25 research outputs found

    Technological trends in logistics 4.0 for cargo tracking: A state of the art

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    Debido al aumento de la comercialización en línea, la transformación digital de los servicios ha tomado cada vez más fuerza, y, en consecuencia, la logística de distribución se ha convertido en un factor primordial en las organizaciones, por lo que es importante contar con una mayor trazabilidad de la mercancía para tener gran confiabilidad en la entrega. La presente investigación evidencia las principales tendencias tecnológicas que ofrece la logística 4.0 para el seguimiento de la mercancía en función de su seguridad. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica basada en el estudio de diferentes trabajos investigativos enfocados al seguimiento de la mercancía, la seguridad de la carga y las tendencias tecnológicas en el sector, así como empresas que ofrecen servicios con tecnología en función del rastreo de mercancía. Además, se destacaron las principales características de tecnologías disruptivas como la Internet de las Cosas-IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain y sensores inteligentes, exponiendo su aplicabilidad en la trazabilidad de la mercancía. Como fruto de este trabajo se resalta que las tendencias tecnológicas ofrecidas por la logística 4.0 para el tracking, generan grandes beneficios para la empresa tanto en servicio al cliente, como a nivel monetario; por lo cual, se hace imprescindible la aplicación de ellas con el objetivo de ofrecer un valor agregado en el servicio y aumentar la competitividad en el sector.Due to the increase in online marketing, the digital transformation of services has taken more and more force, and, consequently, distribution logistics has become a primary factor in organizations, so it is important to have a greater traceability of the merchandise to have great reliability in the delivery. This research shows the main technological trends offered by logistics 4.0 for the tracking of merchandise based on its security. A bibliographic review was carried out based on the study of different investigative works focused on the monitoring of merchandise, cargo security and technological trends in the sector, as well as companies that offer services with technology based on merchandise tracking. In addition, the main characteristics of disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things-IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain and smart sensors were highlighted, exposing their applicability in the traceability of merchandise. As a result of this work, it is highlighted that the technological trends offered by logistics 4.0 for monitoring, generate great benefits for the company both in customer service, as well as at a monetary level; Therefore, the application of them is essential in order to offer added value in the service and increase competitiveness in the sector.Especializació

    Cloud Computing and its role in the Information Technology

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    The concept of Cloud Computing has been distinguished as one of the major computing models in recent years. Cloud computing has become a great innovation that has important consequences not just for services on the internet but also for the entire Information technology (IT) market. Its emergence aims to optimize on-demand technology, hardware and information provisioning as a service, reaching the economy of scale in the distribution and operation of IT strategies. A great deal of cloud computing research has been concerned over some obstacles and challenges that rely upon behind the lure of cloud computing. Security has been always raised as one of the most critical issues of cloud computing where resolving such an issue would result in constant growth in the use and popularity of the cloud. Security requirements represent a major issue that has to be met in order of easing some of these obstacles. This article presents the role of cloud computing in the IT sectors

    Review of Supply Chain Integration Between 2000 and 2019:Analysis of Current Status and Future Trends

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    Supply Chain Integration (SCI) integrates the activities between a firm and its channel members; therefore, it is a significant interdisciplinary subject for Supply Chain Management. The main aim of this paper is to review previous research on SCI in main academic sources to give some insights and practical information in the field of SCI, while indicating an overview of the main definitions, descriptive analysis and key themes of the selected studies. This paper refers to 115 research articles in 28 journals from main academic sources between 2000 and 2019. The main result of this study shows that in the last years, research interest in SCI has increased. Although there is a huge geographic dispersion on published studies, the USA holds a leading position on SCI publications. It has been identified that scholars mainly are looking forrelationship between SCI and performance issues; in addition,new themes emerge such as the implementation of Information Technology (IT) in order to have better-integrated Supply Chains. By considering the complexities of Supply Chains, this research contributes to the literature on the ways of analyzing new trends and geographical dispersion as well as identifying the key themes in the context of SCI

    Impacts of digital technologies on supply chain performance: a system dynamics approach

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    The advent of Industry 4.0 and associated digital technologies makes it possible to share information and access data real-time. Such a capability needs to be investigated in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) to study the joint impacts of digital technologies on transforming SC members’ behavior. In this paper, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, and Big Data Analytics have been selected due to their relevant effects on real-time information sharing within different SC echelons rather than inside one echelon. Moreover, the implementation of these technologies in real SC requires high investments. Also, due to the increased complexity of the SC after applying these technologies, their impacts on SC behavior and performance should be determined precisely. This paper proposes simulation as a cost-effective and comprehensive method to investigate how digital technologies affect SC performance. A three echelon manufacturing SC has been simulated by using System Dynamics (SD) modeling under different scenarios in both traditional and digital SCM. The results reveal a significant improvement of SC performance, in terms of inventory level and cost as well as order fulfillment ratio, in digital SCs compared to traditional SCs. Future research will further develop the model by validating the simulation results with real cases from the industry

