16 research outputs found

    Segmentasi Pasar Sewa Peralatan Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Pendekatan Cluster Analysis (Studi Pada Pelanggan PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama Jakarta)

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    This research aims to identify the factors that develop market segmentation of Power Rental Equipment, as well as to reveal the profile of the segment formed by the segmentation process. This type of research is survey, which combines exploratory and descriptive research, with a purposive sampling method. The object of the research is the business customers of PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama Jakarta, with a purposive sample for a total of 48 respondents. This research using a Cluster Analysis methods.. Results of research showed the factors that necessitated priority in shaping the Market Segmentation of power rental equipment such as: delivery, quality, service, price and range. The study also profiled three segments as follows : First Time Prospect, Novices, Sophisticates on which to base further development of empirical research. The uniqueness of this study is the first market segmentation study on power rental equipment industry in Indonesia

    Combining statistical learning with metaheuristics for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with market segmentation

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    In real-life logistics and distribution activities it is usual to face situations in which the distribution of goods has to be made from multiple warehouses or depots to the nal customers. This problem is known as the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP), and it typically includes two sequential and correlated stages: (a) the assignment map of customers to depots, and (b) the corresponding design of the distribution routes. Most of the existing work in the literature has focused on minimizing distance-based distribution costs while satisfying a number of capacity constraints. However, no attention has been given so far to potential variations in demands due to the tness of the customerdepot mapping in the case of heterogeneous depots. In this paper, we consider this realistic version of the problem in which the depots are heterogeneous in terms of their commercial o er and customers show di erent willingness to consume depending on how well the assigned depot ts their preferences. Thus, we assume that di erent customer-depot assignment maps will lead to di erent customer-expenditure levels. As a consequence, market-segmentation strategies need to be considered in order to increase sales and total income while accounting for the distribution costs. To solve this extension of the MDVRP, we propose a hybrid approach that combines statistical learning techniques with a metaheuristic framework. First, a set of predictive models is generated from historical data. These statistical models allow estimating the demand of any customer depending on the assigned depot. Then, the estimated expenditure of each customer is included as part of an enriched objective function as a way to better guide the stochastic local search inside the metaheuristic framework. A set of computational experiments contribute to illustrate our approach and how the extended MDVRP considered here diré in terms of the proposed solutions from the traditional one.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Food market segmentation based on consumer preferences using outranking multicriteria approaches

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    [EN] Market segmentation is a key concept in marketing that groups consumers by their needs, characteristics, or purchasing behavior. The objectives of this research are to develop outranking multicriteria models based on preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE) in order to segment food consumers and apply them to a survey of healthy and sustainable meat. The models consider two categories of purchasing criteria; one related to product and another to the distributor process. One model generates ordered segments of consumers, while the other obtains four segments according to consumer performance in both criteria categories. An extension of FlowSort method for the sorting problems with Likert scale data is also contributed. The profile of segments shows the significance level of variables such as gender, but mainly those related to food-related lifestyles, when characterizing the consumer groups. This proposal represents a robust approach, which is useful in the effective design of marketing campaigns and policies.This research was funded by the Regional Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Government of the Valencian Region, Spain, grant number AICO/2017/066: Sustainability of the food value chain from production to responsible consumption. We also thank the editors and reviewers for their suggestions on improving the paper.Casas-Rosal, JC.; Segura Maroto, M.; Maroto Álvarez, MC. (2023). Food market segmentation based on consumer preferences using outranking multicriteria approaches. International Transactions in Operational Research. 30(3):1537-1566. https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.129561537156630

    Norwegian salmon in the European market: An assessment of competitive avantages

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    Masteroppgave i International Business and Marketing - Nord universitet 202

    Beer is yellow, neither blue nor pink

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how theories regarding core values and cultural shifts could contribute to the segmentation research field. The aim of this study was further to investigate how to attract an additional segment without loosing the original target audience. To exemplify we did a case study regarding whether it is possible for, an existing brand operating in the beer industry; to develop a marketing strategy to attract women, without discouraging men’s beer consumption Methodology: This paper consist of a combined quantitative and qualitative study taking on an a deductive approach. Primary data has been collected through in-depth interviews with a marketing manager in the beer industry, by a survey with 345 respondents and 10 in-depth interviews with consumers. Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation of this paper consists of theories regarding brands, identity and image, core values, segmentation strategies, cultural shifts, source material and subgroups. Conclusions: Society core values can act as segmentation variables. The result of such an strategy would generate a better fit with the desired audience than many other segmentation variables. The study further indicates that since society is constantly changing it is important for companies to be aware of cultural shifts and trends that are taking place. In order to being able to adapt segmentation strategies to these shifts companies need to have a more open approach to segmentation and more often re-evaluate the importance of the segments. By identifying core values that are appreciated by two segments that the company wish to merge, it is possible for the company to attract two target groups with only minor moderations in the communication. By identifying values that are shared by both sexes we were able to develop a strategy to direct marketing to both sexes. A strategy that would also generate a better fit with the desired target group. By classifying the core values and using source material in the communication, we were able to develop a strategy of implementing the values. In addition to this several industries, where the knowledge obtained in this study could be useful, were identified and hence the results extended. Contributions to theory: The study shows how theories regarding core values and cultural shifts can contribute to the field of segmentation research. This thesis further contributes to the fields of core values, cultural shifts, stereotypes in marketing and gender-based segmentation. In addition to these, the study also contributes to the field of marketing research by using a triangulation method by having one quantitative and two qualitative studies

