3,785 research outputs found

    A correlation noise spectrometer for flicker noise measurement in graphene samples

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    We present a high-resolution digital correlation spectrum analyzer for the measurement of low frequency resistance fluctuations in graphene samples. The system exploits the cross-correlation method to reject the amplifiers' noise. The graphene sample is excited with a low-noise DC current. The output voltage is fed to two two-stage low-noise amplifiers connected in parallel; the DC signal component is filtered by a high-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 34 mHz. The amplified signals are digitized by a two-channel synchronous ADC board; the cross-periodogram, which rejects uncorrelated amplifiers' noise components, is computed in real time. As a practical example, we measured the noise cross-spectrum of graphene samples in the frequency range from 0.153 Hz to 10 kHz, both in two- and four-wire configurations, and for different bias currents. We report here the measurement setup, the data analysis and the error sources

    Random Generation of Arbitrary Waveforms for Emulating Three-Phase Systems

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    This paper describes an apparatus for generating a signal representative of steady-state and transient disturbances in three-phase waveforms of an ac electrical system as described in IEEE Std 1159-09. It can be configured as a synthesizer of randomly distorted signals for different applications: for testing the effects of disturbed grid on equipment and to generate patterns of electrical disturbances for the training of artificial neural networks, which are used for measuring power quality tasks. For the first purpose, voltage and current amplifiers are added in the output stage, which allows the generation of disturbed signals at grid level.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-01Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15467-C02-0

    The Measurement of AM noise of Oscillators

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    The close-in AM noise is often neglected, under the assumption that it is a minor problem as compared to phase noise. With the progress of technology and of experimental science, this assumption is no longer true. Yet, information in the literature is scarce or absent. This report describes the measurement of the AM noise of rf/microwave sources in terms of Salpha(f), i.e., the power spectrum density of the fractional amplitude fluctuation alpha. The proposed schemes make use of commercial power detectors based on Schottky and tunnel diodes, in single-channel and correlation configuration. There follow the analysis of the front-end amplifier at the detector output, the analysis of the methods for the measurement of the power-detector noise, and a digression about the calibration procedures. The measurement methods are extended to the relative intensity noise (RIN) of optical beams, and to the AM noise of the rf/microwave modulation in photonic systems. Some rf/microwave synthesizers and oscillators have been measured, using correlation and moderate averaging. As an example, the flicker noise of a low-noise quartz oscillator (Wenzel 501-04623E) is Salpha = 1.15E-13/f, which is equivalent to an Allan deviation of sigma_alpha = 4E-7. The measurement systems described exhibit the world-record lowest background noise.Comment: 39 pages, 22 figures, 8 tables, 21 references, list of symbol

    Methods of Preparation and Characterization of Experimental Field-Emission Cathodes

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    Téma doktorské práce se zabývá přípravou a popisem katod na bázi autoemise, jenž představují kvalitní a levný elektronový zdroj pro zařízení pracující s fokusovaným elektronovým svazkem. Pro přípravu kompozitní autoemisní katody byla využita elektrochemická metoda výroby. Kompozitní struktura katody zlepšuje proudovou stabilitu ve srovnání s čistě autoemisními katodami na bázi wolframu. Na základě charakterizace katody, jenž byla nově provedena metodou šumové spektroskopie, byla implementována technologická zlepšení stávající výroby. Metoda šumové spektroskopie je založena na analýze emisního proudu v časové a kmitočtové rovině, ale především poskytuje informace o nosiči náboje, o jeho pohyblivosti a dále o životnosti katody. Výsledky experimentální části byly rozšířeny teoretickými simulacemi, vedoucími k návrhu metodiky charakterizace vylepšené autoemisní katody.This PhD thesis describes, and covers the preparation of field-emission cathodes that represent a high-quality, inexpensive source of electrons for devices that work with a focused electron beam. In this work, an improved method of electrochemical fabrication is used for the preparation of a composite field-emission cathode. The composite structure improves current stability in comparison to tungsten-based pure field-emission cathodes. Improvements to the technology used were implemented on the basis of findings obtained using spectrum noise diagnostics, which are based on measuring and evaluating the emission current in the time and in frequency domains. Additionally, noise spectroscopy provides important information about charge transport, electron mobility, and lifespan, which is essential for future research. Results obtained using the experimental method have been further supplemented with theoretical data provided by a computer simulation in order to establish characterization procedures for improved field-emission cathodes.

    Design and Simulation of Voltage Fluctuation Rate Monitor System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology*

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    AbstractElectronic power is the most widely used energy, and its application degree has been a mark of country development level. This paper introduces a method of voltage fluctuation rate monitor by using virtual instrument technology. Because virtual instrument technology uses computer own hardware and design graphics procedure frame diagram software to complete, which has many advantages of the simple algorithm and fast speed, etc. Through simulating three-phase voltage of electronic power system, this paper completes voltage fluctuation rate monitor of electronic power system and electronic power quality judgment, as well as verifies accuracy of algorithm diagram procedure

    Flicker Measurement and Grey Disaster Prediction of Grid-connected Wind Turbines

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    Grid-connected operation of large-scale wind turbines(WTs) will have an impact on power quality of electric power systems. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the International Electrotechnical standard IEC 61400-21, we described the measurement, evaluation method of the flicker of WTs and proposed the method of grey disaster prediction.Active power, reactive power, flicker coefficient and flicker severity of the WTs were tested on the actual wind farm according to the IEC 61400-21 standard. We believed that the flicker severity was a disaster, so used the grey disaster prediction to predict the occurrence time of excessive flicker.Analysis of the test data of flicker was necessary,which could determine the Upper disaster threshold of the flicker.The disaster sequence was made up of the excessive flicker values. The date sequence was extracted from the disaster sequence. Establishing GM (1,1) model for the date sequence was to predict the future disaster date sequence.The experimental results showed that the relative accuracy of the disaster prediction model reached 94.87%, which was suitable for long-term flicker disaster prediction