11 research outputs found

    BF-Tree: Approximate Tree Indexing

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    The increasing volume of time-based generated data and the shift in storage technologies suggest that we might need to reconsider indexing. Several workloads - like social and service monitoring - often include attributes with implicit clustering because of their time-dependent nature. In addition, solid state disks (SSD) (using flash or other low-level technologies) emerge as viable competitors of hard disk drives (HDD). Capacity and access times of storage devices create a trade-off between SSD and HDD. Slow random accesses in HDD have been replaced by efficient random accesses in SSD, but their available capacity is one or more orders of magnitude more expensive than the one of HDD. Indexing, however, is designed assuming HDD as secondary storage, thus minimizing random accesses at the expense of capacity. Indexing data using SSD as secondary storage requires treating capacity as a scarce resource. To this end, we introduce approximate tree indexing, which employs probabilistic data structures (Bloom filters) to trade accuracy for size and produce smaller, yet powerful, tree indexes, which we name Bloom filter trees (BF-Trees). BF-Trees exploit pre-existing data ordering or partitioning to offer competitive search performance. We demonstrate, both by an analytical study and by experimental results, that by using workload knowledge and reducing indexing accuracy up to some extent, we can save substantially on capacity when indexing on ordered or partitioned attributes. In particular, in experiments with a synthetic workload, approximate indexing offers 2.22x-48x smaller index footprint with competitive response times, and in experiments with TPCH and a monitoring real-life dataset from an energy company, it offers 1.6x-4x smaller index footprint with competitive search times as well

    Allocation Strategies for Data-Oriented Architectures

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    Data orientation is a common design principle in distributed data management systems. In contrast to process-oriented or transaction-oriented system designs, data-oriented architectures are based on data locality and function shipping. The tight coupling of data and processing thereon is implemented in different systems in a variety of application scenarios such as data analysis, database-as-a-service, and data management on multiprocessor systems. Data-oriented systems, i.e., systems that implement a data-oriented architecture, bundle data and operations together in tasks which are processed locally on the nodes of the distributed system. Allocation strategies, i.e., methods that decide the mapping from tasks to nodes, are core components in data-oriented systems. Good allocation strategies can lead to balanced systems while bad allocation strategies cause skew in the load and therefore suboptimal application performance and infrastructure utilization. Optimal allocation strategies are hard to find given the complexity of the systems, the complicated interactions of tasks, and the huge solution space. To ensure the scalability of data-oriented systems and to keep them manageable with hundreds of thousands of tasks, thousands of nodes, and dynamic workloads, fast and reliable allocation strategies are mandatory. In this thesis, we develop novel allocation strategies for data-oriented systems based on graph partitioning algorithms. Therefore, we show that systems from different application scenarios with different abstraction levels can be generalized to generic infrastructure and workload descriptions. We use weighted graph representations to model infrastructures with bounded and unbounded, i.e., overcommited, resources and possibly non-linear performance characteristics. Based on our generalized infrastructure and workload model, we formalize the allocation problem, which seeks valid and balanced allocations that minimize communication. Our allocation strategies partition the workload graph using solution heuristics that work with single and multiple vertex weights. Novel extensions to these solution heuristics can be used to balance penalized and secondary graph partition weights. These extensions enable the allocation strategies to handle infrastructures with non-linear performance behavior. On top of the basic algorithms, we propose methods to incorporate heterogeneous infrastructures and to react to changing workloads and infrastructures by incrementally updating the partitioning. We evaluate all components of our allocation strategy algorithms and show their applicability and scalability with synthetic workload graphs. In end-to-end--performance experiments in two actual data-oriented systems, a database-as-a-service system and a database management system for multiprocessor systems, we prove that our allocation strategies outperform alternative state-of-the-art methods