    Crossing the chasms between Finland and China- a Finnish SME entering Chinese market

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    The demands for solving the air quality pollution problems in China have provided Finnish SMEs great opportunities and chances for expanding business in the market. The Finnish SMEs, however, are facing the biggest challenge how to enter the mainstream market in China, besides the cultural and legal differences. This study is based on the assignment of the case company and the goal is to find ways how the company can successfully expand the Chinese market and indicate the action plan. In order to address the question, the study developed a theoretical framework on the factors needed in entering the Chinese market and applied this framework in the case company. The empirical research was based on the use of existing materials and action. The results of the study provide a practical model for companies crossing the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets. A step by step process includes all the phases from choosing the target market to sales of the company itself. One important point for the company to cross the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets is identified as whole product development, including the product the partners. The other one is the positioning itself, achieving the leadership in the selected segment. Results of the study raised many interesting topics for further research. In order to generate more market shares and revenues, how to move from the visionaries to the conservative in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle can be studied in later phase. The second topic can be choosing the next target market in order to achieve the sustainable development of the company. Recommendations can be made regarding how the company can successfully cross the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets

    Segmentação e definição do perfil do consumidor Go Natural

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    Com a evolução da ciência alimentar, a alimentação, para além da sua função natural de subsistência, tornou-se para o consumidor, num meio consciente de regular o seu estado de saúde. A indústria alimentar tem atualmente um grande interesse em compreender os aspetos determinantes nas escolhas alimentares dos consumidores (Shepherd & Raats, 2006). O presente estudo tem como objetivo segmentar e definir o perfil do cliente Go Natural, proporcionando também uma melhor compreensão do consumidor moderno na sua prática alimentar em restaurantes. A Go Natural é uma cadeia de restaurantes e supermercados, especializada em alimentação saudável e biológica, sendo este estudo orientado aos utilizadores dos seus restaurantes. Como forma de obtenção de dados foi elaborado e distribuído um questionário, tendo-se obtido um total de 614 questionários válidos, dos quais 202 pertenciam a clientes da Go Natural. A amostra foi segmentada através do método não hierárquico K-means, tendo por base variáveis comportamentais. Foi-nos possível determinar o perfil do consumidor Go Natural e verificámos que a maioria dos clientes estão preocupados com a alimentação, prezam a qualidade e estão dispostos a pagar mais por uma refeição saudável. Concluímos também que a maioria dos potenciais clientes da Go Natural desconheciam a existência da marca, pese embora se ter verificado que, parte destes potenciais clientes, exibia um perfil muito semelhante ao apresentado pelos clientes da Go Natural, pelo que consideramos que as estratégias de marketing da empresa deverão ser ajustadas.With the evolution of food science, besides being a means of subsistence, eating has become to the consumer a conscious way of regulating their health condition. The food industry currently has a great interest in understanding the key aspects of the consumers’ food choices (Sheperd & Raats, 2006). The present study aims to segment and determine the profile of Go Natural customers while providing a better understanding of the modern consumer and their habits in restaurants. Go Natural is a chain of restaurants and supermarkets specialized in healthy and organic food, and this study will focus on the restaurant’s users. As a way to obtain data a questionnaire was made, from which 614 valid responses were retrieved, 202 being from Go Natural’s customers. The sample was segmented through a non-hierarchical k-means method, with behavioral variables as bases. We were able to define the profile of Go Natural customers and observed that the majority of customers are concerned with their nutrition, they value quality and they are willing to pay more for a healthy meal. We also concluded that most of the Go Natural potential customers were unaware of the existence of the brand even though one of the clusters had a similar profile to that of the customers, whereby we think that the marketing strategies should be redefined

    Crossing the chasms between Finland and China- a Finnish SME entering Chinese market

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    The demands for solving the air quality pollution problems in China have provided Finnish SMEs great opportunities and chances for expanding business in the market. The Finnish SMEs, however, are facing the biggest challenge how to enter the mainstream market in China, besides the cultural and legal differences. This study is based on the assignment of the case company and the goal is to find ways how the company can successfully expand the Chinese market and indicate the action plan. In order to address the question, the study developed a theoretical framework on the factors needed in entering the Chinese market and applied this framework in the case company. The empirical research was based on the use of existing materials and action. The results of the study provide a practical model for companies crossing the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets. A step by step process includes all the phases from choosing the target market to sales of the company itself. One important point for the company to cross the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets is identified as whole product development, including the product the partners. The other one is the positioning itself, achieving the leadership in the selected segment. Results of the study raised many interesting topics for further research. In order to generate more market shares and revenues, how to move from the visionaries to the conservative in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle can be studied in later phase. The second topic can be choosing the next target market in order to achieve the sustainable development of the company. Recommendations can be made regarding how the company can successfully cross the chasm between early markets and mainstream markets

