18 research outputs found

    Exploring universal icon design for international travel apps

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    Travel apps are common information sources for people researching travel destinations. There is an array of city travel apps available to foreign visitors that are specific to large metropolitan areas. English is the international language typically used for these travel apps; however, there are many travelers for whom English is not their native language and their ability to understand English is limited. To address this language barrier and to allow for better accessibility to application functions, the design of the icons on the travel apps should be readily recognized and understood on a universal level. They need to speak to international travelers who represent a variety of languages and cultural backgrounds by being more easily recognized and acceptable worldwide, and ultimately useful in mitigating cultural barriers and misunderstanding. In the process of preparing this creative component, a wide variety of icon designs varying in both visual and communication style were investigated and consult with a range of international friends to help determine the designs that might communicate most universally. Also, this creative component contains the research of icon design elements used by existing popular travel apps representing various countries

    Doodle Health: A Crowdsourcing Game for the Co-design and Testing of Pictographs to Reduce Disparities in Healthcare Communication

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    Supplementing patient education content with pictographs can improve the comprehension and recall of information, especially patients with low health literacy. Pictograph design and testing, however, are costly and time consuming. We created a Web-based game, Doodle Health, for crowdsourcing the drawing and validation of pictographs. The objective of this pilot study was to test the usability of the game and its appeal to healthcare consumers. The chief purpose of the game is to involve a diverse population in the co-design and evaluation of pictographs. We conducted a community-based focus group to inform the game design. Game designers, health sciences librarians, informatics researchers, clinicians, and community members participated in two Design Box meetings. The results of the meetings were used to create the Doodle Health crowdsourcing game. The game was presented and tested at two public fairs. Initial testing indicates crowdsourcing is a promising approach to pictograph development and testing for relevancy and comprehension. Over 596 drawings were collected and 1,758 guesses were performed to date with 70-90% accuracies, which are satisfactorily high

    Uso de Pictograma en paciente con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en odontología. Relato de caso

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    El autismo es una condición que hace parte de los Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo (TGD). Se caracteriza por el deterioro de la capacidad de comunicación e interacción social, dificultades motrices, comportamientos repetitivos y déficit cognitivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue generar métodos de sensibilización en un paciente con autismo utilizando pictogramas para lograr la adaptación a la atención odontológica. Paciente de sexo femenino de 15 años de edad, diagnosticada con Trastorno del Espectro Autista, acudió a la clínica odontológica de la Universidad Autónoma de Asunción en la cátedra de Odontopediatría II. En la primera consulta, se realizó la historia clínica médica-odontológica, la observación de la conducta y evaluación oral para realizar un plan de tratamiento, de acuerdo al cual se elaboró un esquema de lo que sería la primera cita odontológica. Se confeccionó un pictograma para realizar una sensibilización progresiva y anticipada de su atención odontológica. En la segunda sesión, el odontólogo mostró a la paciente el pictograma y explicó cada procedimiento que se realizará. La paciente miró atentamente las imágenes y el odontólogo realizó la explicación breve de la secuencia del pictograma. En la tercera sesión, se repitió nuevamente la demostración del pictograma, pero de la técnica de cepillado, de esta manera se motivó a la paciente a realizar el cepillado y así obtener una disminución del nivel de placa. La utilización del pictograma fue satisfactoria para el abordaje odontológico de la paciente, ya que estaba motivada y alegre a la hora de observar las imágenes

    Using Game Engines to Design Digital Workshops for AI Legibility

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    Like many researchers responding to the pandemic, we have had to adapt design practices traditionally done face-to-face to online experiences. While online services provide adequate support for communication and sharing, they do not readily support the physical tools designed for workshop activities. This paper presents our experience of turning a face-to-face workshop into a digital experience that sustained the primary research goals relating to AI legibility and took advantage of the online world, rather than merely adapting to it, by utilising the game engine Godot. This paper explores the theoretical scaffolding that led to the creation of the workshops, which explore AI legibility through iconography and the transition of the workshop experience from face-to-face to online. The workshop’s conception followed the original approach of Research through Design and allowed participants to fully engage with our research during the pandemic

