14 research outputs found

    Formal analysis of cryptographic protocols

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá kryptografiou. Popisuje sa jej základné rozdelenie a problémy teórie čísel, ktoré musí riešiť. Taktiež sa zaoberá metódami, ktoré sa použí- vajú k ohodnoteniu formálnej bezpečnosti kryptografických protokolov z matematického hľadiska. Nakoniec sa analyzujú nástroje využívané k automatickému a poloautomatic- kému vyhodnoteniu bezpečnosti kryptografických protokolov. Popisuje sa spôsob práce s týmito nástrojmi a nakoniec sa otestuje bezpečnosť protokolov Kerberos, EKE a protokolov jednosmernej autentizácie využívajúcich symetrickú kryptografiu, funkciu HMAC a hashovaciu funkciu postupne v nástrojoch AVISPA, ProVerif a Scyther. Na záver je porovnanie výsledkov.This diploma thesis deals with cryptography. It describes its basic allocation and problems of number theory that needs to be addressed. It also deals with methods used to review the formal security of cryptographic protocols from a mathematical point of view. It analyse the tools used to automatic and semi-automatic evaluation of the safety of cryptographic protocols. It describes the process of working with these tools and finally test the security of protocols Kerberos, EKE and Unilateral authentication using symmetric cryptography, HMAC function and hash function. These tests are in tools AVISPA, ProVerif and Scyther. At the end is comparison of results.

    Online Games Chat Reconstruction

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    Žijeme v moderní době. Informační technologie v mnoha různých formách nás zcela obklopují. Díváme se na filmy, brouzdáme internetem, hrajeme videohry a provádíme mnoho dalších aktivit, které po nás zanechávají stopu v kybersvětě. Tato práce zkoumá možnosti využívání (hraní) počítačových her jako zástěrku pro plánování kriminálních činností (zejména z hlediska MMORPG her), možnosti zachytávání a reprodukce chatové komunikace hráčů. Zabývá se také možnostmi implementace rekonstrukčního modulu chatu pro Netfox.Framework a jinými způsoby rekonstrukce a vizualizace komunikace.We live in modern times. We are surrounded by many different forms of information technologies. We watch movies, surf on the internet, play videogames and overall do lots of action that leave a trace in the cyberworld. This thesis investigates the possibility of using(playing) videogames as a decoy for getting involved in criminal activities, specifically MMORPG games, different ways of capturing and reproducing player´s chat communication. It also introduces a way to implement chat reconstruction module into Netfox.framework and other ways of communication visualisation.

