2,026 research outputs found

    Defuzzification Method for NP-Hard Problem in Cloud

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    The cloud computing is that the one that deals with the commerce of the resources with efficiency in accordance to the user’s would like. Employment programming is that the selection of a perfect resource for any job to be dead with reference to waiting time, value or turnaround. A cloud job programming are associate NP-hard downside that contains n jobs and m machines every} job is processed with each of those m machines to reduce the makespan. the safety here is one among the highest most considerations within the cloud. so as to calculate the worth of fitness the fuzzy abstract thought system makes use of the membership operate for crucial the degree up to that the input parameters that belong to each fuzzy set has relevancy. Here the fuzzy is employed for the aim of programming energy similarly as security within the cloud computing

    Fault aware task scheduling in cloud using min-min and DBSCAN

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    Cloud computing leverages computing resources by managing these resources globally in a more efficient manner as compared to individual resource services. It requires us to deliver the resources in a heterogeneous environment and also in a highly dynamic nature. Hence, there is always a risk of resource allocation failure that can maximize the delay in task execution. Such adverse impact in the cloud environment also raises questions on quality of service (QoS). Resource management for cloud application and service have bigger challenges and many researchers have proposed several solutions but there is room for improvement. Clustering the resources clustering and mapping them according to task can also be an option to deal with such task failure or mismanaged resource allocation. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a stochastic approach-based algorithm which has the capability to cluster the resources in a cloud environment. The proposed algorithm considers high execution enabled powerful data centers with least fault probability during resource allocation which reduces the probability of fault and increases the tolerance. The simulation is cone using CloudsSim 5.0 tool kit. The results show 25% average improve in execution time, 6.5% improvement in number of task completed and 3.48% improvement in count of task failed as compared to ACO, PSO, BB-BC (Bib = g bang Big Crunch) and WHO(Whale optimization algorithm)

    Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for Scientific Workflow Applications in IaaS Cloud Computing

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    Scientific workflows benefit from the cloud computing paradigm, which offers access to virtual resources provisioned on pay-as-you-go and on-demand basis. Minimizing resources costs to meet user’s budget is very important in a cloud environment. Several optimization approaches have been proposed to improve the performance and the cost of data-intensive scientific Workflow Scheduling (DiSWS) in cloud computing. However, in the literature, the majority of the DiSWS approaches focused on the use of heuristic and metaheuristic as an optimization method. Furthermore, the tasks hierarchy in data-intensive scientific workflows has not been extensively explored in the current literature. Specifically, in this paper, a data-intensive scientific workflow is represented as a hierarchy, which specifies hierarchical relations between workflow tasks, and an approach for data-intensive workflow scheduling applications is proposed. In this approach, first, the datasets and workflow tasks are modeled as a conditional probability matrix (CPM). Second, several data transformation and hierarchical clustering are applied to the CPM structure to determine the minimum number of virtual machines needed for the workflow execution. In this approach, the hierarchical clustering is done with respect to the budget imposed by the user. After data transformation and hierarchical clustering, the amount of data transmitted between clusters can be reduced, which can improve cost and makespan of the workflow by optimizing the use of virtual resources and network bandwidth. The performance and cost are analyzed using an extension of Cloudsim simulation tool and compared with existing multi-objective approaches. The results demonstrate that our approach reduces resources cost with respect to the user budgets

    Effective Workflow Scheduling in Cloud using Constriction Factor based Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Cloud computing allows rapid provision of resources based on the need. This enables users to execute the independent tasks and dependent tasks called workflows on the cloud system. Workflow scheduling is a crucial problem that is NP Hard and is still a challenging problem. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the commonly used metaheuristic algorithms for solving task scheduling problems, but it has issues with premature convergence and lack of diversity. In recent years, chaotic maps have been employed in PSO to enhance its performance. This study proposes a Constriction factor-based inertia weight in PSO for workflow scheduling (CFPSO). The proposed algorithm utilizes a constriction factor for updating the inertia weight, which enhances the exploration ability of the algorithm thereby avoid local optima. The algorithm considers a fitness function with an aim to minimize makespan, service cost, and maximize load balance. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using a set of benchmark workflows, and the obtained results are compared with the standard PSO algorithm, Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm and Chaotic PSO algorithm. The extensive experimentation performed show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in terms of makespan, service cost, and load balance. The proposed CFPSO shows reduction of 20% of makespan, 2% of the service cost and 18% load balance rate compared to the conventional algorithms on Montage workflow with 1000 tasks. The use of constriction factor enhances the performance of the algorithm and makes it suitable for solving complex problems with multiple objectives. The proposed algorithm can be used in real-world applications to optimize workflow scheduling in cloud computing environments

