16 research outputs found

    Hybrid power control and contention window adaptation for channel congestion problem in internet of vehicles network

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    Technology such as vehicular ad hoc networks can be used to enhance the convenience and safety of passenger and drivers. The vehicular ad hoc networks safety applications suffer from performance degradation due to channel congestion in high-density situations. In order to improve vehicular ad hoc networks reliability, performance, and safety, wireless channel congestion should be examined. Features of vehicular networks such as high transmission frequency, fast topology change, high mobility, high disconnection make the congestion control is a challenging task. In this paper, a new congestion control approach is proposed based on the concept of hybrid power control and contention window to ensure a reliable and safe communications architecture within the internet of vehicles network. The proposed approach performance is investigated using an urban scenario. Simulation results show that the network performance has been enhanced by using the hybrid developed strategy in terms of received messages, delay time, messages loss, data collision and congestion ratio

    Challenges of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication. Interviews among Industry Experts

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    By 2025 every new car sold will be connected to the Internet, leading to a disruptive change of road transportation, but also resulting in diverse challenges regarding Vehicle-to-Everything Communication (V2X). Prior research has mostly focused on the technological challenges of V2X and neglects to consider environmental and organizational challenges resulting from a highly interconnected and interdependent market. We conducted 19 semi-structured interviews with experts from multiple market players to achieve a more holistic overview of what challenges implementation and diffusion of V2X are facing. Our findings reveal that V2X is perceived as a critical information infrastructure coming with several challenges that must be tackled, such as security and privacy issues, lacking trust and acceptance, and entangled and unclear responsibilities. By synthesizing major challenges, we provide recommendations for future research avenues to overcome existing challenges and enable widespread diffusion of V2X to unleash its full potentia

    Lost in the City? - A Scoping Review of 5G Enabled Location-Based Urban Scenarios

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    5G mobile network technologies and scenarios with the associated innovations receive growing interest among academics and practitioners. Current literature on 5G technologies discusses several scenarios and specific chances and challenges. However, 5G literature is fragmented and not systematically reviewed. We conducted a scoping review on 5G applications in urban scenarios. We reviewed 1,394 papers and identified 20 studies about urban logistics and emergency indoor localization. Our review accumulates current academic knowledge on these scenarios and identifies six further research directions in four research fields. It reveals several further research opportunities, e.g., regarding trust and privacy concerns. We review and discuss 5G literature for academics and practitioners, contribute towards more tailored 5G research and reflect on cost- efficient 5G applications in urban scenarios

    A Mini Review of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) for Vehicular Communication

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    In recent times, peer-to-peer (P2P) has evolved, where it leverages the capability to scale compared to server-based networks. Consequently, P2P has appeared to be the future distributed systems in emerging several applications. P2P is actually a disruptive technology for setting up applications that scale to numerous concurrent individuals. Thus, in a P2P distributed system, individuals become themselves as peers through contributing, sharing, and managing the resources in a network. In this paper, P2P for vehicular communication is explored. A comprehensive of the functioning concept of both P2P along with vehicular communication is examined. In addition, the advantages are furthermore conversed for a far better understanding on the implementation

    A Study of V2V Communication on VANET: Characteristic, Challenges and Research Trends

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    Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication is a specific type of communication on Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)  that attracts the great interest of researchers, industries, and government attention in due to its essential application to improve safety driving purposes for the next generation of vehicles. Our paper is a systematic study of V2V communication in VANET that cover the particular research issue, and trends from the recent works of literature. We begin the article with a brief V2V communication concept and the V2V application to safety purposes and non-safety purposes; then, we analyze several problems of V2V communication for VANET related to safety issues and non-safety issues. Next, we provide the trends of the V2V communication application for VANET. Finally, provide SWOT analysis as a discussion to identify opportunities and challenges of V2V communication for VANET in the future. The paper does not include a technical explanation. Still, the article describes the general perspective of VANET to the reader, especially for the beginner reader, who intends to learn about the topic

    Fastening the Initial Access in 5G NR Sidelink for 6G V2X Networks

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    The ever-increasing demand for intelligent, automated, and connected mobility solutions pushes for the development of an innovative sixth Generation (6G) of cellular networks. A radical transformation on the physical layer of vehicular communications is planned, with a paradigm shift towards beam-based millimeter Waves or sub-Terahertz communications, which require precise beam pointing for guaranteeing the communication link, especially in high mobility. A key design aspect is a fast and proactive Initial Access (IA) algorithm to select the optimal beam to be used. In this work, we investigate alternative IA techniques to fasten the current fifth-generation (5G) standard, targeting an efficient 6G design. First, we discuss cooperative position-based schemes that rely on the position information. Then, motivated by the intuition of a non-uniform distribution of the communication directions due to road topology constraints, we design two Probabilistic Codebook (PCB) techniques of prioritized beams. In the first one, the PCBs are built leveraging past collected traffic information, while in the second one, we use the Hough Transform over the digital map to extract dominant road directions. We also show that the information coming from the angular probability distribution allows designing non-uniform codebook quantization, reducing the degradation of the performances compared to uniform one. Numerical simulation on realistic scenarios shows that PCBs-based beam selection outperforms the 5G standard in terms of the number of IA trials, with a performance comparable to position-based methods, without requiring the signaling of sensitive information

    Mapping the Applications of Vehicular Communications in the Context of Smart Maritime Ports

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    The maritime transport networks play a critical and major role in an increasingly globalized world economy. Within these networks, the maritime ports play the role of hubs. Any disturbances in these hubs will negatively affect the worldwide economy. Therefore, economy players are transforming the ports through an evolutionary process to become smart maritime ports. These smart ports are built through an ensemble of smart domains that adopt sensing, data transmission, and data intelligence to support intelligent decision-making processes. Examples of such smart domains include smart grid/microgrids, smart container management, and smart/automatized terminal operations. In each of these domains, optimal decisions must be met to optimize the use of resources, increase the economy efficiency of the ports, and increase the safety and security for assets, goods, and people. In smart maritime port environment, vehicular applications are adopted everywhere, such as automated guided vehicles to transport containers, unmanned aerial vehicles for different port operations, etc. In this work, we discuss some concrete examples of these vehicular applications in the smart port environment and suggest the adequate and optimal vehicular communication technologies to be deployed to support a reliable data transmission for these applications