268 research outputs found

    Evolution Strategies for Learning Sparse Matrix Representations of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    Currently, a massive amount of temporal gene expression data is available to researchers, which makes it possible to infer Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs). Gene regulatory networks are theoretical models to represent excitatory and inhibitory interactions between genes. GRNs are useful in understanding how genes function, and hence they are also useful in pharmaceutical and other applications in biology and medicine. However, despite the importance of GRNs, the process of inferring GRNs from observational data is very difficult. This thesis applies evolutionary algorithms to the problem of GRN inference. We propose a novel evolutionary algorithm: hierarchical evolution strategy (HES) to target the specific difficulties in GRN inference. We propose a sparse matrix representation of GRN to account for sparse connectivity in biological gene interactions. Unlike traditional evolution strategies, we divide our optimization into two concurrent processes: connectivity construction and numerical optimization. In each generation, we first establish connectivity structure of the GRN. Inside the same generation, we apply a secondary ES to find the best numerical values with those fixed connections. We also propose a hybrid crowding method to maintain high population diversity while applying the evolutionary algorithms. High population diversity leads to broader exploration area in the search space, therefore preventing premature convergence. The results obtained show that the proposed HES outperforms other algorithms, and has the potential to scale up to realistic problems with thousands of genes

    Design of new algorithms for gene network reconstruction applied to in silico modeling of biomedical data

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    Programa de Doctorado en Biotecnología, Ingeniería y Tecnología QuímicaLínea de Investigación: Ingeniería, Ciencia de Datos y BioinformáticaClave Programa: DBICódigo Línea: 111The root causes of disease are still poorly understood. The success of current therapies is limited because persistent diseases are frequently treated based on their symptoms rather than the underlying cause of the disease. Therefore, biomedical research is experiencing a technology-driven shift to data-driven holistic approaches to better characterize the molecular mechanisms causing disease. Using omics data as an input, emerging disciplines like network biology attempt to model the relationships between biomolecules. To this effect, gene co- expression networks arise as a promising tool for deciphering the relationships between genes in large transcriptomic datasets. However, because of their low specificity and high false positive rate, they demonstrate a limited capacity to retrieve the disrupted mechanisms that lead to disease onset, progression, and maintenance. Within the context of statistical modeling, we dove deeper into the reconstruction of gene co-expression networks with the specific goal of discovering disease-specific features directly from expression data. Using ensemble techniques, which combine the results of various metrics, we were able to more precisely capture biologically significant relationships between genes. We were able to find de novo potential disease-specific features with the help of prior biological knowledge and the development of new network inference techniques. Through our different approaches, we analyzed large gene sets across multiple samples and used gene expression as a surrogate marker for the inherent biological processes, reconstructing robust gene co-expression networks that are simple to explore. By mining disease-specific gene co-expression networks we come up with a useful framework for identifying new omics-phenotype associations from conditional expression datasets.In this sense, understanding diseases from the perspective of biological network perturbations will improve personalized medicine, impacting rational biomarker discovery, patient stratification and drug design, and ultimately leading to more targeted therapies.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Deporte e Informátic

    Innovative Algorithms and Evaluation Methods for Biological Motif Finding

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    Biological motifs are defined as overly recurring sub-patterns in biological systems. Sequence motifs and network motifs are the examples of biological motifs. Due to the wide range of applications, many algorithms and computational tools have been developed for efficient search for biological motifs. Therefore, there are more computationally derived motifs than experimentally validated motifs, and how to validate the biological significance of the ‘candidate motifs’ becomes an important question. Some of sequence motifs are verified by their structural similarities or their functional roles in DNA or protein sequences, and stored in databases. However, biological role of network motifs is still invalidated and currently no databases exist for this purpose. In this thesis, we focus not only on the computational efficiency but also on the biological meanings of the motifs. We provide an efficient way to incorporate biological information with clustering analysis methods: For example, a sparse nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) method is used with Chou-Fasman parameters for the protein motif finding. Biological network motifs are searched by various clustering algorithms with Gene ontology (GO) information. Experimental results show that the algorithms perform better than existing algorithms by producing a larger number of high-quality of biological motifs. In addition, we apply biological network motifs for the discovery of essential proteins. Essential proteins are defined as a minimum set of proteins which are vital for development to a fertile adult and in a cellular life in an organism. We design a new centrality algorithm with biological network motifs, named MCGO, and score proteins in a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network to find essential proteins. MCGO is also combined with other centrality measures to predict essential proteins using machine learning techniques. We have three contributions to the study of biological motifs through this thesis; 1) Clustering analysis is efficiently used in this work and biological information is easily integrated with the analysis; 2) We focus more on the biological meanings of motifs by adding biological knowledge in the algorithms and by suggesting biologically related evaluation methods. 3) Biological network motifs are successfully applied to a practical application of prediction of essential proteins

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Current Challenges in Modeling Cellular Metabolism

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    Mathematical and computational models play an essential role in understanding the cellular metabolism. They are used as platforms to integrate current knowledge on a biological system and to systematically test and predict the effect of manipulations to such systems. The recent advances in genome sequencing techniques have facilitated the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks for a wide variety of organisms from microbes to human cells. These models have been successfully used in multiple biotechnological applications. Despite these advancements, modeling cellular metabolism still presents many challenges. The aim of this Research Topic is not only to expose and consolidate the state-of-the-art in metabolic modeling approaches, but also to push this frontier beyond the current edge through the introduction of innovative solutions. The articles presented in this e-book address some of the main challenges in the field, including the integration of different modeling formalisms, the integration of heterogeneous data sources into metabolic models, explicit representation of other biological processes during phenotype simulation, and standardization efforts in the representation of metabolic models and simulation results