    Transactional and analytical data management on persistent memory

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    Die zunehmende Anzahl von Smart-Geräten und Sensoren, aber auch die sozialen Medien lassen das Datenvolumen und damit die geforderte Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit stetig wachsen. Gleichzeitig müssen viele Anwendungen Daten persistent speichern oder sogar strenge Transaktionsgarantien einhalten. Die neuartige Speichertechnologie Persistent Memory (PMem) mit ihren einzigartigen Eigenschaften scheint ein natürlicher Anwärter zu sein, um diesen Anforderungen effizient nachzukommen. Sie ist im Vergleich zu DRAM skalierbarer, günstiger und dauerhaft. Im Gegensatz zu Disks ist sie deutlich schneller und direkt adressierbar. Daher wird in dieser Dissertation der gezielte Einsatz von PMem untersucht, um den Anforderungen moderner Anwendung gerecht zu werden. Nach der Darlegung der grundlegenden Arbeitsweise von und mit PMem, konzentrieren wir uns primär auf drei Aspekte der Datenverwaltung. Zunächst zerlegen wir mehrere persistente Daten- und Indexstrukturen in ihre zugrundeliegenden Entwurfsprimitive, um Abwägungen für verschiedene Zugriffsmuster aufzuzeigen. So können wir ihre besten Anwendungsfälle und Schwachstellen, aber auch allgemeine Erkenntnisse über das Entwerfen von PMem-basierten Datenstrukturen ermitteln. Zweitens schlagen wir zwei Speicherlayouts vor, die auf analytische Arbeitslasten abzielen und eine effiziente Abfrageausführung auf beliebigen Attributen ermöglichen. Während der erste Ansatz eine verknüpfte Liste von mehrdimensionalen gruppierten Blöcken verwendet, handelt es sich beim zweiten Ansatz um einen mehrdimensionalen Index, der Knoten im DRAM zwischenspeichert. Drittens zeigen wir unter Verwendung der bisherigen Datenstrukturen und Erkenntnisse, wie Datenstrom- und Ereignisverarbeitungssysteme mit transaktionaler Zustandsverwaltung verbessert werden können. Dabei schlagen wir ein neuartiges Transactional Stream Processing (TSP) Modell mit geeigneten Konsistenz- und Nebenläufigkeitsprotokollen vor, die an PMem angepasst sind. Zusammen sollen die diskutierten Aspekte eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung noch ausgereifterer PMem-fähiger Systeme bilden. Gleichzeitig zeigen sie, wie Datenverwaltungsaufgaben PMem ausnutzen können, indem sie neue Anwendungsgebiete erschließen, die Leistung, Skalierbarkeit und Wiederherstellungsgarantien verbessern, die Codekomplexität vereinfachen sowie die ökonomischen und ökologischen Kosten reduzieren.The increasing number of smart devices and sensors, but also social media are causing the volume of data and thus the demanded processing speed to grow steadily. At the same time, many applications need to store data persistently or even comply with strict transactional guarantees. The novel storage technology Persistent Memory (PMem), with its unique properties, seems to be a natural candidate to meet these requirements efficiently. Compared to DRAM, it is more scalable, less expensive, and durable. In contrast to disks, it is significantly faster and directly addressable. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the deliberate employment of PMem to fit the needs of modern applications. After presenting the fundamental work of and with PMem, we focus primarily on three aspects of data management. First, we disassemble several persistent data and index structures into their underlying design primitives to reveal the trade-offs for various access patterns. It allows us to identify their best use cases and vulnerabilities but also to gain general insights into the design of PMem-based data structures. Second, we propose two storage layouts that target analytical workloads and enable an efficient query execution on arbitrary attributes. While the first approach employs a linked list of multi-dimensional clustered blocks that potentially span several storage layers, the second approach is a multi-dimensional index that caches nodes in DRAM. Third, we show how to improve stream and event processing systems involving transactional state management using the preceding data structures and insights. In this context, we propose a novel Transactional Stream Processing (TSP) model with appropriate consistency and concurrency protocols adapted to PMem. Together, the discussed aspects are intended to provide a foundation for developing even more sophisticated PMemenabled systems. At the same time, they show how data management tasks can take advantage of PMem by opening up new application domains, improving performance, scalability, and recovery guarantees, simplifying code complexity, plus reducing economic and environmental costs

    Robust and adaptive query processing in hybrid transactional/analytical database systems

