281 research outputs found

    Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach spaces

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    [EN] In this work, we prove a third and fourth convergence order result for a family of iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems in Banach spaces. We analyze the semilocal convergence by using recurrence relations, giving the existence and uniqueness theorem that establishes the R-order of the method and the priori error bounds. Finally, we apply the methods to two examples in order to illustrate the presented theory.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on MTM2011-28636-C02-02 and by Vicerrectorado de Investigaci´on. Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia PAID-SP-2012-0498Hueso Pagoaga, JL.; Martínez Molada, E. (2014). Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach spaces. Numerical Algorithms. 67(2):365-384. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11075-013-9795-7S365384672Traub, J.F.: Iterative Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Equations. Prentice Hall, New York (1964)Kantorovich, L.V.: On the newton method for functional equations. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 59, 1237–1240 (1948)Candela, V., Marquina, A.: Recurrence relations for rational cubic methods, I: The Halley method. Computing 44, 169–184 (1990)Candela, V., Marquina, A.: Recurrence relations for rational cubic methods, II: The Chebyshev method. Computing 45, 355–367 (1990)Hernández, M.A.: Reduced recurrence relations for the Chebyshev method. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 98, 385–397 (1998)Gutiérrez, J.M., Hernández, M.A.: Recurrence relations for super-Halley method. J. Comput. Math. Appl. 7, 1–8 (1998)Ezquerro, J.A., Hernández, M.A.: Recurrence relations for Chebyshev-like methods. Appl. Math. Optim. 41, 227–236 (2000)Ezquerro, J.A., Hernández, M.A.: New iterations of R-order four with reduced computational cost. BIT Numer. Math. 49, 325–342 (2009)Argyros, I., K., Ezquerro, J.A., Gutiérrez, J.M., Hernández, M.A., Hilout, S.: On the semilocal convergence of efficient Chebyshev Secant-type methods. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235–10, 3195–3206 (2011)Argyros, I.K., Hilout, S.: Weaker conditions for the convergence of Newtons method. J. Complex. 28(3), 364–387 (2012)Wang, X., Gu, C., Kou, J.: Semilocal convergence of a multipoint fourth-order super-Halley method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 54, 497–516 (2011)Kou, J., Li, Y., Wang, X.: A variant of super Halley method with accelerated fourth-order convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 186, 535–539 (2007)Zheng, L., Gu, C.: Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 59, 623–638 (2012)Amat, S., Hernández, M.A., Romero, N.: A modified Chebyshevs iterative method with at least sixth order of convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 206, 164–174 (2008)Wang, X., Kou, J., Gu, C.: Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order Jarratt method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algoritm. 57, 441–456 (2011)Hernández, M.A.: The newton method for operators with hlder continuous first derivative. J. Optim. Appl. 109, 631–648 (2001)Ye, X., Li, C.: Convergence of the family of the deformed Euler-Halley iterations under the Hlder condition of the second derivative. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 194, 294–308 (2006)Zhao, Y., Wu, Q.: Newton-Kantorovich theorem for a family of modified Halleys method under Hlder continuity conditions in Banach spaces. Appl. Math. Comput. 202, 243–251 (2008)Argyros, I.K.: Improved generalized differentiability conditions for Newton-like methods. J. Complex. 26, 316–333 (2010)Hueso, J.L., Martínez. E., Torregrosa, J.R.: Third and fourth order iterative methods free from second derivative for nonlinear systems. Appl. Math. Comput. 211, 190–197 (2009)Taylor, A.Y., Lay, D.: Introduction to Functional Analysis, 2nd edn.New York, Wiley (1980)Jarrat, P.: Some fourth order multipoint iterative methods for solving equations. Math. Comput. 20, 434–437 (1966)Cordero, A., Torregrosa, J.R.: Variants of Newtons method using fifth-order quadrature formulas. Appl. Math. Comput. 190, 686–698 (2007