    Integrative Modeling of Transcriptional Regulation in Response to Autoimmune Desease Therapies

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    Die rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) und die Multiple Sklerose (MS) werden allgemein als Autoimmunkrankheiten eingestuft. Zur Behandlung dieser Krankheiten werden immunmodulatorische Medikamente eingesetzt, etwa TNF-alpha-Blocker (z.B. Etanercept) im Falle der RA und IFN-beta-Präparate (z.B. Betaferon und Avonex) im Falle der MS. Bis heute sind die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Therapien weitestgehend unbekannt. Zudem ist ihre Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit bei einigen Patienten unzureichend. In dieser Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Antwort im Blut von Patienten auf jede dieser drei Therapien untersucht, um die Wirkungsweise dieser Medikamente besser zu verstehen. Dabei wurden Methoden der Netzwerkinferenz eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel, die genregulatorischen Netzwerke (GRNs) der in ihrer Expression veränderten Gene zu rekonstruieren. Ausgangspunkt dieser Analysen war jeweils ein Genexpressions- Datensatz. Daraus wurden zunächst Gene gefiltert, die nach Therapiebeginn hoch- oder herunterreguliert sind. Anschließend wurden die genregulatorischen Regionen dieser Gene auf Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen (TFBS) analysiert. Um schließlich GRN-Modelle abzuleiten, wurde ein neuer Netzwerkinferenz-Algorithmus (TILAR) verwendet. TILAR unterscheidet zwischen Genen und TF und beschreibt die regulatorischen Effekte zwischen diesen durch ein lineares Gleichungssystem. TILAR erlaubt dabei Vorwissen über Gen-TF- und TF-Gen-Interaktionen einzubeziehen. Im Ergebnis wurden komplexe Netzwerkstrukturen rekonstruiert, welche die regulatorischen Beziehungen zwischen den Genen beschreiben, die im Verlauf der Therapien differentiell exprimiert sind. Für die Etanercept-Therapie wurde ein Teilnetz gefunden, das Gene enthält, die niedrigere Expressionslevel bei RA-Patienten zeigen, die sehr gut auf das Medikament ansprechen. Die Analyse von GRNs kann somit zu einem besseren Verständnis Therapie-assoziierter Prozesse beitragen und transkriptionelle Unterschiede zwischen Patienten aufzeigen

    Analysis of large-scale molecular biological data using self-organizing maps

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    Modern high-throughput technologies such as microarrays, next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry provide huge amounts of data per measurement and challenge traditional analyses. New strategies of data processing, visualization and functional analysis are inevitable. This thesis presents an approach which applies a machine learning technique known as self organizing maps (SOMs). SOMs enable the parallel sample- and feature-centered view of molecular phenotypes combined with strong visualization and second-level analysis capabilities. We developed a comprehensive analysis and visualization pipeline based on SOMs. The unsupervised SOM mapping projects the initially high number of features, such as gene expression profiles, to meta-feature clusters of similar and hence potentially co-regulated single features. This reduction of dimension is attained by the re-weighting of primary information and does not entail a loss of primary information in contrast to simple filtering approaches. The meta-data provided by the SOM algorithm is visualized in terms of intuitive mosaic portraits. Sample-specific and common properties shared between samples emerge as a handful of localized spots in the portraits collecting groups of co-regulated and co-expressed meta-features. This characteristic color patterns reflect the data landscape of each sample and promote immediate identification of (meta-)features of interest. It will be demonstrated that SOM portraits transform large and heterogeneous sets of molecular biological data into an atlas of sample-specific texture maps which can be directly compared in terms of similarities and dissimilarities. Spot-clusters of correlated meta-features can be extracted from the SOM portraits in a subsequent step of aggregation. This spot-clustering effectively enables reduction of the dimensionality of the data in two subsequent steps towards a handful of signature modules in an unsupervised fashion. Furthermore we demonstrate that analysis techniques provide enhanced resolution if applied to the meta-features. The improved discrimination power of meta-features in downstream analyses such as hierarchical clustering, independent component analysis or pairwise correlation analysis is ascribed to essentially two facts: Firstly, the set of meta-features better represents the diversity of patterns and modes inherent in the data and secondly, it also possesses the better signal-to-noise characteristics as a comparable collection of single features. Additionally to the pattern-driven feature selection in the SOM portraits, we apply statistical measures to detect significantly differential features between sample classes. Implementation of scoring measurements supplements the basal SOM algorithm. Further, two variants of functional enrichment analyses are introduced which link sample specific patterns of the meta-feature landscape with biological knowledge and support functional interpretation of the data based on the ‘guilt by association’ principle. Finally, case studies selected from different ‘OMIC’ realms are presented in this thesis. In particular, molecular phenotype data derived from expression microarrays (mRNA, miRNA), sequencing (DNA methylation, histone modification patterns) or mass spectrometry (proteome), and also genotype data (SNP-microarrays) is analyzed. It is shown that the SOM analysis pipeline implies strong application capabilities and covers a broad range of potential purposes ranging from time series and treatment-vs.-control experiments to discrimination of samples according to genotypic, phenotypic or taxonomic classifications
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