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    The quality of query execution plans in database systems determines how fast a query can be processed. Conventional query optimization may still select sub-optimal or even bad query execution plans, due to errors in the cardinality estimation. In this work, we address limitations and unsolved problems of Robust and Adaptive Query Processing, with the goal of improving the detection and compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans. We demonstrate that existing heuristics cannot sufficiently characterize the intermediate result cardinalities, for which a given query execution plan remains optimal, and present an algorithm to calculate precise optimality ranges. The compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans is a complementary problem. We describe metrics to quantify the robustness of query execution plans with respect to cardinality estimations errors. In queries with cardinality estimation errors, our corresponding robust plan selection strategy chooses query execution plans, which are up to 3.49x faster, compared to the estimated cheapest plans. Furthermore, we present an adaptive query processor to compensate sub-optimal query execution plans. It collects true cardinalities of intermediate results at query execution time to re-optimize the currently running query. We show that the overall effort for re-optimizations and plan switches is similar to the initial optimization. Our adaptive query processor can execute queries up to 5.19x faster, compared to a conventional query processor.Die Qualität von Anfrageausführungsplänen in Datenbank Systemen bestimmt, wie schnell eine Anfrage verarbeitet werden kann. Aufgrund von Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung können konventionelle Anfrageoptimierer immer noch sub-optimale oder sogar schlechte Anfrageausführungsplänen auswählen. In dieser Arbeit behandeln wir Einschränkungen und ungelöste Probleme robuster und adaptiver Anfrageverarbeitung, um die Erkennung und den Ausgleich sub-optimaler Anfrageausführungspläne zu verbessern. Wir zeigen, dass bestehende Heuristiken nicht entscheiden können, für welche Kardinalitäten ein Anfrageausführungsplan optimal ist, und stellen einen Algorithmus vor, der präzise Optimalitätsbereiche berechnen kann. Der Ausgleich von sub-optimalen Anfrageausführungsplänen ist ein ergänzendes Problem. Wir beschreiben Metriken, welche die Robustheit von Anfrageausführungsplänen gegenüber Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung quantifizieren können. Unsere robuste Planauswahlstrategie, die auf Robustheitsmetriken aufbaut, kann Pläne finden, die bei Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung bis zu 3.49x schneller sind als die geschätzt günstigsten Pläne. Des Weiteren stellen wir einen adaptiven Anfrageverarbeiter vor, der sub-optimale Anfrageausführungspläne ausgleichen kann. Er erfasst die wahren Kardinalitäten von Zwischenergebnissen während der Anfrageausführung, um damit die aktuell laufende Anfrage zu re-optimieren. Wir zeigen, dass der gesamte Aufwand für Re-Optimierungen und Planänderungen einer initialen Optimierung entspricht. Unser adaptiver Anfrageverarbeiter kann Anfragen bis zu 5.19x schneller ausführen als ein konventioneller Anfrageverarbeiter

    Heterogeneity-Aware Placement Strategies for Query Optimization

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    Computing hardware is changing from systems with homogeneous CPUs to systems with heterogeneous computing units like GPUs, Many Integrated Cores, or FPGAs. This trend is caused by scaling problems of homogeneous systems, where heat dissipation and energy consumption is limiting further growths in compute-performance. Heterogeneous systems provide differently optimized computing hardware, which allows different operations to be computed on the most appropriate computing unit, resulting in faster execution and less energy consumption. For database systems, this is a new opportunity to accelerate query processing, allowing faster and more interactive querying of large amounts of data. However, the current hardware trend is also a challenge as most database systems do not support heterogeneous computing resources and it is not clear how to support these systems best. In the past, mainly single operators were ported to different computing units showing great results, while missing a system wide application. To efficiently support heterogeneous systems, a systems approach for query processing and query optimization is needed. In this thesis, we tackle the optimization challenge in detail. As a starting point, we evaluate three different approaches on isolated use-cases to assess their advantages and limitations. First, we evaluate a fork-join approach of intra-operator parallelism, where the same operator is executed on multiple computing units at the same time, each execution with different data partitions. Second, we evaluate using one computing unit statically to accelerate one operator, which provides high code-optimization potential, due to this static and pre-known usage of hardware and software. Third, we evaluate dynamically placing operators onto computing units, depending on the operator, the available computing hardware, and the given data sizes. We argue that the first and second approach suffer from multiple overheads or high implementation costs. The third approach, dynamic placement, shows good performance, while being highly extensible to different computing units and different operator implementations. To automate this dynamic approach, we first propose general placement optimization for query processing. This general approach includes runtime estimation of operators on different computing units as well as two approaches for defining the actual operator placement according to the estimated runtimes. The two placement approaches are local optimization, which decides the placement locally at run-time, and global optimization, where the placement is decided at compile-time, while allowing a global view for enhanced data sharing. The main limitation of the latter is the high dependency on cardinality estimation of intermediate results, as estimation errors for the cardinalities propagate to the operator runtime estimation and placement optimization. Therefore, we propose adaptive placement optimization, allowing the placement optimization to become fully independent of cardinalities estimation, effectively eliminating the main source of inaccuracy for runtime estimation and placement optimization. Finally, we define an adaptive placement sequence, incorporating all our proposed techniques of placement optimization. We implement this sequence as a virtualization layer between the database system and the heterogeneous hardware. Our implementation approach bases on preexisting interfaces to the database system and the hardware, allowing non-intrusive integration into existing database systems. We evaluate our techniques using two different database systems and two different OLAP benchmarks, accelerating the query processing through heterogeneous execution