11 research outputs found

    Алгоритм решения квадратичной задачи в PNK-методе

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    Строится вычислительно эффективный алгоритм решения квадратичной подзадачи, решаемой на итерациях PNK-метода. При этом учитывается диагональность квадратичной матрицы, границы переменных, незначительность изменения подзадачи на последовательных итерациях. Приводятся результаты вычислительных экспериментов.Будується чисельно ефективний алгоритм розв'язування квадратичної підзадачи, яку треба розв'язувати на ітераціях PNK-методу. При цьому враховується діагональність квадратичної матриці, границі змінних, незначна зміна підзадачі на послідовних ітераціях. Наводяться результати обчислювальних експериментів.Computationally effective algorithm for solving quadratic subproblem on iteration of PNK-method is built. Diagonal property of quadratic matrix, bounds on variables, small change of subproblem are took into account. Results of computational experiments are given

    An Efficient Implementation of Online Model Predictive Control With Field Weakening Operation in Surface Mounted PMSM

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    Model-predictive-controller (MPC), one of the optimal control policies, has gained more attention in servo drive and other industrial applications in recent years due to evident control performance benefits compared to more classical control methods. However, an MPC algorithm solves a constrained optimization problem at each step that brings a substantial computational burden over classical control policies. This study focuses on improving the computational efficiency of an online MPC algorithm and then demonstrates its practical feasibility on the field weakening operation in high-speed PMSM control applications where the sampling frequency is in the order of mu s. We implement the existing dual active set solver by replacing two standard methods in the matrix update step to reduce the overall computational cost of the algorithm. We also rearrange the linear approximation for the constraints on voltage and current by taking the tradeoff between accuracy and speed into account. We finally verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed structure via processor-in-the-loop simulations and physical platform experiments

    An Optimized Linear Model Predictive Control Solver for Online Walking Motion Generation

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    International audienceThis article addresses the fast solution of a Quadratic Program underlying a Linear Model Predictive Control scheme that generates walking motions. We introduce an algorithm which is tailored to the particular requirements of this problem, and therefore able to solve it efficiently. Different aspects of the algorithm are examined, its computational complexity is presented, and a numerical comparison with an existing state of the art solver is made. The approach presented here, extends to other general problems in a straightforward way

    A Splitting Method for Optimal Control

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    A Study Model Predictive Control for Spark Ignition Engine Management and Testing

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    Pressure to improve spark-ignition (SI) engine fuel economy has driven thedevelopment and integration of many control actuators, creating complex controlsystems. Integration of a high number of control actuators into traditional map basedcontrollers creates tremendous challenges since each actuator exponentially increasescalibration time and investment. Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies have thepotential to better manage this high complexity since they provide near-optimal controlactions based on system models. This research work focuses on investigating somepractical issues of applying MPC with SI engine control and testing.Starting from one dimensional combustion phasing control using spark timing(SPKT), this dissertation discusses challenges of computing the optimal control actionswith complex engine models. A nonlinear optimization is formulated to compute thedesired spark timing in real time, while considering knock and combustion variationconstraints. Three numerical approaches are proposed to directly utilize complex high-fidelity combustion models to find the optimal SPKT. A model based combustionphasing estimator that considers the influence of cycle-by-cycle combustion variations isalso integrated into the control system, making feedback and adaption functions possible.An MPC based engine management system with a higher number of controldimensions is also investigated. The control objective is manipulating throttle, externalEGR valve and SPKT to provide demanded torque (IMEP) output with minimum fuelconsumption. A cascaded control structure is introduced to simplify the formulation and solution of the MPC problem that solves for desired control actions. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) MPC is applied to solve the nonlinear optimization problem in real time. A real-time linearization technique is used to formulate the sub-QP problems with the complex high dimensional engine system. Techniques to simplify the formulation of SQP and improve its convergence performance are also discussed in the context of tracking MPC. Strategies to accelerate online quadratic programming (QP) are explored. It is proposed to use pattern recognition techniques to “warm-start” active set QP algorithms for general linear MPC applications. The proposed linear time varying (LTV) MPC is used in Engine-in-Loop (EIL) testing to mimic the pedal actuations of human drivers who foresee the incoming traffic conditions. For SQP applications, the MPC is initialized with optimal control actions predicted by an ANN. Both proposed MPC methods significantly reduce execution time with minimal additional memory requirement

    Model-Based Control Techniques for Automotive Applications

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    Two different topics are covered in the thesis. Model Predictive Control applied to the Motion Cueing Problem In the last years the interest about dynamic driving simulators is increasing and new commercial solutions are arising. Driving simulators play an important role in the development of new vehicles and advanced driver assistance devices: in fact, on the one hand, having a human driver on a driving simulator allows automotive manufacturers to bridge the gap between virtual prototyping and on-road testing during the vehicle development phase; on the other hand, novel driver assistance systems (such as advanced accident avoidance systems) can be safely tested by having the driver operating the vehicle in a virtual, highly realistic environment, while being exposed to hazardous situations. In both applications, it is crucial to faithfully reproduce in the simulator the driver's perception of forces acting on the vehicle and its acceleration. This has to be achieved while keeping the platform within its limited operation space. Such strategies go under the name of Motion Cueing Algorithms. In this work, a particular implementation of a Motion Cueing algorithm is described, that is based on Model Predictive Control technique. A distinctive feature of such approach is that it exploits a detailed model of the human vestibular system, and consequently differs from standard Motion Cueing strategies based on Washout Filters: such feature allows for better implementation of tilt coordination and more efficient handling of the platform limits. The algorithm has been evaluated in practice on a small-size, innovative platform, by performing tests with professional drivers. Results show that the MPC-based motion cueing algorithm allows to effectively handle the platform working area, to limit the presence of those platform movements that are typically associated with driver motion sickness, and to devise simple and intuitive tuning procedures. Moreover, the availability of an effective virtual driver allows the development of effective predictive strategies, and first simulation results are reported in the thesis. Control Techniques for a Hybrid Sport Motorcycle Reduction of the environmental impact of transportation systems is a world wide priority. Hybrid propulsion vehicles have proved to have a strong potential to this regard, and different four-wheels solutions have spread out in the market. Differently from cars, and even if they are considered the ideal solution for urban mobility, motorbikes and mopeds have not seen a wide application of hybrid propulsion yet, mostly due to the more strict constraints on available space and driving feeling. In the thesis, the problem of providing a commercial 125cc motorbike with a hybrid propulsion system is considered, by adding an electric engine to its standard internal combustion engine. The aim for the prototype is to use the electrical machine (directly keyed on the drive shaft) to obtain a torque boost during accelerations, improving and regularizing the supplied power while reducing the emissions. Two different control algorithms are proposed 1) the first is based on a standard heuristic with adaptive features, simpler to implement on the ECU for the prototype; 2) the second is a torque-split optimal-control strategy, managing the different contributions from the two engines. A crucial point is the implementation of a Simulink virtual environment, realized starting from a commercial tool, VI-BikeRealTime, to test the algorithms. The hybrid engine model has been implemented in the tool from scratch, as well as a simple battery model, derived directly from data-sheet characteristics by using polynomial interpolation. The simulation system is completed by a virtual rider and a tool for build test circuits. Results of the simulations on a realistic track are included, to evaluate the different performance of the two strategies in a closed loop environment (thanks to the virtual rider). The results from on-track tests of the real prototype, using the first control strategy, are reported too