    Analysing and improving the crypto ecosystem of Rust

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    Context: Rust is an emerging systems programming language that suits security-critical applications because it guarantees memory safety without a garbage collector. Its growing ecosystem already encompasses several crypto libraries, though the competition is still open. Previous cryptography research found that vulnerabilities are often due to misunderstandings and misuse of cryptographic APIs rather than bugs in the libraries themselves. Aim: This thesis presents a holistic analysis of Rust's current crypto ecosystem and aims to improve its further development. A particular focus is on API design because all libraries are still open to change their APIs and it will become increasingly difficult to change them later. Method: All parts of the ecosystem are systematically analysed, guided by the general structure of a crypto ecosystem. Research methods include a systematic search for libraries, a survey among contributors, GitHub analyses as well as a self-experiment and a controlled experiment to test the usability. Results: The contributors are typical open source developers and they collaborate in typical ways on GitHub. Most libraries have a clear main developer and there is a general lack of contributors. While two of the major libraries focus on usability and are consequently easier to use and more resistant to misuse, the two most widespread libraries consciously neglect these topics and exhibit flaws known from crypto libraries in other languages. Conclusion: The misuse resistant Rust crypto libraries should be advertised more actively. In the medium term, an officially endorsed API could improve interoperability and foster competition. For such an API and for the improvement of existing APIs, the thesis discusses a number of design decisions and their usability implications.Kontext: Rust ist eine junge Systemprogrammiersprache, die sich für sicherheitskritische Anwendungen eignet, weil sie Speichersicherheit ohne einen Garbage Collector garantiert. Das wachsende Ökosystem umfasst bereits einige Krypto-Bibliotheken, wobei der Wettbewerb noch offen ist. Die bisherige Forschung hat gezeigt, dass Schwachstellen oft durch Missverständnisse und Missbrauch der kryptographischen APIs verursacht werden anstatt durch Fehler in den Bibliotheken selbst. Ziel: Diese Thesis enthält eine ganzheitliche Analyse des Krypto-Ökosystems von Rust mit dem Ziel, die zukünftige Entwicklung zu verbessern. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf dem API-Design, weil alle Bibliotheken noch offen für API-Änderungen sind und solche Änderungen später schwieriger werden. Vorgehen: Alle Bestandteile des Ökosystems werden anhand der allgemeinen Struktur eines Krypto-Ökosystems systematisch analysiert. Zu den eingesetzten Forschungsmethoden gehören eine systematische Suche nach Bibliotheken, eine Entwicklerumfrage, GitHub-Analysen sowie ein Selbstversuch und ein kontrolliertes Experiment um die Benutzbarkeit zu testen. Ergebnisse: Die Entwickler sind typische Open-Source-Entwickler und sie arbeiten auf typische Weise auf GitHub zusammen. Die meisten Bibliotheken haben einen eindeutigen Hauptentwickler und es gibt einen generellen Mangel an weiteren Entwicklern. Während zwei der größeren Bibliotheken sich auf Benutzbarkeit konzentrieren und dementsprechend einfacher zu verwenden und missbrauchsresistenter sind, vernachlässigen die beiden am weitesten verbreiteten Bibliotheken diese Themen bewusst und weisen Schwächen auf, die von Krypto-Bibliotheken anderer Sprachen her bekannt sind. Fazit: Die missbrauchsresistenten Krypto-Bibliotheken in Rust sollten aktiver beworben werden. Mittelfristig könnte eine offiziell unterstützte API die Interoperabilität und den Wettbewerb fördern. Für eine solche API und für die Verbesserung der existierenden APIs werden in der Thesis diverse Designentscheidungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Benutzbarkeit erörtert

    VPN достъп до мрежата на СУ SUnet за индивидуални потребители и отдалечени звена

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    В дипломната работа е направен преглед технологиите за виртуални частни мрежи(VPN), основни изисквания към тях и приложение им. Разгледани са всички съвременни решения за VPN и е обърнато специално внимание протокола IPsec, който отговаря на всички изисквания за сигурност, удостоверяване между страните и цялостност на предаваните данни във една виртуална мрежа. Чрез протоколът IPsec и софтуера за линукс Openswan, успешно е реализирана свързаност към VPN сървъра на СУ на външни мрежи(включително и такива зад NAT ,какъвто e случая с астрономическата обсерватория) и на индивидуални потребители с операционната система Windows XP. Разгледаното решение може успешно да намери приложение в реализирането на VPN свързаност при различни звена в СУ, както и при други организации и корпоративни мрежи, осигурявайки сигурна комуникация между мрежите им.Тема: VPN достъп до мрежата на СУ SUnet за индивидуални потребители и отдалечени звена Дипломант: Цветомир Милчев Христов, Ф.№ 21110, специалност: ИКТ Ръководител: доц. Красен Стефанов,ФМИ, Катедра “Информационни технологии

