32 research outputs found

    CSF ÎČ-amyloid predicts prognosis in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background: The importance of predicting disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) has increasingly been recognised, hence reliable biomarkers are needed. Objectives: To investigate the prognostic role of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Amyloid beta1-42 (A) levels by the determination of a cut-off value to classify patients in slow and fast progressors. To evaluate possible association with white (WM) and grey matter (GM) damage at early disease stages. Methods: Sixty patients were recruited and followed-up for three to five years. Patients underwent clinical assessment, CSF analysis to determine AÎČ levels, and brain MRI (at baseline and after 1 year). T1-weighted volumes were calculated. T2-weighted scans were used to quantify WM lesion loads. Results: Lower CSF AÎČ levels were observed in patients with a worse follow-up EDSS (r=−0.65, p0.05). Conclusions: Low CSF AÎČ levels may represent a predictive biomarker of disease progression in MS

    Prevalence of Grey Matter Pathology in Early Multiple Sclerosis Assessed by Magnetization Transfer Ratio Imaging

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    The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence, the distribution and the impact on disability of grey matter (GM) pathology in early multiple sclerosis. Eighty-eight patients with a clinically isolated syndrome with a high risk developing multiple sclerosis were included in the study. Forty-four healthy controls constituted the normative population. An optimized statistical mapping analysis was performed to compare each subject's GM Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) imaging maps with those of the whole group of controls. The statistical threshold of significant GM MTR decrease was determined as the maximum p value (p<0.05 FDR) for which no significant cluster survived when comparing each control to the whole control population. Using this threshold, 51% of patients showed GM abnormalities compared to controls. Locally, 37% of patients presented abnormalities inside the limbic cortex, 34% in the temporal cortex, 32% in the deep grey matter, 30% in the cerebellum, 30% in the frontal cortex, 26% in the occipital cortex and 19% in the parietal cortex. Stepwise regression analysis evidenced significant association (p = 0.002) between EDSS and both GM pathology (p = 0.028) and T2 white matter lesions load (p = 0.019). In the present study, we evidenced that individual analysis of GM MTR map allowed demonstrating that GM pathology is highly heterogeneous across patients at the early stage of MS and partly underlies irreversible disability

    Regional patterns of grey matter atrophy and magnetisation transfer ratio abnormalities in multiple sclerosis clinical subgroups: A voxel-based analysis study.

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    In multiple sclerosis (MS), demyelination and neuro-axonal loss occur in the brain grey matter (GM). We used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of GM magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR) and volume to assess the regional localisation of reduced MTR (reflecting demyelination) and atrophy (reflecting neuro-axonal loss) in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and primary progressive MS (PPMS)

    mr imaging of gray matter involvement in multiple sclerosis implications for understanding disease pathophysiology and monitoring treatment efficacy

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    SUMMARY: Recent pathologic and MR imaging studies have challenged the classic view of MS as a chronic inflammatory-demyelinating condition affecting solely the WM of the central nervous system. Indeed, an involvement of the GM has been shown to occur from the early stages of the disease, to progress with time, and to be only moderately correlated with the extent of WM injury. In this review, we summarize how advances in MR imaging technology and methods of analysis are contributing to ameliorating the detection of focal lesions and to quantifying the extent of "occult" pathology and atrophy, as well as to defining the topographic distribution of such changes in the GM of patients with MS. These advances, combined with the imaging of brain reorganization occurring after tissue injury, should ultimately result in an improved understanding and monitoring of MS clinical manifestations and evolution, either natural or modified by treatment. Cereb : cerebellum Cho : choline CIS : clinically isolated syndromes DIR : double inversion recovery DTI : diffusion tensor imaging EDSS : Expanded Disability Status Scale FA : fractional anisotropy FLAIR : fluid-attenuated inversion recovery fMRI : functional MR imaging GM : gray matter L : left MD : mean diffusivity MS : multiple sclerosis MT : magnetization transfer MTR : magnetization transfer ratio NAA : N -acetylaspartate NAWM : normal-appearing white matter PM : premotor cortex PPMS : primary-progressive MS R : right RRMS : relapsing-remitting MS RT : relaxation time SII : secondary sensorimotor cortex SMA : supplementary motor area SMC : sensorimotor cortex SPM : statistical parametric mapping SPMS : secondary-progressive MS Thal : thalamus WM : white matte

    A voxel-based morphometry study of disease severity correlates in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis

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    Previous studies have shown a preferential loss of grey matter in fronto-temporal regions in patients with multiple sclerosis. Studies of correlates of disease severity are more controversial, because some studies have suggested an association between sensorimotor cortex atrophy and Expanded Disability Status Scale score, while others did not find such a correlation. The objective of this study was to assess the correlation of regional loss of grey matter and white matter with indexes of clinical and radiological severity in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis, including the Expanded Disability Status Scale and lesion load. Correlations between Expanded Disability Status Scale, lesion load and disease duration were assessed in 128 patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (Expanded Disability Status Scale range 1.0–6.0) using optimized voxel-based morphometry. Bilateral loss of grey matter in sensorimotor cortices was correlated with Expanded Disability Status Scale, and tissue loss also involved adjacent white matter, extending along pyramidal tracts to the brainstem. Increasing lesion load was correlated with loss of deep grey matter and white matter. No specific region of grey matter or white matter showed a significant correlation with disease duration. These findings support the hypothesis that motor neuron involvement plays a major role in the progression of physical disability. Lesion load accrual affects mainly highly interconnected subcortical structures, while disease duration has a less significant impact on brain atrophy, probably owing to the inter-subject heterogeneity of the clinical course of the disease

    CSF &#946;-amyloid predicts prognosis in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background: The importance of predicting disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) has increasingly been recognized, and hence reliable biomarkers are needed. Objectives: To investigate the prognostic role of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid beta 1\u201342 (A\u3b2) levels by the determination of a cut-off value to classify patients in slow and fast progressors. To evaluate possible association with white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) damage at early disease stages. Methods: Sixty patients were recruited and followed up for 3\u20135 years. Patients underwent clinical assessment, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; at baseline and after 1 year), and CSF analysis to determine A\u3b2 levels. T1-weighted volumes were calculated. T2-weighted scans were used to quantify WM lesion loads. Results: Lower CSF A\u3b2 levels were observed in patients with a worse follow-up Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS; r = 120.65, p &lt; 0.001). The multiple regression analysis confirmed CSF A\u3b2 concentration as a predictor of patients\u2019 EDSS increase (r = 120.59, p &lt; 0.0001). Generating a receiver operating characteristic curve, a cut-off value of 813 pg/mL was determined as the threshold able to identify patients with worse prognosis (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.690\u20130.933, p = 0.0001). No differences in CSF tau and neurofilament light chain (NfL) levels were observed (p &gt; 0.05). Conclusion: Low CSF A\u3b2 levels may represent a predictive biomarker of disease progression in MS

    RelaciĂłn entre las alteraciones estructurales y el deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con Esclerosis MĂșltiple

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    Setzenes Jornades de Foment de la InvestigaciĂł (Any 2011)Las causas del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes de Esclerosis MĂșltiple (EM) son todavĂ­a desconocidas, asĂ­ como la relaciĂłn entre dicho deterioro y el daño cerebral observado con distintas tĂ©cnicas de adquisiciĂłn y anĂĄlisis de neuroimagen. Objetivos Observar la distribuciĂłn de la atrofia en sustancia gris y blanca en pacientes de EM con Deterioro Cognitivo (DC) y Sin Deterioro Cognitivo (SDC), asĂ­ como su relaciĂłn con variables clĂ­nicas y cognitivas Pacientes y mĂ©todos Se reclutaron para el estudio a 22 participantes control (edad= 32,22 +6,24) y a 75 pacientes diagnosticados de EM (edad= 40,06 +10,01). Todos los participantes fueron valorados con la BaterĂ­a NeuropsicolĂłgica Breve (BNB) especifica para valorar deterioro cognitivo en EM. Los pacientes fueron seleccionados en dos grupos: 1) DC: los que presentaban al menos 1 test de la baterĂ­a por debajo de 2 DT (n=41); 2) SDC: rendimiento normal en pruebas neuropsicolĂłgicas (n=34). Posteriormente se adquirieron los datos morfomĂ©tricos de todos los participantes en una Resonancia MagnĂ©tica Siemens Avanto 1.5 T. Se obtuvieron parĂĄmetros de volumen en sustancia blanca y gris utilizando el programa de anĂĄlisis Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registrations Through Exponentiated Lie Algebra (DARTEL). Resultados Los pacientes con DC muestran un menor rendimiento cognitivo en todas las pruebas neuropsicolĂłgicas. Estos pacientes tambiĂ©n muestran mĂĄs atrofia en distintas zonas corticales y subcorticales tanto en sustancia blanca como en sustancia gris respecto al grupo control y respecto al grupo de pacientes SDC. Finalmente, se observa una relaciĂłn entre el rendimiento neuropsicolĂłgico en distintas pruebas cognitivas y la atrofia en sustancia gris en el grupo de pacientes con DC. Conclusiones: Se observa en pacientes de EM con DC un mayor grado de atrofia asĂ­ como una consistente relaciĂłn entre la atrofia en sustancia gris y rendimiento en pruebas neuropsicolĂłgicas