    A Review on Computational Intelligence Techniques in Cloud and Edge Computing

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    Cloud computing (CC) is a centralized computing paradigm that accumulates resources centrally and provides these resources to users through Internet. Although CC holds a large number of resources, it may not be acceptable by real-time mobile applications, as it is usually far away from users geographically. On the other hand, edge computing (EC), which distributes resources to the network edge, enjoys increasing popularity in the applications with low-latency and high-reliability requirements. EC provides resources in a decentralized manner, which can respond to users’ requirements faster than the normal CC, but with limited computing capacities. As both CC and EC are resource-sensitive, several big issues arise, such as how to conduct job scheduling, resource allocation, and task offloading, which significantly influence the performance of the whole system. To tackle these issues, many optimization problems have been formulated. These optimization problems usually have complex properties, such as non-convexity and NP-hardness, which may not be addressed by the traditional convex optimization-based solutions. Computational intelligence (CI), consisting of a set of nature-inspired computational approaches, recently exhibits great potential in addressing these optimization problems in CC and EC. This article provides an overview of research problems in CC and EC and recent progresses in addressing them with the help of CI techniques. Informative discussions and future research trends are also presented, with the aim of offering insights to the readers and motivating new research directions

    Classification and Performance Study of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment

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    Cloud computing is becoming very common in recent years and is growing rapidly due to its attractive benefits and features such as resource pooling, accessibility, availability, scalability, reliability, cost saving, security, flexibility, on-demand services, pay-per-use services, use from anywhere, quality of service, resilience, etc. With this rapid growth of cloud computing, there may exist too many users that require services or need to execute their tasks simultaneously by resources provided by service providers. To get these services with the best performance, and minimum cost, response time, makespan, effective use of resources, etc. an intelligent and efficient task scheduling technique is required and considered as one of the main and essential issues in the cloud computing environment. It is necessary for allocating tasks to the proper cloud resources and optimizing the overall system performance. To this end, researchers put huge efforts to develop several classes of scheduling algorithms to be suitable for the various computing environments and to satisfy the needs of the various types of individuals and organizations. This research article provides a classification of proposed scheduling strategies and developed algorithms in cloud computing environment along with the evaluation of their performance. A comparison of the performance of these algorithms with existing ones is also given. Additionally, the future research work in the reviewed articles (if available) is also pointed out. This research work includes a review of 88 task scheduling algorithms in cloud computing environment distributed over the seven scheduling classes suggested in this study. Each article deals with a novel scheduling technique and the performance improvement it introduces compared with previously existing task scheduling algorithms. Keywords: Cloud computing, Task scheduling, Load balancing, Makespan, Energy-aware, Turnaround time, Response time, Cost of task, QoS, Multi-objective. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/12-5-03 Publication date:September 30th 2022

    BRAHMA(+): A Framework for Resource Scaling of Streaming and ASAP Time-Varying Workflows

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    Automatic scaling of complex software-as-a-service application workflows is one of the most important problems concerning resource management in clouds. In this paper, we study the automatic workflow resource scaling problem for streaming and ASAP workflows, and its time-varying variant where the workflow resource requirements change over time. Service components of streaming workflows execute concurrently while those of ASAP workflows execute sequentially. We propose an intelligent framework, BRAHMA(+), which possesses the capability to learn the workflow behavior and construct a knowledge base that serves as its decision making engine. The proposed resource provisioning algorithms leverage this learned information curated in the knowledge base to perform informed and intelligent scaling decisions. Additionally, BRAHMA(+) employs the use of online-learning strategies to keep the knowledge base up-to-date, thereby accommodating the changes in the workflow resource requirements over time. We evaluate the proposed algorithms using CloudSim simulations. Results on streaming and ASAP workflows, with both static and time-varying resource requirements show that the proposed algorithms are effective and produce good cost-quality trade-offs. The proactive and hybrid algorithms meet the service level agreements and restrict deadline violations to a small fraction (3%-5% in the considered scenarios), while only suffering a marginal increase in average cost per component compared to the described baseline algorithms


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    It is essential to schedule the workloads to cloud in an efficient manner. Whether user is using single cloud or multi cloud environments, according to the available resources and needs, the incoming jobs or tasks has to be scheduled. Hence this short review paper focuses on different available scheduling algorithms and its categories

    Provendo robustez a escalonadores de workflows sensíveis às incertezas da largura de banda disponível

