532,429 research outputs found

    Framework for Efficient Electrical Energy Management Practice in Public Universities in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Energy management practices are subject to various worries that impact on achieving electricity saving objectives. This is most apparent in the case of Public Universities in Nigeria due to the number of electricity end users with conflicting interests. Efficient electrical energy management in Public Universities in Nigeria becomes crucial. The present work developed a multidimensional framework of efficient electricity management by considering all relevant measures of performance. To achieve the formation of this evaluation framework, it has considered the case of three relatively old public universities and collected the viewpoints of 4728 respondents comprising students, staff, and business owners involved in the aggregate electricity use in Public Universities in Nigeria. We adopted a quantitative survey and questionnaire as instrument for gathering relevant data. The results of the analysis of data obtained during the survey were used to develop the framework by considering key attributes. The study concluded that the formation of the newly-proposed quantitative efficient electricity management framework for improving the energy performance of public university buildings can provide the university management with an effective tool to benchmark with different university buildings internationally and assist the priority setting of efficient electricity savings. Keywords: Framework, Efficiency, electrical energy management, Practice, Public universities, Southwestern Nigeri

    A State-of-the-Art Survey for IoT Security and Energy Management based on Hashing Algorithms

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has developed as a disruptive technology with wide-ranging applications across several sectors, enabling the connecting of devices and the acquisition of substantial volumes of data. Nevertheless, the rapid expansion of networked gadgets has generated substantial apprehensions pertaining to security and energy administration. This survey paper offers a detailed examination of the present state of research and advancements in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) security and energy management. The work places special emphasis on the use of hashing algorithms in this context. The security of the Internet of Things (IoT) is a crucial element in safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data inside IoT environments. Hashing algorithms have gained prominence as a fundamental tool for enhancing IoT security. This survey reviews the state of the art in cryptographic hashing techniques and their application in securing IoT devices, data, and communication. Furthermore, the efficient management of energy resources is essential to prolong the operational lifespan of IoT devices and reduce their environmental impact. Hashing algorithms are also instrumental in optimizing energy consumption through data compression, encryption, and authentication. This survey explores the latest advancements in energy-efficient IoT systems and how hashing algorithms contribute to energy management strategies. Through a comprehensive analysis of recent research findings and technological advancements, this survey identifies key challenges and open research questions in the fields of IoT security and energy management based on hashing algorithms. It provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to further advance the state of the art in these critical IoT domains

    An Energy-Efficient Distributed Algorithm for k-Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently achieved a great deal of attention due to its numerous attractive applications in many different fields. Sensors and WSNs possesses a number of special characteristics that make them very promising in many applications, but also put on them lots of constraints that make issues in sensor network particularly difficult. These issues may include topology control, routing, coverage, security, and data management. In this thesis, we focus our attention on the coverage problem. Firstly, we define the Sensor Energy-efficient Scheduling for k-coverage (SESK) problem. We then solve it by proposing a novel, completely localized and distributed scheduling approach, naming Distributed Energy-efficient Scheduling for k-coverage (DESK) such that the energy consumption among all the sensors is balanced, and the network lifetime is maximized while still satisfying the k-coverage requirement. Finally, in related work section we conduct an extensive survey of the existing work in literature that focuses on with the coverage problem

    A Study on Energy Efficiency ofUTP Academic Buildings

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    A lot of energy is used annually by UTP office building to cater the UTP staff and ensure their comfort of working. The energy is mostly used to fulfill the requirement and basic needs of the staff such as lighting, thermal comfort, and office plug loads. Located in Malaysia, which has hot and humid climate causes the building to receive unnecessary solar radiation which causes heat gain. Due to that, improvements need to be made towards current condition of UTP building towards a more energy efficient and environment friendly. The objective of the project is to evaluate how far current UTP office buildings fulfill the building criteria that are prescribed by the requirements in Code of Practice on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy for Non-Residential Building (MS 1525: 2007). Besides, it also aims to provide recommendations that could be implemented to reduce energy consumption through effective practices of efficient lighting and managing office plug loads. The study is carried out by incorporating building energy survey together with lighting system survey and office plug loads survey followed by data gathering and analysis. The results obtained shows building energy performance index of UTP is higher than the value set by MS 1525 guideline. UTP lighting system is found inefficient due to high level intensity and illuminance produced by the lights. For office plug loads, personal computer together with monitors results in the highest amount of energy consumption annually. New recommendations are suggested in which could further improve the energy efficiency of UTP office building. The recommendation for building envelope is to reduce the heat transfer coefficient (U-value) which will reduce the heating up of the office building. The recommendation for lighting system in the other hand is by using more day lighting which will allow the reduction of operating hours of the artificial lighting. For office plug loads, it is recommended that better power management is implemented and more efficient equipment should be used to replace the existing ones

    A Survey and Future Directions on Clustering: From WSNs to IoT and Modern Networking Paradigms

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    Many Internet of Things (IoT) networks are created as an overlay over traditional ad-hoc networks such as Zigbee. Moreover, IoT networks can resemble ad-hoc networks over networks that support device-to-device (D2D) communication, e.g., D2D-enabled cellular networks and WiFi-Direct. In these ad-hoc types of IoT networks, efficient topology management is a crucial requirement, and in particular in massive scale deployments. Traditionally, clustering has been recognized as a common approach for topology management in ad-hoc networks, e.g., in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Topology management in WSNs and ad-hoc IoT networks has many design commonalities as both need to transfer data to the destination hop by hop. Thus, WSN clustering techniques can presumably be applied for topology management in ad-hoc IoT networks. This requires a comprehensive study on WSN clustering techniques and investigating their applicability to ad-hoc IoT networks. In this article, we conduct a survey of this field based on the objectives for clustering, such as reducing energy consumption and load balancing, as well as the network properties relevant for efficient clustering in IoT, such as network heterogeneity and mobility. Beyond that, we investigate the advantages and challenges of clustering when IoT is integrated with modern computing and communication technologies such as Blockchain, Fog/Edge computing, and 5G. This survey provides useful insights into research on IoT clustering, allows broader understanding of its design challenges for IoT networks, and sheds light on its future applications in modern technologies integrated with IoT.acceptedVersio