    Local convergence of a family of iterative methods for Hammerstein equations

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    [EN] In this paper we give a local convergence result for a uniparametric family of iterative methods for nonlinear equations in Banach spaces. We assume boundedness conditions involving only the first Fr,chet derivative, instead of using boundedness conditions for high order derivatives as it is usual in studies of semilocal convergence, which is a drawback for solving some practical problems. The existence and uniqueness theorem that establishes the convergence balls of these methods is obtained. We apply this theory to different examples, including a nonlinear Hammerstein equation that have many applications in chemistry and appears in problems of electro-magnetic fluid dynamics or in the kinetic theory of gases. With these examples we illustrate the advantages of these results. The global convergence of the method is addressed by analysing the behaviour of the methods on complex polynomials of second degree.This research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia MTM2014-52016-C2-02.This research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MTM2014-52016-C2-02.Martínez Molada, E.; Singh, S.; Hueso Pagoaga, JL.; Gupta, D. (2016). Local convergence of a family of iterative methods for Hammerstein equations. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 54(7):1370-1386. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-016-0602-2S13701386547I.K. Argyros, S. Hilout, M.A. Tabatabai, Mathematical Modelling with Applications in Biosciences and Engineering (Nova Publishers, New York, 2011)J.F. Traub, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964)A.M. Ostrowski, Solutions of Equations in Euclidean and Banach Spaces (Academic Press, New York, 1973)I.K. Argyros, J.A. Ezquerro, J.M. Gutiárrez, M.A. Hernández, S. Hilout, On the semilocal convergence of efficient ChebyshevSecant-type methods. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235, 3195–3206 (2011)José L. Hueso, E. Martínez, Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach spaces. Numer. Algorithms 67, 365–384 (2014)X. Wang, C. Gu, J. Kou, Semilocal convergence of a multipoint fourth-order super-Halley method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algorithms 54, 497–516 (2011)J. Kou, Y. Li, X. Wang, A variant of super Halley method with accelerated fourth-order convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 186, 535–539 (2007)L. Zheng, C. Gu, Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algorithms 59, 623–638 (2012)S. Amat, M.A. Hernández, N. Romero, A modified Chebyshevs iterative method with at least sixth order of convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 206, 164–174 (2008)X. Wang, J. Kou, C. Gu, Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order Jarratt method in Banach spaces. Numer. Algorithms 57, 441–456 (2011)A. Cordero, J.A. Ezquerro, M.A. Hernández-Verón, J.R. Torregrosa, On the local convergence of a fifth-order iterative method in Banach spaces. Appl. Math. Comput. 251, 396–403 (2015)I.K. Argyros, S. Hilout, On the local convergence of fast two-step Newton-like methods for solving nonlinear equations. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 245, 1–9 (2013)S. Weerakoon, T.G.I. Fernando, A variant of Newton’s method with accelerated third-order convergence. Appl. Math. Lett. 13(8), 87–93 (2000)X. Feng, Y. He, High order oterative methods without derivatives for solving nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 186, 1617–1623 (2007)X. Wang, J. Kou, Y. Li, Modified Jarratt method with sixth-order convergence. Appl. Math. Lett. 22, 1798–1802 (2009)A.D. Polyanin, A.V. Manzhirov, Handbook of Integral Equations (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998)S. Plaza, N. Romero, Attracting cycles for the relaxed Newton’s method. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235(10), 3238–3244 (2011)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, P. Vindel, Study of the dynamics of third-order iterative methods on quadratic polynomials. Int. J. Comput. Math. 89(13–14), 1826–1836 (2012)Gerardo Honorato, Sergio Plaza, Natalia Romero, Dynamics of a higher-order family of iterative methods. J. Complex. 27(2), 221–229 (2011)J.M. Gutirrez, M.A. Hernández, N. Romero, Dynamics of a new family of iterative processes for quadratic polynomials. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 233(10), 2688–2695 (2010)I.K. Argyros, A.A. Magreñan, A study on the local convergence and dynamics of Chebyshev-Halley-type methods free from second derivative. Numer. Algorithms. doi: 10.1007/s11075-015-9981-xI.K. Argyros, S. George, Local convergence of modified Halley-like methods with less computation of inversion (Novi Sad J. Math, Draft version, 2015

