, accelerated by climate change, or through armed conflict. However, there remain no international standards for methodological reproducibility and the techniques used currently by many scholars include specialized training and knowledge. As such, this paper presents a case study that addresses reproducibility and explainability in the digital humanities through a detailed workflow of the creation of a digital twin of Chiesa dei SS Apostoli e Biagio in Florence, Italy. A model is presented that is scalable and leverages widely available, user-friendly 360 cameras and photogrammetry with LiDAR to capture cultural heritage sites with best practices on how to quickly and effectively train non-specialists to create site-specific digital twins of a variety of cultural heritage structures

    IoT in Arctic Tourism – A Case-study of the Tourist Information Office in Narvik

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    Source at: https://fruct.org/publications/volume-32/acm32/</a

    Realidad Aumentada en los museos: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Con el avance de la tecnología, los museos buscan una manera de innovación durante la visita y uno de estos avances que se presenta es la realidad aumentada, la cual es una manera de visualizar formas, objetos, archivos multimedia dimensionales o tridimensionales en el mundo real. En esta investigación se busca identificar los métodos, las herramientas tecnológicas, los frameworks y librerías utilizados para desarrollar aplicaciones de AR en museos, por otro lado, también se busca cuáles son las características necesarias para desarrollar contenido en aplicaciones de AR. De los 344 artículos encontrados, se hallaron 34 artículos que hacen referencia a la AR en museos. Se pudo identificar que para desarrollar aplicaciones de AR los motores más famosos son Unity3D y Unreal Engine, que los frameworks o librerías más usados son Vuforia y ARToolkit, también se encontró algunas aplicaciones con AR para museos como son Street Museum, MobiAR y PRIMSA los cuales proporcionan información sobre patrimonios culturales en los cuales están los museos. Y que las principales características para el desarrollo son: contenido multimedia y GPS.LIMAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería de SistemasIngeniería de software - Metodos de desarroll


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    Kegiatan seni yang mengumpulkan banyak orang masih diperlukan sebagai sarana publikasi karya seni dari para pegiat seni. Teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) sudah banyak diaplikasikan pada pameran-pameran karya seni. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi ini, pengguna harus datang ke lokasi pameran dan melakukan pemindaian pada suatu obyek di lokasi pameran sehingga mengakibatkan penumpukan pengunjung/penikmat seni di lokasi pameran. Untuk itu perlu dibangun suatu aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menikmati konten dari pameran karya seni 3D tanpa harus ke lokasi pameran. Pendekatan design thinking pada penelitian ini digunakan untuk membantu memandu proses perancangan agar terstruktur dan keluaran dari penelitian dapat menjawab kebutuhan dari pengguna karena pendekatan ini melibatkan pengguna dalam proses pensolusian suatu masalah sehingga permasalahan yang dialami oleh pengguna dapat diidentifikasi dan terselesaikan sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototype pameran seni karya 3 dimensi dengan markerless augmented reality yang memenuhi kebutuhan para seniman dan penikmat karya seni 3 dimensi. Markerless Augmenter Reality ini menjadi bentuk media baru dalam menikmati pameran karya seni yang lebih fleksibel dan meningkatkan eksplorasi terhadap bentuk seni yang dimodelkan dalam bentuk 3D. Evaluasi prototype dilakukan dengan menerapkan System Usability Scale (SUS) dengan nilai 79,39 responden menerima dan merasakan manfaat dari prototype yang dihasilkan

    MIRACLE Handbook : Guidelines for Mixed Reality Applications for Culture and Learning Experiences

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Digital technologies applied to historical heritage and heritage education : a literature review

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    Este estudo trata de uma revisão de literatura sobre a utilização de tecnologias 3D, como a digitalização 3D, a fabricação digital e a realidade aumentada, com o intuito de difundir o conhecimento voltado a educação patrimonial. O estudo possibilitou conhecer diferentes trabalhos relacionados a temática e a partir deles, perceber a importância de como a tecnologia interfere na manutenção de bens históricos, na gestão e na valorização do patrimônio, podendo ser utilizada não somente por técnicos especializados, mas sim pela população em geral. Por fim, percebe-se que a educação patrimonial e as tecnologias 3D, atuando de forma conjunta, podem constituir uma potente ferramenta para o conhecimento e a disseminação do patrimônio histórico pela comunidade em geral, estimulando os sentidos e promovendo o sentimento de pertencimento por meio de novas formas de interação e engajamento.This study deals with a literature review on the use of 3D technologies, such as 3D scanning, digital fabrication and augmented reality, with the aim of disseminating knowledge focused on heritage education. The study made it possible to know different works related to the theme and from them, to perceive the importance of how technology interferes in the maintenance of historical assets, in the management and preservation of heritage, and can be used not only by specialized technicians, but by the population in general . Finally, it is clear that heritage education and 3D technologies, coexisting together, can be a powerful tool for knowledge and dissemination of historical heritage throughout the community in general, stimulating the senses and promoting a sense of belonging through of new forms of interaction and engagement

    Mobile heritage practices. Implications for scholarly research, user experience design, and evaluation methods using mobile apps.

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    Mobile heritage apps have become one of the most popular means for audience engagement and curation of museum collections and heritage contexts. This raises practical and ethical questions for both researchers and practitioners, such as: what kind of audience engagement can be built using mobile apps? what are the current approaches? how can audience engagement with these experience be evaluated? how can those experiences be made more resilient, and in turn sustainable? In this thesis I explore experience design scholarships together with personal professional insights to analyse digital heritage practices with a view to accelerating thinking about and critique of mobile apps in particular. As a result, the chapters that follow here look at the evolution of digital heritage practices, examining the cultural, societal, and technological contexts in which mobile heritage apps are developed by the creative media industry, the academic institutions, and how these forces are shaping the user experience design methods. Drawing from studies in digital (critical) heritage, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and design thinking, this thesis provides a critical analysis of the development and use of mobile practices for the heritage. Furthermore, through an empirical and embedded approach to research, the thesis also presents auto-ethnographic case studies in order to show evidence that mobile experiences conceptualised by more organic design approaches, can result in more resilient and sustainable heritage practices. By doing so, this thesis encourages a renewed understanding of the pivotal role of these practices in the broader sociocultural, political and environmental changes.AHRC REAC