    Grey matter atrophy is associated with disability increase in natalizumab-treated patients

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    Background: Brain volume loss (BVL) is a key outcome in multiple sclerosis (MS) trials. Natalizumab is highly effective on inflammation with moderate impact on atrophy. Objective: To explore BVL in patients receiving natalizumab with an emphasis on grey matter (GM). Methods: We performed a retrospective post hoc analysis of BVL in 38 patients receiving natalizumab for 3 years using longitudinal voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and FreeSurfer. Results: Significant BVL was observed during first year: brain parenchymal fraction (BPF): −1.12% (p  right fronto-parietal cortex, right > left hippocampus and left caudate. FreeSurfer showed significant volume losses in subcortical GM, brainstem and cerebellum, and cortical thinning in the left insula. In the second year, only WMF decrease (−0.6%; p = 0.015) was observed with no VBM changes, although FreeSurfer detected significant volume loss in thalamus, hippocampus and cerebellum. Baseline gadolinium enhancement influenced WMF and BPF changes during the first year, but not GMF. Patients with confirmed Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) worsening at 3 years had lower baseline GMF and left thalamus volume and greater BVL over follow-up. Conclusion: BVL develops mainly during the first year of natalizumab therapy. GM changes are independent of baseline inflammation and correlate with disability


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    White matter lesions are defining characteristics of multiple sclerosis (MS), whereas grey matter involvement is a less recognised attribute. Recent investigations using dedicated imaging approaches have made it possible to depict cortical lesions. Additionally, grey matter atrophy may be estimated using various methods. Several studies have suggested that grey matter atrophy closely correlates to clinical disability. In this review we have collected information on grey matter atrophy in MS and the effect of disease modifying therapies upon brain atrophy

    Deep gray matter volume loss drives disability worsening in multiple sclerosis.

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    OBJECTIVE: Gray matter (GM) atrophy occurs in all multiple sclerosis (MS) phenotypes. We investigated whether there is a spatiotemporal pattern of GM atrophy that is associated with faster disability accumulation in MS. METHODS: We analyzed 3,604 brain high-resolution T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans from 1,417 participants: 1,214 MS patients (253 clinically isolated syndrome [CIS], 708 relapsing-remitting [RRMS], 128 secondary-progressive [SPMS], and 125 primary-progressive [PPMS]), over an average follow-up of 2.41 years (standard deviation [SD] = 1.97), and 203 healthy controls (HCs; average follow-up = 1.83 year; SD = 1.77), attending seven European centers. Disability was assessed with the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). We obtained volumes of the deep GM (DGM), temporal, frontal, parietal, occipital and cerebellar GM, brainstem, and cerebral white matter. Hierarchical mixed models assessed annual percentage rate of regional tissue loss and identified regional volumes associated with time-to-EDSS progression. RESULTS: SPMS showed the lowest baseline volumes of cortical GM and DGM. Of all baseline regional volumes, only that of the DGM predicted time-to-EDSS progression (hazard ratio = 0.73; 95% confidence interval, 0.65, 0.82; p < 0.001): for every standard deviation decrease in baseline DGM volume, the risk of presenting a shorter time to EDSS worsening during follow-up increased by 27%. Of all longitudinal measures, DGM showed the fastest annual rate of atrophy, which was faster in SPMS (-1.45%), PPMS (-1.66%), and RRMS (-1.34%) than CIS (-0.88%) and HCs (-0.94%; p < 0.01). The rate of temporal GM atrophy in SPMS (-1.21%) was significantly faster than RRMS (-0.76%), CIS (-0.75%), and HCs (-0.51%). Similarly, the rate of parietal GM atrophy in SPMS (-1.24-%) was faster than CIS (-0.63%) and HCs (-0.23%; all p values <0.05). Only the atrophy rate in DGM in patients was significantly associated with disability accumulation (beta = 0.04; p < 0.001). INTERPRETATION: This large, multicenter and longitudinal study shows that DGM volume loss drives disability accumulation in MS, and that temporal cortical GM shows accelerated atrophy in SPMS than RRMS. The difference in regional GM atrophy development between phenotypes needs to be taken into account when evaluating treatment effect of therapeutic interventions. Ann Neurol 2018;83:210-222