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    Orientadores: Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Luiz Fernando BittencourtTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Para que escalonadores de aplicações científicas modeladas como workflows derivem escalonamentos eficientes em nuvens híbridas, é necessário que se forneçam, além da descrição da demanda computacional desses aplicativos, as informações sobre o poder de computação dos recursos disponíveis, especialmente aqueles dados relacionados com a largura de banda disponível. Entretanto, a imprecisão das ferramentas de medição fazem com que as informações da largura de banda disponível fornecida aos escalonadores difiram dos valores reais que deveriam ser considerados para se obter escalonamentos quase ótimos. Escalonadores especialmente projetados para nuvens híbridas simplesmente ignoram a existência de tais imprecisões e terminam produzindo escalonamentos enganosos e de baixo desempenho, o que os tornam sensíveis às informações incertas. A presente Tese introduz um procedimento pró-ativo para fornecer um certo nível de robustez a escalonamentos derivados de escalonadores não projetados para serem robustos frente às incertezas decorrentes do uso de informações imprecisas dadas por ferramentas de medições de rede. Para tornar os escalonamentos sensíveis às incertezas em escalonamentos robustos às essas imprecisões, o procedimento propõe um refinamento (uma deflação) das estimativas da largura de banda antes de serem utilizadas pelo escalonador não robusto. Ao propor o uso de estimativas refinadas da largura de banda disponível, escalonadores inicialmente sensíveis às incertezas passaram a produzir escalonamentos com um certo nível de robustez às essas imprecisões. A eficácia e a eficiência do procedimento proposto são avaliadas através de simulação. Comparam-se, portanto, os escalonamentos gerados por escalonadores que passaram a usar o procedimento proposto com aqueles produzidos pelos mesmos escalonadores mas sem aplicar esse procedimento. Os resultados das simulações mostram que o procedimento proposto é capaz de prover robustez às incertezas da informação da largura de banda a escalonamentos derivados de escalonardes não robustos às tais incertezas. Adicionalmente, esta Tese também propõe um escalonador de aplicações científicas especialmente compostas por um conjunto de workflows. A novidade desse escalonador é que ele é flexível, ou seja, permite o uso de diferentes categorias de funções objetivos. Embora a flexibilidade proposta seja uma novidade no estado da arte, esse escalonador também é sensível às imprecisões da largura de banda. Entretanto, o procedimento mostrou-se capaz de provê-lo de robustez frente às tais incertezas. É mostrado nesta Tese que o procedimento proposto aumentou a eficácia e a eficiência de escalonadores de workflows não robustos projetados para nuvens híbridas, já que eles passaram a produzir escalonamentos com um certo nível de robustez na presença de estimativas incertas da largura de banda disponível. Dessa forma, o procedimento proposto nesta Tese é uma importante ferramenta para aprimorar os escalonadores sensíveis às estimativas incertas da banda disponível especialmente projetados para um ambiente computacional onde esses valores são imprecisos por natureza. Portanto, esta Tese propõe um procedimento que promove melhorias nas execuções de aplicações científicas em nuvens híbridasAbstract: To derive efficient schedules for the tasks of scientific applications modelled as workflows, schedulers need information on the application demands as well as on the resource availability, especially those regarding the available bandwidth. However, the lack of precision of bandwidth estimates provided by monitoring/measurement tools should be considered by the scheduler to achieve near-optimal schedules. Uncertainties of available bandwidth can be a result of imprecise measurement and monitoring network tools and/or their incapacity of estimating in advance the real value of the available bandwidth expected for the application during the scheduling step of the application. Schedulers specially designed for hybrid clouds simply ignore the inaccuracies of the given estimates and end up producing non-robust, low-performance schedules, which makes them sensitive to the uncertainties stemming from using these networking tools. This thesis introduces a proactive procedure to provide a certain level of robustness for schedules derived from schedulers that were not designed to be robust in the face of uncertainties of bandwidth estimates stemming from using unreliable networking tools. To make non-robust schedulers into robust schedulers, the procedure applies a deflation on imprecise bandwidth estimates before being used as input to non-robust schedulers. By proposing the use of refined (deflated) estimates of the available bandwidth, non-robust schedulers initially sensitive to these uncertainties started to produce robust schedules that are insensitive to these inaccuracies. The effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure in providing robustness to non-robust schedulers are evaluated through simulation. Schedules generated by induced-robustness schedulers through the use of the procedure is compared to that of produced by sensitive schedulers. In addition, this thesis also introduces a flexible scheduler for a special case of scientific applications modelled as a set of workflows grouped into ensembles. Although the novelty of this scheduler is the replacement of objective functions according to the user's needs, it is still a non-robust scheduler. However, the procedure was able to provide the necessary robustness for this flexible scheduler be able to produce robust schedules under uncertain bandwidth estimates. It is shown in this thesis that the proposed procedure enhanced the robustness of workflow schedulers designed especially for hybrid clouds as they started to produce robust schedules in the presence of uncertainties stemming from using networking tools. The proposed procedure is an important tool to furnish robustness to non-robust schedulers that are originally designed to work in a computational environment where bandwidth estimates are very likely to vary and cannot be estimated precisely in advance, bringing, therefore, improvements to the executions of scientific applications in hybrid cloudsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação2012/02778-6FAPES

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 1

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy Manhattan distance-based similarity for gang formation of resources (FMDSGR) method with priority task scheduling in cloud computing. The proposed work decides which processor is to execute the current task in order to achieve efficient resource utilization and effective task scheduling. FMDSGR groups the resources into gangs which rely upon the similarity of resource characteristics in order to use the resources effectively. Then, the tasks are scheduled based on the priority in the gang of processors using gang-based priority scheduling (GPS). This reduces mainly the cost of deciding which processor is to execute the current task. Performance has been evaluated in terms of makespan, scheduling length ratio, speedup, efficiency and load balancing. CloudSim simulator is the toolkit used for simulation and for demonstrating experimental results in cloud computing environments