    Two New Predictor-Corrector Iterative Methods with Third- and Ninth-Order Convergence for Solving Nonlinear Equations

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    In this paper, we suggest and analyze two new predictor-corrector iterative methods with third and ninth-order convergence for solving nonlinear equations. The first method is a development of [M. A. Noor, K. I. Noor and K. Aftab, Some New Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations, World Applied Science Journal, 20(6),(2012):870-874.] based on the trapezoidal integration rule and the centroid mean. The second method is an improvement of the first new proposed method by using the technique of updating the solution. The order of convergence and corresponding error equations of new proposed methods are proved. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and performance of these new methods and compared them with the Newton's method and other relevant iterative methods. Keywords: Nonlinear equations, Predictor–corrector methods, Trapezoidal integral rule, Centroid mean, Technique of updating the solution; Order of convergence


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    The variant of Chebyshev-Halley’s method is an iterative method used for solving a nonlinear equation with third order of convergence. In this paper, we present some new variants of three steps Chebyshev-Halley’s method free from second derivative with two parameters. The proposed methods have eighth-order of convergence for  and  and require four evaluations of functions per iteration with index efficiency equal to . Numerical simulation will be presented by using several functions to show the performance of the proposed methods

    Extending the applicability of a fourth-order method under Lipschitz continuous derivative in Banach spaces

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    We extend the applicability of a fourth-order convergent nonlinear system solver by providing its local convergence analysis under Lipschitz continuous Fréchet derivative in Banach spaces. Our analysis only uses the first-order Fréchet derivative to ensure the convergence and provides the uniqueness of the solution, the radius of convergence ball and the computable error bounds. This study is applicable in solving such problems for which earlier studies are not effective. Furthermore, the convergence region for the scheme to approximate the zeros of various polynomials is studied using basins of attraction tool. Various computational tests are conducted to validate that our analysis is beneficial when prior studies fail to solve problems.The first author has been supported by the University Grants Commission, India.Publisher's Versio


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    Metode Noor merupakan salah satu metode iterasi untuk menyelesaikan persamaan non linear dengan orde konvergensi dua yang menggunakan tiga evaluasi fungsi. Pada tugas akhir ini, penulis mengembangkan metode Noor menggunakan ekspansi deret Taylor orde duadan menghilangkan turunan keduanya dengan menggunakan persamaan lingkaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh metode iterasi baru dengan orde konvergensi empat untuk 0 dan 1 yang melibatkan tiga evaluasi fungsi pada setiap iterasinya. Simulasi numerik diberikan dengan menggunakan beberapa fungsi untuk menunjukkan keunggulan dari modifikasi metode Noor dan dibandingkan dengan metode Newton, metode Noor, metode Super Halley dan metode Newton Ganda.Hasil simulasi numerik menunjukan metode yang dihasilkan lebih baik dari metode lainnya. Katakunci : Ekspansi deret Taylor, metode Noor, orde konvergensi, persamaan non linea

    Ball convergence for Steffensen-type fourth-order methods

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    We present a local convergence analysis for a family of Steffensen-type fourth-order methods in order to approximate a solution of a nonlinear equation. We use hypotheses up to the first derivative in contrast to earlier studies such as [1], [5]-[28] using hypotheses up to the fifth derivative. This way the applicability of these methods is extended under weaker hypotheses. Moreover the radius of convergence and computable error bounds on the distances involved are also given in this study. Numerical examples are also presented in this study

    Sixth-Order Two-Point Efficient Family of Super-Halley Type Methods

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    The main focus of this manuscript is to provide a highly efficient two-point sixth-order family of super-Halley type methods that do not require any second-order derivative evaluation for obtaining simple roots of nonlinear equations, numerically. Each member of the proposed family requires two evaluations of the given function and two evaluations of the first-order derivative per iteration. By using Mathematica-9 with its high precision compatibility, a variety of concrete numerical experiments and relevant results are extensively treated to confirm t he t heoretical d evelopment. From their basins of attraction, it has been observed that the proposed methods have better stability and robustness as compared to the other sixth-order methods available in the literature
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