52 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru mengenai penggunaan alat-alat digital pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai metode penelitian dengan wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi untuk mengumpulkan data yang relevan. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada hubungannya dalam mempersepsikan kegunaan alat-alat digital pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris, guru memiliki persepsi yang baik. Guru merasa nyaman untuk menyertakan alat-alat dan sumber digital pada persiapan untuk mengajar. Pada hubungannya dalam mempersepsikan kemudahan penggunaan alat-alat digital, guru memiliki persepsi yang baik. Guru percaya bahwa penggunaan alat-alat digital pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris memudahkan guru. Penggunaan yang mudah, penggunaan kertas yang lebih sedikit di kelas, efisiensi dan pengelolaan waktu dalam menggunakan alat-alat digital memudahkan guru untuk mengajar. Guru mengimplementasikan alat-alat digital dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajarnya dengan cara berceramah. Hasil dari penelitian ini selaras dengan hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Al-Munawwarah (2014); Lubis (2018); dan Mahdum, Hadriana, & Safriyanti, M. (2019). Secara keseluruhan, persepsi guru mengenai penggunaan alat-alat digital pada kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris ialah positif. Guru disarankan untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan memperkaya khazanah keilmuannya mengenai penggunaan alat-alat digital dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris melalui pelatihan-pelatihan sehingga guru bisa memvariasikan metode serta strategi mengajarnya. Kata kunci: Kegiatan belajar dan mengajar bahasa Inggris, alat-alat digital, persepsi guru. This study aims to investigate teachers' perceptions on the use of digital tools in English teaching and learning process. The present study applied descriptive qualitative method, and the data were collected through semi-structured interview and observation to gain relevant data. The research findings of the present study discovered that in terms of the perceived usefulness, the perceptions of teachers on the use of digital tools in English teaching and learning activities are good. Teachers felt comfortable to include digital tools and resources in their preparation for teaching. Digital tools and resources helped them to present interesting and enjoyable learning materials for students. In terms of the ease of use, the perception of teachers on the use digital tools in English teaching and learning activities is good. The teachers believed that the use of digital tools in English teaching and learning activities is quite easy. Easy access, paperless classroom, time efficiency and time organization could ease them in teaching English. In implementing digital tools, teachers only used digital tools for lecturing in the classroom. The results of the present study were in line with the previous findings from the studies conducted by Al-Munawwarah (2014); Lubis (2018); and Mahdum, Hadriana, & Safriyanti, M. (2019). Overall, the teachers' perceptions on the use of digital tools in English teaching and learning were positive. Thus, it is suggested to continue improving teachers’ ability and enriching teachers' knowledge related to the use of digital tools through trainings so teachers can vary their teaching methods and strategies. Keywords: English language teaching and learning, digital tools, teachers’ perceptions

    How to Measure Teachers' Acceptance of AI-driven Assessment in eLearning

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    The use of AI is becoming a growing reality the educational field. One of the activities in which it is beginning to be implemented is the assessment of student achievement. This way, we can find in the literature an increasing number of investigations focused on the possibilities offered by the adoption of AI-driven assessment. However, the use of AI is also a source of concern that raises suspicions in some sectors of our society. In this context, knowing the position of the teachers towards this topic is critical to guarantee the successful development of the field. This paper intends to fill a research gap in the literature by offering a technology adoption model based on TAM to study the factors that condition the use of AI-driven assessment among teachers. To present this model we offer a background on the use of AI in education and the technology acceptance among teachers, as well as the definition of the eight constructs and the relational hypotheses included. Finally, the possibilities of the model and future lines of research are discussed

    Students’ Attitudes toward the Use of Podcast as Digital Material in EFL Classroom

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    Some previous studies mentioned that students showed a negative attitude toward EFL learning because they felt bored with printed materials like textbooks. Hence, this study was conducted to implement digital material in EFL classrooms and observe students' attitudes and difficulties in experiencing digital material. Moreover, 30 students from eleven grades used podcasts as digital material to learn exposition paragraphs. This study used questionnaires and interviews as the data collection to describe students' cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes as well as the difficulties in using the digital material. This study revealed that students showed a positive cognitive attitude in understanding and comprehending digital material. While the use of podcasts could assist them in producing the exposition text, it also triggers their critical thinking. Besides, students also felt interested and happy because they could choose their podcast as the learning material, and it reflected a positive affective attitude. The students' activeness in classroom interaction was improved after using the digital material, and it showed their positive behavioral attitude.Furthermore, students also faced some difficulties, such as acquired the limitation of an internet connection to access the podcast and being confused about choosing a reliable podcast. In addition, this study showed that podcasts reflect the function of supplementary and complementary digital learning material in EFL classrooms. Finally, this study followed by suggestions for the English teacher to improve the teaching and learning process using digital material. Keywords: Attitudes, Digital Material, Exposition text, Podcas

    Am I a Technophile? the Narrative Study of Teachers’ Belief about Digital Literacy

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    The aim of the study is to explore teacher’s belief and practice about the use of digital literacy in the EFL classroom. The framework of Borg (2006) about teacher beliefs is used as a theoretical framework for collecting and analyzing data. This study explores how teacher beliefs affect the use digital literacy. The participants of the study were two senior high school teachers in Indonesia. Researchers conducted interviews, classroom observation, and document analysis such as lesson plans, syllabi, and student assignments. The results of the study showed that it was fully crucial to provide a professional development course which was ready-to-use and met the student’s and teacher’s need because in-service teachers have lack of knowledge and experience about digital literacy from their formal learning context. The support of school communities in term of regulation, discussion, sharing experience, and technical aid. Moreover, promoting technology-rich environment also facilitate the use of digital literacy in the classroom in which the technology adopted should be in accordance with digital competence and the needs of students and teachers

    Predicting teachers’ use of digital learning materials: combining self-determination theory and the integrative model of behaviour prediction

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    In this article, we report on a study that investigated the motivational (e.g., intrinsic motivation) and dispositional variables (e.g., attitudes) that determine teachers’ intention to use or not to use Digital Learning Materials (DLMs). To understand the direct and indirect relationships between these variables we replicated a study of Hagger et al. (2006) in which Self- Determination Theory (SDT) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TBP)/Integrated Model of Behavior Prediction (IMBP) are combined according Vallerand’s (1997) proposal to distinguish between global level psychological needs, contextual-level and situational-level motivational constructs. Using a sample of 1273 teachers, our preliminary findings supported the findings of Hagger et al. (ibid). The combined model of Hagger et al. (ibid) potentially provides us with a more comprehensive explanation of teachers’ volitional behavior regarding their use of DLMs in their pedagogical practices than would be possible on the bases of SDT or IMBP alone

    Chinese language teachers’ perceptions of technology and instructional use of technology: A path analysis

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    ArticleThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.This study examined internal and external factors affecting pedagogical use of technology among 47 K–12 Chinese language teachers in the United States. Path analysis of the survey data was used to examine the relationships between the teachers’ instructional use of technology, on the one hand, and on the other, their perceptions of three internal factors (i.e., technology’s usefulness, its ease of use, and subjective norms) and one external factor (i.e., facilitating conditions). The results showed that these teachers’ pedagogical use of technology could be predicted by two of the three internal factors (i.e., perceived usefulness and subjective norms) and by the external factor. Additionally, the external factor was found to have a significant influence on both perceived ease of use and subjective norms.This work was supported by the Dr. Delia Koo Global Faculty Endowment at Michigan State University

    Teachers’ Beliefs in Integrating Digital Literacy in EFL Classroom: Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior Perspectives

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    The need for integrating digital technology into learning instructions has been acknowledge as a most prominent aspect in 21st Century learning. With emerging technology rising in prevalence, a digital consciousness to select and manage digital resources safely, appropriately, and efficiently for digital learning instruction is crucial. This present study is intended to explore teachers’ beliefs in the integration of digital literacy in EFL classroom using Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) perspectives. The study was a qualitative study by means of case study research design to obtain a reliable understanding of the phenomenon. The data were collected using semi-structured interview, open-ended survey, and documentation. The data were retrieved from the purposively chosen informants based on the familiarity with digital technology. The results indicate relatively high levels of integration and consistent beliefs about the advantages, support from the environment, and the technology availability to integrate digital literacy into teaching learning activities. Recommendations are suggested to advance schools equipment to mediate the better support in constructing technology-enhanced classroom for teachers

    Integrating information and communication technologies in education: contributions of innovation adoption diffusion model to educational technology

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    Partiendo desde la comprensión que la integración de las TIC en la educación es un proceso de cambio e innovación en las prácticas educativas, este artículo objetiva presentar los principales modelos de difusión y adopción de innovaciones, con uso del análisis de estudios que se centran en la experiencia del profesor en la utilización de estas herramientas, debatiendo acerca de la contribución de este referencial para el campo de la tecnología educativa. Entre los variados modelos existentes, los más citados del campo de la tecnología educativa son el "Modelo de difusión de innovaciones" y "Modelo de adopción basado en las preocupaciones". Estos modelos, ampliamente utilizados y probados empíricamente en diversos contextos educativos, guían el desarrollo de otros modelos correlatos con la integración de las TIC, como el "Clase del futuro de Apple" y el "Modelo de niveles de implantación de tecnología". Estos modelos pueden contribuir a la investigación acerca de la integración de innovaciones en la educación, con base en un enfoque procesal que incluye la experiencia de profesores que utilizan las TIC como algo dinámico y transitorio, el cual varía con los individuos y contextos involucrados. Las etapas propuestas en estos modelos sugieren que los conocimientos y habilidades de los docentes y la manera de integrar las TIC se transforman recursivamente en los diferentes ciclos de uso de la innovación. Con frecuencia los estudios basados en este referencial tienen por objetivo describir las etapas principales de la adopción de tecnologías y factores que influyen en este proceso, desde el acompañamiento de las diferentes experiencias educativas mediadas por las TIC. Estos estudios demuestran que los profesores en los procesos de innovación pasan por una serie de momentos permeados por un complejo escenario formado por factores emocionales, profesionales y sociales, así como de factores relacionados con el aprendizaje tecnológico.A partir da compreensão de que a integração de TIC no ensino é um processo de mudança e inovação nas práticas educativas, este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os principais modelos de difusão e adoção de inovações, a partir da análise de estudos que enfocam a experiência do professor no uso destas ferramentas, discutindo a contribuição deste referencial para o campo da tecnologia educacional. Dentre os diversos modelos existentes, os mais citados na literatura do campo da tecnologia educacional são o “Modelo de Difusão de Inovações” e o “Modelo de Adoção Baseado nas Preocupações”. Estes modelos, bastante utilizados e testados empiricamente em diversos contextos educativos, orientaram o desenvolvimento de outros modelos relacionados especificamente ao processo de integração de TIC, tais como o “Modelo Sala de aula do Futuro da Apple” e o “Modelo Níveis de Implementação Tecnológica”. Estes modelos podem contribuir para a investigação sobre a integração de inovações no ensino, a partir de uma abordagem processual que compreende a experiência dos professores com o uso das TIC como algo dinâmico e transitório, que varia de acordo com os indivíduos e os contextos envolvidos. As etapas propostas nestes modelos sugerem que os conhecimentos e as habilidades dos professores e as formas de integração das TIC se transformam ao longo de diferentes ciclos de uso da inovação. Freqüentemente, os estudos baseados neste referencial têm como objetivo descrever as principais etapas de adoção das tecnologias e os fatores que influenciam este processo, a partir do acompanhamento de diferentes experiências educacionais mediadas pelas TIC e demonstram que os professores em processos de inovação passam por uma série de momentos que envolvem um panorama complexo de fatores emocionais, profissionais e sociais, além de fatores relacionados à aprendizagem da tecnologia

    Opinioes e intonçoes de futuros educadaores de infáncia/Professores sobre a integraçao das tic na sua prática profissional

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    A través de esta investigación hemos querido conocer la opinión de los futuros educadores infantiles y profesores de sus conocimientos de informática y sus intenciones de integrar las TIC en su futura práctica profesional. Para esto un cuestionario fue distribuido a los 52 alumnos del segundo año de la licenciatura en Educación Básica, en una institución de educación superior ubicada en el distrito de Lisboa. Se encontró que todos los estudiantes se consideran muy competentes en el uso del ordenador, su opinión es que el ordenador es una herramienta importante y una ventaja para el aprendizaje de los niños y lo quieren utilizar en sus prácticas futuras. Suponiendo que las percepciones influyen las intenciones y éstas influyen en el comportamiento, y de acuerdo con los resultados de esta investigación, estos futuros maestros tienen una buena percepción de las TIC, ya que se consideran muy competentes en el uso del ordenador; tienen la intención de utilizar las TIC en su futura práctica profesional. Veremos si estas percepciones e intenciones influirán en el comportamiento de estos futuros profesores, en su deseo de introducir las TIC en sus prácticas futuras como reclamanAtravés desta investigação quisemos conhecer as opiniões de futuros educadores de infância e professores sobre as suas competências informáticas e as suas intenções de integrar as TIC na sua futura prática profissional. Para isso foi distribuído um questionário a 52 alunos do 2º ano da licenciatura em Educação Básica, numa instituição de ensino superior situada no distrito de Lisboa. Verificámos que todos os alunos consideram-se muito competentes na utilização do computador, a sua opinião é de que o computador é uma ferramenta importante e uma mais-valia para as aprendizagens das crianças e tencionam introduzi-lo futuramente nas suas práticas.Partindo da premissa que as perceções influenciam as intenções e estas influenciam o comportamento, e de acordo com os resultados desta investigação, estes futuros professores têm uma boa perceção das TIC, pois consideram-se muito competentes na utilização do computador; têm a intenção de utilizar as TIC futuramente nas suas práticas profissionais. Veremos se estas perceções e intenções irão influenciar o comportamento destes futuros professores, ao quererem introduzir as TIC nas suas futuras práticas, conforme o afirmamThe aim of this research is to understand the opinion of future kindergarten and primary teachers about their computer skills and their intentions in integrating ICT with their professional practice. For this purpose a questionnaire was distributed to 52 students in their 2nd year of degree in Elementary Education, at an institution of higher education located in the district of Lisbon. This survey resulted from the merger of two questionnaires from different researches that shared common goals with our study. We found that all students consider themselves very competent in using a computer, their opinion is that the computer is an important tool and an asset to the children's learning and teaching process and intend to introduce its use in their future practice.Assuming that perceptions influence intentions and these influence behavior, and according to the results of this research, these future teachers have a good perception of ICT, as are considered very competent in the use of computer; intend to use ICT in their professional future practice. We'll see if these perceptions and intentions will influence the behavior of these future teachers, in introducing ICT in their future practices as they clai