4,418 research outputs found

    Medical image computing and computer-aided medical interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in urology

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    Until recently, Computer-Aided Medical Interventions (CAMI) and Medical Robotics have focused on rigid and non deformable anatomical structures. Nowadays, special attention is paid to soft tissues, raising complex issues due to their mobility and deformation. Mini-invasive digestive surgery was probably one of the first fields where soft tissues were handled through the development of simulators, tracking of anatomical structures and specific assistance robots. However, other clinical domains, for instance urology, are concerned. Indeed, laparoscopic surgery, new tumour destruction techniques (e.g. HIFU, radiofrequency, or cryoablation), increasingly early detection of cancer, and use of interventional and diagnostic imaging modalities, recently opened new challenges to the urologist and scientists involved in CAMI. This resulted in the last five years in a very significant increase of research and developments of computer-aided urology systems. In this paper, we propose a description of the main problems related to computer-aided diagnostic and therapy of soft tissues and give a survey of the different types of assistance offered to the urologist: robotization, image fusion, surgical navigation. Both research projects and operational industrial systems are discussed

    An open environment CT-US fusion for tissue segmentation during interventional guidance.

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    Therapeutic ultrasound (US) can be noninvasively focused to activate drugs, ablate tumors and deliver drugs beyond the blood brain barrier. However, well-controlled guidance of US therapy requires fusion with a navigational modality, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-ray computed tomography (CT). Here, we developed and validated tissue characterization using a fusion between US and CT. The performance of the CT/US fusion was quantified by the calibration error, target registration error and fiducial registration error. Met-1 tumors in the fat pads of 12 female FVB mice provided a model of developing breast cancer with which to evaluate CT-based tissue segmentation. Hounsfield units (HU) within the tumor and surrounding fat pad were quantified, validated with histology and segmented for parametric analysis (fat: -300 to 0 HU, protein-rich: 1 to 300 HU, and bone: HU>300). Our open source CT/US fusion system differentiated soft tissue, bone and fat with a spatial accuracy of ∼1 mm. Region of interest (ROI) analysis of the tumor and surrounding fat pad using a 1 mm(2) ROI resulted in mean HU of 68±44 within the tumor and -97±52 within the fat pad adjacent to the tumor (p<0.005). The tumor area measured by CT and histology was correlated (r(2) = 0.92), while the area designated as fat decreased with increasing tumor size (r(2) = 0.51). Analysis of CT and histology images of the tumor and surrounding fat pad revealed an average percentage of fat of 65.3% vs. 75.2%, 36.5% vs. 48.4%, and 31.6% vs. 38.5% for tumors <75 mm(3), 75-150 mm(3) and >150 mm(3), respectively. Further, CT mapped bone-soft tissue interfaces near the acoustic beam during real-time imaging. Combined CT/US is a feasible method for guiding interventions by tracking the acoustic focus within a pre-acquired CT image volume and characterizing tissues proximal to and surrounding the acoustic focus

    Electromagnetic Tracking for Medical Imaging

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    This thesis explores the novel use of a wireless electromagnetic: EM) tracking device in a Computed Tomography: CT) environment. The sources of electromagnetic interference inside a Philips Brilliant Big Bore CT scanner are analyzed. A research version of the Calypso wireless tracking system was set up inside the CT suite, and a set of three Beacon transponders was bonded to a plastic fixture. The tracking system was tested under different working parameters including orientation of tracking beacons, the gain level of the frontend amplifier, the distance between the transponders and the sensor array, the rotation speed of the CT gantry, and the presence/absence of the CT X-ray source. The performance of the tracking system reveals two obvious factors which bring in electromagnetic interference: 1) metal like effect brought in by carbon fiber patient couch and 2) electromagnetic disturbance due to spinning metal inside the CT gantry. The accuracy requirements for electromagnetic tracking in the CT environment are a Root Mean Square: RMS) error of \u3c2 mm in stationary position tracking. Within a working volume of 120×120×120 mm3 centered 200 mm below the sensor array, the tracking system achieves the desired clinical goal

    Exploiting Temporal Image Information in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive procedures rely on medical imaging instead of the surgeons direct vision. While preoperative images can be used for surgical planning and navigation, once the surgeon arrives at the target site real-time intraoperative imaging is needed. However, acquiring and interpreting these images can be challenging and much of the rich temporal information present in these images is not visible. The goal of this thesis is to improve image guidance for minimally invasive surgery in two main areas. First, by showing how high-quality ultrasound video can be obtained by integrating an ultrasound transducer directly into delivery devices for beating heart valve surgery. Secondly, by extracting hidden temporal information through video processing methods to help the surgeon localize important anatomical structures. Prototypes of delivery tools, with integrated ultrasound imaging, were developed for both transcatheter aortic valve implantation and mitral valve repair. These tools provided an on-site view that shows the tool-tissue interactions during valve repair. Additionally, augmented reality environments were used to add more anatomical context that aids in navigation and in interpreting the on-site video. Other procedures can be improved by extracting hidden temporal information from the intraoperative video. In ultrasound guided epidural injections, dural pulsation provides a cue in finding a clear trajectory to the epidural space. By processing the video using extended Kalman filtering, subtle pulsations were automatically detected and visualized in real-time. A statistical framework for analyzing periodicity was developed based on dynamic linear modelling. In addition to detecting dural pulsation in lumbar spine ultrasound, this approach was used to image tissue perfusion in natural video and generate ventilation maps from free-breathing magnetic resonance imaging. A second statistical method, based on spectral analysis of pixel intensity values, allowed blood flow to be detected directly from high-frequency B-mode ultrasound video. Finally, pulsatile cues in endoscopic video were enhanced through Eulerian video magnification to help localize critical vasculature. This approach shows particular promise in identifying the basilar artery in endoscopic third ventriculostomy and the prostatic artery in nerve-sparing prostatectomy. A real-time implementation was developed which processed full-resolution stereoscopic video on the da Vinci Surgical System

