80 research outputs found

    Exact Solutions for M/M/c/Setup Queues

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    Recently multiserver queues with setup times have been extensively studied because they have applications in power-saving data centers. The most challenging model is the M/M/cc/Setup queue where a server is turned off when it is idle and is turned on if there are some waiting jobs. Recently, Gandhi et al.~(SIGMETRICS 2013, QUESTA 2014) present the recursive renewal reward approach as a new mathematical tool to analyze the model. In this paper, we derive exact solutions for the same model using two alternative methodologies: generating function approach and matrix analytic method. The former yields several theoretical insights into the systems while the latter provides an exact recursive algorithm to calculate the joint stationary distribution and then some performance measures so as to give new application insights.Comment: Submitted for revie

    A batch-service queueing model with a discrete batch Markovian arrival process

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    Queueing systems with batch service have been investigated extensively during the past decades. However, nearly all the studied models share the common feature that an uncorrelated arrival process is considered, which is unrealistic in several real-life situations. In this paper, we study a discrete-time queueing model, with a server that only initiates service when the amount of customers in system (system content) reaches or exceeds a threshold. Correlation is taken into account by assuming a discrete batch Markovian arrival process (D-BMAP), i.e. the distribution of the number of customer arrivals per slot depends on a background state which is determined by a first-order Markov chain. We deduce the probability generating function of the system content at random slot marks and we examine the influence of correlation in the arrival process on the behavior of the system. We show that correlation merely has a small impact on the threshold that minimizes the mean system content. In addition, we demonstrate that correlation might have a significant influence on the system content and therefore has to be included in the model

    Performance of the Gittins Policy in the G/G/1 and G/G/k, With and Without Setup Times

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    How should we schedule jobs to minimize mean queue length? In the preemptive M/G/1 queue, we know the optimal policy is the Gittins policy, which uses any available information about jobs' remaining service times to dynamically prioritize jobs. For models more complex than the M/G/1, optimal scheduling is generally intractable. This leads us to ask: beyond the M/G/1, does Gittins still perform well? Recent results indicate that Gittins performs well in the M/G/k, meaning that its additive suboptimality gap is bounded by an expression which is negligible in heavy traffic. But allowing multiple servers is just one way to extend the M/G/1, and most other extensions remain open. Does Gittins still perform well with non-Poisson arrival processes? Or if servers require setup times when transitioning from idle to busy? In this paper, we give the first analysis of the Gittins policy that can handle any combination of (a) multiple servers, (b) non-Poisson arrivals, and (c) setup times. Our results thus cover the G/G/1 and G/G/k, with and without setup times, bounding Gittins's suboptimality gap in each case. Each of (a), (b), and (c) adds a term to our bound, but all the terms are negligible in heavy traffic, thus implying Gittins's heavy-traffic optimality in all the systems we consider. Another consequence of our results is that Gittins is optimal in the M/G/1 with setup times at all loads.Comment: 41 page

    Determining milk isolated and conjugated trans-unsaturated fatty acids using Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy

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    The feasibility of Raman spectroscopy in combination with partial least-squares (PLS) regression for the determination of individual or grouped trans-monounsaturated fatty acids (trans-MUFA) and conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in milk fat is demonstrated using spectra obtained at two temperature conditions: room, temperature and after freezing at -80 degrees C. The PLS results displayed capability for direct semiroutine quantification of several individual CLA (cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 C18:2) and trans-MUFA (trans-4-15 C18:1) in minor concentrations (below 1.0 g/100 g of milk fat). Calibration models were based on reference data cross-correlation or determined by specific scattering signals in the Raman spectra. Distinct bands for trans-MUFA (1674 cm(-1)) and CLA (1653 cm(-1)) from the trans isolated and cis,trans conjugated C=C bonds were identified, as well as original evidence for the temperature effect (new bands, peak shifts, and higher intensities) on the Raman spectra of fatty acid methyl ester and triacylglyceride standards, are supplied

    The M/M/ N

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    This paper considers the M/M/N repairable queuing system. The customers' arrival is a Poisson process. The servers are subject to breakdown according to Poisson processes with different rates in idle time and busy time, respectively. The breakdown servers are repaired by repairmen, and the repair time is an exponential distribution. Using probability generating function and transform method, we obtain the steady-state probabilities of the system states, the steady-state availability of the servers, and the mean queueing length of the model

    Energy-Aware Queueing Models and Controls for Server Farms

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    Data centers are known to consume substantial amounts of energy. Together with the rising cost of energy, this has created a major concern. Server farms, being integral parts of data centers, waste energy while they are idle. Turning idle servers off may appear to eliminate this wastage. However, turning the server back on at the arrival of the next service request incurs a setup cost in the form of additional delays and energy consumption. Thus, a careful analysis is required to come up with the optimal server control policy. In this thesis, a queueing theoretic analysis of single server systems is carried out to determine optimal server control policies. Additionally, multiple server systems are also be studied through numerical methods. In this case, the task assignment policies that define how incoming requests are routed among the servers are also studied along with the control policies. The results of this study illustrate that the optimal control policy for a single server system leaves an idle server on or switches it off immediately when there is no request to serve. This is a general result that does not depend on service, setup and idling time distributions. However, in the case of multiserver systems, there is a plethora of choices for task assignment and server control policies. Our study indicates that the combination of the Join the Shortest Queue and Most Recently Busy task assignment policies can save up to 30% of the system cost if the control policy applied can wait for a specific amount of time before turning a server off. Moreover, a similar gain can be achieved by the simple Join the Shortest Queue task assignment policy when it is used along with a control policy that leaves an optimized number of servers on while switching the remaining servers off when they become idle


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the Takács Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    A Retrial Queueing Model With Thresholds and Phase Type Retrial Times

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    There is an extensive literature on retrial queueing models. While a majority of the literature on retrial queueing models focuses on the retrial times to be exponentially distributed (so as to keep the state space to be of a reasonable size), a few papers deal with nonexponential retrial times but with some additional restrictions such as constant retrial rate, only the customer at the head of the retrial queue will attempt to capture a free server, 2-state phase type distribution, and finite retrial orbit. Generally, the retrial queueing models are analyzed as level-dependent queues and hence one has to use some type of a truncation method in performing the analysis of the model. In this paper we study a retrial queueing model with threshold-type policy for orbiting customers in the context of nonexponential retrial times. Using matrix-analytic methods we analyze the model and compare with the classical retrial queueing model through a few illustrative numerical examples. We also compare numerically our threshold retrial queueing model with a previously published retrial queueing model that uses a truncation method
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