949 research outputs found

    Network-Configurations of Dynamic Friction Patterns

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    The complex configurations of dynamic friction patterns-regarding real time contact areas- are transformed into appropriate networks. With this transformation of a system to network space, many properties can be inferred about the structure and dynamics of the system. Here, we analyze the dynamics of static friction, i.e. nucleation processes, with respect to "friction networks". We show that networks can successfully capture the crack-like shear ruptures and possible corresponding acoustic features. We found that the fraction of triangles remarkably scales with the detachment fronts. There is a universal power law between nodes' degree and motifs frequency (for triangles, it reads T(k)\proptok{\beta} ({\beta} \approx2\pm0.4)). We confirmed the obtained universality in aperture-based friction networks. Based on the achieved results, we extracted a possible friction law in terms of network parameters and compared it with the rate and state friction laws. In particular, the evolutions of loops are scaled with power law, indicating the aggregation of cycles around hub nodes. Also, the transition to slow rupture is scaled with the fast variation of local heterogeneity. Furthermore, the motif distributions and modularity space of networks -in terms of withinmodule degree and participation coefficient-show non-uniform general trends, indicating a universal aspect of energy flow in shear ruptures

    Wikipedias: Collaborative web-based encyclopedias as complex networks

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    Wikipedia is a popular web-based encyclopedia edited freely and collaboratively by its users. In this paper we present an analysis of Wikipedias in several languages as complex networks. The hyperlinks pointing from one Wikipedia article to another are treated as directed links while the articles represent the nodes of the network. We show that many network characteristics are common to different language versions of Wikipedia, such as their degree distributions, growth, topology, reciprocity, clustering, assortativity, path lengths and triad significance profiles. These regularities, found in the ensemble of Wikipedias in different languages and of different sizes, point to the existence of a unique growth process. We also compare Wikipedias to other previously studied networks.Comment: v3: 9 pages, 12 figures, Change of title, few paragraphs and two figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Modularity and anti-modularity in networks with arbitrary degree distribution

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    Networks describing the interaction of the elements that constitute a complex system grow and develop via a number of different mechanisms, such as the addition and deletion of nodes, the addition and deletion of edges, as well as the duplication or fusion of nodes. While each of these mechanisms can have a different cause depending on whether the network is biological, technological, or social, their impact on the network's structure, as well as its local and global properties, is similar. This allows us to study how each of these mechanisms affects networks either alone or together with the other processes, and how they shape the characteristics that have been observed. We study how a network's growth parameters impact the distribution of edges in the network, how they affect a network's modularity, and point out that some parameters will give rise to networks that have the opposite tendency, namely to display anti-modularity. Within the model we are describing, we can search the space of possible networks for parameter sets that generate networks that are very similar to well-known and well-studied examples, such as the brain of a worm, and the network of interactions of the proteins in baker's yeast.Comment: 23 pages. 13 figures, 1 table. Includes Supplementary tex

    The multiplex structure of interbank networks

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    The interbank market has a natural multiplex network representation. We employ a unique database of supervisory reports of Italian banks to the Banca d'Italia that includes all bilateral exposures broken down by maturity and by the secured and unsecured nature of the contract. We find that layers have different topological properties and persistence over time. The presence of a link in a layer is not a good predictor of the presence of the same link in other layers. Maximum entropy models reveal different unexpected substructures, such as network motifs, in different layers. Using the total interbank network or focusing on a specific layer as representative of the other layers provides a poor representation of interlinkages in the interbank market and could lead to biased estimation of systemic risk.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, 10 table

    Assortative mixing in Protein Contact Networks and protein folding kinetics

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    Starting from linear chains of amino acids, the spontaneous folding of proteins into their elaborate three-dimensional structures is one of the remarkable examples of biological self-organization. We investigated native state structures of 30 single-domain, two-state proteins, from complex networks perspective, to understand the role of topological parameters in proteins' folding kinetics, at two length scales-- as ``Protein Contact Networks (PCNs)'' and their corresponding ``Long-range Interaction Networks (LINs)'' constructed by ignoring the short-range interactions. Our results show that, both PCNs and LINs exhibit the exceptional topological property of ``assortative mixing'' that is absent in all other biological and technological networks studied so far. We show that the degree distribution of these contact networks is partly responsible for the observed assortativity. The coefficient of assortativity also shows a positive correlation with the rate of protein folding at both short and long contact scale, whereas, the clustering coefficients of only the LINs exhibit a negative correlation. The results indicate that the general topological parameters of these naturally-evolved protein networks can effectively represent the structural and functional properties required for fast information transfer among the residues facilitating biochemical/kinetic functions, such as, allostery, stability, and the rate of folding.Comment: Published in Bioinformatic