    Dynamic Image Processing for Guidance of Off-pump Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair

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    Compared to conventional open heart procedures, minimally invasive off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair aims to deliver equivalent treatment for mitral regurgitation with reduced trauma and side effects. However, minimally invasive approaches are often limited by the lack of a direct view to surgical targets and/or tools, a challenge that is compounded by potential movement of the target during the cardiac cycle. For this reason, sophisticated image guidance systems are required in achieving procedural efficiency and therapeutic success. The development of such guidance systems is associated with many challenges. For example, the system should be able to provide high quality visualization of both cardiac anatomy and motion, as well as augmenting it with virtual models of tracked tools and targets. It should have the capability of integrating pre-operative images to the intra-operative scenario through registration techniques. The computation speed must be sufficiently fast to capture the rapid cardiac motion. Meanwhile, the system should be cost effective and easily integrated into standard clinical workflow. This thesis develops image processing techniques to address these challenges, aiming to achieve a safe and efficient guidance system for off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair. These techniques can be divided into two categories, using 3D and 2D image data respectively. When 3D images are accessible, a rapid multi-modal registration approach is proposed to link the pre-operative CT images to the intra-operative ultrasound images. The ultrasound images are used to display the real time cardiac motion, enhanced by CT data serving as high quality 3D context with annotated features. I also developed a method to generate synthetic dynamic CT images, aiming to replace real dynamic CT data in such a guidance system to reduce the radiation dose applied to the patients. When only 2D images are available, an approach is developed to track the feature of interest, i.e. the mitral annulus, based on bi-plane ultrasound images and a magnetic tracking system. The concept of modern GPU-based parallel computing is employed in most of these approaches to accelerate the computation in order to capture the rapid cardiac motion with desired accuracy. Validation experiments were performed on phantom, animal and human data. The overall accuracy of registration and feature tracking with respect to the mitral annulus was about 2-3mm with computation time of 60-400ms per frame, sufficient for one update per cardiac cycle. It was also demonstrated in the results that the synthetic CT images can provide very similar anatomical representations and registration accuracy compared to that of the real dynamic CT images. These results suggest that the approaches developed in the thesis have good potential for a safer and more effective guidance system for off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair

    Bengala de apoio a cegos

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    The biggest struggle that visually impaired and blind people face on their daily basis is the ability to navigate outdoors independently and safely. In order to make the necessary deviations while maintaining the desired course, it is necessary that visually impaired travellers are capable of correctly detect possible hazards or obstacles. Even though the traditional mobility aids such as the guide dog and the white cane have proven to be valuable and effective tools in many mobility tasks, there are still situations where these means are not effective. Therefore, in the last decades, there has been a great investment in the research and development of electronic travel aids. At the University of Aveiro in the years of 2008 and 2009, were also developed two electronic canes which used ultrasounds to detect holes, drop-offs, and steps. However, in both prototypes, it was detected the presence of acoustic coupling of the signal between the emitter and receiver transducers which reduced drastically the efficiency of both devices. Thus, in this master thesis, it is proposed a solution to this issue using 3D printing also known as additive manufacturing. This technology has been growing exponentially in the last years and gaining prominence in several sectors such as industry, engineering, and medicine. In this specific case, it will be utilized to produced several prototypes of supports for the ultrasonic transducers in order to minimize the acoustic coupling.A maior dificuldade que as pessoas cegas e com deficiência visual enfrentam no seu dia-a-dia é serem capazes de se movimentarem de forma independente e segura no exterior. Por forma a serem efetuados os desvios necessários mantendo o trajecto desejado, é necessário que estas consigam detetar correctamente possíveis perigos ou obstáculos. Embora os dispositivos auxiliares de mobilidade tradicionais, como o cão guia e a bengala branca, tenham demonstrado ser ferramentas valiosas e eficazes em diversas situações, ainda existem casos em que estes meios não são eficazes. Por este motivo, durante as últimas décadas tem havido um grande investimento na pesquisa e desenvolvimento de dispositivos auxiliares de mobilidade eletrónicos. Na Universidade de Aveiro nos anos de 2008 e 2009 foram também desenvolvidas duas bengalas eletrónicas que utilizavam ultra-sons para detetar buracos, desníveis e escadas. No entanto, em ambos os protótipos foi detetada a existência de acoplamento acústico de sinal entre o transdutor emissor e o transdutor receptor, o que reduzia drasticamente a eficácia de ambos os dispositivos. Nesta dissertação propõe-se uma solução para este problema usando a impressão 3D também conhecida como manufatura aditiva. Esta tecnologia tem vindo a crescer exponencialmente nos últimos anos e ganhando maior destaque em diversos setores nomeadamente na indústria, engenharia e medicina. Neste caso em específico foi usada para produzir vários protótipos de suportes para os transdutores de ultra-sons por forma a minimizar-se ao máximo o acoplamento acústico.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Modular framework for a breast biopsy smart navigation system