    Intensi Penggunaan Teknologi Cloud Accounting Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan teknologi komputasi cloud accounting pada UMKM dengan menerapkan technology acceptance model (TAM) dan technology-organization-environment (TOE). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis jalur dengan SMartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan manajemen, kompetensi organisasi, kualitas layanan, kualitas sistem, persepsi kegunaan dan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan intensi menggunakan cloud accounting. Intensi untuk mengadopsi cloud accounting memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan penggunaan cloud accountin

    The influence of the supply chain on the competitive advantages of companies in agribusiness

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    Changes in the market, caused by globalization, have led to the fact that many companies needed to adapt their operations. In response to these changes, the concept of supply chain was developed to help companies from procurement to sales of products. This paper examines the effects of supply chains on competitiveness using the example of agro-food companies from the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted through a questionnaire which included 188 agribusiness companies. The responses were systematized and statistically processed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis. The results showed that the effects of supply chains play a major role in determining the competitiveness of agro-food companies. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the effects of the supply chain in these companies in order to improve competitiveness and achieve better results of these companies on the market

    The Consumer's Perception Of Labeled Agri-Food Products: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Aware of the need to take into consideration consumer behavior in order to define adequate offers according to their attitudes and expectations, as well as to promote the image of local products by moderating their specificities according to consumer needs, not only the scientific community, but also the professional community have been working on the analysis and evaluation of consumer perception, as a process capable of identifying and clarifying the factors influencing the consumer's purchase decision, which are often characterized as a black box. The analysis of consumer perception, as it has been conducted in several areas and has approved its usefulness, we thought to mobilize it as a process especially in understanding the factors that can moderate the decision to buy date products labeled in the region of Daraa-Tafilalet in Morocco, in order to clarify the determining factors that need to be questioned when analyzing consumer perceptions, with the aim of promoting a future project to add value to date products in the region of Daraa-Tafilalet in Morocco, within the framework of an international project called ValueTeam/ArimNet2 in collaboration with Moroccan, French, Algerian and Tunisian partners. To do so, we have mobilized the systematic literature review as a research method, based essentially on the mobilization and analysis of 43 recent scientific publications, and other related publications, published between 2016 and 2020, which allowed us to build a battery of basic variables, capable of characterizing the factors influencing consumers' purchasing decisions

    Plataforma digital para la gestión logística integral de PyMEs manufactureras en Colombia

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    El presente estudio está enfocado en la gestión de la cadena de suministro en PyMEs manufactureras en Colombia con procesos soportados en sistemas de información. A lo largo de la investigación se identificarán diferentes problemas que generan la escasa implementación de la tecnología en las cadenas de abastecimiento de dichas empresas. La principal dificultad que impide la correcta gestión e implementación es la falta de herramientas tecnologías, siendo esta la prioridad a abordar en este proyecto. Al ser las PyMEs un gran porcentaje de generación de empleo en Colombia, enfocarse a estas, generaría un gran impacto en el ámbito de este tipo de organizaciones. Por lo tanto, se trabajará con Telares Medellín Kiloencajes y Metros, en donde se identificarán los diferentes procesos que se encuentran inmersos dentro la gestión logística y se establecerán las pautas para la creación de una plataforma digital como soporte a dichos procesos (procesos logísticos, modelación, configuración, pruebas, alineación de UX/UI y apropiación). La plataforma será desarrollada a través de metodologías ágiles como SCRUM. Por otro lado, se establecerán diferentes roles y responsabilidades de los involucrados en la gestión de la cadena de suministro buscando identificar el impacto socioeconómico que conllevaría la implementación de la plataforma digital en la PyME.The following study focuses on supply chain management in SMEs in Colombia with processes supported in information systems. During the research, different problems will be identified that generate the limited implementation of technology in the supply chains of these companies. The main difficulty preventing proper management and implementation is the lack of technology tools, this being the priority to address in this project. Taking in account that SMEs are a large percentage of job creation in Colombia, focusing on them would have a great impact in the field of this type of organization. Therefore, the case study is going to be deploy ... with Telares Medellín Kiloencajes y Metros, where it will be identified the different processes that are immersed in the logistics management and establish guidelines for the creation of a digital platform as support to these processes (logistics processes, modeling, configuration, testing, develop of UX/IU and adoption manegement). The platform will be developed through agile frameworks such as Scrum. On the other hand, different roles and responsibilities of those involved in supply chain management will be established in order to identify the socio-economic impact that the implementation of the digital platform would have on SMEs.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad