4,502 research outputs found

    Multi-scale friction modeling for manufacturing processes: The boundary layer regime

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    This paper presents a multi-scale friction model for largescale forming simulations. A friction framework has been developed including the effect of surface changes due to normal loading and straining the underlying bulk material. A fast and efficient translation from micro to macro modeling, based on stochastic methods, is incorporated to reduce the computational effort. Adhesion and ploughing effects have been accounted for to characterize friction conditions on the micro scale. A discrete model has been adopted which accounts for the formation of contact patches ploughing through the contacting material. To simulate metal forming processes a coupling has been made with an implicit Finite Element code. Simulations on a typical metal formed product shows a distribution of friction values. The modest increase in simulation time, compared to a standard Coulomb-based FE simulation, proves the numerical feasibility of the proposed method

    An Annular Plate Model in Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian Description for the DLR FlexibleBodies Library

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    The bending deformation of rotating annular plates and the associated vibration behaviour is important in engineering applications which range from automotive or railway brake systems to discs that form essential components in turbomachinery. In order to extend the capabilities of the DLR FlexibleBodies library for such use cases, a new Modelica class has been implemented which is based on the analytical description of an annular Kirchhoff plate. In addition the so-called Arbitray Langrangian-Eulerian (ALE) representation has been adopted so that rotating and non-rotating external loads may be applied conventiently to rotating plates. Besides these particularities the new class AnnularPlate completely corresponds to the concept of FlexibleBodies library with the two already available model classes Beam and ModalBody. This paper gives an overview on the theoretical background of the new class AnnularPlate, explains the usage and presents application examples

    Numerical model for material parameter identification of cells

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    Bacteria have a complex external layer that render them with an increased stiffness and more resistant to external invasion. The works aims to model the squeezing of a bacteria between two walls, and deduce the composition of bacterial external layer from the observed deformations. A FE based model will be developed for inferring the stiffness of baceria, solving an inverse problem from the applied loading and measured displacements. The results will be applied to laboraotry experiments carried out at Institu of Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC)

    Analytical approximation of a distorted reflector surface defined by a discrete set of points

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    Reflector antennas on Earth orbiting spacecrafts generally cannot be described analytically. The reflector surface is subjected to a large temperature fluctuation and gradients, and is thus warped from its true geometrical shape. Aside from distortion by thermal stresses, reflector surfaces are often purposely shaped to minimize phase aberrations and scanning losses. To analyze distorted reflector antennas defined by discrete surface points, a numerical technique must be applied to compute an interpolatory surface passing through a grid of discrete points. In this paper, the distorted reflector surface points are approximated by two analytical components: an undistorted surface component and a surface error component. The undistorted surface component is a best fit paraboloid polynomial for the given set of points and the surface error component is a Fourier series expansion of the deviation of the actual surface points, from the best fit paraboloid. By applying the numerical technique to approximate the surface normals of the distorted reflector surface, the induced surface current can be obtained using physical optics technique. These surface currents are integrated to find the far field radiation pattern

    Fast generation of 3D deformable moving surfaces

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    Dynamic surface modeling is an important subject of geometric modeling due to their extensive applications in engineering design, entertainment and medical visualization. Many deformable objects in the real world are dynamic objects as their shapes change over time. Traditional geometric modeling methods are mainly concerned with static problems, therefore unsuitable for the representation of dynamic objects. Apart from the definition of a dynamic modeling problem, another key issue is how to solve the problem. Because of the complexity of the representations, currently the finite element method or finite difference method is usually used. Their major shortcoming is the excessive computational cost, hence not ideal for applications requiring real-time performance. We propose a representation of dynamic surface modeling with a set of fourth order dynamic partial differential equations (PDEs). To solve these dynamic PDEs accurately and efficiently, we also develop an effective resolution method. This method is further extended to achieve local deformation and produce n-sided patches. It is demonstrated that this new method is almost as fast and accurate as the analytical closed form resolution method and much more efficient and accurate than the numerical methods

    A survey of partial differential equations in geometric design

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    YesComputer aided geometric design is an area where the improvement of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. Traditional methods for generating surfaces were initially mainly based upon interpolation algorithms. Recently, partial differential equations (PDE) were introduced as a valuable tool for geometric modelling since they offer a number of features from which these areas can benefit. This work summarises the uses given to PDE surfaces as a surface generation technique togethe

    Isogeometric shell analysis of incremental sheet forming

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    Isogeometric Analysis of Metal Seals

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