    Measuring the impact of reversible substations on energy efficiency in rail transport

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    open6Nowadays great interest is placed on the environmental issue. Greenhouse gas emissions are more than 50% higher than in 1990. European energy policy has been supporting efficient energy management in order to reduce the railway transport emissions by 50% within 2030. The railway stakeholders are encouraged to adopt technological solutions to foster energy efficiency. The electrodynamic braking combined with the adoption of reversible substations is one of the most promising solutions. In order to evaluate the impact of this innovative technology, a measurement campaign has been conducted on Metro de Madrid where a reversible substation was installed. In this paper, a preliminary analysis on the data acquired is presented. Traceable and accurate on-board train measurements of the energy flows and the losses are fundamental to quantify the impact of these new technologies and to carry out a survey on the efficiencies of the different vehicle components and on the strategies to reduce the energy consumption in the various operation modes. © IMEKO TC-4 2020.openCascetta F., Cipolletta G., Delle Femine A., Gallo D., Giordano D., Signorino D.Cascetta, F.; Cipolletta, G.; Delle Femine, A.; Gallo, D.; Giordano, D.; Signorino, D

    Internet of Hybrid Energy Harvesting Things

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    © 2017 IEEE. Internet of Things (IoT) is a perfect candidate to realize efficient observation and management for Smart City concept. This requires deployment of large number of wireless devices. However, replenishing batteries of thousands, maybe millions of devices may be hard or even impossible. In order to solve this problem, Internet of Energy Harvesting Things (IoEHT) is proposed. Although the first studies on IoEHT focused on energy harvesting (EH) as an auxiliary power provisioning method, now completely battery-free and self-sufficient systems are envisioned. Taking advantage of diverse sources that the concept of Smart City offers helps us to fully appreciate the capacity of EH. In this way, we address the primary shortcomings of IoEHT; availability, unreliability, and insufficiency by the Internet of Hybrid EH Things (IoHEHT). In this paper, we survey the various EH opportunities, propose an hybrid EH system, and discuss energy and data management issues for battery-free operation. We mathematically prove advantages of hybrid EH compared to single source harvesting as well. We also point out to hardware requirements and present the open research directions for different network layers specific to IoHEHT for Smart City concept

    Public perceptions of demand side management and a smarter energy future

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    Demand side management (DSM) is a key aspect of many future energy system scenarios1,2. DSM refers to a range of technologies and interventions designed to create greater efficiency and flexibility on the demand side of the energy system3. Examples include the provision of more information to users to support efficient behaviour and new ‘smart’ technologies that can be automatically controlled. Key stated outcomes of implementing DSM are benefits for consumers, such as cost savings3, 4 and greater control over energy use. Here, we use results from an online survey to examine public perceptions and acceptability of a range of current DSM possibilities in a representative sample of the British population (N = 2441). We show that, whilst cost is likely to be a significant reason for many people to uptake DSM measures, those concerned about energy costs are actually less likely to accept DSM. Notably, individuals concerned about climate change are more likely to be accepting. A significant proportion of people, particularly those concerned about affordability, indicated unwillingness or concerns about sharing energy data, a necessity for many forms of DSM. We conclude substantial public engagement and further policy development is required for widespread DSM implementation

    Ozaveščanje in promocija trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabe obnovljivih virov energije

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    Proučujemo, koliko ozaveščenje, promocija in izobraevanje prispevajo k poznavanju trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije ter podnebno-energetskega paketa Evropske unije. V anketno raziskavo so bile vključene ciljne skupine s področja druboslovja, naravoslovja, elektroenergetike in energetskega menedmenta, zlasti pa nas zanima mnenje študentov druboslovja. Anketni podatki so bili analizirani z opisnimi statistikami z izračunom srednjih vrednosti, korelacijsko analizo in multivariatno faktorsko analizo. Med viri energije v trajnostnem razvoju energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije s politikami podpor so bili ugotovljeni trije skupni faktorji: ozaveščanje, izobraevalne dejavnosti, promocija in podpora za energetske virezaveze za učinkovitejšo energetsko politiko in izrabo virov energijenaravni potenciali obnovljivih virov energije. To so dejavniki, ki bi jim veljalo nameniti večjo pozornost pri načrtovanju razvoja slovenskega elektrogospodarstva v sklopu podnebno-energetske politike Evropske unije do leta 2020.This paper investigates in what degree consciousness, promotion and educational activities contribute to knowledge of sustainable development of energetic and use of renewable sources of energy as well knowledge about climatic-energy package of the European Union. Into the survey analysis are included target groups from social and sciences, electro energy and energy management. We focus on the opinions of the students from social sciences. The survey data are analysed by summary statistics of mean values of the respondents, correlation and multivariate factor analysis. Among the sources of energy in sustainable development of energetic and use of renewable sources of energy with support policies are found three common factors: consciousness, educational activities, promotion and support for energetic sourcescommitments for more efficient energetic policy and use of energy sourcesand natural potentials of renewable sources of energy. These are the factors to which should be given a greater attention in management of development of the Slovenian energetic economy within the climatic-energetic policy of the European Union by the year 2020