    Segmentação e caracterização dos consumidores das gerações Y e Z : o caso da Parfois

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    Segmentação de mercado é um conceito chave em marketing, o qual tem vindo a ser constantemente e intensivamente estudado por investigadores da área. Os segmentos geracionais Y e Z apresentam padrões de comportamento distintos, porém o número de estudo que equipara as duas gerações é reduzido. Os mais jovens são nativos tecnológicos, impacientes, valorizam a autenticidade, e são pouco materialistas. Já a geração acima, conta com uma preocupação elevada na sua imagem, dá atenção às novas tecnologias, e coloca a opinião dos amigos como prioridade. Foram descobertas disparidades no comportamento do consumo em moda destes dois grupos geracionais e testadas através do modelo original de Sproles e Kendall (1998), adaptado para português por Araújo (2013) e de Vineyard (2014). Assim, foi possível alcançar o intuito da presente investigação, isto é, a segmentação e a criação do perfil do consumidor das gerações Y e Z, para a Parfois a nível nacional, a qual é uma marca portuguesa Fast Fashion de acessórios de moda, operando a nível mundial. Foram obtidos dados relevantes do inquérito distribuído, de onde resultaram 357 respostas válidas para investigação. Pelo método K-means foram criados segmentos para cada uma das gerações, capacitando o conhecimento aprofundado destas. Foi descoberto que a geração mais jovem, é mais impulsiva durante o processo de compra, é mais facilmente persuadida por influenciadores digitais e, por último, tanto tem mais conhecimentos em moda como necessidade em comprar as novidades, do que a geração Y. Foi concluído que as estratégias de marketing da marca necessitam de ser ajustadas a algumas especificidades de cada geração.Market segmentation is a key concept in marketing, which has been constantly and intensively studied by researchers in the field. The generational segments Y and Z have different behavior patterns, however, the number of studies comparing the two generations is reduced. The youngest are technological natives, impatient, value authenticity and are not materialistic. The generation Y, on the other hand, has a high concern for their image, is aware of the new technologies, and places the opinion of friends as a priority. Disparities were discovered in the consumption behavior in fashion of these two generational groups and tested using the original model of Sproles and Kendall (1998), adapted to Portuguese by Araújo (2013) and also Vineyard (2014). This way it was possible to achieve the purpose of this investigation, which is to segment and create profiles for the consumers of the generation Y and Z for Parfois, a portuguese Fast Fashion brand of fashion accessories, operating worldwide. Thus, relevant data were obtained from an online distributed survey, which resulted in 357 valid answers for the investigation. By the K-means method, segments were created for each of the generations, enabling their in-depth knowledge. It was discovered that the younger generation, is more impulsive during the purchase process, is more easily persuaded by digital influencers and, finally, has a higher knowledge in fashion and need to buy the items from the new collections, than the generation Y. It was concluded that the marketing strategies of Parfois need to be adjusted to some of the specificites of the generations

    An assessment of the nature and implementation of markerting strategies of selected Eastern Cape Non-Government Organisations

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    This dissertation is an assessment of the nature and implementation of marketing strategies of selected Eastern Cape non-government organisations. Poverty alleviation and service delivery remain the major focus of the South African government, after nineteen years of democracy (post-apartheid era). One of the civil societies that is key in working with the government in alleviating poverty and looking after the interests of the poor and marginalised individuals within the society is non-government organisations (NGOs). NGOs are organisations that are voluntary, independent, not-for-profit, and not self-serving in aims and related values. In August 1995, NGOs moved very quickly to establish the South African NGO Coalition (Sangoco). This was as a result of the Non-Profit Organisations Act 1997. Government reorganised the political environment for NGOs. They were provided with access to the fourth chamber of the National Economic Labour and Development Council, - the country's premier corporatist-style consensus-building agency, - on condition that such representation occurs through a single body. Sangoco now serves as a representative umbrella body for approximately 6,000 affiliated NGOs. Sangoco's primary role is that of advancing the interests of the poor. It is also concerned with developing an enabling environment for the NGO sector and providing an arena for mutual monitoring. Even though the Non-Profit Organisations Act opened the doors for NGOs to raise funds freely and also obtain allowances from the government, the bureaucratisation and commercialisation of NGOs made it almost impossible to access these funds, hence, most NGOs today are closing down. A literature review was conducted to determine what theory reveals about strategic marketing for profit organisations. Furthermore, how the marketing principles that are used in businesses can be implemented to ensure sustainability of non-profit organisations. The empirical study was conducted through questionnaires and interviews with the management of the NGOs. In Chapter 4 of this study findings are presented and in Chapter 5 recommendations are made. Further studies can be conducted to determine some of the areas that the NGOs can improve on, in order to run an effective and efficient non-profit organization