    Linux VPN Performance and Optimization

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    Tato práce se zabývá analýzou stávajících a aktivních VPN řešení,  jejich výkonu a slabých stránek. Výsledkem práce je jaderný modul pro Linux, který implementuje datový přenos pomocí protokolů TLS a DTLS na základě konfigurace ustanoveného spojení v chráněném režimu. Primárním cílem bylo odstranit datové kopie a změny kontextu z chráněného režimu do režimu jádra během datových přenosů ve VPN řešeních založených na protokolech  TLS a DTLS. Práce analyzuje cenu těchto operací a na základě analýz lokalizuje další kroky nutné k využití implementovaného jaderného modulu ve VPN řešeních. Práce se dále zabývá analýzou dalších možných využití implementovaného jaderného modulu mimo VPN řešení.This thesis provides an analysis of the available software VPN solutions and its performance on the Linux system. This analysis is then used as a basis to determine performance bottlenecks, suggest performance improvements and further design and implement the most promising of them. The result of this thesis is a Linux kernel module which does TLS and DTLS transmission and reception in kernel space. The module utilizes key material established during a TLS or DTLS handshake in user space. Despite the fact that the developed module was designed for use by VPNs there are identified several other use-cases which can take advantage of our module.

    Integrated Framework For Mobile Low Power IoT Devices

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    Ubiquitous object networking has sparked the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) which defines a new era in the world of networking. The IoT principle can be addressed as one of the important strategic technologies that will positively influence the humans’ life. All the gadgets, appliances and sensors around the world will be connected together to form a smart environment, where all the entities that connected to the Internet can seamlessly share data and resources. The IoT vision allows the embedded devices, e.g. sensor nodes, to be IP-enabled nodes and interconnect with the Internet. The demand for such technique is to make these embedded nodes act as IP-based devices that communicate directly with other IP networks without unnecessary overhead and to feasibly utilize the existing infrastructure built for the Internet. In addition, controlling and monitoring these nodes is maintainable through exploiting the existed tools that already have been developed for the Internet. Exchanging the sensory measurements through the Internet with several end points in the world facilitates achieving the concept of smart environment. Realization of IoT concept needs to be addressed by standardization efforts that will shape the infrastructure of the networks. This has been achieved through the IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN and IPv6 standards. The bright side of this new technology is faced by several implications since the IoT introduces a new class of security issues, such as each node within the network is considered as a point of vulnerability where an attacker can utilize to add malicious code via accessing the nodes through the Internet or by compromising a node. On the other hand, several IoT applications comprise mobile nodes that is in turn brings new challenges to the research community due to the effect of the node mobility on the network management and performance. Another defect that degrades the network performance is the initialization stage after the node deployment step by which the nodes will be organized into the network. The recent IEEE 802.15.4 has several structural drawbacks that need to be optimized in order to efficiently fulfil the requirements of low power mobile IoT devices. This thesis addresses the aforementioned three issues, network initialization, node mobility and security management. In addition, the related literature is examined to define the set of current issues and to define the set of objectives based upon this. The first contribution is defining a new strategy to initialize the nodes into the network based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A novel mesh-under cluster-based approach is proposed and implemented that efficiently initializes the nodes into clusters and achieves three objectives: low initialization cost, shortest path to the sink node, low operational cost (data forwarding). The second contribution is investigating the mobility issue within the IoT media access control (MAC) infrastructure and determining the related problems and requirements. Based on this, a novel mobility scheme is presented that facilitates node movement inside the network under the IEEE 802.15.4e time slotted channel hopping (TSCH) mode. The proposed model mitigates the problem of frequency channel hopping and slotframe issue in the TSCH mode. The next contribution in this thesis is determining the mobility impact on low latency deterministic (LLDN) network. One of the significant issues of mobility is increasing the latency and degrading packet delivery ratio (PDR). Accordingly, a novel mobility protocol is presented to tackle the mobility issue in LLDN mode and to improve network performance and lessen impact of node movement. The final contribution in this thesis is devising a new key bootstrapping scheme that fits both IEEE 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN neighbour discovery architectures. The proposed scheme permits a group of nodes to establish the required link keys without excessive communication/computational overhead. Additionally, the scheme supports the mobile node association process by ensuring secure access control to the network and validates mobile node authenticity in order to eliminate any malicious node association. The purposed key management scheme facilitates the replacement of outdated master network keys and release the required master key in a secure manner. Finally, a modified IEEE 802.15.4 link-layer security structure is presented. The modified architecture minimizes both energy consumption and latency incurred through providing authentication/confidentiality services via the IEEE 802.15.4

    Implementing Azure Active Directory Integration with an Existing Cloud Service

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    Training Simulator (TraSim) is an online, web-based platform for holding crisis management exercises. It simulates epidemics and other exceptional situations to test the functionality of an organization’s operating instructions in the hour of need. The main objective of this thesis is to further develop the service by delegating its existing authentication and user provisioning mechanisms to a centralized, cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Making use of a centralized access control service is widely known as a Single Sign-On (SSO) implementation which comes with multiple benefits such as increased security, reduced administrative overhead and improved user experience. The objective originates from a customer organization’s request to enable SSO for TraSim. The research mainly focuses on implementing SSO by integrating TraSim with Azure Active Directory (AD) from a wide range of IAM services since it is considered as an industry standard and already utilized by the customer. Anyhow, the complexity of the integration is kept as reduced as possible to retain compatibility with other services besides Azure AD. While the integration is a unique operation with an endless amount of software stacks that a service can build on and multiple IAM services to choose from, this thesis aims to provide a general guideline of how to approach a resembling assignment. Conducting the study required extensive search and evaluation of the available literature about terms such as IAM, client-server communication, SSO, cloud services and AD. The literature review is combined with an introduction to the basic technologies that TraSim is built with to justify the choice of OpenID Connect as the authentication protocol and why it was implemented using the mozilla-django-oidc library. The literature consists of multiple online articles, publications and the official documentation of the utilized technologies. The research uses a constructive approach as it focuses into developing and testing a new feature that is merged into the source code of an already existing piece of software

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Extending Secure Execution Environments Beyond the TPM

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    This project discusses some of the shortcomings and limitations of secure execution with the current state of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) specifications. Though we feel that the various industry initiatives taken by the TCG and CPU manufacturers for hardware based platform security are a step in the right direction, the problem of secure isolated code execution and TCB minimization still remains unsolved. This project proposes and implements an alternative architecture for secure code execution. Rather than proposing recommendations for hardware changes or building isolated execution environments inside a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), we use a platform that provides related, yet different services for secure / trusted code execution; couple its functionality and bind it to a TPM using cryptographic primitives. For the purpose of this study we used multi-application programmable SmartCards but similar work can also be implemented on other platforms as long as they meet some pre-requisites described in his report. Though newer hardware platforms such as IntelTXT (Trusted Execution Technology; formerly known as LaGrande) or AMD-V add support for native virtualization and secure interfacing with the TPM, the solution implemented in this project assumes a highly un-trusted environment and works on general purpose commodity hardware. Implementing a solution like this allows application developers to focus exclusively on the functionality and security of just their own code. Hence enabling them to execute their applications in isolation from numerous shortcomings and vulnerabilities that exist both in the form of hardware and software attacks. Furthermore we provide an interface to extend the existing functionality of the TPM by implementing special purpose code modules inside a smart card which can be used for all the functionalities missing in the TPM (for example replace-able cryptographic algorithms) yet required by high assurance and security sensitive applications. Furthermore by making small application closures running inside the secure execution environment of smart cards, we can minimize the TCB that a user needs to trust. We first discuss the challenges we face in the coupling process and the platform differences between the TPM and a Smart Card. We also discuss what solutions are possible and impossible in this scenario. Then we describe our implementation of a secure TPM / Smart Card cryptographic binding that gives us assurances of strong authentication with confidentiality and integrity services for the applications built with the coupled architecture. We move forward to describe our implementations of some of the enhanced TPM / Smart Card coupled services that were not possible with either a TPM or Smart Card alone and we discuss how these enhanced services add value to the current applications. With these enhanced TPM services we implement some applications that change the way conventional TPM or Smart Card applications are perceived. Finally we shed some light on potential future applications and future work