    Lisbon Symbol Database (LSD): subjective norms for 600 symbols

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    This article presents subjective rating norms for a new set of 600 symbols, depicting various contents (e.g., transportation, technology, and leisure activities) that can be used by researchers in different fields. Symbols were evaluated for aesthetic appeal, familiarity, visual complexity, concreteness, valence, arousal, and meaningfulness. The normative data were obtained from 388 participants, and no gender differences were found. Descriptive results (means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals) for each symbol in each dimension are presented. Overall, the dimensions were highly correlated. Additionally, participants were asked to briefly describe the meaning of each symbol. The results indicate that the present symbol set is varied, allowing for the selection of exemplars with different levels on the seven examined dimensions. This set of symbols constitutes a tool with potential for research in different areas. The database with all of the symbols is available as supplemental materials.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Los emojis del 8M : su uso en Twitter durante las movilizaciones feministas de 2019

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    Los emojis se han convertido en un elemento prototípico de la comunicación digital y han atraído considerable atención académica en los últimos años, pero su uso coincidiendo con eventos específicos no ha sido analizado sistemáticamente. El presente trabajo explora el uso de los emojis en Twitter en ocasión de las manifestaciones y huelgas convocadas en España el 8 de marzo (8M), Día Internacional de la Mujer, analizando un corpus de más de medio millón de tuits publicados del 4 al 9 de marzo de 2019.Los resultados muestran que el uso que se hace en Twitter de estos pictogramas alrededor del 8M es bastante diferente del uso general en la red social. Además de no aparecer las reconocidas caritas amarillas, que suelen predominar en Twitter, el emoji más utilizado en el corpus es el corazón de color violeta, que se está convirtiendo en símbolo del ciberactivismo feminista en España. Los emojis que representan gestos o bien se relacionan con la iconografía de la protesta (como el puño en alto) o son simplemente gestos deícticos que enfatizan visualmente enlaces y adjuntos. Se vislumbran incluso patrones en el uso de los emojis que dependen de la ideología, como el uso de la bandera española, prerrogativa del partido Vox y sus simpatizantes. En general, este trabajo muestra que los emojis se usan de forma altamente simbólica en situaciones de relevancia social, convirtiéndose en un instrumento para el discurso feminista en internet

    IconHK: Using Toolbar Button Icons to Communicate Keyboard Shortcuts

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    International audienceWe propose a novel perspective on the design of toolbar buttons that aims to increase keyboard shortcut accessibility. IconHK implements this perspective by blending visual cues that convey keyboard shortcut information into toolbar buttons without denaturing the pictorial representation of their command. We introduce three design strategies to embed the hotkey, a visual encoding to convey the modifiers, and a magnification factor that determines the blending ratio between the pictogram of the button and the visual representation of the keyboard shortcut. Two studies examine the benefits of IconHK for end-users and provide insights from professional designers on the practicality of our approach for creating iconsets. Building on these insights, we develop a tool to assist designers in applying the IconHK design principle

    Dizajn vizualnih scena u potpomognutoj komunikaciji

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    Diplomski rad prikazuje proces dizajna vizualnih scena u području potpomognute komunikacije. Cilj rada je izrada ilustracija vizualnih scena i njihova primjena u Multi-sklad aplikaciji socijalne priče. U prvom djelu diplomskog rada daje se povijesni pregled razvoja područja potpomognute komunikacije, definiraju se osobe sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama, te se prikazuje utjecaj tehnologije. Drugi dio rada odnosi se na dizajn u kontekstu potpomognute komunikacije; prikazani su načini pristupa dizajnu sistema, vrste dizajna i njihova aplikacija, te metode i tehnike za realizaciju i načine prikazivanja grafičkih rješenja. Poseban dio se odnosi na ciljeve i važnost Multi-sklad projekta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Zadnji dio prikazuje primjenu dizajna, metoda i tehnika s ciljem realizacije ilustracija vizualnih scena. Ustanovljena je uspješna realizacija ciljeva, temeljem čega je zaključena uspješna realizacija diplomskog rada. Istaknute su metode i tehnike, te izrada modularnog sistema, čija je upotreba u kombinaciji s teoretskim istraživanjem i revizijama rezultirala uspješnom realizacijom rada. Također smjernice za dizajn i modularni sistem moguće je koristiti za buduće projekte. Nemogućnost definiranja standardnog profila korisnika čini dizajn u području potpomognute komunikacije iznimno zahtjevnim i izazovnim procesom na pozitivan način