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringBreast cancer is currently one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers and the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Its treatment has a higher survivorship rate when diagnosed in the disease’s early stages. The screening procedure uses medical imaging techniques, such as mammography or ultrasound, to discover possible lesions. When a physician finds a lesion that is likely to be malignant, a biopsy is performed to obtain a sample and determine its characteristics. Currently, real-time ultrasound is the preferred medical imaging modality to perform this procedure. The breast biopsy procedure is highly reliant on the operator’s skill and experience, due to the difficulty in interpreting ultrasound images and correctly aiming the needle. Robotic solutions, and the usage of automatic lesion segmentation in ultrasound imaging along with advanced visualization techniques, such as augmented reality, can potentially make this process simpler, safer, and faster. The OncoNavigator project, in which this dissertation integrates, aims to improve the precision of the current breast cancer interventions. To accomplish this objective various medical training and robotic biopsy aid were developed. An augmented reality ultrasound training solution was created and the device’s tracking capabilities were validated by comparing it with an electromagnetic tracking device. Another solution for ultrasound-guided breast biopsy assisted with augmented reality was developed. This solution displays real-time ultrasound video, automatic lesion segmentation, and biopsy needle trajectory display in the user’s field of view. The validation of this solution was made by comparing its usability with the traditional procedure. A modular software framework was also developed that focuses on the integration of a collaborative medical robot with real-time ultrasound imaging and automatic lesion segmentation. Overall, the developed solutions offered good results. The augmented reality glasses tracking capabilities proved to be as capable as the electromagnetic system, and the augmented reality assisted breast biopsy proved to make the procedure more accurate and precise than the traditional system.O cancro da mama é, atualmente, um dos tipos de cancro mais comuns a serem diagnosticados e a quinta principal causa de mortes relacionadas ao cancro. O seu tratamento tem maior taxa de sobrevivência quando é diagnosticado nas fases iniciais da doença. O procedimento de triagem utiliza técnicas de imagem médica, como mamografia ou ultrassom, para descobrir possíveis lesões. Quando um médico encontra uma lesão com probabilidade de ser maligna, é realizada uma biópsia para obter uma amostra e determinar as suas características. O ultrassom em tempo real é a modalidade de imagem médica preferida para realizar esse procedimento. A biópsia mamária depende da habilidade e experiência do operador, devido à dificuldade de interpretação das imagens ultrassonográficas e ao direcionamento correto da agulha. Soluções robóticas, com o uso de segmentação automática de lesões em imagens de ultrassom, juntamente com técnicas avançadas de visualização, nomeadamente realidade aumentada, podem tornar esse processo mais simples, seguro e rápido. O projeto OncoNavigator, que esta dissertação integra, visa melhorar a precisão das atuais intervenções ao cancro da mama. Para atingir este objetivo, vários ajudas para treino médico e auxílio à biópsia por meio robótico foram desenvolvidas. Uma solução de treino de ultrassom com realidade aumentada foi criada e os recursos de rastreio do dispositivo foram validados comparando-os com um dispositivo eletromagnético. Outra solução para biópsia de mama guiada por ultrassom assistida com realidade aumentada foi desenvolvida. Esta solução exibe vídeo de ultrassom em tempo real, segmentação automática de lesões e exibição da trajetória da agulha de biópsia no campo de visão do utilizador. A validação desta solução foi feita comparando a sua usabilidade com o procedimento tradicional. Também foi desenvolvida uma estrutura de software modular que se concentra na integração de um robô médico colaborativo com imagens de ultrassom em tempo real e segmentação automática de lesões. Os recursos de rastreio dos óculos de realidade aumentada mostraram-se tão capazes quanto o sistema eletromagnético, e a biópsia de mama assistida por realidade aumentada provou tornar o procedimento mais exato e preciso do que o sistema tradicional

    Advancements and Breakthroughs in Ultrasound Imaging

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    Ultrasonic imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool available to medical practitioners, engineers and researchers today. Due to the relative safety, and the non-invasive nature, ultrasonic imaging has become one of the most rapidly advancing technologies. These rapid advances are directly related to the parallel advancements in electronics, computing, and transducer technology together with sophisticated signal processing techniques. This book focuses on state of the art developments in ultrasonic imaging applications and underlying technologies presented by leading practitioners and researchers from many parts of the world
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